com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ClassInfoImpl Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 1997-2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License"). You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can
* obtain a copy of the License at
* https://glassfish.dev.java.net/public/CDDL+GPL_1_1.html
* or packager/legal/LICENSE.txt. See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at packager/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* GPL Classpath Exception:
* Oracle designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath"
* exception as provided by Oracle in the GPL Version 2 section of the License
* file that accompanied this code.
* Modifications:
* If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
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package com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessOrder;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorOrder;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAnyElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttachmentRef;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRef;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementRefs;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementWrapper;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElements;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlID;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlIDREF;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlInlineBinaryData;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlList;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlMimeType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlMixed;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import com.sun.istack.FinalArrayList;
import com.sun.xml.bind.annotation.OverrideAnnotationOf;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.Locatable;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.annotation.MethodLocatable;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.ClassInfo;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.Element;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.ID;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.NonElement;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.PropertyInfo;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.PropertyKind;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.ValuePropertyInfo;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.IllegalAnnotationException;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.Location;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.EditDistance;
* A part of the {@link ClassInfo} that doesn't depend on a particular
* reflection library.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi ([email protected])
public class ClassInfoImpl extends TypeInfoImpl
implements ClassInfo, Element {
protected final C clazz;
* @see #getElementName()
private final QName elementName;
* @see #getTypeName()
private final QName typeName;
* Lazily created.
* @see #getProperties()
private FinalArrayList> properties;
* The property order.
* null if unordered. {@link #DEFAULT_ORDER} if ordered but the order is defaulted
* @see #isOrdered()
private /*final*/ String[] propOrder;
* Lazily computed.
* To avoid the cyclic references of the form C1 --base--> C2 --property--> C1.
private ClassInfoImpl baseClass;
private boolean baseClassComputed = false;
private boolean hasSubClasses = false;
* If this class has a declared (not inherited) attribute wildcard, keep the reference
* to it.
* This parameter is initialized at the construction time and never change.
protected /*final*/ PropertySeed attributeWildcard;
* @see #getFactoryMethod()
private M factoryMethod = null;
ClassInfoImpl(ModelBuilder builder, Locatable upstream, C clazz) {
this.clazz = clazz;
assert clazz!=null;
// compute the element name
elementName = parseElementName(clazz);
// compute the type name
XmlType t = reader().getClassAnnotation(XmlType.class,clazz,this);
typeName = parseTypeName(clazz,t);
if(t!=null) {
String[] propOrder = t.propOrder();
this.propOrder = null; // unordered
else {
this.propOrder = DEFAULT_ORDER;
this.propOrder = propOrder;
} else {
propOrder = DEFAULT_ORDER;
// obtain XmlAccessorOrder and set proporder (XmlAccessorOrder can be defined for whole package)
// ( vs )
XmlAccessorOrder xao = reader().getPackageAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class, clazz, this);
if((xao != null) && (xao.value() == XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED)) {
propOrder = null;
// obtain XmlAccessorOrder and set proporder ( vs )
xao = reader().getClassAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class, clazz, this);
if((xao != null) && (xao.value() == XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED)) {
propOrder = null;
if(nav().isInterface(clazz)) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.CANT_HANDLE_INTERFACE.format(nav().getClassName(clazz)), this ));
// the class must have the default constructor
if (!hasFactoryConstructor(t)){
if(nav().isInnerClass(clazz)) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.CANT_HANDLE_INNER_CLASS.format(nav().getClassName(clazz)), this ));
} else if (elementName != null) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.NO_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR.format(nav().getClassName(clazz)), this ));
public ClassInfoImpl getBaseClass() {
if (!baseClassComputed) {
// compute the base class
C s = nav().getSuperClass(clazz);
if(s==null || s==nav().asDecl(Object.class)) {
baseClass = null;
} else {
NonElement b = builder.getClassInfo(s, true, this);
if(b instanceof ClassInfoImpl) {
baseClass = (ClassInfoImpl) b;
baseClass.hasSubClasses = true;
} else {
baseClass = null;
baseClassComputed = true;
return baseClass;
* {@inheritDoc}
* The substitution hierarchy is the same as the inheritance hierarchy.
public final Element getSubstitutionHead() {
ClassInfoImpl c = getBaseClass();
while(c!=null && !c.isElement())
c = c.getBaseClass();
return c;
public final C getClazz() {
return clazz;
* When a bean binds to an element, it's always through {@link XmlRootElement},
* so this method always return null.
