com.sun.electric.tool.drc.MTDRCLayoutTool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
/* -*- tab-width: 4 -*-
* Electric(tm) VLSI Design System
* File:
* Copyright (c) 2004, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Electric(tm) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Electric(tm) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Electric(tm); see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
* Boston, Mass 02111-1307, USA.
package com.sun.electric.tool.drc;
import com.sun.electric.database.geometry.*;
import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Cell;
import com.sun.electric.database.hierarchy.Export;
import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.NodeProto;
import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortOriginal;
import com.sun.electric.database.prototype.PortProto;
import com.sun.electric.database.text.TextUtils;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.ArcInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.Geometric;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.NodeInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.topology.PortInst;
import com.sun.electric.database.variable.Variable;
import com.sun.electric.tool.Job;
import com.sun.electric.tool.Consumer;
import com.sun.electric.tool.user.ErrorLogger;
import com.sun.electric.util.ElapseTimer;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.DBMath;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.FixpTransform;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.MutableDouble;
import com.sun.electric.util.math.MutableInteger;
import java.awt.geom.Area;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.*;
* This is the "quick" DRC which does full hierarchical examination of the circuit.
* The "quick" DRC works as follows:
* It first examines every primitive node and arc in the cell
* For each layer on these objects, it examines everything surrounding it, even in subcells
* R-trees are used to limit search.
* Where cell instances are found, the contents are examined recursively
* It next examines every cell instance in the cell
* All other instances within the surrounding area are considered
* When another instance is found, the two instances are examined for interaction
* A cache is kept of instance pairs in specified configurations to speed-up arrays
* All objects in the other instance that are inside the bounds of the first are considered
* The other instance is hierarchically examined to locate primitives in the area of consideration
* For each layer on each primitive object found in the other instance,
* Examine the contents of the first instance for interactions about that layer
* Since Electric understands connectivity, it uses this information to determine whether two layers
* are connected or not. However, if such global connectivity is propagated in the standard Electric
* way (placing numbers on exports, descending into the cell, and pulling the numbers onto local networks)
* then it is not possible to decompose the DRC for multiple processors, since two different processors
* may want to write global network information on the same local networks at once.
* To solve this problem, the "quick" DRC determines how many instances of each cell exist. For every
* network in every cell, an array is built that is as large as the number of instances of that cell.
* This array contains the global network number for that each instance of the cell. The algorithm for
* building these arrays is quick (1 second for a million-transistor chip) and the memory requirement
* is not excessive (8 megabytes for a million-transistor chip). It uses the CheckInst and CheckProto
* objects.
* @author Steve Rubin, Gilda Garreton
public class MTDRCLayoutTool extends MTDRCTool
private boolean ignoreExtensionRules = true;
public MTDRCLayoutTool(DRC.DRCPreferences dp, Cell c, boolean ignoreExtensionR, Consumer consumer)
super("Design-Rule Layout Check " + c, dp, c, consumer);
this.ignoreExtensionRules = ignoreExtensionR;
boolean checkArea() {return false;}
// returns the number of errors found
public MTDRCResult runTaskInternal(Layer taskKey) {
return (new Task(rules, this)).runTaskInternal(taskKey);
private class Task {
private HashMap checkInsts;
private HashMap checkProtos;
private HashMap networkLists;
private HashMap nodesMap = new HashMap(); // for node caching
private Map od2Layers = new HashMap(3); /** to control OD2 combination in the same die according to foundries */
private List instanceInteractionList = new ArrayList();
// private List instanceInteractionList = new ArrayList();
private Map> instanceInteractionMap = new HashMap>();
* The DRCExclusion object lists areas where Generic:DRC-Nodes exist to ignore errors.
private Map exclusionMap = new HashMap();
/** a NodeInst that is too tiny for its connection. */ private NodeInst tinyNodeInst;
/** the other Geometric in "tiny" errors. */ private Geometric tinyGeometric;
/** for tracking the time of good DRC. */ private HashSet goodSpacingDRCDate = new HashSet();
/** for tracking cells that need to clean good DRC vars */ private HashSet cleanSpacingDRCDate = new HashSet();
/** for tracking the time of good DRC. */ private HashSet goodAreaDRCDate = new HashSet();
/** for tracking cells that need to clean good DRC vars */ private HashSet cleanAreaDRCDate = new HashSet();
/** Miscellanous data for DRC */ private DRC.ReportInfo reportInfo;
// To speed up the layer process
ValidationLayers validLayers;
// New for the MT code
private Layer theLayer;
private Layer.Function.Set thisLayerFunction;
private DRCRules currentRules;
private Job job;
Task(DRCRules rules, Job j)
currentRules = rules;
job = j;
* This is the entry point for DRC.
* Method to do a hierarchical DRC check on cell "cell".
* If "count" is zero, check the entire cell.
* If "count" is nonzero, only check that many instances (in "nodesToCheck") and set the
* entry in "validity" TRUE if it is DRC clean.
// returns the number of errors found
private MTDRCResult runTaskInternal(Layer taskKey)
String name;
Technology tech = topCell.getTechnology();
if (taskKey != null)
name = "Layer " + taskKey.getName();
this.thisLayerFunction = Layer.getMultiLayersSet(taskKey);
} else
name = "Node Min. Size";
theLayer = taskKey;
// if checking specific instances, adjust options and processor count
Geometric[] geomsToCheck = null; // for now.
int count = (geomsToCheck != null) ? geomsToCheck.length : 0;
boolean[] validity = null;
Rectangle2D bounds = null;
ErrorLogger errorLogger = DRC.getDRCErrorLogger(true, ", " + name);
reportInfo = new DRC.ReportInfo(errorLogger, tech, dp, (count > 0));
// caching bits
System.out.println("Running DRC for " + name + " with " + DRC.explainBits(reportInfo.activeSpacingBits, dp));
// Check if there are DRC rules for particular tech
// Nothing to check for this particular technology
if (currentRules == null || currentRules.getNumberOfRules() == 0) return null;
// cache valid layers for this technology
// cacheValidLayers(tech);
validLayers = new ValidationLayers(reportInfo.errorLogger, topCell, rules);
// clean out the cache of instances
// determine if min area must be checked (if any layer got valid data)
// cellsMap.clear();
// initialize all cells for hierarchical network numbering
checkProtos = new HashMap();
checkInsts = new HashMap();
// initialize cells in tree for hierarchical network numbering
Netlist netlist = topCell.getNetlist();
CheckProto cp = checkEnumerateProtos(topCell, netlist);
// now recursively examine, setting information on all instances
cp.hierInstanceCount = 1;
reportInfo.checkTimeStamp = 0;
// now allocate space for hierarchical network arrays
//int totalNetworks = 0;
networkLists = new HashMap();
for (Map.Entry e : checkProtos.entrySet())
Cell libCell = e.getKey();
CheckProto subCP = e.getValue();
if (subCP.hierInstanceCount > 0)
// allocate net number lists for every net in the cell
for (Iterator nIt = subCP.netlist.getNetworks(); nIt.hasNext();)
Network net =;
Integer[] netNumbers = new Integer[subCP.hierInstanceCount];
for (int i = 0; i < subCP.hierInstanceCount; i++) netNumbers[i] = new Integer(0);
networkLists.put(net, netNumbers);
//totalNetworks += subCP.hierInstanceCount;
for (Iterator nIt = libCell.getNodes(); nIt.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
CheckProto ocp = getCheckProto((Cell) np);
ci.offset = ocp.totalPerCell;
for (Iterator nIt = libCell.getNodes(); nIt.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
CheckProto ocp = getCheckProto((Cell) np);
if (ocp.timeStamp != reportInfo.checkTimeStamp)
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
ocp.timeStamp = reportInfo.checkTimeStamp;
ocp.totalPerCell += subCP.hierInstanceCount * ci.multiplier;
// now fill in the hierarchical network arrays
reportInfo.checkTimeStamp = 0;
reportInfo.checkNetNumber = 1;
HashMap enumeratedNets = new HashMap();
for (Iterator nIt = cp.netlist.getNetworks(); nIt.hasNext();)
Network net =;
enumeratedNets.put(net, new Integer(reportInfo.checkNetNumber));
checkEnumerateNetworks(topCell, cp, 0, enumeratedNets);
if (count <= 0)
System.out.println("Found " + reportInfo.checkNetNumber + " networks");
// now search for DRC exclusion areas
// now do the DRC
int logsFound = 0;
if (count == 0)
// just do full DRC here
checkThisCell(topCell, 0, bounds);
// sort the errors by layer
} else
// check only these "count" instances (either an incremental DRC or a quiet one...from Array command)
if (validity == null)
// not a quiet DRC, so it must be incremental
logsFound = errorLogger.getNumLogs();
// @TODO missing counting this number of errors.
checkTheseGeometrics(topCell, count, geomsToCheck, validity);
if (errorLogger != null)
logsFound = errorLogger.getNumLogs() - logsFound;
// -2 if cells and subcells are ok
// Commentted out on May 2, 2006. Not sure why this condition is valid
// If goodDRCDate contains information of DRC clean cells, it destroys that information -> wrong
// if (totalErrors != 0 && totalErrors != -2) goodDRCDate.clear();
// some cells were sucessfully checked: save that information in the database
// some cells don't have valid DRC date anymore and therefore they should be clean
// This is only going to happen if job was not aborted.
return new MTDRCResult(errorLogger.getNumErrors(), errorLogger.getNumWarnings(),
!checkAbort(), goodSpacingDRCDate, cleanSpacingDRCDate,
goodAreaDRCDate, cleanAreaDRCDate, null);
/*************************** QUICK DRC CELL EXAMINATION ***************************/
* Method to check the contents of cell "cell" with global network index "globalIndex".
* Returns positive if errors are found, zero if no errors are found, negative on internal error.
* @param cell
* @param globalIndex
* @param bounds
* @return positive number if errors are found, zero if no errors are found and check the cell, -1 if job was
* aborted and -2 if cell is OK with DRC date stored.
private int checkThisCell(Cell cell, int globalIndex, Rectangle2D bounds)
// Job aborted or scheduled for abort
if (checkAbort()) return -1;
// Cell already checked
// if (cellsMap.get(cell) != null)
if (getCheckProto(cell).cellChecked)
return (0);
// Previous # of errors/warnings
int prevErrors = 0;
int prevWarns = 0;
if (reportInfo.errorLogger != null)
prevErrors = reportInfo.errorLogger.getNumErrors();
prevWarns = reportInfo.errorLogger.getNumWarnings();
// cellsMap.put(cell, cell);
// Check if cell doesn't have special annotation
Variable drcVar = cell.getVar(DRC.DRC_ANNOTATION_KEY);
if (drcVar != null && drcVar.getObject().toString().startsWith("black"))
// Skipping this one
return reportInfo.totalSpacingMsgFound;
// first check all subcells
boolean allSubCellsStillOK = true;
Area area = exclusionMap.get(cell);
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
// Job aborted or scheduled for abort
if (checkAbort()) return -1;
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
// Check DRC exclusion regions
if (area != null && area.contains(ni.getBounds()))
continue; // excluded
// ignore if not in the area
Rectangle2D subBounds = bounds; // sept30
if (subBounds != null)
if (!ni.getBounds().intersects(bounds)) continue;
FixpTransform trans = ni.rotateIn();
FixpTransform xTrnI = ni.translateIn();
subBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
DBMath.transformRect(subBounds, trans);
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto((Cell) np);
if (cp.cellChecked && !cp.cellParameterized) continue;
// recursively check the subcell
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
int retval = checkThisCell((Cell) np, localIndex, subBounds);
if (retval < 0)
return retval;
// if cell is in goodDRCDate it means it changes its date for some reason.
// This happen when a subcell was reloaded and DRC again. The cell containing
// the subcell instance must be re-DRC to make sure changes in subCell don't affect
// the parent one.
if (retval > 0 || goodSpacingDRCDate.contains(np))
allSubCellsStillOK = false;
// if (retval > 0)
// allSubCellsStillOK = false;
// prepare to check cell
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto(cell);
cp.cellChecked = true;
boolean skipLayer = skipLayerInvalidForMinArea(theLayer);
boolean checkArea = (cell == topCell && !skipLayer &&
!dp.ignoreAreaCheck && reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL);
// if the cell hasn't changed since the last good check, stop now
Date lastSpacingGoodDate = DRC.getLastDRCDateBasedOnBits(cell, true, reportInfo.activeSpacingBits, !reportInfo.inMemory);
Date lastAreaGoodDate = DRC.getLastDRCDateBasedOnBits(cell, false, -1, !reportInfo.inMemory);
if (allSubCellsStillOK && DRC.isCellDRCDateGood(cell, lastSpacingGoodDate) &&
(!checkArea || DRC.isCellDRCDateGood(cell, lastAreaGoodDate)))
return 0;
// announce progress
ElapseTimer timer = ElapseTimer.createInstance().start();
if (printLog)
System.out.println("Checking " + cell + ", " + theLayer);
// now look at every node and arc here
reportInfo.totalSpacingMsgFound = 0;
// Check the area first but only when is not incremental
// Only for the most top cell
if (checkArea)
assert(reportInfo.totalSpacingMsgFound == 0);
int totalAreaMsgFound = MTDRCAreaTool.checkMinArea(theLayer, topCell, reportInfo, currentRules, cellLayersCon, job, null);
if (totalAreaMsgFound == 0)
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
// Job aborted or scheduled for abort
if (checkAbort()) return -1;
NodeInst ni =;
if (bounds != null)
if (!ni.getBounds().intersects(bounds)) continue;
if (area != null)
if (area.contains(ni.getBounds()))
boolean ret = false;
if (thisLayerFunction == null) // checking min size only
if (ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
ret = checkNodeInst(ni, globalIndex);
} else
ret = (ni.isCellInstance()) ?
checkCellInst(ni, globalIndex) :
checkNodeInst(ni, globalIndex);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) break;
if (thisLayerFunction != null) // only when it is layer related
Technology cellTech = cell.getTechnology();
for (Iterator it = cell.getArcs(); it.hasNext();)
// Job aborted or scheduled for abort
if (checkAbort()) return -1;
ArcInst ai =;
Technology tech = ai.getProto().getTechnology();
if (tech != cellTech)
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.TECHMIXWARN, " belongs to " + tech.getTechName(), cell, 0, 0, null, null, ai, null, null, null, null);
if (bounds != null)
if (!ai.getBounds().intersects(bounds)) continue;
if (checkArcInst(cp, ai, globalIndex))
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) break;
// If message founds, then remove any possible good date
// !allSubCellsStillOK disconnected on April 18, 2006. totalMsgFound should
// dictate if this cell is re-marked.
if (reportInfo.totalSpacingMsgFound > 0) // || !allSubCellsStillOK)
} else
// Only mark the cell when it passes with a new version of DRC or didn't have
// the DRC bit on
// If lastGoodDate == null, wrong bits stored or no date available.
if (lastSpacingGoodDate == null)
// if there were no errors, remember that
if (reportInfo.errorLogger != null && printLog)
int localErrors = reportInfo.errorLogger.getNumErrors() - prevErrors;
int localWarnings = reportInfo.errorLogger.getNumWarnings() - prevWarns;
if (localErrors == 0 && localWarnings == 0)
System.out.println("\tNo errors/warnings found");
} else
if (localErrors > 0)
System.out.println("\tFOUND " + localErrors + " ERRORS");
if (localWarnings > 0)
System.out.println("\tFOUND " + localWarnings + " WARNINGS");
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("\t(took " + timer + ")");
return reportInfo.totalSpacingMsgFound;
* Check Poly for CIF Resolution Errors
* @param poly
* @param cell
* @param geom
* @return true if an error was found.
private boolean checkResolution(PolyBase poly, Cell cell, Geometric geom)
double minAllowedResolution = reportInfo.minAllowedResolution.getLambda();
if (minAllowedResolution == 0) return false;
int count = 0;
String resolutionError = "";
Point2D[] points = poly.getPoints();
for (Point2D point : points)
if (DBMath.hasRemainder(point.getX(), minAllowedResolution))
resolutionError = TextUtils.formatDistance(Math.abs(((point.getX() / minAllowedResolution) % 1) * minAllowedResolution)) +
"(X=" + point.getX() + ")";
break; // with one error is enough
} else
if (DBMath.hasRemainder(point.getY(), minAllowedResolution))
resolutionError = TextUtils.formatDistance(Math.abs(((point.getY() / minAllowedResolution) % 1) * minAllowedResolution)) +
"(Y=" + point.getY() + ")";
if (count == 0) return false; // no error
// there was an error, for now print error
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.RESOLUTION, " resolution of " + resolutionError + " less than " + reportInfo.minAllowedResolution +
" on layer " + layer.getName(), cell, 0, 0, "Resolution", null, geom, null, null, null, null);
return true;
* Private method to check if geometry is covered 100% by exclusion region
* @param geo
* @return true if geometry is covered by exclusion
private boolean coverByExclusion(Geometric geo)
Cell cell = geo.getParent();
Area area = exclusionMap.get(cell);
if (area != null && area.contains(geo.getBounds()))
// System.out.println("DRC Exclusion found");
return true;
return false;
* Private method to check if geometry given by Poly object is inside an exclusion region
* @param poly
* @param parent
* @return true if Poly is inside an exclusion region
private boolean coverByExclusion(Poly poly, Cell parent)
Area area = exclusionMap.get(parent);
if (area == null) return false;
Point2D[] pts = poly.getPoints();
for (Point2D point : pts)
if (!area.contains(point))
return false;
// System.out.println("DRC Exclusion found in coverByExclusion");
return true;
* Method to check the design rules about nodeinst "ni".
