com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler.Handler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the License). You may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* https://jsftemplating.dev.java.net/cddl1.html or
* jsftemplating/cddl1.txt.
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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* If applicable, add the following below the CDDL Header,
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* Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
package com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.handler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.component.ComponentUtil;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.el.PermissionChecker;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.descriptors.LayoutElement;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.layout.event.UIComponentHolder;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.util.LogUtil;
import com.sun.jsftemplating.util.TypeConverter;
* This class contains the information necessary to invoke a Handler. The
* {@link HandlerDefinition} class provides a definition of how to invoke
* a Handler, this class uses that information with in conjuction with
* information provided in this class to execute the handler
* method. This class typically will hold input values and
* specify where output should be stored.
* The handler method to be invoked must have the
* following method signature:
* public void doSomething(HandlerContext handlerCtx)
* void
be replaced with any type. Depending on the type of
* event, return values may be handled differently.
* It is advisable to use Java annotations when defining a handler
* method. See examples of annotations in the
* com.sun.jsftemplating.handlers package
. Here is an
* example:
* @Handler(id="abc:doSomething",
* input={
* @HandlerInput(name="foo", type=Integer.class),
* @HandlerInput(name="bar", type=My.class, required=true)
* },
* output={
* @HandlerOutput(name="result", type=String.class)
* })
* public void doSomething(HandlerContext handlerCtx)
* @author Ken Paulsen (ken.paulsen@sun.com)
public class Handler implements java.io.Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Constructor.
public Handler(HandlerDefinition handlerDef) {
* Accessor for the {@link HandlerDefinition}.
public HandlerDefinition getHandlerDefinition() {
return _handlerDef;
* This method sets the HandlerDefinition used by this Handler.
protected void setHandlerDefinition(HandlerDefinition handler) {
_handlerDef = handler;
* This method is invoked by a parser to help populate this
* Handler
. This information is generally static but
* may contain expressions to make the value dynamic.
public void setInputValue(String name, Object value) {
IODescriptor inDesc = getHandlerDefinition().getInputDef(name);
if (inDesc == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to set input value '"
+ name + "' with value '" + value + "', however, '" + name
+ "' is not a declared input parameter in HandlerDefinition '"
+ getHandlerDefinition().getId() + "'!");
_inputs.put(name, value);
* This method returns a Map of NVPs representing the input to this
* handler.
protected Map getInputMap() {
return _inputs;
* This method simply returns the named input value, null if not
* found. It will not attempt to resolve $...{...} expressions or
* do modifications of any kind. If you are looking for a method to
* do these types of operations, try
* {@link #getInputValue(HandlerContext, String)}.
* @param name The name used to identify the input value.
public Object getInputValue(String name) {
return _inputs.get(name);
* This method returns the value for the named input. Input values
* are not stored in this HandlerContext itself, but in the Handler.
* If you are trying to set input values for a handler, you must
* create a new Handler object and set its input values.
* This method attempts to resolve $...{...} expressions. It also
* will return the default value if the value is null. If you don't
* want these things to happen, look at
* Handler.getInputValue(String).
* @param name The input name
* @return The value of the input (null if not found)
public Object getInputValue(HandlerContext ctx, String name) {
// Make sure the requested name is valid
IODescriptor inDesc = getHandlerDefinition().getInputDef(name);
FacesContext facesCtx = ctx.getFacesContext();
if (inDesc == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to get input value '"
+ name + "', however, this is not a declared input "
+ "parameter in handler definition '"
+ getHandlerDefinition().getId() + "'! Check your handler "
+ " and/or the XML (near LayoutElement '"
+ ctx.getLayoutElement().getId(facesCtx, null)
+ "')");
// Get the value, and parse it
Object value = getInputValue(name);
if (value == null) {
if (inDesc.isRequired()) {
throw new RuntimeException("'" + name
+ "' is required for handler '"
+ getHandlerDefinition().getId() + "'!");
value = inDesc.getDefault();
// Resolve any expressions
EventObject event = ctx.getEventObject();
UIComponent component = null;
if (event instanceof UIComponentHolder) {
component = ((UIComponentHolder) event).getUIComponent();
} else if (event != null) {
Object src = event.getSource();
if (src instanceof UIComponent) {
component = (UIComponent) src;
value = ComponentUtil.getInstance(facesCtx).resolveValue(
facesCtx, ctx.getLayoutElement(), component, value);
// Make sure the value is the correct type...
value = TypeConverter.asType(inDesc.getType(), value);
return value;
* This method retrieves an output value. Output values are stored
* in the location specified by the {@link OutputType} in the
* Handler.