* @deprecated
* you shouldn't be invoking this method on {@link ClassInfoImpl}.
public ClassInfoImpl getScope() {
return null;
public final T getType() {
return nav().use(clazz);
* A {@link ClassInfo} can be referenced by {@link XmlIDREF} if
* it has an ID property.
public boolean canBeReferencedByIDREF() {
for (PropertyInfo p : getProperties()) {
if(p.id()== ID.ID)
return true;
ClassInfoImpl base = getBaseClass();
return base.canBeReferencedByIDREF();
return false;
public final String getName() {
return nav().getClassName(clazz);
public A readAnnotation(Class a) {
return reader().getClassAnnotation(a,clazz,this);
public Element asElement() {
return this;
return null;
public List extends PropertyInfo> getProperties() {
if(properties!=null) return properties;
// check the access type first
XmlAccessType at = getAccessType();
properties = new FinalArrayList>();
if(propOrder==DEFAULT_ORDER || propOrder==null) {
XmlAccessOrder ao = getAccessorOrder();
} else {
//sort them as specified
PropertySorter sorter = new PropertySorter();
for (PropertyInfoImpl p : properties) {
sorter.checkedGet(p); // have it check for errors
{// additional error checks
PropertyInfoImpl vp=null; // existing value property
PropertyInfoImpl ep=null; // existing element property
for (PropertyInfoImpl p : properties) {
switch(p.kind()) {
case MAP:
ep = p;
case VALUE:
if(vp!=null) {
// can't have multiple value properties.
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
vp, p ));
if(getBaseClass()!=null) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.XMLVALUE_IN_DERIVED_TYPE.format(), p ));
vp = p;
break; // noop
assert false;
if(ep!=null && vp!=null) {
// can't have element and value property at the same time
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
vp, ep
return properties;
private void findFieldProperties(C c, XmlAccessType at) {
// always find properties from the super class first
C sc = nav().getSuperClass(c);
if (shouldRecurseSuperClass(sc)) {
for( F f : nav().getDeclaredFields(c) ) {
Annotation[] annotations = reader().getAllFieldAnnotations(f,this);
boolean isDummy = reader().hasFieldAnnotation(OverrideAnnotationOf.class, f);
if( nav().isTransient(f) ) {
// it's an error for transient field to have any binding annotation
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
} else
if( nav().isStaticField(f) ) {
// static fields are bound only when there's explicit annotation.
addProperty(createFieldSeed(f),annotations, false);
} else {
||(at==XmlAccessType.PUBLIC_MEMBER && nav().isPublicField(f))
|| hasJAXBAnnotation(annotations)) {
if (isDummy) {
ClassInfo top = getBaseClass();
while ((top != null) && (top.getProperty("content") == null)) {
top = top.getBaseClass();
DummyPropertyInfo prop = (DummyPropertyInfo) top.getProperty("content");
PropertySeed seed = createFieldSeed(f);
} else {
addProperty(createFieldSeed(f), annotations, false);
public final boolean hasValueProperty() {
ClassInfoImpl bc = getBaseClass();
if(bc!=null && bc.hasValueProperty())
return true;
for (PropertyInfo p : getProperties()) {
if (p instanceof ValuePropertyInfo) return true;
return false;
public PropertyInfo getProperty(String name) {
for( PropertyInfo p: getProperties() ) {
return p;
return null;
* This hook is used by {@link RuntimeClassInfoImpl} to look for {@link XmlLocation}.
protected void checkFieldXmlLocation(F f) {
* Gets an annotation that are allowed on both class and type.
private T getClassOrPackageAnnotation(Class type) {
T t = reader().getClassAnnotation(type,clazz,this);
return t;
// defaults to the package level
return reader().getPackageAnnotation(type,clazz,this);
* Computes the {@link XmlAccessType} on this class by looking at {@link XmlAccessorType}
* annotations.