* @param ni
* @param globalIndex
* @return true if an error was found.
private boolean checkNodeInst(NodeInst ni, int globalIndex)
Cell cell = ni.getParent();
Netlist netlist = getCheckProto(cell).netlist;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
FixpTransform trans = ni.rotateOut();
boolean errorsFound = false;
// Skipping special nodes
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) return false; // Oct 5;
if (!np.getTechnology().isLayout()) return (false); // only layout nodes
if (np.getFunction().isPin()) return false; // Sept 30
if (coverByExclusion(ni)) return false; // no errors
// Already done
if (nodesMap.get(ni) != null)
return (false);
nodesMap.put(ni, ni);
if (thisLayerFunction != null)
// get all of the polygons on this node
Poly[] nodeInstPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, thisLayerFunction);
convertPseudoLayers(ni, nodeInstPolyList);
int tot = nodeInstPolyList.length;
boolean isTransistor = np.getFunction().isTransistor();
Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData = tech.getMultiCutData(ni);
// examine the polygons on this node
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = nodeInstPolyList[j];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null) continue;
if (coverByExclusion(poly, cell))
// Checking combination
boolean ret = DRC.checkOD2Combination(tech, ni, layer, od2Layers, reportInfo);
if (ret)
// panic errors -> return regarless errorTypeSearch
return true;
// Checking resolution only after transformation
ret = checkResolution(poly, cell, ni);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// determine network for this polygon
int netNumber = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, poly.getPort(), ni, globalIndex);
ret = badBox(poly, layer, netNumber, tech, ni, trans, cell, globalIndex, multiCutData);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
ret = checkMinWidth(ni, layer, poly, tot == 1);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// Check select over transistor poly
// Assumes polys on transistors fulfill condition by construction
// ret = !isTransistor && checkSelectOverPolysilicon(ni, layer, poly, cell);
ret = !isTransistor && checkExtensionRules(ni, layer, poly, cell);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// ret = checkExtensionRule(ni, layer, poly, cell);
// if (ret)
// {
// if (errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
// errorsFound = true;
// }
if (validLayers.isABadLayer(tech, layer.getIndex()))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.BADLAYERERROR, null, cell, 0, 0, null,
poly, ni, layer, null, null, null);
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
} else
// Node errors!
if (DRC.checkNodeAgainstCombinationRules(ni, reportInfo))
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// if (np instanceof PrimitiveNode && DRC.isForbiddenNode(currentRules, ((PrimitiveNode) np).getPrimNodeIndexInTech(), -1,
// DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.FORBIDDEN))
// {
// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.FORBIDDEN, " is not allowed by selected foundry", cell, -1, -1, null, null, ni, null, null, null, null);
// if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
// errorsFound = true;
// }
// check node for minimum size
if (DRC.checkNodeSize(ni, cell, reportInfo))
errorsFound = true;
return errorsFound;
* Method to check the design rules about arcinst "ai".
* Returns true if errors were found.
private boolean checkArcInst(CheckProto cp, ArcInst ai, int globalIndex)
// Nothing to check
if (thisLayerFunction == null) return false;
// ignore arcs with no topology
Network net = cp.netlist.getNetwork(ai, 0);
if (net == null) return false;
Integer[] netNumbers = networkLists.get(net);
if (nodesMap.get(ai) != null)
return (false);
nodesMap.put(ai, ai);
// Check if arc is contained in exclusion region
// if (coverByExclusion(ai))
// return false; // no error
boolean errorsFound = false;
// Checking if the arc is horizontal or vertical
Point2D from = ai.getHeadLocation();
Point2D to = ai.getTailLocation();
if (!DBMath.areEquals(from.getX(), to.getX()) && !DBMath.areEquals(from.getY(), to.getY()))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.CROOKEDERROR, null, ai.getParent(),
-1, -1, null, null, ai, null, null, null, null);
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// get all of the polygons on this arc
Technology tech = ai.getProto().getTechnology();
Poly[] arcInstPolyList = tech.getShapeOfArc(ai, thisLayerFunction);
// Check resolution before cropping the
for (Poly poly : arcInstPolyList)
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null) continue;
if (layer.isNonElectrical()) continue;
// Checking resolution
boolean ret = checkResolution(poly, ai.getParent(), ai);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
cropActiveArc(ai, arcInstPolyList);
int tot = arcInstPolyList.length;
// examine the polygons on this arc
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = arcInstPolyList[j];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null) continue;
if (layer.isNonElectrical()) continue;
int layerNum = layer.getIndex();
int netNumber = netNumbers[globalIndex]; // autoboxing
boolean ret = badBox(poly, layer, netNumber, tech, ai, DBMath.MATID, ai.getParent(), globalIndex, null);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
ret = checkMinWidth(ai, layer, poly, tot == 1);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
// Check select over transistor poly
// ret = checkSelectOverPolysilicon(ai, layer, poly, ai.getParent());
ret = checkExtensionRules(ai, layer, poly, ai.getParent());
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
if (validLayers.isABadLayer(tech, layerNum))
// if (tech == layersValidTech && !layersValid[layerNum])
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.BADLAYERERROR, null, ai.getParent(), 0, 0, null,
(tot == 1) ? null : poly, ai, layer, null, null, null);
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
errorsFound = true;
return errorsFound;
* Method to check the design rules about cell instance "ni". Only check other
* instances, and only check the parts of each that are within striking range.
* Returns true if an error was found.
private boolean checkCellInst(NodeInst ni, int globalIndex)
Cell thisCell = (Cell)ni.getProto();
if (!thisCell.isLayout())
return false; // skips non-layout cells.
// look for other instances surrounding this one
Rectangle2D nodeBounds = ni.getBounds();
// double worstInteractionDistance = reportInfo.worstInteractionDistance;
MutableDouble mutableDist = new MutableDouble(0);
if (!cellLayersCon.getWorstSpacingDistance(thisCell, mutableDist))
// System.out.println("No worst spacing distance found in MTDRCLayoutTool:checkCellInst");
return false;
// get transformation out of the instance
FixpTransform upTrans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
// get network numbering for the instance
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
boolean errorFound = false;
CheckProto cpNi = getCheckProto(thisCell);
double worstInteractionDistance = mutableDist.doubleValue();
Rectangle2D searchBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
nodeBounds.getMinX() - worstInteractionDistance,
nodeBounds.getMinY() - worstInteractionDistance,
nodeBounds.getWidth() + worstInteractionDistance * 2,
nodeBounds.getHeight() + worstInteractionDistance * 2);
instanceInteractionList.clear(); // part3
for (Iterator it = ni.getParent().searchIterator(searchBounds); it.hasNext();)
Geometric geom =;
if (geom == ni) continue; // covered by checkInteraction?
if (!(geom instanceof NodeInst)) continue;
NodeInst oNi = (NodeInst) geom;
// only check other nodes that are numerically higher (so each pair is only checked once)
if (oNi.getNodeIndex() <= ni.getNodeIndex()) continue;
if (!oNi.isCellInstance()) continue;
// see if this configuration of instances has already been done
CheckProto cpoNi = getCheckProto((Cell)oNi.getProto()); // assume oNi is a cell
// see if this configuration of instances has already been done
if (DRC.checkInteraction(instanceInteractionMap, reportInfo.errorTypeSearch,
ni, ni, cpNi.cellParameterized, oNi, oNi, cpoNi.cellParameterized, ni, searchBounds))
// if (checkInteraction(ni, null, oNi, null, null)) continue;
// found other instance "oNi", look for everything in "ni" that is near it
Rectangle2D nearNodeBounds = oNi.getBounds();
if (!cellLayersCon.getWorstSpacingDistance(oNi.getProto(), mutableDist))
// System.out.println("No worst spacing distance found in Quick:checkThisCellPlease");
double worstInteractionDistanceLocal = mutableDist.doubleValue();
Rectangle2D subBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
nearNodeBounds.getMinX() - worstInteractionDistanceLocal,
nearNodeBounds.getMinY() - worstInteractionDistanceLocal,
nearNodeBounds.getWidth() + worstInteractionDistanceLocal * 2,
nearNodeBounds.getHeight() + worstInteractionDistanceLocal * 2);
// recursively search instance "ni" in the vicinity of "oNi"
boolean ret = checkCellInstContents(subBounds, ni, upTrans, localIndex, oNi, null, globalIndex, null);
if (ret) errorFound = true;
return errorFound;
* Method to recursively examine the area "bounds" in cell "cell" with global index "globalIndex".
* The objects that are found are transformed by "uptrans" to be in the space of a top-level cell.
* They are then compared with objects in "oNi" (which is in that top-level cell),
* which has global index "topGlobalIndex".
private boolean checkCellInstContents(Rectangle2D bounds, NodeInst thisNi, FixpTransform upTrans, int globalIndex,
NodeInst oNi, NodeInst oNiParent, int topGlobalIndex, NodeInst triggerNi)
// Job aborted or scheduled for abort
if (checkAbort()) return true;
Cell cell = (Cell) thisNi.getProto();
if (!cell.isLayout())
return false; // skips non-layout cells.
CheckProto cpoNi = getCheckProto((Cell)oNi.getProto()); // assume oNi is a cell
boolean logsFound = false;
Netlist netlist = getCheckProto(cell).netlist;
Technology cellTech = cell.getTechnology();
// Need to transform bounds coordinates first otherwise it won't
// never overlap
Rectangle2D bb = (Rectangle2D) bounds.clone();
FixpTransform downTrans = thisNi.transformIn();
DBMath.transformRect(bb, downTrans);
for (Iterator it = cell.searchIterator(bb); it.hasNext();)
Geometric geom =;
// Checking if element is covered by exclusion region
// if (coverByExclusion(geom))
// continue; // skips this element
if (geom instanceof NodeInst)
NodeInst ni = (NodeInst) geom;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) continue; // Oct 5'04
if (ni.isCellInstance())
CheckProto cpNi = getCheckProto((Cell)np);
// see if this configuration of instances has already been done
if (DRC.checkInteraction(instanceInteractionMap, reportInfo.errorTypeSearch,
ni, thisNi, cpNi.cellParameterized, oNi, oNiParent, cpoNi.cellParameterized, triggerNi, bb))
continue; // Jan 27'05. Removed on May'05
// You can't discard by interaction becuase two cells could be visited many times
// during this type of checking
FixpTransform subUpTrans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
// changes Sept04: subBound by bb
boolean ret = checkCellInstContents(bb, ni, subUpTrans, localIndex, oNi, oNiParent, topGlobalIndex,
(triggerNi == null) ? ni : triggerNi);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
logsFound = true;
} else
Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
Poly[] primPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, thisLayerFunction);
convertPseudoLayers(ni, primPolyList);
int tot = primPolyList.length;
if (tot == 0)
Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData = tech.getMultiCutData(ni);
FixpTransform rTrans = ni.rotateOut();
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = primPolyList[j];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null)
assert (false);
if (Job.LOCALDEBUGFLAG) System.out.println("When is this case?");
// determine network for this polygon
int net = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, poly.getPort(), ni, globalIndex);
boolean ret = badSubBox(poly, layer, net, tech, ni, rTrans,
globalIndex, oNi, topGlobalIndex, multiCutData);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
logsFound = true;
} else
ArcInst ai = (ArcInst) geom;
Technology tech = ai.getProto().getTechnology();
if (tech != cellTech)
// Leaving this tech conflict to the code in checkCell()
// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.TECHMIXWARN, " belongs to " + tech.getTechName(), cell, 0, 0, null, null, ai, null, null, null, null);
Poly[] arcPolyList = tech.getShapeOfArc(ai, thisLayerFunction);
int tot = arcPolyList.length;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
cropActiveArc(ai, arcPolyList);
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = arcPolyList[j];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null) continue;
if (layer.isNonElectrical())
assert(false); // should this happen?
Network jNet = netlist.getNetwork(ai, 0);
int net = -1;
if (jNet != null)
Integer[] netList = networkLists.get(jNet);
net = netList[globalIndex].intValue();
boolean ret = badSubBox(poly, layer, net, tech, ai, upTrans,
globalIndex, oNi, topGlobalIndex, null);
if (ret)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_CELL) return true;
logsFound = true;
return logsFound;
* Method to examine polygon "poly" layer "layer" network "net" technology "tech" geometry "geom"
* which is in cell "cell" and has global index "globalIndex".
* The polygon is compared against things inside node "oNi", and that node's parent has global index "topGlobalIndex".
private boolean badSubBox(Poly poly, Layer layer, int net, Technology tech, Geometric geom, FixpTransform trans,
int globalIndex, NodeInst oNi, int topGlobalIndex, Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData)
// see how far around the box it is necessary to search
double maxSize = poly.getMaxSize();
MutableDouble mutableDist = new MutableDouble(0);
boolean found = currentRules.getMaxSurround(layer, maxSize, mutableDist);
if (!found) return false;
// get bounds
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
FixpTransform downTrans = oNi.rotateIn();
FixpTransform tTransI = oNi.translateIn();
DBMath.transformRect(bounds, downTrans);
FixpTransform upTrans = oNi.translateOut(oNi.rotateOut());
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(oNi);
int localIndex = topGlobalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
// search in the area surrounding the box
double bound = mutableDist.doubleValue();
bounds.setRect(bounds.getMinX() - bound, bounds.getMinY() - bound, bounds.getWidth() + bound * 2, bounds.getHeight() + bound * 2);
return (badBoxInArea(poly, layer, tech, net, geom, trans, globalIndex, bounds, (Cell) oNi.getProto(), localIndex,
oNi.getParent(), topGlobalIndex, upTrans, multiCutData, false));
// true in this case you don't want to check Geometric.objectsTouch(nGeom, geom) if nGeom and geom are in the
// same cell because they could come from different cell instances.
