Maven / Gradle / Ivy
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!-- Ant build script for XSDLib. $Id: build.xml 1580 2003-07-18 22:09:42Z kohsuke $ Tasks to help development ========================= javacc run JavaCC binary compile everything to the bin directory. javadoc run javadoc on the working copy. Useful to check the documentation without actually creating a distribution package. test test core msv codes. parser, verifier and several related codes. release create a distribution package --> <project name="xsdlib" basedir="." default="binary"> <!-- import the global configuration file --> <property file="../shared/ant.config"/> <!-- compile Java source files --> <target name="binary"> <mkdir dir="./bin"/> <javac srcdir="./src:./test" destdir="./bin" debug="on" optimize="off"> <classpath path="../msv/bin" /> <classpath path="../xsdlib/bin" /> <classpath path="../testharness/bin" /> <classpath path="${xerces.jar}:${relaxngDatatype.jar}:${isorelax.jar}:${junit.jar}"/> </javac> </target> <target name="jar" description="make a jar file out of the bin/ directory"> <jar jarfile="xmlgen.jar" manifest="./MANIFEST.MF" compress="${compress}"> <fileset dir="src" includes="**/*.properties" /> <fileset dir="bin" includes="**/*.*" /> </jar> </target> <!-- test the working directory --> <target name="test"> <ant antfile="../shared/ant.test.xml" target="test" /> </target> <!-- test the distribution package --> <target name="test_release"> <ant antfile="../shared/ant.test.xml" target="test_release"> <property name="testJar" value="../package/xmlgen.jar"/> </ant> </target> <!-- generator release --> <target name="dist" description="build the distribution package into the dist/ dir"> <tstamp> <format property="YEAR" pattern="yyyy" locale="en"/> </tstamp> <delete dir="dist" /> <mkdir dir="dist/src" /> <!-- copy source code --> <copy todir="dist/src"> <fileset dir="src" /> </copy> <!-- copy document files --> <copy todir="dist"> <fileset dir="doc" /> </copy> <replace dir="dist"> <include name="**/*.html"/> <include name="**/*.txt"/> <replacefilter token="@@VERSION@@" value="${DSTAMP}" /> <replacefilter token="@@YEAR@@" value="${YEAR}" /> </replace> <!-- compile files --> <mkdir dir="temp" /> <javac srcdir="dist/src" debug="on" destdir="temp"> <classpath path="../package/msv.jar"/> <classpath path="../package/xsdlib.jar"/> <classpath path="${java.class.path}"/> <classpath path="${xerces.jar}"/> <classpath path="${relaxngDatatype.jar}"/> <classpath path="${isorelax.jar}"/> <include name="**/*.java" /> </javac> <!-- create a time stamp file --> <echo file="temp/">version=${DSTAMP}</echo> <!-- creates the binary jar --> <jar jarfile="dist/xmlgen.jar" manifest="./MANIFEST.MF" compress="${compress}"> <fileset dir="dist/src" includes="**/*.properties" /> <fileset dir="temp" includes="**/*.*" /> </jar> <delete dir="temp" /> <!-- creates javadoc --> <mkdir dir="dist/javadoc" /> <javadoc locale="en_US" packagenames="com.sun.msv.generator.*" sourcepath="dist/src" destdir="dist/javadoc" windowtitle="Sun XML Generator" public="yes" author="yes" > <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="../shared/ExternalPackageLists/CoreAPI" /> <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="../shared/ExternalPackageLists/XML" /> <link offline="true" href="" packagelistLoc="../shared/ExternalPackageLists/RELAXNG" /> </javadoc> <!-- temporarily, remove source codes --> <delete dir="dist/src" /> <!-- copy additional jars --> <copy file="../package/xsdlib.jar" tofile="dist/xsdlib.jar" /> <copy file="../package/msv.jar" tofile="dist/msv.jar" /> <copy file="${relaxngDatatype.jar}" tofile="dist/relaxngDatatype.jar" /> <copy file="${isorelax.jar}" tofile="dist/isorelax.jar" /> <copy file="${xerces.jar}" tofile="dist/xercesImpl.jar" /> <copy file="${xmlParserAPIs.jar}" tofile="dist/xmlParserAPIs.jar" /> </target> <!-- generate release --> <target name="release" depends="dist" description="build the distribution zip file"> <tstamp /> <property name="stageName" value="xmlgen-${DSTAMP}"/> <!-- copy jar file to package dir --> <copy file="dist/xmlgen.jar" tofile="../package/xmlgen.jar" /> <!-- creates distribution package --> <zip zipfile="../package/xmlgen.${DSTAMP}.zip"> <zipfileset dir="dist" prefix="${stageName}" /> </zip> </target> </project>
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