private XmlAccessType getAccessType() {
XmlAccessorType xat = getClassOrPackageAnnotation(XmlAccessorType.class);
return xat.value();
return XmlAccessType.PUBLIC_MEMBER;
* Gets the accessor order for this class by consulting {@link XmlAccessorOrder}.
private XmlAccessOrder getAccessorOrder() {
XmlAccessorOrder xao = getClassOrPackageAnnotation(XmlAccessorOrder.class);
return xao.value();
return XmlAccessOrder.UNDEFINED;
* Compares orders among {@link PropertyInfoImpl} according to {@link ClassInfoImpl#propOrder}.
* extends {@link HashMap} to save memory.
private final class PropertySorter extends HashMap implements Comparator {
* Mark property names that are used, so that we can report unused property names in the propOrder array.
PropertyInfoImpl[] used = new PropertyInfoImpl[propOrder.length];
* If any name collides, it will be added to this set.
* This is used to avoid repeating the same error message.
private Set collidedNames;
PropertySorter() {
for( String name : propOrder )
if(put(name,size())!=null) {
// two properties with the same name
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
public int compare(PropertyInfoImpl o1, PropertyInfoImpl o2) {
int lhs = checkedGet(o1);
int rhs = checkedGet(o2);
return lhs-rhs;
private int checkedGet(PropertyInfoImpl p) {
Integer i = get(p.getName());
if(i==null) {
// missing
if (p.kind().isOrdered)
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
// give it an order to recover from an error
i = size();
// mark the used field
int ii = i;
// report the error only on the first time
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
used[ii] = p;
return i;
* Report errors for unused propOrder entries.
public void checkUnusedProperties() {
for( int i=0; i() {
public String get(int index) {
return properties.get(index).getName();
public int size() {
return properties.size();
boolean isOverriding = (i > (properties.size()-1)) ? false : properties.get(i).hasAnnotation(OverrideAnnotationOf.class);
if (!isOverriding) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
public boolean hasProperties() {
return !properties.isEmpty();
* Picks the first non-null argument, or null if all arguments are null.
private static T pickOne( T... args ) {
for( T arg : args )
return arg;
return null;
private static List makeSet( T... args ) {
List l = new FinalArrayList();
for( T arg : args )
if(arg!=null) l.add(arg);
return l;
private static final class ConflictException extends Exception {
final List annotations;
public ConflictException(List one) {
this.annotations = one;
private static final class DuplicateException extends Exception {
final Annotation a1,a2;
public DuplicateException(Annotation a1, Annotation a2) {
this.a1 = a1;
this.a2 = a2;
* Represents 6 groups of secondary annotations
private static enum SecondaryAnnotation {
JAVA_TYPE (0x01, XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class),
ID_IDREF (0x02, XmlID.class, XmlIDREF.class),
BINARY (0x04, XmlInlineBinaryData.class, XmlMimeType.class, XmlAttachmentRef.class),
ELEMENT_WRAPPER (0x08, XmlElementWrapper.class),
LIST (0x10, XmlList.class),
SCHEMA_TYPE (0x20, XmlSchemaType.class);
* Each constant gets an unique bit mask so that the presence/absence
* of them can be represented in a single byte.
final int bitMask;
* List of annotations that belong to this member.
final Class extends Annotation>[] members;
SecondaryAnnotation(int bitMask, Class extends Annotation>... members) {
this.bitMask = bitMask;
this.members = members;
private static final SecondaryAnnotation[] SECONDARY_ANNOTATIONS = SecondaryAnnotation.values();
* Represents 7 groups of properties.
* Each instance is also responsible for rejecting annotations
* that are not allowed on that kind.
private static enum PropertyGroup {
TRANSIENT (false,false,false,false,false,false),
ANY_ATTRIBUTE (true, false,false,false,false,false),
ATTRIBUTE (true, true, true, false,true, true ),
VALUE (true, true, true, false,true, true ),
ELEMENT (true, true, true, true, true, true ),
ELEMENT_REF (true, false,false,true, false,false),
MAP (false,false,false,true, false,false);
* Bit mask that represents secondary annotations that are allowed on this group.