* Method to examine a polygon to see if it has any errors with its surrounding area.
* The polygon is "poly" on layer "layer" on network "net" from technology "tech" from object "geom".
* Checking looks in cell "cell" global index "globalIndex".
* Object "geom" can be transformed to the space of this cell with "trans".
* Returns TRUE if a spacing error is found relative to anything surrounding it at or below
* this hierarchical level.
private boolean badBox(Poly poly, Layer layer, int net, Technology tech, Geometric geom,
FixpTransform trans, Cell cell, int globalIndex, Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData)
// see how far around the box it is necessary to search
double maxSize = poly.getMaxSize();
MutableDouble mutableDist = new MutableDouble(0);
boolean found = currentRules.getMaxSurround(layer, maxSize, mutableDist);
if (!found) return false;
// get bounds
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double();
// determine if original object has multiple contact cuts
// boolean baseMulti = false;
// if (geom instanceof NodeInst)
// baseMulti = tech.isMultiCutCase((NodeInst) geom);
// search in the area surrounding the box
double bound = mutableDist.doubleValue();
bounds.setRect(bounds.getMinX() - bound, bounds.getMinY() - bound, bounds.getWidth() + bound * 2, bounds.getHeight() + bound * 2);
return badBoxInArea(poly, layer, tech, net, geom, trans, globalIndex, bounds, cell, globalIndex,
cell, globalIndex, DBMath.MATID, multiCutData, true);
* Method to recursively examine a polygon to see if it has any errors with its surrounding area.
* The polygon is "poly" on layer "layer" from technology "tech" on network "net" from object "geom"
* which is associated with global index "globalIndex".
* Checking looks in the area (lxbound-hxbound, lybound-hybound) in cell "cell" global index "cellGlobalIndex".
* The polygon coordinates are in the space of cell "topCell", global index "topGlobalIndex",
* and objects in "cell" can be transformed by "upTrans" to get to this space.
* The base object, in "geom" can be transformed by "trans" to get to this space.
* The minimum size of this polygon is "minSize" and "baseMulti" is TRUE if it comes from a multicut contact.
* If the two objects are in the same cell instance (nonhierarchical DRC), then "sameInstance" is TRUE.
* If they are from different instances, then "sameInstance" is FALSE.
* Returns TRUE if errors are found.
private boolean badBoxInArea(Poly poly, Layer layer, Technology tech, int net, Geometric geom, FixpTransform trans,
int globalIndex, Rectangle2D bounds, Cell cell, int cellGlobalIndex,
Cell topCell, int topGlobalIndex, FixpTransform upTrans, Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData,
boolean sameInstance)
Rectangle2D rBound = new Rectangle2D.Double();
DBMath.transformRect(rBound, upTrans); // Step 1
Netlist netlist = getCheckProto(cell).netlist;
Rectangle2D subBound = new Rectangle2D.Double(); //Sept 30
boolean foundError = false;
boolean isLayerAContact = layer.getFunction().isContact();
boolean baseMulti = tech.isMultiCutInTechnology(multiCutData);
// These nodes won't generate any DRC errors. Most of them are pins
if (geom instanceof NodeInst && NodeInst.isSpecialNode(((NodeInst) geom)))
return false;
// Sept04 changes: bounds by rBound
for (Iterator it = cell.searchIterator(bounds); it.hasNext();)
Geometric nGeom =;
// I have to check if they are the same instance otherwise I check geometry against itself
if (nGeom == geom && (sameInstance))// || nGeom.getParent() == cell))
// Checking if element is covered by exclusion region
if (coverByExclusion(nGeom)) continue; // skips this element
if (nGeom instanceof NodeInst)
NodeInst ni = (NodeInst) nGeom;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) continue; // Oct 5;
// ignore nodes that are not primitive
if (ni.isCellInstance())
// instance found: look inside it for offending geometry
FixpTransform rTransI = ni.rotateIn();
FixpTransform tTransI = ni.translateIn();
DBMath.transformRect(subBound, rTransI);
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = cellGlobalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
FixpTransform subTrans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
subTrans.preConcatenate(upTrans); //Sept 15 04
// compute localIndex
if (badBoxInArea(poly, layer, tech, net, geom, trans, globalIndex, subBound, (Cell) np, localIndex,
topCell, topGlobalIndex, subTrans, multiCutData, sameInstance))
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
} else
// don't check between technologies
if (np.getTechnology() != tech) continue;
// see if this type of node can interact with this layer
if (!validLayers.checkLayerWithNode(layer, np)) continue;
// see if the objects directly touch but they are not
// coming from different NodeInst (not from checkCellInstContents
// because they might below to the same cell but in different instances
boolean touch = sameInstance && nGeom.isConnected(geom);
// get the shape of each nodeinst layer
Poly [] subPolyList = DRC.getShapeOfNodeBasedOnRules(tech, reportInfo, ni);
int tot = subPolyList.length;
if (tot == 0)
System.out.println("Should i skup this one?");
// prepare to examine every layer in this nodeinst
FixpTransform rTrans = ni.rotateOut();
convertPseudoLayers(ni, subPolyList);
for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
/* Step 1 */
boolean multi = baseMulti;
Technology.MultiCutData niMCD = tech.getMultiCutData(ni);
if (tot==0 && niMCD != null)
assert(false); // does it happen?
// in case it is one via against many from another contact (3-contact configuration)
if (!multi && isLayerAContact && niMCD != null)
multi = tech.isMultiCutInTechnology(niMCD);
if (!multi)
// geom must be NodeInst
NodeInst gNi = (NodeInst)geom;
// in this case, both possible contacts are either 1xn or mx1 with n,m>=1
if (multiCutData == null || multiCutData.numCutsX() == 1) // it is 1xn
// Checking if they match at the Y axis. If yes, they are considered as a long 1xn array
// so multi=false. The other element must be 1xM
if (niMCD.numCutsY() != 1 && ni.getAnchorCenterX() != gNi.getAnchorCenterX())
multi = true;
// Checking if they match at the Y axis. If yes, they are considered as a long 1xn array
// so multi=false
if (niMCD.numCutsX() != 1 && ni.getAnchorCenterY() != gNi.getAnchorCenterY())
multi = true;
int multiInt = (multi) ? 1 : 0;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly npoly = subPolyList[j];
Layer nLayer = npoly.getLayer();
if (nLayer == null) continue;
if (coverByExclusion(npoly, nGeom.getParent()))
Rectangle2D nPolyRect = npoly.getBounds2D();
// can't do this because "lxbound..." is local but the poly bounds are global
// On the corners?
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(nPolyRect.getMinX(), rBound.getMaxX()) ||
DBMath.isGreaterThan(rBound.getMinX(), nPolyRect.getMaxX()) ||
DBMath.isGreaterThan(nPolyRect.getMinY(), rBound.getMaxY()) ||
DBMath.isGreaterThan(rBound.getMinY(), nPolyRect.getMaxY()))
// determine network for this polygon
int nNet = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, npoly.getPort(), ni, cellGlobalIndex);
// see whether the two objects are electrically connected
boolean con = false;
if (nNet >= 0 && nNet == net) con = true;
// Checking extension, it could be slow
boolean ret = checkExtensionGateRule(geom, layer, poly, nLayer, npoly, netlist);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
// check if both polys are cut and if the combine area doesn't excess cut sizes
// regardless if they are connected or not
ret = checkCutSizes(np, geom, layer, poly, nGeom, nLayer, npoly, topCell);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
// if they connect electrically and adjoin, don't check
if (con && touch)
// Check if there are minimum size defects
boolean maytouch = DRC.mayTouch(tech, con, layer, nLayer);
Rectangle2D trueBox1 = poly.getBox();
if (trueBox1 == null) trueBox1 = poly.getBounds2D();
Rectangle2D trueBox2 = npoly.getBox();
if (trueBox2 == null) trueBox1 = npoly.getBounds2D();
ret = checkMinDefects(cell, maytouch, geom, poly, trueBox1, layer,
nGeom, npoly, trueBox2, nLayer, topCell);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
boolean edge = false;
// @TODO check if previous spacing rule was composed of same layers!
DRCTemplate theRule = getSpacingRule(layer, poly, geom, nLayer, npoly, ni, con, multiInt);
// Try edge rules
if (theRule == null)
theRule = this.currentRules.getEdgeRule(layer, nLayer);
edge = true;
if (theRule == null) continue;
ret = checkDist(tech, topCell, topGlobalIndex,
poly, layer, net, geom, trans, globalIndex,
npoly, nLayer, nNet, nGeom, rTrans, cellGlobalIndex,
con, theRule, edge);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
} else
ArcInst ai = (ArcInst) nGeom;
ArcProto ap = ai.getProto();
// don't check between technologies
if (ap.getTechnology() != tech) continue;
// see if this type of arc can interact with this layer
if (!validLayers.checkLayerWithArc(layer, ap)) continue;
// see if the objects directly touch
boolean touch = sameInstance && nGeom.isConnected(geom);
// see whether the two objects are electrically connected
Network jNet = netlist.getNetwork(ai, 0);
Integer[] netNumbers = networkLists.get(jNet);
int nNet = netNumbers[cellGlobalIndex].intValue();
boolean con = false;
if (net >= 0 && nNet == net) con = true;
// if they connect electrically and adjoin, don't check
// if (con && touch) continue;
// get the shape of each arcinst layer
Poly[] subPolyList = tech.getShapeOfArc(ai);
int tot = subPolyList.length;
for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
cropActiveArc(ai, subPolyList);
boolean multi = baseMulti;
int multiInt = (multi) ? 1 : 0;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly nPoly = subPolyList[j];
Layer nLayer = nPoly.getLayer();
if (nLayer == null) continue;
if (coverByExclusion(nPoly, nGeom.getParent()))
Rectangle2D nPolyRect = nPoly.getBounds2D();
// can't do this because "lxbound..." is local but the poly bounds are global
if (nPolyRect.getMinX() > rBound.getMaxX() ||
nPolyRect.getMaxX() < rBound.getMinX() ||
nPolyRect.getMinY() > rBound.getMaxY() ||
nPolyRect.getMaxY() < rBound.getMinY()) continue;
boolean ret = false;
// if they connect electrically and adjoin, don't check
// We must check if there are minor defects if they overlap regardless if they are connected or not
if (con && touch)
// Check if there are minimum size defects
boolean maytouch = DRC.mayTouch(tech, con, layer, nLayer);
Rectangle2D trueBox1 = poly.getBox();
if (trueBox1 == null) trueBox1 = poly.getBounds2D();
Rectangle2D trueBox2 = nPoly.getBox();
if (trueBox2 == null) trueBox1 = nPoly.getBounds2D();
ret = checkMinDefects(cell, maytouch, geom, poly, trueBox1, layer,
nGeom, nPoly, trueBox2, nLayer, topCell);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
// see how close they can get
boolean edge = false;
DRCTemplate theRule = getSpacingRule(layer, poly, geom, nLayer, nPoly, ai, con, multiInt);
if (theRule == null)
theRule = this.currentRules.getEdgeRule(layer, nLayer);
edge = true;
if (theRule == null) continue;
// check the distance
ret = checkDist(tech, topCell, topGlobalIndex, poly, layer, net, geom, trans, globalIndex,
nPoly, nLayer, nNet, nGeom, upTrans, cellGlobalIndex, con, theRule, edge);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
// Checking extension, it could be slow
ret = checkExtensionGateRule(geom, layer, poly, nLayer, nPoly, netlist);
if (ret)
foundError = true;
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
return foundError;
* Function to detect small edges due to overlapping polygons of the same material. It is valid only
* for manhattan shapes
* @return true if error was found
private boolean checkMinDefects(Cell cell, boolean maytouch, Geometric geom1, Poly poly1, Rectangle2D trueBox1, Layer layer1,
Geometric geom2, Poly poly2, Rectangle2D trueBox2, Layer layer2, Cell topCell)
if (trueBox1 == null || trueBox2 == null) return false;
if (!maytouch) return false;
// manhattan
double pdx = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox2.getMinX() - trueBox1.getMaxX(), trueBox1.getMinX() - trueBox2.getMaxX()));
double pdy = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox2.getMinY() - trueBox1.getMaxY(), trueBox1.getMinY() - trueBox2.getMaxY()));
double pd = Math.max(pdx, pdy);
if (DBMath.areEquals(pdx, 0) && DBMath.areEquals(pdy, 0))
pd = 0; // touching
boolean foundError = false;
// They have to overlap
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(pd, 0)) return false;
// they are electrically connected and they overlap: look for minimum size errors
// of the overlapping region.
DRCTemplate wRule = this.currentRules.getMinValue(layer1, DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.MINWID);
if (wRule == null) return false; // no rule
double minWidth = wRule.getValue(0);
double lxb = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox1.getMinX(), trueBox2.getMinX()));
double hxb = DBMath.round(Math.min(trueBox1.getMaxX(), trueBox2.getMaxX()));
double lyb = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox1.getMinY(), trueBox2.getMinY()));
double hyb = DBMath.round(Math.min(trueBox1.getMaxY(), trueBox2.getMaxY()));
Point2D lowB = new Point2D.Double(lxb, lyb);
Point2D highB = new Point2D.Double(hxb, hyb);
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(lxb, lyb, hxb - lxb, hyb - lyb);
// If resulting bounding box is identical to one of the original polygons
// then one polygon is contained in the other one
if (bounds.equals(trueBox1) || bounds.equals(trueBox2))
return false;
//| |
//| |
//| |B E
//| +-------+---------+
//| | | |
//|C A| | |
//+-----------+-------+ |
// | |
// D+-----------------+
// Checking A-B distance
double actual = lowB.distance(highB);
// !DBMath.areEquals(actual, 0) is on, it skips cases where A==B.
// Condition off as of July 2nd 2008. Bugzilla 1745
if (/*!DBMath.areEquals(actual, 0) &&*/ DBMath.isGreaterThan(minWidth, actual) &&
foundSmallSizeDefect(cell, geom1, poly1, layer1, geom2, poly2, pd, lxb, lyb, hxb, hyb))
// you can't pass geom1 or geom2 becuase they could be in different cells and therefore the message
// could mislead
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.MINWIDTHERROR, null, topCell, minWidth, actual, wRule.ruleName, new Poly(bounds),
null, layer1, null, null, layer2);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
private boolean foundSmallSizeDefect(Cell cell, Geometric geom1, Poly poly1, Layer layer1,
Geometric geom2, Poly poly2,
double pd, double lxb, double lyb, double hxb, double hyb)
boolean foundError = false;
boolean[] pointsFound = new boolean[2];
pointsFound[0] = pointsFound[1] = false;
Point2D lowB = new Point2D.Double(lxb, lyb);
Point2D highB = new Point2D.Double(hxb, hyb);
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(lxb, lyb, hxb - lxb, hyb - lyb);
Poly rebuild = new Poly(bounds);
Point2D pt1 = null; //new Point2D.Double(lxb - TINYDELTA, lyb - TINYDELTA);
Point2D pt2 = null; //new Point2D.Double(lxb - TINYDELTA, hyb + TINYDELTA);
Point2D pt1d = null; //(Point2D) pt1.clone();
Point2D pt2d = null; //(Point2D) pt2.clone();
// Search area should be bigger than bounding box otherwise it might not get the cells due to
// rounding errors.
