org.kohsuke.rngom.parse.compact.CompactSyntax.jj Maven / Gradle / Ivy
options {
STATIC = false;
package org.kohsuke.rngom.parse.compact;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.Annotations;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.BuildException;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.CommentList;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.DataPatternBuilder;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.Div;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.ElementAnnotationBuilder;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.Grammar;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.GrammarSection;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.Include;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.IncludedGrammar;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.NameClassBuilder;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.SchemaBuilder;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.builder.Scope;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.om.Location;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.om.ParsedElementAnnotation;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.om.ParsedNameClass;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.ast.om.ParsedPattern;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.parse.Context;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.parse.IllegalSchemaException;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.parse.Parseable;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.util.Localizer;
import org.kohsuke.rngom.xml.util.WellKnownNamespaces;
public class CompactSyntax implements Context {
private static final int IN_ELEMENT = 0;
private static final int IN_ATTRIBUTE = 1;
private static final int IN_ANY_NAME = 2;
private static final int IN_NS_NAME = 4;
private String defaultNamespace;
private String compatibilityPrefix = null;
private SchemaBuilder sb;
private NameClassBuilder ncb;
private String sourceUri;
* This is what we are parsing right now.
private CompactParseable parseable;
private ErrorHandler eh;
private final Hashtable namespaceTable = new Hashtable();
private final Hashtable datatypesTable = new Hashtable();
private boolean hadError = false;
private static final Localizer localizer = new Localizer(new Localizer(Parseable.class),CompactSyntax.class);
private final Hashtable attributeNameTable = new Hashtable();
private boolean annotationsIncludeElements = false;
* String that represents the inherited namespace.
* HACK: we always allocate a new String instance so that
* we can distinguish inherited value from the explicitly
* given value.
private /*final*/ String inheritedNs; // essentially final but JavaCC don't let us declare it as so.
final class LocatedString {
private final String str;
private final Token tok;
LocatedString(String str, Token tok) {
this.str = str;
this.tok = tok;
String getString() {
return str;
Location getLocation() {
return makeLocation(tok);
Token getToken() {
return tok;
public CompactSyntax(CompactParseable parseable, Reader r, String sourceUri, SchemaBuilder sb, ErrorHandler eh, String inheritedNs) {
this.sourceUri = sourceUri;
this.parseable = parseable;
this.sb = sb;
this.ncb = sb.getNameClassBuilder();
this.eh = eh;
// this causes the root pattern to have non-null annotations
// which is useful because it gives a context to trang
this.topLevelComments = sb.makeCommentList();
this.inheritedNs = defaultNamespace = new String(inheritedNs);
ParsedPattern parse(Scope scope) throws IllegalSchemaException {
try {
ParsedPattern p = Input(scope);
if (!hadError)
return p;
catch (ParseException e) {
error("syntax_error", e.getMessage(), e.currentToken.next);
catch (EscapeSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalSchemaException();
ParsedPattern parseInclude(IncludedGrammar g) throws IllegalSchemaException {
try {
ParsedPattern p = IncludedGrammar(g);
if (!hadError)
return p;
catch (ParseException e) {