* T = not allowed, F = allowed
final int allowedsecondaryAnnotations;
PropertyGroup(boolean... bits) {
int mask = 0;
assert bits.length==SECONDARY_ANNOTATIONS.length;
for( int i=0; i ANNOTATION_NUMBER_MAP = new HashMap();
static {
Class[] annotations = {
XmlTransient.class, // 0
XmlAnyAttribute.class, // 1
XmlAttribute.class, // 2
XmlValue.class, // 3
XmlElement.class, // 4
XmlElements.class, // 5
XmlElementRef.class, // 6
XmlElementRefs.class, // 7
XmlAnyElement.class, // 8
XmlMixed.class, // 9
OverrideAnnotationOf.class,// 10
// characterizing annotations
for( Class c : annotations )
m.put(c, m.size() );
// secondary annotations
int index = 20;
for( SecondaryAnnotation sa : SECONDARY_ANNOTATIONS ) {
for( Class member : sa.members )
private void checkConflict(Annotation a, Annotation b) throws DuplicateException {
assert b!=null;
throw new DuplicateException(a,b);
* Called only from {@link #getProperties()}.
* This is where we decide the type of the property and checks for annotations
* that are not allowed.
* @param annotations
* all annotations on this property. It's the same as
* {@code seed.readAllAnnotation()}, but taken as a parameter
* because the caller should know it already.
private void addProperty( PropertySeed seed, Annotation[] annotations, boolean dummy ) {
// since typically there's a very few annotations on a method,
// this runs faster than checking for each annotation via readAnnotation(A)
// characterizing annotations. these annotations (or lack thereof) decides
// the kind of the property it goes to.
// I wish I could use an array...
XmlTransient t = null;
XmlAnyAttribute aa = null;
XmlAttribute a = null;
XmlValue v = null;
XmlElement e1 = null;
XmlElements e2 = null;
XmlElementRef r1 = null;
XmlElementRefs r2 = null;
XmlAnyElement xae = null;
XmlMixed mx = null;
OverrideAnnotationOf ov = null;
// encountered secondary annotations are accumulated into a bit mask
int secondaryAnnotations = 0;
try {
for( Annotation ann : annotations ) {
Integer index = ANNOTATION_NUMBER_MAP.get(ann.annotationType());
if(index==null) continue;
switch(index) {
case 0: checkConflict(t ,ann); t = (XmlTransient) ann; break;
case 1: checkConflict(aa ,ann); aa = (XmlAnyAttribute) ann; break;
case 2: checkConflict(a ,ann); a = (XmlAttribute) ann; break;
case 3: checkConflict(v ,ann); v = (XmlValue) ann; break;
case 4: checkConflict(e1 ,ann); e1 = (XmlElement) ann; break;
case 5: checkConflict(e2 ,ann); e2 = (XmlElements) ann; break;
case 6: checkConflict(r1 ,ann); r1 = (XmlElementRef) ann; break;
case 7: checkConflict(r2 ,ann); r2 = (XmlElementRefs) ann; break;
case 8: checkConflict(xae,ann); xae = (XmlAnyElement) ann; break;
case 9: checkConflict(mx, ann); mx = (XmlMixed) ann; break;
case 10: checkConflict(ov, ann); ov = (OverrideAnnotationOf) ann; break;
// secondary annotations
secondaryAnnotations |= (1<<(index-20));
// determine the group kind, and also count the numbers, since
// characterizing annotations are mutually exclusive.