Rectangle2D search = new Rectangle2D.Double(DBMath.round(lxb - DRC.TINYDELTA), DBMath.round(lyb - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(hxb - lxb + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA), DBMath.round(hyb - lyb + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA));
// Looking for two corners not inside bounding boxes A and B
if (pd == 0) // flat bounding box
pt1 = lowB;
pt2 = highB;
pt1d = lowB;
pt2d = highB;
} else
Point2D[] points = rebuild.getPoints();
int[] cornerPoints = new int[2];
int corners = 0; // if more than 3 corners are found -> bounding box is flat
for (int i = 0; i < points.length && corners < 2; i++)
if (!DBMath.pointInsideRect(points[i], poly1.getBounds2D()) &&
!DBMath.pointInsideRect(points[i], poly2.getBounds2D()))
cornerPoints[corners++] = i;
if (corners != 2)
throw new Error("Wrong corners in Quick.foundSmallSizeDefect()");
pt1 = points[cornerPoints[0]];
pt2 = points[cornerPoints[1]];
double delta = ((pt2.getY() - pt1.getY()) / (pt2.getX() - pt1.getX()) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
// getting point lightly out of the elements
if (pt1.getX() < pt2.getX())
// (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)(x1-tinydelta-x1) + y1
pt1d = new Point2D.Double(pt1.getX() - DRC.TINYDELTA, -delta * DRC.TINYDELTA + pt1.getY());
// (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)(x2+tinydelta-x2) + y2
pt2d = new Point2D.Double(pt2.getX() + DRC.TINYDELTA, delta * DRC.TINYDELTA + pt2.getY());
} else
pt1d = new Point2D.Double(pt2.getX() - DRC.TINYDELTA, -delta * DRC.TINYDELTA + pt2.getY());
pt2d = new Point2D.Double(pt1.getX() + DRC.TINYDELTA, delta * DRC.TINYDELTA + pt1.getY());
if (DBMath.areEquals(pt1.getX(), pt2.getX()) || DBMath.areEquals(pt1.getY(), pt2.getY()))
return false;
// looking if points around the overlapping area are inside another region
// to avoid the error
DRC.lookForLayerCoverage(geom1, poly1, geom2, poly2, cell, layer1, DBMath.MATID, search,
pt1d, pt2d, null, pointsFound, false, thisLayerFunction, false, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts);
// Nothing found
if (!pointsFound[0] && !pointsFound[1])
foundError = true;
return (foundError);
* Method to compare:
* polygon "poly1" layer "layer1" network "net1" object "geom1"
* with:
* polygon "poly2" layer "layer2" network "net2" object "geom2"
* The polygons are both in technology "tech" and are in the space of cell "cell"
* which has global index "globalIndex".
* Note that to transform object "geom1" to this space, use "trans1" and to transform
* object "geom2" to this space, use "trans2".
* They are connected if "con" is nonzero.
* They cannot be less than "dist" apart (if "edge" is nonzero, check edges only)
* and the rule for this is "rule".
* Returns TRUE if an error has been found.
private boolean checkDist(Technology tech, Cell cell, int globalIndex,
Poly poly1, Layer layer1, int net1, Geometric geom1, FixpTransform trans1, int globalIndex1,
Poly poly2, Layer layer2, int net2, Geometric geom2, FixpTransform trans2, int globalIndex2,
boolean con, DRCTemplate theRule, boolean edge)
// turn off flag that the nodeinst may be undersized
tinyNodeInst = null;
Poly origPoly1 = poly1;
Poly origPoly2 = poly2;
Rectangle2D isBox1 = poly1.getBox();
Rectangle2D trueBox1 = isBox1;
if (trueBox1 == null) trueBox1 = poly1.getBounds2D();
Rectangle2D isBox2 = poly2.getBox();
Rectangle2D trueBox2 = isBox2;
if (trueBox2 == null) trueBox2 = poly2.getBounds2D();
boolean errorFound = false; // remember if there was a min defect error
boolean maytouch = DRC.mayTouch(tech, con, layer1, layer2);
// special code if both polygons are manhattan
double pd = 0;
boolean overlap = false;
if (isBox1 != null && isBox2 != null)
// manhattan
double pdx = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox2.getMinX() - trueBox1.getMaxX(), trueBox1.getMinX() - trueBox2.getMaxX()));
double pdy = DBMath.round(Math.max(trueBox2.getMinY() - trueBox1.getMaxY(), trueBox1.getMinY() - trueBox2.getMaxY()));
pd = Math.max(pdx, pdy);
if (DBMath.areEquals(pdx, 0) && DBMath.areEquals(pdy, 0))
pd = 0; // touching
overlap = DBMath.isLessThan(pd, 0);
if (maytouch)
// they are electrically connected: see if they touch
if (checkMinDefects(cell, maytouch, geom1, poly1, trueBox1, layer2, geom2, poly2, trueBox2, layer2, cell))
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return true;
errorFound = true;
// crop out parts of any arc that is covered by an adjoining node
trueBox1 = new Rectangle2D.Double(trueBox1.getMinX(), trueBox1.getMinY(), trueBox1.getWidth(), trueBox1.getHeight());
trueBox2 = new Rectangle2D.Double(trueBox2.getMinX(), trueBox2.getMinY(), trueBox2.getWidth(), trueBox2.getHeight());
// first to crop arcs since node cropping crops arcs too!
boolean geom1IsNode = (geom1 instanceof NodeInst);
boolean geom2IsNode = (geom2 instanceof NodeInst);
if (!geom1IsNode) // arc -> crop it first
if (cropArcInst((ArcInst) geom1, layer1, trans1, trueBox1, overlap))
return errorFound;
if (!geom2IsNode)
if (cropArcInst((ArcInst) geom2, layer2, trans2, trueBox2, overlap))
return errorFound;
if (geom1IsNode)
if (cropNodeInst((NodeInst) geom1, globalIndex1, trans1,
layer2, net2, geom2, trueBox2))
return errorFound;
// } else
// {
// if (cropArcInst((ArcInst)geom1, layer1, trans1, trueBox1, overlap))
// return errorFound;
if (geom2 instanceof NodeInst)
if (cropNodeInst((NodeInst) geom2, globalIndex2, trans2,
layer1, net1, geom1, trueBox1))
return errorFound;
// } else
// {
// if (cropArcInst((ArcInst)geom2, layer2, trans2, trueBox2, overlap))
// return errorFound;
poly1 = new Poly(trueBox1);
poly2 = new Poly(trueBox2);
// compute the distance
double lX1 = trueBox1.getMinX();
double hX1 = trueBox1.getMaxX();
double lY1 = trueBox1.getMinY();
double hY1 = trueBox1.getMaxY();
double lX2 = trueBox2.getMinX();
double hX2 = trueBox2.getMaxX();
double lY2 = trueBox2.getMinY();
double hY2 = trueBox2.getMaxY();
if (edge)
// calculate the spacing between the box edges
double pdedge = DBMath.round(Math.min(
Math.min(Math.min(Math.abs(lX1 - lX2), Math.abs(lX1 - hX2)), Math.min(Math.abs(hX1 - lX2), Math.abs(hX1 - hX2))),
Math.min(Math.min(Math.abs(lY1 - lY2), Math.abs(lY1 - hY2)), Math.min(Math.abs(hY1 - lY2), Math.abs(hY1 - hY2)))));
pd = Math.max(pd, pdedge);
} else
pdx = DBMath.round(Math.max(lX2-hX1, lX1-hX2));
pdy = DBMath.round(Math.max(lY2-hY1, lY1-hY2));
if (DBMath.areEquals(pdx, 0) && DBMath.areEquals(pdy, 0))
pd = 0; // they are touching!!
// They are overlapping if pdx < 0 && pdy < 0
pd = (Math.max(pdx, pdy));
if (pd < theRule.getValue(0) && pd > 0)
pd = poly1.separation(poly2);
} else
// nonmanhattan
Poly.Type style = poly1.getStyle();
if (style != Poly.Type.FILLED && style != Poly.Type.CLOSED &&
style != Poly.Type.CROSSED && style != Poly.Type.OPENED &&
style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT1 && style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT2 &&
style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT3 && style != Poly.Type.VECTORS) return errorFound;
style = poly2.getStyle();
if (style != Poly.Type.FILLED && style != Poly.Type.CLOSED &&
style != Poly.Type.CROSSED && style != Poly.Type.OPENED &&
style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT1 && style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT2 &&
style != Poly.Type.OPENEDT3 && style != Poly.Type.VECTORS) return errorFound;
// make sure polygons don't intersect
//@TODO combine this calculation otherwise Poly.intersects is called twice!
double pd1 = poly1.separation(poly2);
if (poly1.intersects(poly2))
pd = 0;
// find distance between polygons
pd = poly1.separation(poly2);
if (!DBMath.areEquals(pd1, pd))
System.out.println("Wrong case in non-nonmanhattan, Quick.");
DRC.DRCErrorType errorType = DRC.DRCErrorType.SPACINGERROR;
if (theRule.ruleType == DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.SURROUND)
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(pd, 0)) // layers don't overlap -> no condition to check
return errorFound;
pd = Math.abs(pd);
// see if the design rule is met
if (!DBMath.isGreaterThan(theRule.getValue(0), pd)) // default case: SPACING pd >= theRule.value1
return errorFound;
if (theRule.ruleType != DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.SURROUND)
* special case: ignore errors between two active layers connected
* to either side of a field-effect transistor that is inside of
* the error area.
if (activeOnTransistor(poly1, layer1, net1, poly2, layer2, net2, cell, globalIndex))
return errorFound;
* Special case: ignore spacing errors generated by VT layers if poly is already
* part of a VTH-transistors. Not very elegant solution but should work for now.
if (polyCoverByAnyVTLayer(cell, theRule, tech, new Poly[]{poly1, poly2}, new Layer[]{layer1, layer2},
new Geometric[]{geom1, geom2}, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts))
return errorFound;
// special cases if the layers are the same
if (tech.sameLayer(layer1, layer2))
// special case: check for "notch"
if (maytouch)
// if they touch, it is acceptable
if (DBMath.isLessThanOrEqualTo(pd, 0))
return errorFound;
// see if the notch is filled
boolean newR = lookForCrossPolygons(geom1, poly1, geom2, poly2, layer1, cell, overlap);
// {
// Point2D pt1 = new Point2D.Double();
// Point2D pt2 = new Point2D.Double();
// int intervening = findInterveningPoints(poly1, poly2, pt1, pt2, false);
// if (intervening == 0)
// {
// if (!newR)
// {
// System.out.println("DIfferent");
// lookForCrossPolygons(geom1, poly1, geom2, poly2, layer1, cell, overlap);
// }
// //return false;
// }
// boolean needBoth = true;
// if (intervening == 1) needBoth = false;
// if (lookForPoints(pt1, pt2, layer1, cell, needBoth))
// {
// if (!newR)
// {
// System.out.println("DIfferent");
// lookForPoints(pt1, pt2, layer1, cell, needBoth);
// lookForCrossPolygons(geom1, poly1, geom2, poly2, layer1, cell, overlap);
// //return false;
// }
// }
// boolean oldR = lookForPoints(pt1, pt2, layer1, cell, needBoth);
// if (oldR != newR)
// System.out.println("DIfferent 2");
// }
if (newR) return errorFound;
// look further if on the same net and diagonally separate (1 intervening point)
//if (net1 == net2 && intervening == 1) return false;
errorType = DRC.DRCErrorType.NOTCHERROR;
String msg = null;
if (tinyNodeInst != null)
// see if the node/arc that failed was involved in the error
if ((tinyNodeInst == geom1 || tinyNodeInst == geom2) &&
(tinyGeometric == geom1 || tinyGeometric == geom2))
msg = tinyNodeInst + " is too small for the " + tinyGeometric;
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, errorType, msg, cell, theRule.getValue(0), pd, theRule.ruleName, origPoly1, geom1, layer1, origPoly2, geom2, layer2);
return true;
/*************************** QUICK DRC SEE IF GEOMETRICS CAUSE ERRORS ***************************/
* Method to examine, in cell "cell", the "count" instances in "geomsToCheck".
* If they are DRC clean, set the associated entry in "validity" to TRUE.
private void checkTheseGeometrics(Cell cell, int count, Geometric[] geomsToCheck, boolean[] validity)
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto(cell);
// loop through all of the objects to be checked
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
Geometric geomToCheck = geomsToCheck[i];
boolean errors = false;
if (geomToCheck instanceof NodeInst)
NodeInst ni = (NodeInst) geomToCheck;
if (ni.isCellInstance())
errors = checkThisCellPlease(ni);
} else
errors = checkNodeInst(ni, 0);
} else
ArcInst ai = (ArcInst) geomToCheck;
errors = checkArcInst(cp, ai, 0);
if (validity != null) validity[i] = !errors;
private boolean checkThisCellPlease(NodeInst ni)
Cell cell = ni.getParent();
Netlist netlist = getCheckProto(cell).netlist;
int globalIndex = 0;
// get transformation out of this instance
FixpTransform upTrans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
// get network numbering information for this instance
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
if (ci == null) return false;
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
// look for other objects surrounding this one
Rectangle2D nodeBounds = ni.getBounds();
// double worstInteractionDistance = reportInfo.worstInteractionDistance;
MutableDouble mutableDist = new MutableDouble(0);
if (!cellLayersCon.getWorstSpacingDistance(cell, mutableDist))
System.out.println("No worst spacing distance found in Quick:checkThisCellPlease");
return false;
double worstInteractionDistance = mutableDist.doubleValue();
Rectangle2D searchBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
nodeBounds.getMinX() - worstInteractionDistance,
nodeBounds.getMinY() - worstInteractionDistance,
nodeBounds.getWidth() + worstInteractionDistance * 2,
nodeBounds.getHeight() + worstInteractionDistance * 2);
for (Iterator it = cell.searchIterator(searchBounds); it.hasNext();)
Geometric geom =;
if (geom == ni) continue;
if (geom instanceof ArcInst)
if (checkGeomAgainstInstance(netlist, geom, ni)) return true;
NodeInst oNi = (NodeInst) geom;
if (oNi.getProto() instanceof PrimitiveNode)
// found a primitive node: check it against the instance contents
if (checkGeomAgainstInstance(netlist, geom, ni)) return true;
// found other instance "oNi", look for everything in "ni" that is near it
Rectangle2D subNodeBounds = oNi.getBounds();
// double worstInteractionDistanceLocal = cellLayersCon.getWorstSpacingDistance(oNi.getProto());
if (!cellLayersCon.getWorstSpacingDistance(oNi.getProto(), mutableDist))
System.out.println("No worst spacing distance found in Quick:checkThisCellPlease");
double worstInteractionDistanceLocal = mutableDist.doubleValue();
Rectangle2D subBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(
subNodeBounds.getMinX() - worstInteractionDistanceLocal,
subNodeBounds.getMinY() - worstInteractionDistanceLocal,
subNodeBounds.getWidth() + worstInteractionDistanceLocal * 2,
subNodeBounds.getHeight() + worstInteractionDistanceLocal * 2);
// recursively search instance "ni" in the vicinity of "oNi"
if (checkCellInstContents(subBounds, ni, upTrans, localIndex, oNi, null, globalIndex, null))
return true;
return false;
* Method to check primitive object "geom" (an arcinst or primitive nodeinst) against cell instance "ni".