* @param context The HandlerContext
* @param name The output name
* @return The value of the output (null if not set)
public Object getOutputValue(HandlerContext context, String name) {
// Make sure the requested name is valid
HandlerDefinition handlerDef = getHandlerDefinition();
IODescriptor outIODesc = handlerDef.getOutputDef(name);
if (outIODesc == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to get output value '"
+ name + "' from handler '" + handlerDef.getId()
+ "', however, this is not a declared output parameter! "
+ "Check your handler and/or the XML.");
// Get the OutputMapping that describes how to store this output
OutputMapping outputDesc = getOutputValue(name);
// NOTE: Interesting that this method does not evaluate the EL in
// NOTE: getOutputKey... probably a bug. Although it is very uncommon
// NOTE: (to get a output types output key which is dynamic from a
// NOTE: handler which just set the output value). It is uncommon to
// NOTE: use this method at all, let alone for dynamicly key'd
// NOTE: OutputTypes, so this code path probably hasn't ever been
// NOTE: executed.
// Return the value
return outputDesc.getOutputType().
getValue(context, outIODesc, outputDesc.getOutputKey());
* This method stores an output value. Output values are stored
* as specified by the {@link OutputType} in the Handler. This
* method is not used to create the "mapping" of an output value,
* for that see {@link #setOutputMapping(String, String, String)}.
* @param context The HandlerContext
* @param name The name the Handler uses for the output
* @param value The value to set
public void setOutputValue(HandlerContext context, String name, Object value) {
// Make sure the requested name is valid
HandlerDefinition handlerDef = getHandlerDefinition();
IODescriptor outIODesc = handlerDef.getOutputDef(name);
if (outIODesc == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Attempted to set output value '"
+ name + "' from handler '" + handlerDef.getId()
+ "', however, this is not a declared output parameter! "
+ "Check your handler and/or the XML.");
// Get the OutputMapping that describes how to store this output
OutputMapping outputMapping = getOutputValue(name);
if (outputMapping == null) {
// They did not Map the output, do nothing...
// Make sure the value is the correct type...
value = TypeConverter.asType(outIODesc.getType(), value);
// Set the value
EventObject event = context.getEventObject();
UIComponent component = null;
if (event instanceof UIComponentHolder) {
component = ((UIComponentHolder) event).getUIComponent();
// Most output types appreciate resolving EL for the "key", however
// in some cases (such as the EL output type), resolving the key
// is counterproductive. Check output type to see if the output
// key should be resolved.
OutputType outType = outputMapping.getOutputType();
String outputKey = outputMapping.getOutputKey();
// FIXME: For now I'm going to do instanceof instead of modifying the
// FIXME: OutputType interface. I can't think of another OutputType that would
// FIXME: want this... if anyone ever has a use case, I'll happily modify the
// FIXME: OutputType interface, or add a new interface to flag this code-path.
if (!(outType instanceof ELOutputType)) {
FacesContext ctx = context.getFacesContext();
outputKey = "" + ComponentUtil.getInstance(ctx).resolveValue(
ctx, context.getLayoutElement(), component, outputKey);
outType.setValue(context, outIODesc, outputKey, value);
* This method adds a new OutputMapping to this handler. An
* OutputMapping allows the handler to return a value and have it
* "mapped" to the location of your choice. The "outputType"
* corresponds to a registered {@link OutputType}
* (see {@link OutputTypeManager}).
* @param outputName The Handler's name for the output value
* @param targetKey The 'key' the OutputType uses to store the output
* @param targetType The OutputType implementation map the output
public void setOutputMapping(String outputName, String targetKey, String targetType) {
// Ensure we have a valid outputName (check HandlerDefinition)
if (getHandlerDefinition().getOutputDef(outputName) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Handler named '"
+ getHandlerDefinition().getId() + "' does not declare output "
+ "mapping named '" + outputName + "'.");
// Ensure the data is trim
if (targetKey != null) {
targetKey = targetKey.trim();
if (targetKey.length() == 0) {
targetKey = null;
targetType = targetType.trim();
try {
_outputs.put(outputName, new OutputMapping(
outputName, targetKey, targetType));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Unable to create OutputMapping with given information: "
+ "outputName='" + outputName
+ "', targetKey='" + targetKey
+ "', targetType=" + targetType + "'", ex);
* This method returns the {@link OutputMapping} for the given
* name
. If not found, it will return
* null
public OutputMapping getOutputValue(String name) {
return _outputs.get(name);
* This method returns the condition that must be true in order for
* this Handler
(or its child Handler
s) to
* be invoked. If this condition is empty ("") or null
* it is considered to be true.