PropertyGroup group = null;
int groupCount = 0;
if(t!=null) {
group = PropertyGroup.TRANSIENT;
if(aa!=null) {
group = PropertyGroup.ANY_ATTRIBUTE;
if(a!=null) {
group = PropertyGroup.ATTRIBUTE;
if(v!=null) {
group = PropertyGroup.VALUE;
if(e1!=null || e2!=null) {
group = PropertyGroup.ELEMENT;
if(r1!=null || r2!=null || xae!=null || mx!=null || ov != null) {
group = PropertyGroup.ELEMENT_REF;
if(groupCount>1) {
// collision between groups
List err = makeSet(t,aa,a,v,pickOne(e1,e2),pickOne(r1,r2,xae));
throw new ConflictException(err);
if(group==null) {
// if no characterizing annotation was found, it's either element or map
// sniff the signature and then decide.
assert groupCount==0;
// UGLY: the presence of XmlJavaTypeAdapter makes it an element property. ARGH.
if(nav().isSubClassOf( seed.getRawType(), nav().ref(Map.class) )
&& !seed.hasAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class))
group = PropertyGroup.MAP;
group = PropertyGroup.ELEMENT;
} else if (group.equals(PropertyGroup.ELEMENT)) { // see issue 791 - make sure @XmlElement annotated map property is mapped to map
if (nav().isSubClassOf( seed.getRawType(), nav().ref(Map.class)) && !seed.hasAnnotation(XmlJavaTypeAdapter.class)) {
group = PropertyGroup.MAP;
// group determined by now
// make sure that there are no prohibited secondary annotations
if( (secondaryAnnotations&group.allowedsecondaryAnnotations)!=0 ) {
// uh oh. find the offending annotation
for( SecondaryAnnotation sa : SECONDARY_ANNOTATIONS ) {
for( Class extends Annotation> m : sa.members ) {
Annotation offender = seed.readAnnotation(m);
if(offender!=null) {
// found it
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
// there must have been an offender
assert false;
// actually create annotations
switch(group) {
// an attribute wildcard property
if(attributeWildcard!=null) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
return; // recover by ignore
attributeWildcard = seed;
if(inheritsAttributeWildcard()) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
// check the signature and make sure it's assignable to Map
if(!nav().isSubClassOf(seed.getRawType(),nav().ref(Map.class))) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
case VALUE:
case MAP:
assert false;
} catch( ConflictException x ) {
// report a conflicting annotation
List err = x.annotations;
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
err.get(0).annotationType().getName(), err.get(1).annotationType().getName()),
err.get(0), err.get(1) ));
// recover by ignoring this property
} catch( DuplicateException e ) {
// both are present
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
e.a1, e.a2 ));
// recover by ignoring this property
protected ReferencePropertyInfoImpl createReferenceProperty(PropertySeed seed) {
return new ReferencePropertyInfoImpl(this,seed);
protected AttributePropertyInfoImpl createAttributeProperty(PropertySeed seed) {
return new AttributePropertyInfoImpl(this,seed);
protected ValuePropertyInfoImpl createValueProperty(PropertySeed seed) {
return new ValuePropertyInfoImpl(this,seed);
protected ElementPropertyInfoImpl createElementProperty(PropertySeed seed) {
return new ElementPropertyInfoImpl(this,seed);
protected MapPropertyInfoImpl createMapProperty(PropertySeed seed) {
return new MapPropertyInfoImpl(this,seed);
* Adds properties that consists of accessors.
private void findGetterSetterProperties(XmlAccessType at) {
// in the first step we accumulate getters and setters
// into this map keyed by the property name.
Map getters = new LinkedHashMap();
Map setters = new LinkedHashMap();
C c = clazz;
do {
collectGetterSetters(clazz, getters, setters);
// take super classes into account if they have @XmlTransient
c = nav().getSuperClass(c);
} while(shouldRecurseSuperClass(c));
// compute the intersection
Set complete = new TreeSet(getters.keySet());
resurrect(getters, complete);
resurrect(setters, complete);
// then look for read/write properties.
for (String name : complete) {
M getter = getters.get(name);
M setter = setters.get(name);
Annotation[] ga = getter!=null ? reader().getAllMethodAnnotations(getter,new MethodLocatable(this,getter,nav())) : EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS;
Annotation[] sa = setter!=null ? reader().getAllMethodAnnotations(setter,new MethodLocatable(this,setter,nav())) : EMPTY_ANNOTATIONS;
boolean hasAnnotation = hasJAXBAnnotation(ga) || hasJAXBAnnotation(sa);
boolean isOverriding = false;
if(!hasAnnotation) {
// checking if the method is overriding others isn't free,
// so we don't compute it if it's not necessary.