* Returns TRUE if there are design-rule violations in their interaction.
private boolean checkGeomAgainstInstance(Netlist netlist, Geometric geom, NodeInst ni)
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
int globalIndex = 0;
Cell subCell = geom.getParent();
// boolean baseMulti = false;
Technology.MultiCutData multiCutData = null;
Technology tech = null;
Poly[] nodeInstPolyList = null;
FixpTransform trans = DBMath.MATID;
if (geom instanceof NodeInst)
// get all of the polygons on this node
NodeInst oNi = (NodeInst) geom;
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(oNi))
return false; // Nov 16, no need for checking pins or other special nodes;
tech = oNi.getProto().getTechnology();
trans = oNi.rotateOut();
nodeInstPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(oNi, true, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, thisLayerFunction);
convertPseudoLayers(oNi, nodeInstPolyList);
multiCutData = tech.getMultiCutData(oNi);
// baseMulti = tech.isMultiCutCase(oNi);
} else
ArcInst oAi = (ArcInst) geom;
tech = oAi.getProto().getTechnology();
assert (false); // not sure about this
nodeInstPolyList = tech.getShapeOfArc(oAi, this.thisLayerFunction);
if (nodeInstPolyList == null) return false;
int tot = nodeInstPolyList.length;
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
if (ci == null) return false;
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
// examine the polygons on this node
MutableDouble mutableDist = new MutableDouble(0);
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = nodeInstPolyList[j];
Layer polyLayer = poly.getLayer();
if (polyLayer == null) continue;
// see how far around the box it is necessary to search
double maxSize = poly.getMaxSize();
boolean found = currentRules.getMaxSurround(polyLayer, maxSize, mutableDist);
if (!found) continue;
// determine network for this polygon
int net;
if (geom instanceof NodeInst)
net = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, poly.getPort(), (NodeInst) geom, globalIndex);
} else
ArcInst oAi = (ArcInst) geom;
Network jNet = netlist.getNetwork(oAi, 0);
Integer[] netNumbers = networkLists.get(jNet);
net = netNumbers[globalIndex].intValue();
// determine area to search inside of cell to check this layer
Rectangle2D polyBounds = poly.getBounds2D();
double bound = mutableDist.doubleValue();
Rectangle2D subBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(polyBounds.getMinX() - bound,
polyBounds.getMinY() - bound, polyBounds.getWidth() + bound * 2, polyBounds.getHeight() + bound * 2);
FixpTransform tempTrans = ni.rotateIn();
FixpTransform tTransI = ni.translateIn();
DBMath.transformRect(subBounds, tempTrans);
FixpTransform subTrans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
// see if this polygon has errors in the cell
if (badBoxInArea(poly, polyLayer, tech, net, geom, trans, globalIndex, subBounds, (Cell) np, localIndex,
subCell, globalIndex, subTrans, multiCutData, false)) return true;
return false;
/*************************** QUICK DRC CACHE OF INSTANCE INTERACTIONS ***************************/
* Method to look for an interaction between instances "ni1" and "ni2". If it is found,
* return TRUE. If not found, add to the list and return FALSE.
private boolean checkInteraction(NodeInst ni1, NodeInst n1Parent,
NodeInst ni2, NodeInst n2Parent, NodeInst triggerNi)
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch == DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE) return false;
// must recheck parameterized instances always
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto((Cell) ni1.getProto());
if (cp.cellParameterized) return false;
cp = getCheckProto((Cell) ni2.getProto());
if (cp.cellParameterized) return false;
// keep the instances in proper numeric order
InstanceInter dii = new InstanceInter();
if (ni1.getNodeIndex() < ni2.getNodeIndex())
NodeInst swapni = ni1;
ni1 = ni2;
ni2 = swapni;
} else
if (ni1 == ni2)
int node1Orientation = ni1.getAngle();
if (ni1.isMirroredAboutXAxis()) node1Orientation += 3600;
if (ni1.isMirroredAboutYAxis()) node1Orientation += 7200;
int node2Orientation = ni2.getAngle();
if (ni2.isMirroredAboutXAxis()) node2Orientation += 3600;
if (ni2.isMirroredAboutYAxis()) node2Orientation += 7200;
if (node1Orientation < node2Orientation)
NodeInst swapNI = ni1;
ni1 = ni2;
ni2 = swapNI;
System.out.println("Check this case in Quick.checkInteraction");
// get essential information about their interaction
dii.cell1 = (Cell) ni1.getProto();
dii.or1 = ni1.getOrient();
dii.cell2 = (Cell) ni2.getProto();
dii.or2 = ni2.getOrient();
// This has to be calculated before the swap
dii.dx = ni2.getAnchorCenterX() - ni1.getAnchorCenterX();
dii.dy = ni2.getAnchorCenterY() - ni1.getAnchorCenterY();
dii.n1Parent = n1Parent;
dii.n2Parent = n2Parent;
dii.triggerNi = triggerNi;
// if found, stop now
if (findInteraction(dii)) return true;
// insert it now
return false;
* Method to look for the instance-interaction in "dii" in the global list of instances interactions
* that have already been checked. Returns the entry if it is found, NOINSTINTER if not.
private boolean findInteraction(InstanceInter dii)
for (InstanceInter thisII : instanceInteractionList)
if (thisII.cell1 == dii.cell1 && thisII.cell2 == dii.cell2 &&
thisII.or1.equals(dii.or1) && thisII.or2.equals(dii.or2) &&
thisII.dx == dii.dx && thisII.dy == dii.dy &&
thisII.n1Parent == dii.n1Parent && thisII.n2Parent == dii.n2Parent)
if (dii.triggerNi == thisII.triggerNi)
return true;
return false;
/************************* QUICK DRC HIERARCHICAL NETWORK BUILDING *************************/
* Method to recursively examine the hierarchy below cell "cell" and create
* CheckProto and CheckInst objects on every cell instance.
private CheckProto checkEnumerateProtos(Cell cell, Netlist netlist)
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto(cell);
if (cp != null) return cp;
cp = new CheckProto();
cp.instanceCount = 0;
cp.timeStamp = 0;
cp.hierInstanceCount = 0;
cp.totalPerCell = 0;
cp.cellChecked = false;
cp.cellParameterized = false;
cp.netlist = netlist;
if (cell.hasParameters())
cp.cellParameterized = true;
// for(Iterator vIt = cell.getVariables(); vIt.hasNext(); )
// {
// Variable var = (Variable);
// if (var.isParam())
// {
// cp.cellParameterized = true;
// cp.treeParameterized = true;
// break;
// }
// }
checkProtos.put(cell, cp);
for (Iterator nIt = cell.getNodes(); nIt.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
Cell subCell = (Cell) ni.getProto();
CheckInst ci = new CheckInst();
checkInsts.put(ni, ci);
CheckProto subCP = checkEnumerateProtos(subCell, netlist.getNetlist(ni));
// if (subCP.treeParameterized)
// cp.treeParameterized = true;
return cp;
* Method to return CheckProto of a Cell.
* @param cell Cell to get its CheckProto.
* @return CheckProto of a Cell.
private final CheckProto getCheckProto(Cell cell)
return checkProtos.get(cell);
* Method to recursively examine the hierarchy below cell "cell" and fill in the
* CheckInst objects on every cell instance. Uses the CheckProto objects
* to keep track of cell usage.
private void checkEnumerateInstances(Cell cell)
if (checkAbort()) return;
// number all of the instances in this cell
List subCheckProtos = new ArrayList();
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
CheckProto cp = getCheckProto((Cell) np);
if (cp.timeStamp != reportInfo.checkTimeStamp)
cp.timeStamp = reportInfo.checkTimeStamp;
cp.instanceCount = 0;
cp.nodesInCell = new ArrayList();
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
ci.localIndex = cp.instanceCount++;
// update the counts for this cell
// for(Iterator it = subCheckProtos.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
for (CheckProto cp : subCheckProtos)
// CheckProto cp = (CheckProto);
cp.hierInstanceCount += cp.instanceCount;
// for(Iterator nIt = cp.nodesInCell.iterator(); nIt.hasNext(); )
for (CheckInst ci : cp.nodesInCell)
// CheckInst ci = (CheckInst);
ci.multiplier = cp.instanceCount;
// now recurse
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
checkEnumerateInstances((Cell) np);
private void checkEnumerateNetworks(Cell cell, CheckProto cp, int globalIndex, HashMap enumeratedNets)
// store all network information in the appropriate place
for (Iterator nIt = cp.netlist.getNetworks(); nIt.hasNext();)
Network net =;
Integer netNumber = enumeratedNets.get(net);
Integer[] netNumbers = networkLists.get(net);
netNumbers[globalIndex] = netNumber;
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (!ni.isCellInstance()) continue;
// ignore documentation icons
if (ni.isIconOfParent()) continue;
// compute the index of this instance
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
// propagate down the hierarchy
Cell subCell = (Cell) np;
CheckProto subCP = getCheckProto(subCell);
HashMap subEnumeratedNets = new HashMap();
for (Iterator pIt = ni.getPortInsts(); pIt.hasNext();)
PortInst pi =;
Export subPP = (Export) pi.getPortProto();
Network net = cp.netlist.getNetwork(ni, subPP, 0);
if (net == null) continue;
Integer netNumber = enumeratedNets.get(net);
Network subNet = subCP.netlist.getNetwork(subPP, 0);
subEnumeratedNets.put(subNet, netNumber);
for (Iterator nIt = subCP.netlist.getNetworks(); nIt.hasNext();)
Network net =;
if (subEnumeratedNets.get(net) == null)
subEnumeratedNets.put(net, new Integer(reportInfo.checkNetNumber++));
checkEnumerateNetworks(subCell, subCP, localIndex, subEnumeratedNets);
/*********************************** QUICK DRC SUPPORT ***********************************/
* Function to look for conditional layers that will 100% overlap with the given region.
* @return true if conditional layers are found for the test points
private boolean searchForCondLayer(Geometric geom, Poly poly, Layer layer, Cell cell, boolean ignoreCenterCuts)
Rectangle2D polyBnd = poly.getBounds2D();
double midPointX = (polyBnd.getMinX() + polyBnd.getMaxX()) / 2;
double midPointY = (polyBnd.getMinY() + polyBnd.getMaxY()) / 2;
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D.Double(midPointX, polyBnd.getMinY());
Point2D pt2 = new Point2D.Double(midPointX, polyBnd.getMaxY());
Point2D pt3 = new Point2D.Double(midPointX, midPointY);
// compute bounds for searching inside the given polygon
Rectangle2D bnd = new Rectangle2D.Double(DBMath.round(polyBnd.getMinX() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(polyBnd.getMinY() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(polyBnd.getWidth() + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA), DBMath.round(polyBnd.getHeight() + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA));
// looking if points around the overlapping area are inside another region
// to avoid the error
boolean[] pointsFound = new boolean[3];
pointsFound[0] = pointsFound[1] = pointsFound[2] = false;
// Test first with a vertical line
boolean found = DRC.lookForLayerCoverage(geom, poly, null, null, cell, layer, DBMath.MATID, bnd, pt1, pt2, pt3,
pointsFound, true, null, false, ignoreCenterCuts);
if (!found)
return found; // no need of checking horizontal line if the vertical test was not positive
pt1.setLocation(polyBnd.getMinX(), midPointY);
pt2.setLocation(polyBnd.getMaxX(), midPointY);
pointsFound[0] = pointsFound[1] = false;
pointsFound[2] = true; // no testing pt3 again
found = DRC.lookForLayerCoverage(geom, poly, null, null, cell, layer, DBMath.MATID, bnd, pt1, pt2, null,
pointsFound, true, null, false, ignoreCenterCuts);
return found;
* Method to ensure that polygon "poly" on layer "layer" from object "geom" in
* technology "tech" meets minimum width rules. If it is too narrow, other layers
* in the vicinity are checked to be sure it is indeed an error. Returns true
* if an error is found.
private boolean checkMinWidth(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly, boolean onlyOne)
DRCTemplate minWidthRule = this.currentRules.getMinValue(layer, DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.MINWID);
boolean errorDefault = false;
// Only if there is one default size
if (minWidthRule != null)
errorDefault = DRC.checkMinWidthInternal(geom, layer, poly, onlyOne, minWidthRule, false,
this.thisLayerFunction, reportInfo);
if (!errorDefault) return false; // the default condition is the valid one.
DRCTemplate minWidthRuleCond = this.currentRules.getMinValue(layer, DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.MINWIDCOND);
// No appropiate overlapping condition
if (minWidthRuleCond == null || !minWidthRuleCond.condition.startsWith("overlap("))
// Now the error is reporte. Not very efficient
if (errorDefault)
DRC.checkMinWidthInternal(geom, layer, poly, onlyOne, minWidthRule, true,
this.thisLayerFunction, reportInfo);
return errorDefault;
// checking if geometry complains with overlap condition
// Skipping "overlap"
String[] layers = TextUtils.parseString(minWidthRuleCond.condition.substring(7), "(,)");
boolean found = false;
for (String la : layers)
Layer l = layer.getTechnology().findLayer(la);
found = searchForCondLayer(geom, poly, l, geom.getParent(), reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts);
if (!found)
break; // no need to check the next layer
// If condition is met then the new rule applied.
if (found)
errorDefault = DRC.checkMinWidthInternal(geom, layer, poly, onlyOne, minWidthRuleCond, true,
this.thisLayerFunction, reportInfo);
if (errorDefault) // report the errors here in case of default values
DRC.checkMinWidthInternal(geom, layer, poly, onlyOne, minWidthRule, true, thisLayerFunction, reportInfo);
return errorDefault;
private void traversePolyTree(Layer layer, PolyBase.PolyBaseTree obj, int level, DRCTemplate minAreaRule,
DRCTemplate encloseAreaRule, DRCTemplate spacingRule, Cell cell, MutableInteger count)
for (PolyBase.PolyBaseTree son : obj.getSons())
traversePolyTree(layer, son, level + 1, minAreaRule, encloseAreaRule, spacingRule, cell, count);
boolean minAreaCheck = level % 2 == 0;
boolean checkMin = false, checkNotch = false;
DRC.DRCErrorType errorType = DRC.DRCErrorType.MINAREAERROR;
double minVal = 0;
String ruleName = "";
if (minAreaCheck)
if (minAreaRule == null) return; // no rule
minVal = minAreaRule.getValue(0);
ruleName = minAreaRule.ruleName;
checkMin = true;
} else
// odd level checks enclose area and holes (spacing rule)
if (encloseAreaRule != null)
minVal = encloseAreaRule.getValue(0);
ruleName = encloseAreaRule.ruleName;
checkMin = true;
checkNotch = (spacingRule != null);
PolyBase poly = obj.getPoly();
if (checkMin)
double area = poly.getArea();
// isGreaterThan doesn't consider equals condition therefore negate condition is used
if (!DBMath.isGreaterThan(minVal, area)) return; // larger than the min value
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, errorType, null, cell, minVal, area, ruleName,
poly, null, layer, null, null, null);
if (checkNotch)
// Notches are calculated using the bounding box of the polygon -> this is an approximation
Rectangle2D bnd = poly.getBounds2D();
if (bnd.getWidth() < spacingRule.getValue(0))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.NOTCHERROR, "(X axis)", cell, spacingRule.getValue(0), bnd.getWidth(),
spacingRule.ruleName, poly, null, layer, null, null, layer);
if (bnd.getHeight() < spacingRule.getValue(1))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.NOTCHERROR, "(Y axis)", cell, spacingRule.getValue(1), bnd.getHeight(),
spacingRule.ruleName, poly, null, layer, null, null, layer);
* Method to find two points between polygons "poly1" and "poly2" that can be used to test
* for notches. The points are returned in (xf1,yf1) and (xf2,yf2). Returns zero if no
* points exist in the gap between the polygons (becuase they don't have common facing edges).