error("syntax_error", e.getMessage(), e.currentToken.next);
catch (EscapeSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalSchemaException();
private void checkNsName(int context, LocatedString ns) {
if ((context & IN_NS_NAME) != 0)
error("ns_name_except_contains_ns_name", ns.getToken());
private void checkAnyName(int context, Token t) {
if ((context & IN_NS_NAME) != 0)
error("ns_name_except_contains_any_name", t);
if ((context & IN_ANY_NAME) != 0)
error("any_name_except_contains_any_name", t);
private void error(String key, Token tok) {
doError(localizer.message(key), tok);
private void error(String key, String arg, Token tok) {
doError(localizer.message(key, arg), tok);
private void error(String key, String arg1, String arg2, Token tok) {
doError(localizer.message(key, arg1, arg2), tok);
private void doError(String message, Token tok) {
hadError = true;
if (eh != null) {
LocatorImpl loc = new LocatorImpl();
try {
eh.error(new SAXParseException(message, loc));
catch (SAXException se) {
throw new BuildException(se);
private void reportEscapeSyntaxException(EscapeSyntaxException e) {
if (eh != null) {
LocatorImpl loc = new LocatorImpl();
try {
eh.error(new SAXParseException(localizer.message(e.getKey()), loc));
catch (SAXException se) {
throw new BuildException(se);
private static String unquote(String s) {
if (s.length() >= 6 && s.charAt(0) == s.charAt(1)) {
s = s.replace('\u0000', '\n');
return s.substring(3, s.length() - 3);
return s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
Location makeLocation(Token t) {
return sb.makeLocation(sourceUri, t.beginLine, t.beginColumn);
private static ParsedPattern[] addPattern(ParsedPattern[] patterns, int i, ParsedPattern p) {
if (i >= patterns.length) {
ParsedPattern[] oldPatterns = patterns;
patterns = new ParsedPattern[oldPatterns.length*2];
System.arraycopy(oldPatterns, 0, patterns, 0, oldPatterns.length);
patterns[i] = p;
return patterns;
String getCompatibilityPrefix() {
if (compatibilityPrefix == null) {
compatibilityPrefix = "a";
while (namespaceTable.get(compatibilityPrefix) != null)
compatibilityPrefix = compatibilityPrefix + "a";
return compatibilityPrefix;
public String resolveNamespacePrefix(String prefix) {
String result = (String)namespaceTable.get(prefix);
if (result.length() == 0)
return null;
return result;
public Enumeration prefixes() {
return namespaceTable.keys();
public String getBaseUri() {
return sourceUri;
public boolean isUnparsedEntity(String entityName) {
return false;
public boolean isNotation(String notationName) {
return false;
public Context copy() {
return this;
private Context getContext() {
return this;
private CommentList getComments() {
return getComments(getTopLevelComments());
private CommentList topLevelComments;
private CommentList getTopLevelComments() {
CommentList tem = topLevelComments;
topLevelComments = null;
return tem;
private void noteTopLevelComments() {
topLevelComments = getComments(topLevelComments);
private void topLevelComments(GrammarSection section) {
private Token lastCommentSourceToken = null;
private CommentList getComments(CommentList comments) {
Token nextToken = getToken(1);
if (lastCommentSourceToken != nextToken) {
if (lastCommentSourceToken == null)
lastCommentSourceToken = token;
do {
lastCommentSourceToken = lastCommentSourceToken.next;
Token t = lastCommentSourceToken.specialToken;
if (t != null) {
while (t.specialToken != null)
t = t.specialToken;
if (comments == null)
comments = sb.makeCommentList();
for (; t != null; t = t.next) {
String s = mungeComment(t.image);
Location loc = makeLocation(t);
if (t.next != null
&& t.next.kind == CompactSyntaxConstants.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_CONTINUE) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(s);
do {
t = t.next;
} while (t.next != null
&& t.next.kind == CompactSyntaxConstants.SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT_CONTINUE);
s = buf.toString();
comments.addComment(s, loc);
} while (lastCommentSourceToken != nextToken);
return comments;