isOverriding = (getter!=null && nav().isOverriding(getter,c))
&& (setter!=null && nav().isOverriding(setter,c));
if((at==XmlAccessType.PROPERTY && !isOverriding)
|| (at==XmlAccessType.PUBLIC_MEMBER && isConsideredPublic(getter) && isConsideredPublic(setter) && !isOverriding)
|| hasAnnotation) {
// make sure that the type is consistent
if(getter!=null && setter!=null
&& !nav().isSameType(nav().getReturnType(getter), nav().getMethodParameters(setter)[0])) {
// inconsistent
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
new MethodLocatable( this, getter, nav()),
new MethodLocatable( this, setter, nav())));
// merge annotations from two list
Annotation[] r;
if(ga.length==0) {
r = sa;
} else
if(sa.length==0) {
r = ga;
} else {
r = new Annotation[ga.length+sa.length];
addProperty(createAccessorSeed(getter, setter), r, false);
// done with complete pairs
// TODO: think about
// class Foo {
// int getFoo();
// }
// class Bar extends Foo {
// void setFoo(int x);
// }
// and how it will be XML-ized.
private void collectGetterSetters(C c, Map getters, Map setters) {
// take super classes into account if they have @XmlTransient.
// always visit them first so that
// 1) order is right
// 2) overriden properties are handled accordingly
C sc = nav().getSuperClass(c);
Collection extends M> methods = nav().getDeclaredMethods(c);
Map> allSetters = new LinkedHashMap>();
for( M method : methods ) {
boolean used = false; // if this method is added to getters or setters
continue; // ignore
String name = nav().getMethodName(method);
int arity = nav().getMethodParameters(method).length;
if(nav().isStaticMethod(method)) {
// is this a get method?
String propName = getPropertyNameFromGetMethod(name);
if(propName!=null && arity==0) {
used = true;
// is this a set method?
propName = getPropertyNameFromSetMethod(name);
if(propName!=null && arity==1) {
List propSetters = allSetters.get(propName);
if(null == propSetters){
propSetters = new ArrayList();
allSetters.put(propName, propSetters);
used = true; // used check performed later
// Match getter with setters by comparing getter return type to setter param
for (Map.Entry entry : getters.entrySet()) {
String propName = entry.getKey();
M getter = entry.getValue();
List propSetters = allSetters.remove(propName);
if (null == propSetters) {
//no matching setter
T getterType = nav().getReturnType(getter);
for (M setter : propSetters) {
T setterType = nav().getMethodParameters(setter)[0];
if (nav().isSameType(setterType, getterType)) {
setters.put(propName, setter);
// also allow set-only properties
for (Map.Entry> e : allSetters.entrySet()) {
* Checks if the properties in this given super class should be aggregated into this class.
private boolean shouldRecurseSuperClass(C sc) {
return sc!=null
&& (builder.isReplaced(sc) || reader().hasClassAnnotation(sc, XmlTransient.class));
* Returns true if the method is considered 'public'.
private boolean isConsideredPublic(M m) {
return m ==null || nav().isPublicMethod(m);
* If the method has an explicit annotation, allow it to participate
* to the processing even if it lacks the setter or the getter.
private void resurrect(Map methods, Set complete) {
for (Map.Entry e : methods.entrySet()) {
* Makes sure that the method doesn't have any annotation, if it does,
* report it as an error
private void ensureNoAnnotation(M method) {
Annotation[] annotations = reader().getAllMethodAnnotations(method,this);
for( Annotation a : annotations ) {
if(isJAXBAnnotation(a)) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
* Returns true if a given annotation is a JAXB annotation.
private static boolean isJAXBAnnotation(Annotation a) {
return ANNOTATION_NUMBER_MAP.containsKey(a.annotationType());
* Returns true if the array contains a JAXB annotation.
private static boolean hasJAXBAnnotation(Annotation[] annotations) {
return getSomeJAXBAnnotation(annotations)!=null;
private static Annotation getSomeJAXBAnnotation(Annotation[] annotations) {
for( Annotation a : annotations )
return a;
return null;
* Returns "Foo" from "getFoo" or "isFoo".