* Returns 1 if only one of the reported points needs to be filled (because the polygons meet
* at a point). Returns 2 if both reported points need to be filled.
private int findInterveningPoints(Poly poly1, Poly poly2, Point2D pt1, Point2D pt2, boolean newFix)
Rectangle2D isBox1 = poly1.getBox();
Rectangle2D isBox2 = poly2.getBox();
// Better to treat serpentine cases with bouding box
if (newFix)
if (isBox1 == null)
isBox1 = poly1.getBounds2D();
if (isBox2 == null)
isBox2 = poly2.getBounds2D();
if (isBox1 != null && isBox2 != null)
// handle vertical gap between polygons
if (isBox1.getMinX() > isBox2.getMaxX() || isBox2.getMinX() > isBox1.getMaxX())
// see if the polygons are horizontally aligned
if (isBox1.getMinY() <= isBox2.getMaxY() && isBox2.getMinY() <= isBox1.getMaxY())
double yf1 = Math.max(isBox1.getMinY(), isBox2.getMinY());
double yf2 = Math.min(isBox1.getMaxY(), isBox2.getMaxY());
if (isBox1.getMinX() > isBox2.getMaxX())
double x = (isBox1.getMinX() + isBox2.getMaxX()) / 2;
pt1.setLocation(x, yf1);
pt2.setLocation(x, yf2);
} else
double x = (isBox2.getMinX() + isBox1.getMaxX()) / 2;
pt1.setLocation(x, yf1);
pt2.setLocation(x, yf2);
return 2;
} else
if (isBox1.getMinY() > isBox2.getMaxY() || isBox2.getMinY() > isBox1.getMaxY())
// see if the polygons are horizontally aligned
if (isBox1.getMinX() <= isBox2.getMaxX() && isBox2.getMinX() <= isBox1.getMaxX())
double xf1 = Math.max(isBox1.getMinX(), isBox2.getMinX());
double xf2 = Math.min(isBox1.getMaxX(), isBox2.getMaxX());
if (isBox1.getMinY() > isBox2.getMaxY())
double y = (isBox1.getMinY() + isBox2.getMaxY()) / 2;
pt1.setLocation(xf1, y);
pt2.setLocation(xf2, y);
} else
double y = (isBox2.getMinY() + isBox1.getMaxY()) / 2;
pt1.setLocation(xf1, y);
pt2.setLocation(xf2, y);
return 2;
} else
if ((isBox1.getMinX() == isBox2.getMaxX() || isBox2.getMinX() == isBox1.getMaxX()) || (isBox1.getMinY() == isBox2.getMaxY() || isBox2.getMinY() == isBox2.getMaxY()))
// handle touching at a point
double xc = isBox2.getMinX();
if (isBox1.getMinX() == isBox2.getMaxX()) xc = isBox1.getMinX();
double yc = isBox2.getMinY();
if (isBox1.getMinY() == isBox2.getMaxY()) yc = isBox1.getMinY();
double xPlus = xc + DRC.TINYDELTA;
double yPlus = yc + DRC.TINYDELTA;
pt1.setLocation(xPlus, yPlus);
pt2.setLocation(xPlus, yPlus);
if ((xPlus < isBox1.getMinX() || xPlus > isBox1.getMaxX() || yPlus < isBox1.getMinY() || yPlus > isBox1.getMaxY()) &&
(xPlus < isBox2.getMinX() || xPlus > isBox2.getMaxX() || yPlus < isBox2.getMinY() || yPlus > isBox2.getMaxY()))
return 1;
pt1.setLocation(xc + DRC.TINYDELTA, yc - DRC.TINYDELTA);
pt2.setLocation(xc - DRC.TINYDELTA, yc + DRC.TINYDELTA);
return 1;
// handle manhattan objects that are on a diagonal
if (isBox1.getMinX() > isBox2.getMaxX())
if (isBox1.getMinY() > isBox2.getMaxY())
pt1.setLocation(isBox1.getMinX(), isBox1.getMinY());
pt2.setLocation(isBox2.getMaxX(), isBox2.getMaxY());
return 1;
if (isBox2.getMinY() > isBox1.getMaxY())
pt1.setLocation(isBox1.getMinX(), isBox1.getMaxY());
pt2.setLocation(isBox2.getMaxX(), isBox2.getMinY());
return 1;
if (isBox2.getMinX() > isBox1.getMaxX())
if (isBox1.getMinY() > isBox2.getMaxY())
pt1.setLocation(isBox1.getMaxX(), isBox1.getMinY());
pt2.setLocation(isBox2.getMinX(), isBox2.getMaxY());
return 1;
if (isBox2.getMinY() > isBox1.getMaxY())
pt1.setLocation(isBox1.getMaxX(), isBox1.getMaxY());
pt2.setLocation(isBox2.getMinX(), isBox2.getMinY());
return 1;
// boxes don't line up or this is a nonmanhattan situation
isBox1 = poly1.getBounds2D();
isBox2 = poly2.getBounds2D();
pt1.setLocation((isBox1.getMinX() + isBox1.getMaxX()) / 2, (isBox2.getMinY() + isBox2.getMaxY()) / 2);
pt2.setLocation((isBox2.getMinX() + isBox2.getMaxX()) / 2, (isBox1.getMinY() + isBox1.getMaxY()) / 2);
return 1;
* Method to explore the points (xf1,yf1) and (xf2,yf2) to see if there is
* geometry on layer "layer" (in or below cell "cell"). Returns true if there is.
* If "needBoth" is true, both points must have geometry, otherwise only 1 needs it.
private boolean lookForCrossPolygons(Geometric geo1, Poly poly1, Geometric geo2, Poly poly2, Layer layer,
Cell cell, boolean overlap)
Point2D pt1 = new Point2D.Double();
Point2D pt2 = new Point2D.Double();
findInterveningPoints(poly1, poly2, pt1, pt2, true);
// compute bounds for searching inside cells
double flx = Math.min(pt1.getX(), pt2.getX());
double fhx = Math.max(pt1.getX(), pt2.getX());
double fly = Math.min(pt1.getY(), pt2.getY());
double fhy = Math.max(pt1.getY(), pt2.getY());
Rectangle2D bounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(DBMath.round(flx - DRC.TINYDELTA), DBMath.round(fly - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(fhx - flx + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA), DBMath.round(fhy - fly + 2 * DRC.TINYDELTA));
// Adding delta otherwise it won't consider points along edges.
// Mind bounding boxes could have zero width or height
// search the cell for geometry that fills the notch
boolean[] pointsFound = new boolean[2];
pointsFound[0] = pointsFound[1] = false;
boolean allFound = DRC.lookForLayerCoverage(geo1, poly1, geo2, poly2, cell, layer, DBMath.MATID, bounds,
pt1, pt2, null, pointsFound, overlap, thisLayerFunction, false, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts);
return allFound;
* Method to examine cell "cell" in the area (lx<=X<=hx, ly<=Y<=hy) for objects
* on layer "layer". Apply transformation "moreTrans" to the objects. If polygons are
* found at (xf1,yf1) or (xf2,yf2) or (xf3,yf3) then sets "p1found/p2found/p3found" to 1.
* If all locations are found, returns true.
private boolean lookForLayerWithPoints(Geometric geo1, Poly poly1, Geometric geo2, Poly poly2, Cell cell,
Layer layer, FixpTransform moreTrans, Rectangle2D bounds,
Point2D[] pts, boolean[] pointsFound, int length,
boolean overlap)
assert (pts.length == pointsFound.length);
int j;
Rectangle2D newBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(); // Sept 30
for (Iterator it = cell.searchIterator(bounds); it.hasNext();)
Geometric g =;
// You can't skip the same geometry otherwise layers in the same Geometric won't
// be tested.
// if (ignoreSameGeometry && (g == geo1 || g == geo2))
// continue;
// I can't skip geometries to exclude from the search
if (g instanceof NodeInst)
NodeInst ni = (NodeInst) g;
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni))
continue; // Nov 16, no need for checking pins or other special nodes;
if (ni.isCellInstance())
// compute bounding area inside of sub-cell
FixpTransform rotI = ni.rotateIn();
FixpTransform transI = ni.translateIn();
DBMath.transformRect(newBounds, rotI);
// compute new matrix for sub-cell examination
FixpTransform trans = ni.translateOut(ni.rotateOut());
if (lookForLayerWithPoints(geo1, poly1, geo2, poly2, (Cell) ni.getProto(), layer, trans, newBounds,
pts, pointsFound, length, overlap))
return true;
FixpTransform bound = ni.rotateOut();
Technology tech = ni.getProto().getTechnology();
// I have to ask for electrical layers otherwise it will retrieve one polygon for polysilicon
// and poly.polySame(poly1) will never be true. CONTRADICTION!
Poly[] layerLookPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, false, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, thisLayerFunction); // consistent change!
// layerLookPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, false, ignoreCenterCuts, null);
int tot = layerLookPolyList.length;
for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
Poly poly = layerLookPolyList[i];
// sameLayer test required to check if Active layer is not identical to thich actice layer
if (!tech.sameLayer(poly.getLayer(), layer))
// This happens when you have implant with VTH implant, Function.Set doesn't distinguish them
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("Wrong Function.Set with " + layer.getName() + " and " + poly.getLayer().getName());
// assert(false); // should this happen?
// Should be the transform before?
if (poly1 != null && !overlap && poly.polySame(poly1))
if (poly2 != null && !overlap && poly.polySame(poly2))
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
if (pointsFound[j]) continue; // point covered
if (poly.isInside(pts[j])) pointsFound[j] = true;
for (j = 0; j < length && pointsFound[j]; j++) ;
if (j == length) return true;
// No need of checking rest of the layers
break; // assuming only 1 polygon per layer (non-electrical)
} else
ArcInst ai = (ArcInst) g;
Technology tech = ai.getProto().getTechnology();
Poly[] layerLookPolyList = tech.getShapeOfArc(ai, thisLayerFunction); // consistent change!);
int tot = layerLookPolyList.length;
for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
Poly poly = layerLookPolyList[i];
// sameLayer test required to check if Active layer is not identical to thich actice layer
if (!tech.sameLayer(poly.getLayer(), layer))
// This happens when you have implant with VTH implant, Function.Set doesn't distinguish them
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("Wrong Function.Set with " + layer.getName() + " and " + poly.getLayer().getName());
// assert(false); // should this happen?
for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
if (pointsFound[j]) continue; // point covered
if (poly.isInside(pts[j])) pointsFound[j] = true;
for (j = 0; j < length && pointsFound[j]; j++) ;
if (j == length) return true;
// No need of checking rest of the layers
return false;
* *************************** Cut Rule Functions **************************
private boolean checkCutSizes(NodeProto np, Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly,
Geometric nGeom, Layer nLayer, Poly nPoly, Cell topCell)
// None of them is cut
if (!(np instanceof PrimitiveNode) || layer != nLayer ||
!layer.getFunction().isContact() || !nLayer.getFunction().isContact())
return false;
PrimitiveNode nty = (PrimitiveNode) np;
Technology.NodeLayer cutLayer = nty.findMulticut();
if (cutLayer == null) return false; // no cut layer
double cutSizeX = cutLayer.getMulticutSizeX().getLambda();
double cutSizeY = cutLayer.getMulticutSizeY().getLambda();
// double[] specValues = nty.getSpecialValues();
// // 0 and 1 hold CUTSIZE
// if (specValues == null) return false; // no values
Rectangle2D box1 = poly.getBounds2D();
Rectangle2D box2 = nPoly.getBounds2D();
double pdx = DBMath.round(Math.max(box2.getMinX() - box1.getMaxX(), box1.getMinX() - box2.getMaxX()));
double pdy = DBMath.round(Math.max(box2.getMinY() - box1.getMaxY(), box1.getMinY() - box2.getMaxY()));
double pd = Math.max(pdx, pdy);
if (DBMath.areEquals(pdx, 0) && DBMath.areEquals(pdy, 0))
pd = 0; // touching
// They have to overlap
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(pd, 0))
return false;
boolean foundError = false;
double minX = Math.min(box1.getMinX(), box2.getMinX());
double minY = Math.min(box1.getMinY(), box2.getMinY());
double maxX = Math.max(box1.getMaxX(), box2.getMaxX());
double maxY = Math.max(box1.getMaxY(), box2.getMaxY());
Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Double(minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY);
DRCTemplate rule = this.currentRules.getRule(layer.getIndex(), DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.MINWID);
// DRCTemplate rule = DRC.getRules(nty.getTechnology()).getRule(nty.getPrimNodeIndexInTech(),
// DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.CUTSIZE);
String ruleName = (rule != null) ? rule.ruleName : "for contacts";
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(rect.getWidth(), cutSizeX))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.CUTERROR, "along X", topCell, cutSizeX, rect.getWidth(),
ruleName, new Poly(rect), null, layer, null, null, nLayer);
foundError = true;
if (DBMath.isGreaterThan(rect.getHeight(), cutSizeY))
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.CUTERROR, "along Y", topCell, cutSizeY, rect.getHeight(),
ruleName, new Poly(rect), null, layer, null, null, layer);
foundError = true;
return foundError;
* *************************** Extension Rule Functions **************************
private boolean checkExtensionGateRule(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly, Layer nLayer,
Poly nPoly, Netlist netlist)
if (ignoreExtensionRules) return false;
return false;
// DRCTemplate extensionRule = DRC.getExtensionRule(layer, nLayer, true);
// Checking extension, it could be slow
// if (extensionRule == null) return false;
// if (!layer.getName().equals(extensionRule.name1) ||
// !nLayer.getName().equals(extensionRule.name2))
// return false; // no match in names
// Area firstArea = new Area(poly);
// Area nPolyArea = new Area(nPoly);
// Area inter = (Area)nPolyArea.clone();
// inter.intersect(firstArea);
// nPolyArea.subtract(inter); // get original nPoly without the intersection
// boolean found = true; // areas that don't insert are not subject to this test.
