com.sun.btrace.resources.messages.properties Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
# BTrace "compile time" and runtime error messages.
no.string.concatenation = + operator on strings is not allowed, use 'strcat' instead
return.type.should.be.void = btrace probe methods must return void
btrace.program.should.be.class = btrace program must be a class (not interface or enum)
not.a.btrace.program = @BTrace annotation is missing
no.outer.class = btrace class should not be a local class
no.asserts = asserts are not allowed
no.catch = catching exception is not allowed
no.do.while = do..while loops are not allowed
no.enhanced.for = enhanced for statements are not allowed
no.loops = loops (backward jumps) are not allowed
no.for.loop = for loops are not allowed
no.array.creation = array creation is not allowed
no.new.object = object creation is not allowed
no.synchronized.blocks = synchronized blocks are not allowed
no.synchronized.methods = probe action methods should not be synchronized
no.throw = throwing exception is not allowed
no.try = try .. catch .. finally blocks are not allowed
no.while.loop = while loops are not allowed
no.other = "other" statement(s) are not allowed
execution.loop.danger = execution of btrace program may lead to endless loop which is not allowed
method.should.be.public = btrace methods should be public
class.should.be.public = btrace class should be public
no.static.method = static methods are not allowed (using BTrace short syntax)
no.instance.method = instance methods are not allowed
no.method.calls = method calls are not allowed - only calls to BTraceUtils are allowed
no.assignment = side-effects to probed program are not allowed
no.nested.class = nested and inner classes are not allowed
no.local.class = local classes are not allowed
no.static.variables = static variables are not allowed (using BTrace short syntax)
no.instance.variables = instance variables are not allowed
object.superclass.required = btrace class should extend java.lang.Object
no.interface.implementation = btrace class can not implement interfaces
no.class.literals = class literals are not allowed
self.desc.invalid = @Self annotation applicable only for Kind.ENTRY and Kind.RETURN
probemethod.desc.invalid = @ProbeMethod annotation applicable only for Kind.ENTRY, Kind.RETURN and Kind.CALL
probeclass.desc.invalid=@ProbeClassName annotation applicable only for Kind.ENTRY, Kind.RETURN and Kind.CALL
return.desc.invalid = @Return annotation applicable only for Kind.RETURN
duration.desc.invalid = @Duration annotation applicable only for Kind.RETURN and Kind.ERROR
called-method.desc.invalid = @CalledMethod annotation applicable only for Kind.CALL
called-instance.desc.invalid = @CalledInstance annotation applicable only for Kind.CALL
onexit.invalid = @OnExit annotation applicable only to methods with signature (int)void
onexit.invalid = @OnError annotation applicable only to methods with signature (java.lang.Throwable)void
agent.no.instance.variables=instance variables are not allowed
# usage messages
btracec.usage =\
Usage: btracec \n\
where possible options include:\n \
-classpath Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors\n \
-cp Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors\n \
-I Specify where to find include files\n \
-d Specify where to place generated class files
btrace.usage =\
Usage: btrace \n\
where possible options include:\n \
-classpath Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors\n \
-cp Specify where to find user class files and annotation processors\n \
-I Specify where to find include files\n \
-p Specify port to which the btrace agent listens for clients
btrace.agent.usage =\
Usage: java -javaagent:java-agent.jar=
where arguments is comma separated name=value pairs. Argument names include:\n \
debug boolean flag to specify debug mode\n \
dumpClasses boolean flag to specify whether to dump .classes for instrumented classes\n \
dumpDir directory where instrumented .class files are saved\n \
help print this help message\n \
noServer boolean flag to specify whether to start btrace server or not\n \
port btrace agent server port\n \
probeDescPath directories where @OnProbe mapping descriptor XML files are searched\n \
script pre-compiled btrace .class file as initial script\n \