* @return null
* if the method name doesn't look like a getter.
private static String getPropertyNameFromGetMethod(String name) {
if(name.startsWith("get") && name.length()>3)
return name.substring(3);
if(name.startsWith("is") && name.length()>2)
return name.substring(2);
return null;
* Returns "Foo" from "setFoo".
* @return null
* if the method name doesn't look like a setter.
private static String getPropertyNameFromSetMethod(String name) {
if(name.startsWith("set") && name.length()>3)
return name.substring(3);
return null;
* Creates a new {@link FieldPropertySeed} object.
* Derived class can override this method to create a sub-class.
protected PropertySeed createFieldSeed(F f) {
return new FieldPropertySeed(this, f);
* Creates a new {@link GetterSetterPropertySeed} object.
protected PropertySeed createAccessorSeed(M getter, M setter) {
return new GetterSetterPropertySeed(this, getter,setter);
public final boolean isElement() {
return elementName!=null;
public boolean isAbstract() {
return nav().isAbstract(clazz);
public boolean isOrdered() {
return propOrder!=null;
public final boolean isFinal() {
return nav().isFinal(clazz);
public final boolean hasSubClasses() {
return hasSubClasses;
public final boolean hasAttributeWildcard() {
return declaresAttributeWildcard() || inheritsAttributeWildcard();
public final boolean inheritsAttributeWildcard() {
return getInheritedAttributeWildcard()!=null;
public final boolean declaresAttributeWildcard() {
return attributeWildcard!=null;
* Gets the {@link PropertySeed} object for the inherited attribute wildcard.
private PropertySeed getInheritedAttributeWildcard() {
for( ClassInfoImpl c=getBaseClass(); c!=null; c=c.getBaseClass() )
return c.attributeWildcard;
return null;
public final QName getElementName() {
return elementName;
public final QName getTypeName() {
return typeName;
public final boolean isSimpleType() {
List extends PropertyInfo> props = getProperties();
if(props.size()!=1) return false;
return props.get(0).kind()==PropertyKind.VALUE;
* Called after all the {@link TypeInfo}s are collected into the {@link #owner}.
/*package*/ void link() {
getProperties(); // make sure properties!=null
// property name collision cehck
Map names = new HashMap();
for( PropertyInfoImpl p : properties ) {
PropertyInfoImpl old = names.put(p.getName(),p);
if(old!=null) {
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
p, old ));
public Location getLocation() {
return nav().getClassLocation(clazz);
* XmlType allows specification of factoryClass and
* factoryMethod. There are to be used if no default
* constructor is found.
* @return
* true if the factory method was found. False if not.
private boolean hasFactoryConstructor(XmlType t){
if (t == null) return false;
String method = t.factoryMethod();
T fClass = reader().getClassValue(t, "factoryClass");
if (method.length() > 0){
if(nav().isSameType(fClass, nav().ref(XmlType.DEFAULT.class))){
fClass = nav().use(clazz);
for(M m: nav().getDeclaredMethods(nav().asDecl(fClass))){
//- Find the zero-arg public static method with the required return type
if (nav().getMethodName(m).equals(method) &&
nav().isSameType(nav().getReturnType(m), nav().use(clazz)) &&
nav().getMethodParameters(m).length == 0 &&
factoryMethod = m;
if (factoryMethod == null){
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.NO_FACTORY_METHOD.format(nav().getClassName(nav().asDecl(fClass)), method), this ));
} else if(!nav().isSameType(fClass, nav().ref(XmlType.DEFAULT.class))){
builder.reportError(new IllegalAnnotationException(
Messages.FACTORY_CLASS_NEEDS_FACTORY_METHOD.format(nav().getClassName(nav().asDecl(fClass))), this ));
return factoryMethod != null;
public Method getFactoryMethod(){
return (Method) factoryMethod;
public String toString() {
return "ClassInfo("+clazz+')';
private static final String[] DEFAULT_ORDER = new String[0];