public String getCondition() {
return _condition;
* This method sets the condition that must evaluate to true in order
* for this Handler
to be invoked.
public void setCondition(String cond) {
if (cond != null) {
cond = cond.trim();
_condition = cond;
* This method determines if the handler is static.
public boolean isStatic() {
return getHandlerDefinition().isStatic();
* This method adds a Handler
to the list of child
* Handler
s. Child Handler
s are executed
* AFTER this Handler
is executed.
* @param desc The Handler
to add.
public void addChildHandler(Handler desc) {
if (_childHandlers == _emptyList) {
_childHandlers = new ArrayList();
* This method sets the List
of child
* Handler
* @param childHandlers The List
of child
* Handler
public void setChildHandlers(List childHandlers) {
if ((childHandlers == null) || (childHandlers.size() == 0)) {
childHandlers = _emptyList;
_childHandlers = childHandlers;
* This method retrieves the List
of child
* {@link Handler}s. This List
should not be changed
* directly. Call {@link #addChildHandler(Handler)}, or make a copy
* and call {@link #setChildHandlers(List)}.
* @return The List
of child {@link Handler}s.
public List getChildHandlers() {
return _childHandlers;
* This method is responsible for invoking this Handler
* as well as all child Handler
s. Neither will be
* invoked if this methods condition is non-null and unstatisfied
* (see {@link #getCondition()}). The method associated with this
* Handler
will be invoked first, then any child
* Handler
* @param handlerContext The {@link HandlerContext}.
public Object invoke(HandlerContext handlerContext) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
Object result = null;
HandlerDefinition handlerDef = getHandlerDefinition();
// Invoke
if (hasPermission(handlerContext)) {
// Only attempt to do this if there is a handler method, there
// might only be child handlers
Method method = handlerDef.getHandlerMethod();
if (method != null) {
Object instance = null;
if (!isStatic()) {
// Get the class that contains the method
instance = method.getDeclaringClass().newInstance();
// Invoke the Method
result = method.invoke(instance, new Object[] {handlerContext});
// Execute all the child handlers
if ((result == null) || (!result.toString().equals("false"))) {
// NOTE: 'handler' in handlerContext will change.
// before we execute this Handler.
// FIRST: Execute handlerDef child handlers
List handlers = handlerDef.getChildHandlers();
Object retVal = null;
LayoutElement elt = handlerContext.getLayoutElement();
if (handlers.size() > 0) {
retVal = elt.dispatchHandlers(handlerContext, handlers);
if (retVal != null) {
result = retVal;
// NEXT: Execute instance child handlers
// Useful for applying a condition to a group
handlers = getChildHandlers();
if (handlers.size() > 0) {
retVal = elt.dispatchHandlers(handlerContext, handlers);
if (retVal != null) {
result = retVal;
} else {
if (LogUtil.finerEnabled()) {
LogUtil.finer("Handler '" + handlerDef.getId()
+ "' skipped because condition not met: '"
+ getCondition() + "'.");
// Return the result (null if no result)
return result;
* This method determines if the condition
* (see {@link #getCondition()}) is satisfied.
* @return true if the condition is met.
public boolean hasPermission(HandlerContext handlerContext) {
String cond = getCondition();
if ((cond == null) || cond.equals("")) {
return true;
// Try to get the UIComponent
UIComponent comp = null;
Object obj = handlerContext.getEventObject().getSource();
if (obj instanceof UIComponent) {
comp = (UIComponent) obj;
// Create a PermissionChecker
PermissionChecker checker = new PermissionChecker(
handlerContext.getLayoutElement(), comp, cond);
// Return the result
return checker.hasPermission();
private HandlerDefinition _handlerDef = null;
private String _condition = null;
private List _childHandlers = _emptyList;
private Map _inputs = new HashMap();
private Map _outputs =
new HashMap();
private static final List _emptyList = new ArrayList(0);