// if (!nPolyArea.isEmpty())
// {
// // Searching from the corresponding net on geom
// Poly portPoly = null;
// Poly[] primPolyList = getShapeOfGeometric(geom, nLayer);
// for (int i = 0; i < primPolyList.length; i++)
// {
// // Look for Poly that overlaps with original nPoly to get the port
// if (nPoly.intersects(primPolyList[i]))
// {
// portPoly = primPolyList[i];
// break;
// }
// }
// assert portPoly != null;
// Network net = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, geom, portPoly);
// found = searchTransistor(net, geom);
// }
// if (!found)
// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRCErrorType.FORBIDDEN, " does not comply with rule '" + extensionRule.ruleName + "'.", geom.getParent(), -1, -1, null, null, geom, null, null, null, null);
// return false;
* Method to retrieve Poly objects from Geometric object (NodeInst, ArcInst)
* @param geom
* @param layer
* @return Array of Geometric objects
// private Poly[] getShapeOfGeometric(Geometric geom, Layer layer)
// {
// Poly [] primPolyList = null;
// Layer.Function.Set drcLayers = new Layer.Function.Set(layer.getFunction());
// if (geom instanceof NodeInst)
// {
// NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)geom;
// NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
// Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
// primPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, ignoreCenterCuts, drcLayers);
// }
// else if (geom instanceof ArcInst)
// {
// ArcInst ai = (ArcInst)geom;
// primPolyList = ai.getProto().getTechnology().getShapeOfArc(ai, drcLayers);
// }
// return primPolyList;
// }
* Method to search for a transistor connected to this network that is not geom. This is to implement
* special rule in 90nm technology. MOVE TO TECHNOLOGY class!! to be cleaner
* @param network
* @param geom
* @return v
// private boolean searchTransistor(Network network, Geometric geom)
// {
// // checking if any port in that network belongs to a transistor
// // No need of checking arcs?
// for (Iterator it = network.getPorts(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// PortInst pi = (PortInst);
// NodeInst ni = pi.getNodeInst();
// if (ni != geom && ni.getProto() instanceof PrimitiveNode)
// {
// PrimitiveNode pn = (PrimitiveNode)ni.getProto();
// if (pn.getFunction().isTransistor())
// return true; // found a transistor!
// }
// }
// return false;
// }
* Method to check extension rules in general
// private boolean checkExtensionRule(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly, Cell cell)
// {
// return false;
//// if(DRC.isIgnoreExtensionRuleChecking()) return false;
//// Rectangle2D polyBnd = poly.getBounds2D();
//// Set layerSet = new HashSet(); // to avoid repeated elements
//// // Search among all possible neighbors and to get the layers
//// for(Iterator sIt = cell.searchIterator(polyBnd); sIt.hasNext();)
//// {
//// Geometric g = (Geometric);
//// if (g == geom) continue;
//// if ((g instanceof ArcInst))
//// {
//// ArcProto ap = ((ArcInst)g).getProto();
//// for (int i = 0; i < ap.getLayers().length; i++)
//// layerSet.add(pa.getLayers()[i].getLayer());
//// }
//// else
//// {
//// NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)g;
//// NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
//// if (NodeInst.isSkipSizeInPalette(ni)) continue; // Nov 4;
//// if (np instanceof Cell)
//// {
//// System.out.println("Not implemented in checkExtensionRule");
//// }
//// else
//// {
//// if (np instanceof PrimitiveNode)
//// {
//// PrimitiveNode pn = (PrimitiveNode)np;
//// for (int i = 0; i < pn.getLayers().length; i++)
//// layerSet.add(pn.getLayers()[i].getLayer());
//// }
//// else
//// System.out.println("When do we have this case");
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// boolean error = false;
//// Object[] layerArray = layerSet.toArray();
//// for (int i = 0; i < layerArray.length; i++)
//// {
//// Layer nLayer = (Layer)layerArray[i];
//// DRCTemplate extensionRule = DRC.getExtensionRule(layer, nLayer, techMode, false);
//// // Checking extension, it could be slow
//// if (extensionRule == null) continue;
//// List list = extensionRule.getNodesInRule();
//// // Layers order is revelant, the first element is the one to check for the extension in the second one
//// if (list != null && list.size() == 2)
//// {
//// // Not the correct order
//// if (list.get(0) != layer || list.get(1) != nLayer) continue;
//// }
//// Area baseArea = new Area(poly);
//// Area overlapArea = new Area(); // start empty
//// Area extensionArea = new Area(); // start empty
//// checkExtensionOverlapRule(geom, nLayer, cell, baseArea, extensionArea, overlapArea, polyBnd);
//// // get the area outside nLayer
//// if (!extensionArea.isEmpty())
//// {
//// List polyList = PolyBase.getPointsInArea(extensionArea, layer, true, true, null);
//// for (Iterator it = polyList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
//// {
//// PolyBase nPoly = (PolyBase);
//// Rectangle2D rect = nPoly.getBounds2D();
//// int dir = 0; // X assume the intersection edge is Y oriented
//// // Determine how they touch. This is to get the perpendicular direction to the common edge.
//// if ((rect.getMaxY() == poly.getBounds2D().getMinY()) ||
//// (rect.getMinY() == poly.getBounds2D().getMaxY()) )
//// dir = 1; // Y
//// // not easy to determine along which axis they are touching
//// if ((dir == 1 && rect.getHeight() < extensionRule.value) || (dir == 0 && rect.getWidth() < extensionRule.value))
//// {
//// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, LAYERDRCErrorType.SURROUNDERROR, "No enough extension, ", cell, extensionRule.value, -1, extensionRule.ruleName,
//// nPoly, geom, layer, null, null, nLayer);
//// error = true;
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// // There is overlap
//// if (!overlapArea.isEmpty())
//// {
//// List polyList = PolyBase.getPointsInArea(overlapArea, layer, true, true, null);
//// for (Iterator it = polyList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
//// {
//// PolyBase nPoly = (PolyBase);
//// Rectangle2D rect = nPoly.getBounds2D();
//// // not easy to determine along which axis they are touching
//// if (rect.getHeight() < extensionRule.value || rect.getWidth() < extensionRule.value)
//// {
//// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, LAYERDRCErrorType.SURROUNDERROR, "No enough overlap, ", cell, extensionRule.value, -1, extensionRule.ruleName,
//// nPoly, geom, layer, null, null, nLayer);
//// error = true;
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// return (error);
// }
* @param geom
* @param cell
* @param extensionArea contains information about poly area outside of nLayer
* @param overlapArea
* @param polyBnd
// private void checkExtensionOverlapRule(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Cell cell, Area baseArea,
// Area extensionArea, Area overlapArea,
// Rectangle2D polyBnd)
// {
// for(Iterator sIt = cell.searchIterator(polyBnd); sIt.hasNext(); )
// {
// Geometric g = (Geometric);
// if (g == geom) continue;
// if ((g instanceof NodeInst))
// {
// NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)g;
// NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
// if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) continue; // Nov 4;
// if (ni.isCellInstance())
// {
// AffineTransform cellDownTrans = ni.transformIn();
// AffineTransform cellUpTrans = ni.transformOut();
// DBMath.transformRect(polyBnd, cellDownTrans);
// extensionArea.transform(cellDownTrans);
// overlapArea.transform(cellDownTrans);
// checkExtensionOverlapRule(geom, layer, (Cell)np, baseArea, extensionArea, overlapArea, polyBnd);
// DBMath.transformRect(polyBnd, cellUpTrans);
// extensionArea.transform(cellUpTrans);
// overlapArea.transform(cellUpTrans);
// continue;
// }
// }
// Poly [] primPolyList = getShapeOfGeometric(g, layer);
// int tot = primPolyList.length;
// for(int j=0; j rules = this.currentRules.getRules(layer, DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.SURROUND);
//A AB B
// +----------------------------+
// | |
//A| | B
//D| | C
// | |
// | |
// +----------------------------+
//D DC C
Point2D[] basePts = new Point2D[4];
// boolean[] baseFound = new boolean[4]; // all false at the beginning
// NOTE: Enough to find a point matching 1 rule to be OK.
Rectangle2D polyBnd = poly.getBounds2D();
basePts[0] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX(), polyBnd.getMinY());
basePts[1] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX(), polyBnd.getMaxY());
basePts[2] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX(), polyBnd.getMaxY());
basePts[3] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX(), polyBnd.getMinY());
for (DRCTemplate rule : rules)
if (rule.nodeName != null) continue; // ignore these ones, only use to resize primitives
if (rule.condition == null) continue; // must be conditional
if (!rule.name1.equals(layer.getName())) continue; // it has to be the first name
String[] layersS = TextUtils.parseString(rule.condition.substring(2), "(,)"); // 2 to skip "or"
Layer[] layers = new Layer[layersS.length];
for (int i = 0; i < layersS.length; i++)
layers[i] = layer.getTechnology().findLayer(layersS[i]);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
boolean[] basicFound = new boolean[3];
Point2D[] basicPts = new Point2D[3];
basicFound[0] = false;
basicPts[0] = basePts[j];
Rectangle2D basicBnd = new Rectangle2D.Double(DBMath.round(basicPts[0].getX() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(basicPts[0].getY() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
boolean f = false;
for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
f = lookForLayerWithPoints(geom, poly, null, null, cell, layers[i], DBMath.MATID, basicBnd,
basicPts, basicFound, 1, true);
if (f)
break; // found
if (!f)
continue; // no point in layers found
// now testing the rule
basicFound[0] = basicFound[1] = basicFound[2] = false;
double cos45 = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(2);
double xValue = rule.getValue(0); // on the diagonal, 45 degrees
double yValue = rule.getValue(1);
double x45Value = xValue * cos45; // on the diagonal, 45 degrees
double y45Value = yValue * cos45;
Point2D basicBndPoint = null;
// Sample 3 points per vertex to detect corners.
switch (j)
case 0:
// Diagonal
basicPts[0] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX() - x45Value, polyBnd.getMinY() - y45Value);
// left
basicPts[1] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX() - xValue, polyBnd.getMinY());
// bottom
basicPts[2] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX(), polyBnd.getMinY() - yValue);
basicBndPoint = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX() - xValue, polyBnd.getMinY() - yValue);
case 1:
basicPts[0] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX() - x45Value, polyBnd.getMaxY() + y45Value);
basicPts[1] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX() - xValue, polyBnd.getMaxY());
basicPts[2] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX(), polyBnd.getMaxY() + yValue);
basicBndPoint = basicPts[1];
case 2:
basicPts[0] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX() + x45Value, polyBnd.getMaxY() + y45Value);
basicPts[1] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX() + xValue, polyBnd.getMaxY());
basicPts[2] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX(), polyBnd.getMaxY() + yValue);
basicBndPoint = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX(), polyBnd.getMaxY());
case 3:
basicPts[0] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX() + x45Value, polyBnd.getMinY() - y45Value);
basicPts[1] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX() + xValue, polyBnd.getMinY());
basicPts[2] = new Point2D.Double(polyBnd.getMaxX(), polyBnd.getMinY() - yValue);
basicBndPoint = basicPts[2];
basicBnd = new Rectangle2D.Double(DBMath.round(basicBndPoint.getX() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(basicBndPoint.getY() - DRC.TINYDELTA),
DBMath.round(xValue + 2 * (DRC.TINYDELTA)), DBMath.round(yValue + 2 * (DRC.TINYDELTA)));
for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
f = lookForLayerWithPoints(geom, poly, null, null, cell, layers[i], DBMath.MATID, basicBnd,
basicPts, basicFound, 3, true);
if (f)
break; // found
if (!f)
DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRC.DRCErrorType.LAYERSURROUNDERROR, "Not enough surround of " + rule.condition + ", ", geom.getParent(), rule.getValue(0),
-1, rule.ruleName, poly, geom, layer, null, null, null);
if (reportInfo.errorTypeSearch != DRC.DRCCheckMode.ERROR_CHECK_EXHAUSTIVE)
return true; // no need of checking other combinations
break; // with next rule
return false;
/****************************** Select Over Polysilicon Functions ***************************/
* Method to check if non-transistor polysilicons are completed covered by N++/P++ regions
// private boolean checkSelectOverPolysilicon(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly, Cell cell)
// {
// if(DRC.isIgnoreExtensionRuleChecking()) return false;
// if (!layer.getFunction().isPoly()) return false;
// // One layer must be select and other polysilicon. They are not connected
// DRCTemplate minOverlapRule = DRC.getMinValue(layer, DRCTemplate.DRCRuleType.EXTENSION);
// if (minOverlapRule == null) return false;
// double minOverlapValue = minOverlapRule.getValue(0);
// Rectangle2D polyBnd = poly.getBounds2D();
// Area polyArea = new Area(poly);
// boolean found = polyArea.isEmpty();
// List checkExtraPoints = new ArrayList();
// found = checkThisCellExtensionRule(geom, layer, poly, null, cell, polyArea, polyBnd, minOverlapRule,
// found, checkExtraPoints);
// // error if the merged area doesn't contain 100% the search area.
// if (!found)
// {
// List polyList = PolyBase.getPointsInArea(polyArea, layer, true, true, null);
// for (PolyBase nPoly : polyList)
// {
// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRCErrorType.LAYERSURROUNDERROR, "Polysilicon not covered, ", cell, minOverlapValue, -1,
// minOverlapRule.ruleName, nPoly, geom, layer, null, null, null);
// }
// }
// else
// {
// // Checking if not enough coverage
// Point2D[] extraPoints = new Point2D[checkExtraPoints.size()];
// checkExtraPoints.toArray(extraPoints);
// boolean[] founds = new boolean[checkExtraPoints.size()];
// Arrays.fill(founds, false);
// Rectangle2D ruleBnd = new Rectangle2D.Double(polyBnd.getMinX()-minOverlapValue,
// polyBnd.getMinY()-minOverlapValue,
// polyBnd.getWidth() + minOverlapValue*2,
// polyBnd.getHeight() + minOverlapValue*2);
// boolean foundAll = allPointsContainedInLayer(geom, cell, ruleBnd, null, extraPoints, founds);
// if (!foundAll)
// DRC.createDRCErrorLogger(reportInfo, DRCErrorType.LAYERSURROUNDERROR, "Not enough surround, ", geom.getParent(), minOverlapValue,
// -1, minOverlapRule.ruleName, poly, geom, layer, null, null, null);
// }
// return (!found);
// }
// private boolean checkThisCellExtensionRule(Geometric geom, Layer layer, Poly poly, Layer.Function.Set drcLayers, Cell cell, Area polyArea,
// Rectangle2D polyBnd, DRCTemplate minOverlapRule, boolean found,
// List checkExtraPoints)
// {
// boolean[] founds = new boolean[4];
// for(Iterator sIt = cell.searchIterator(polyBnd); !found && sIt.hasNext(); )
// {
// RTBounds g =;
// if (g == geom) continue;
// if (!(g instanceof NodeInst))
// {
// if (Job.LOCALDEBUGFLAG && !DRC.isIgnoreExtensionRuleChecking())
// System.out.println("Skipping arcs!");
// continue; // Skipping arcs!!!!
// }
// NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)g;
// NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
// if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) continue; // Nov 4;
// if (ni.isCellInstance())
// {
// AffineTransform cellDownTrans = ni.transformIn();
// AffineTransform cellUpTrans = ni.transformOut();
// DBMath.transformRect(polyBnd, cellDownTrans);
// polyArea.transform(cellDownTrans);
// poly.transform(cellDownTrans);
// List newExtraPoints = new ArrayList();
// found = checkThisCellExtensionRule(geom, layer, poly, drcLayers, (Cell)np, polyArea, polyBnd, minOverlapRule,
// found, newExtraPoints);
// for (Point2D point : newExtraPoints)
//// for (Iterator it = newExtraPoints.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
// {
//// Point2D point =;
// cellUpTrans.transform(point, point);
// checkExtraPoints.add(point);
// }
// DBMath.transformRect(polyBnd, cellUpTrans);
// polyArea.transform(cellUpTrans);
// poly.transform(cellUpTrans);
// }
// else
// {
// Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
// Poly [] primPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, ignoreCenterCuts, drcLayers);
// int tot = primPolyList.length;
// for(int j=0; j sIt = cell.searchIterator(ruleBnd); sIt.hasNext(); )
// {
// RTBounds g =;
// if (g == geom) continue;
// if (!(g instanceof NodeInst)) continue;
// NodeInst ni = (NodeInst)g;
// NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
// if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni)) continue; // Nov 4;
// if (ni.isCellInstance())
// {
// AffineTransform cellDownTrans = ni.transformIn();
// AffineTransform cellUpTrans = ni.transformOut();
// DBMath.transformRect(ruleBnd, cellDownTrans);
// cellDownTrans.transform(points, 0, points, 0, points.length);
// boolean allFound = allPointsContainedInLayer(geom, (Cell)np, ruleBnd, drcLayers, points, founds);
// DBMath.transformRect(ruleBnd, cellUpTrans);
// cellUpTrans.transform(points, 0, points, 0, points.length);
// if (allFound)
// return true;
// }
// else
// {
// Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
// Poly [] primPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, ignoreCenterCuts, drcLayers);
// int tot = primPolyList.length;
// for(int j=0; j sIt = cell.searchIterator(bounds); sIt.hasNext();)
Geometric g =;
if (!(g instanceof NodeInst)) continue;
NodeInst ni = (NodeInst) g;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (ni.isCellInstance())
FixpTransform rTransI = ni.rotateIn();
FixpTransform tTransI = ni.translateIn();
DBMath.transformRect(subBounds, rTransI);
CheckInst ci = checkInsts.get(ni);
int localIndex = globalIndex * ci.multiplier + ci.localIndex + ci.offset;
boolean ret = activeOnTransistorRecurse(subBounds,
net1, net2, (Cell) np, localIndex, trans);
if (ret) return true;
// must be a transistor
if (!ni.getFunction().isFET()) continue;
// must be inside of the bounding box of the desired layers
Rectangle2D nodeBounds = ni.getBounds();
double cX = nodeBounds.getCenterX();
double cY = nodeBounds.getCenterY();
if (cX < bounds.getMinX() || cX > bounds.getMaxX() ||
cY < bounds.getMinY() || cY > bounds.getMaxY()) continue;
// determine the poly port (MUST BE BETTER WAY!!!!)
PortProto badport = np.getPort(0);
Network badNet = netlist.getNetwork(ni, badport, 0);
boolean on1 = false, on2 = false;
for (Iterator it = ni.getPortInsts(); it.hasNext();)
PortInst pi = (PortInst);
PortProto po = pi.getPortProto();
String name = po.getName();
boolean found = false;
boolean oldFound = false;
Network piNet = netlist.getNetwork(pi);
// ignore connections on poly/gate
if (name.indexOf("poly") != -1)
found = true;
if (piNet == badNet)
oldFound = true;
if (Job.LOCALDEBUGFLAG && oldFound != found)
System.out.println("Here is different in activeOnTransistorRecurse");
if (found)
Integer[] netNumbers = networkLists.get(piNet);
int net = netNumbers[globalIndex].intValue();
if (net < 0) continue;
if (net == net1) on1 = true;
if (net == net2) on2 = true;
// if either side is not connected, ignore this
if (!on1 || !on2) continue;
// transistor found that connects to both actives
return true;
return false;
* Method to crop the box on layer "nLayer", electrical index "nNet"
* and bounds (lx-hx, ly-hy) against the nodeinst "ni". The geometry in nodeinst "ni"
* that is being checked runs from (nlx-nhx, nly-nhy). Only those layers
* in the nodeinst that are the same layer and the same electrical network
* are checked. Returns true if the bounds are reduced
* to nothing.
private boolean cropNodeInst(NodeInst ni, int globalIndex, FixpTransform trans,
Layer nLayer, int nNet, Geometric nGeom, Rectangle2D bound)
Technology tech = ni.getProto().getTechnology();
Layer.Function.Set set = Layer.getMultiLayersSet(nLayer);
Poly[] cropNodePolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, true, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, set);
convertPseudoLayers(ni, cropNodePolyList);
int tot = cropNodePolyList.length;
if (tot < 0) return false;
boolean[] rotated = new boolean[tot];
Arrays.fill(rotated, false);
boolean isConnected = false;
Netlist netlist = getCheckProto(ni.getParent()).netlist;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = cropNodePolyList[j];
if (!tech.sameLayer(poly.getLayer(), nLayer))
// This happens when you have implant with VTH implant, Function.Set doesn't distinguish them
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("Wrong Function.Set with " + nLayer.getName() + " and " + poly.getLayer().getName());
// assert(false); // should this happen?
//only transform when poly is valid
poly.transform(trans); // change 1
rotated[j] = true;
if (nNet >= 0)
if (poly.getPort() == null) continue;
// determine network for this polygon
int net = getDRCNetNumber(netlist, poly.getPort(), ni, globalIndex);
if (net >= 0 && net != nNet) continue;
isConnected = true;
if (!isConnected) return false;
// get the description of the nodeinst layers
boolean allgone = false;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = cropNodePolyList[j];
if (!tech.sameLayer(poly.getLayer(), nLayer))
// This happens when you have implant with VTH implant, Function.Set doesn't distinguish them
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("Wrong Function.Set with " + nLayer.getName() + " and " + poly.getLayer().getName());
// assert(false); // should this happen?
if (!rotated[j]) poly.transform(trans); // change 1
// warning: does not handle arbitrary polygons, only boxes
Rectangle2D polyBox = poly.getBox();
if (polyBox == null) continue;
int temp = Poly.cropBox(bound, polyBox);
if (temp > 0)
allgone = true;
if (temp < 0)
tinyNodeInst = ni;
tinyGeometric = nGeom;
return allgone;
* Method to crop away any part of layer "lay" of arcinst "ai" that coincides
* with a similar layer on a connecting nodeinst. The bounds of the arcinst
* are in the reference parameters (lx-hx, ly-hy). Returns false
* normally, 1 if the arcinst is cropped into oblivion.
private boolean cropArcInst(ArcInst ai, Layer lay, FixpTransform inTrans, Rectangle2D bounds, boolean overlap)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
// find the primitive nodeinst at the true end of the portinst
PortInst pi = ai.getPortInst(i);
PortOriginal fp = new PortOriginal(pi, inTrans);
NodeInst ni = fp.getBottomNodeInst();
if (NodeInst.isSpecialNode(ni))
continue; // Dec 08 -> is a pin so ignore it
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
FixpTransform trans = fp.getTransformToTop();
Technology tech = np.getTechnology();
Poly[] cropArcPolyList = null;
// No overlap means arc should be cropped to get away from other element
// if (!overlap && np.getFunction() == PrimitiveNode.Function.PIN)
// {
// // Pins don't generate polygons
// // Search for another arc and try to crop it with that geometry
// List drcLayers = new ArrayList(1);
// drcLayers.add(lay.getFunction());
// List arcPolys = new ArrayList(1);
// int totalPolys = 0;
// for (Iterator it = ni.getConnections(); it.hasNext(); )
// {
// Connection con = (Connection);
// ArcInst arc = con.getArc();
// if (arc == ai) continue;
// Poly[] polys = tech.getShapeOfArc(arc, null, null, drcLayers);
// arcPolys.add(polys);
// totalPolys += polys.length;
// }
// cropArcPolyList = new Poly[totalPolys];
// int destPos = 0;
// for (Poly[] arcs : arcPolys)
//// for (int j = 0; j < arcPolys.size(); j++)
// {
//// Poly[] arcs = arcPolys.get(j);
// System.arraycopy(arcs, 0, cropArcPolyList, destPos, arcs.length);
// destPos += arcs.length;
// }
// }
// else
Layer.Function.Set set = Layer.getMultiLayersSet(lay);
cropArcPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, false, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, set);
int tot = cropArcPolyList.length;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = cropArcPolyList[j];
if (!tech.sameLayer(poly.getLayer(), lay))
// This happens when you have implant with VTH implant, Function.Set doesn't distinguish them
if (Job.getDebug())
System.out.println("Wrong Function.Set with " + lay.getName() + " and " + poly.getLayer().getName());
// warning: does not handle arbitrary polygons, only boxes
Rectangle2D polyBox = poly.getBox();
if (polyBox == null) continue;
int temp = Poly.halfCropBox(bounds, polyBox);
if (temp > 0) return true;
if (temp < 0)
tinyNodeInst = ni;
tinyGeometric = ai;
return false;
* Method to see if polygons in "pList" (describing arc "ai") should be cropped against a
* connecting transistor. Crops the polygon if so.
private void cropActiveArc(ArcInst ai, Poly[] pList)
// look for an active layer in this arc
int tot = pList.length;
int diffPoly = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < tot; j++)
Poly poly = pList[j];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer == null) continue;
Layer.Function fun = layer.getFunction();
if (fun.isDiff())
diffPoly = j;
if (diffPoly < 0) return;
Poly poly = pList[diffPoly];
// must be manhattan
Rectangle2D polyBounds = poly.getBox();
if (polyBounds == null) return;
polyBounds = new Rectangle2D.Double(polyBounds.getMinX(), polyBounds.getMinY(), polyBounds.getWidth(), polyBounds.getHeight());
// search for adjoining transistor in the cell
boolean cropped = false;
boolean halved = false;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
PortInst pi = ai.getPortInst(i);
NodeInst ni = pi.getNodeInst();
if (!ni.getFunction().isFET()) continue;
// crop the arc against this transistor
FixpTransform trans = ni.rotateOut();
Technology tech = ni.getProto().getTechnology();
Poly[] activeCropPolyList = tech.getShapeOfNode(ni, false, reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts, null);
int nTot = activeCropPolyList.length;
for (int k = 0; k < nTot; k++)
Poly nPoly = activeCropPolyList[k];
if (nPoly.getLayer() != poly.getLayer()) continue;
Rectangle2D nPolyBounds = nPoly.getBox();
if (nPolyBounds == null) continue;
// @TODO Why only one half is half crop?
// Should I change cropBox by cropBoxComplete?
int result = (halved) ?
Poly.cropBox(polyBounds, nPolyBounds) :
Poly.halfCropBox(polyBounds, nPolyBounds);
if (result == 1)
// remove this polygon from consideration
cropped = true;
halved = true;
if (cropped)
Poly.Type style = poly.getStyle();
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
poly = new Poly(polyBounds);
pList[diffPoly] = poly;
* Method to convert all Layer information in the Polys to be non-pseudo.
* This is only done for pins that have exports but no arcs.
* @param ni the NodeInst being converted.
* @param pList an array of Polys with Layer information for the NodeInst.
private void convertPseudoLayers(NodeInst ni, Poly[] pList)
if (!ni.getProto().getFunction().isPin()) return;
assert (false); // When do I get this?
System.out.println("I should not get this");
if (ni.hasConnections()) return;
// if (ni.getNumConnections() != 0) return;
if (!ni.hasExports()) return;
// if (ni.getNumExports() == 0) return;
// for pins that are unconnected but have exports, convert them to real layers
int tot = pList.length;
for (int i = 0; i < tot; i++)
Poly poly = pList[i];
Layer layer = poly.getLayer();
if (layer != null)
* Method to determine which layers in a Technology are valid.
// private void cacheValidLayers(Technology tech)
// {
// if (tech == null) return;
// if (layersValidTech == tech) return;
// layersValidTech = tech;
// // determine the layers that are being used
// int numLayers = tech.getNumLayers();
// layersValid = new boolean[numLayers];
// for (int i = 0; i < numLayers; i++)
// layersValid[i] = false;
// for (Iterator it = tech.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// PrimitiveNode np = (PrimitiveNode);
// if (np.isNotUsed()) continue;
// Technology.NodeLayer[] layers = np.getLayers();
// for (int i = 0; i < layers.length; i++)
// {
// Layer layer = layers[i].getLayer();
// layersValid[layer.getIndex()] = true;
// }
// }
// for (Iterator it = tech.getArcs(); it.hasNext();)
// {
// ArcProto ap = (ArcProto);
// if (ap.isNotUsed()) continue;
// for (Iterator lIt = ap.getLayerIterator(); lIt.hasNext();)
// {
// Layer layer =;
// layersValid[layer.getIndex()] = true;
// }
// }
// }
* Method to determine the minimum distance between "layer1" and "layer2" in technology
* "tech" and library "lib". If "con" is true, the layers are connected. Also forces
* connectivity for same-implant layers. Returns conditional rules if not standard rules were found
private DRCTemplate getSpacingRule(Layer layer1, Poly poly1, Geometric geo1,
Layer layer2, Poly poly2, Geometric geo2,
boolean con, int multi)
// if they are implant on the same layer, they connect
if (!con && layer1 == layer2)
Layer.Function fun = layer1.getFunction();
// treat all wells as connected
con = fun.isSubstrate();
double[] values = layer1.getTechnology().getSpacingDistances(poly1, poly2);
// try conditional or standard
DRCTemplate theRule = (this.currentRules.getSpacingRule(layer1, geo1, layer2, geo2, con, multi, values[0], values[1]));
if (theRule != null && theRule.condition != null) // conditional rules
String[] conds = TextUtils.parseString(theRule.condition, "{,}");
assert (conds.length == 2); // {layerName1, cond(layerName2)}
String layerName1 = conds[0];
String[] parameters = TextUtils.parseString(conds[1], "()");
assert (parameters.length == 2); // cond(layerName2)
assert (parameters[0].equals("no_overlap")); // only function implemented
String layerName2 = parameters[1];
if (!layer1.getName().equals(layerName1))
theRule = null; // doesn't apply
Layer l = layer1.getTechnology().findLayer(layerName2);
boolean found = searchForCondLayer(geo1, poly1, l, geo1.getParent(), reportInfo.ignoreCenterCuts);
if (found)
theRule = null; // doesn't apply
return theRule;
* Method to return the network number for port "pp" on node "ni", given that the node is
* in a cell with global index "globalIndex".
private int getDRCNetNumber(Netlist netlist, PortProto pp, NodeInst ni, int globalIndex)
if (pp == null) return -1;
//@TODO REPLACE BY getNetwork(Nodable no, PortProto portProto, int busIndex)
// or getNetIndex(Nodable no, PortProto portProto, int busIndex)
// s0ee if there is an arc connected
Network net = netlist.getNetwork(ni, pp, 0);
Integer[] nets = networkLists.get(net);
if (nets == null) return -1;
return nets[globalIndex].intValue();
* Method to recursively scan cell "cell" (transformed with "trans") searching
* for DRC Exclusion nodes. Each node is added to the global list "exclusionList".
private void accumulateExclusion(Cell cell)
Area area = null;
for (Iterator it = cell.getNodes(); it.hasNext();)
NodeInst ni =;
NodeProto np = ni.getProto();
if (np ==
// Must get polygon from getNodeShape otherwise it will miss
// rings
FixpTransform trans = ni.rotateOut();
Poly[] list = cell.getTechnology().getShapeOfNode(ni, true, true, null);
assert (list.length == 1);
Area thisArea = new Area(list[0]);
if (area == null)
area = thisArea;
if (ni.isCellInstance())
// examine contents
accumulateExclusion((Cell) np);
exclusionMap.put(cell, area);
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