private ParsedPattern afterComments(ParsedPattern p) {
CommentList comments = getComments(null);
if (comments == null)
return p;
return sb.commentAfter(p, comments);
private ParsedNameClass afterComments(ParsedNameClass nc) {
CommentList comments = getComments(null);
if (comments == null)
return nc;
return ncb.commentAfter(nc, comments);
private static String mungeComment(String image) {
int i = image.indexOf('#') + 1;
while (i < image.length() && image.charAt(i) == '#')
if (i < image.length() && image.charAt(i) == ' ')
return image.substring(i);
private Annotations getCommentsAsAnnotations() {
CommentList comments = getComments();
if (comments == null)
return null;
return sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext());
private Annotations addCommentsToChildAnnotations(Annotations a) {
CommentList comments = getComments();
if (comments == null)
return a;
if (a == null)
a = sb.makeAnnotations(null, getContext());
return a;
private Annotations addCommentsToLeadingAnnotations(Annotations a) {
CommentList comments = getComments();
if (comments == null)
return a;
if (a == null)
return sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext());
return a;
private Annotations getTopLevelCommentsAsAnnotations() {
CommentList comments = getTopLevelComments();
if (comments == null)
return null;
return sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext());
private void clearAttributeList() {
private void addAttribute(Annotations a, String ns, String localName, String prefix, String value, Token tok) {
String key = ns + "#" + localName;
if (attributeNameTable.get(key) != null)
error("duplicate_attribute", ns, localName, tok);
else {
attributeNameTable.put(key, key);
a.addAttribute(ns, localName, prefix, value, makeLocation(tok));
private void checkExcept(Token[] except) {
if (except[0] != null)
error("except_missing_parentheses", except[0]);
private String lookupPrefix(String prefix, Token t) {
String ns = (String)namespaceTable.get(prefix);
if (ns == null) {
error("undeclared_prefix", prefix, t);
return "#error";
return ns;
private String lookupDatatype(String prefix, Token t) {
String ns = (String)datatypesTable.get(prefix);
if (ns == null) {
error("undeclared_prefix", prefix, t);
return ""; // XXX
return ns;
private String resolve(String str) {
try {
return new URL(new URL(sourceUri), str).toString();
catch (MalformedURLException e) { }
return str;
ParsedPattern Input(Scope scope) :
ParsedPattern p;
(LOOKAHEAD(TopLevelLookahead()) p = TopLevelGrammar(scope)
| p = Expr(true, scope, null, null) { p = afterComments(p); } )
{ return p; }
void TopLevelLookahead() :
| Identifier() ("[" | "=" | "&=" | "|=")
| LookaheadGrammarKeyword()
| LookaheadBody() LookaheadAfterAnnotations()
| LookaheadDocumentation() (LookaheadBody())? LookaheadAfterAnnotations()
void LookaheadAfterAnnotations() :
Identifier() ("=" | "&=" | "|=")
| LookaheadGrammarKeyword()
void LookaheadGrammarKeyword() :
"start" | "div" | "include"
void LookaheadDocumentation() :
(( | ) ()*)+
void LookaheadBody() :
( | UnprefixedName() | "=" | | "~" | LookaheadBody() )*
ParsedPattern IncludedGrammar(IncludedGrammar g) :
Annotations a;
ParsedPattern p;
(LOOKAHEAD(TopLevelLookahead()) a = GrammarBody(g, g, getTopLevelCommentsAsAnnotations())
| a = Annotations() "grammar" "{" a = GrammarBody(g, g, a) { topLevelComments(g); } "}")
{ p = afterComments(g.endIncludedGrammar(sb.makeLocation(sourceUri, 1, 1), a)); }
{ return p; }
ParsedPattern TopLevelGrammar(Scope scope) :
Annotations a = getTopLevelCommentsAsAnnotations();
Grammar g;
ParsedPattern p;
{ g = sb.makeGrammar(scope); }
a = GrammarBody(g, g, a)
{ p = afterComments(g.endGrammar(sb.makeLocation(sourceUri, 1, 1), a)); }
{ return p; }
void Preamble() :
(NamespaceDecl() | DatatypesDecl())*
namespaceTable.put("xml", WellKnownNamespaces.XML);
if (datatypesTable.get("xsd") == null)
datatypesTable.put("xsd", WellKnownNamespaces.XML_SCHEMA_DATATYPES);
void NamespaceDecl() :
LocatedString prefix = null;
boolean isDefault = false;
String namespaceName;
{ noteTopLevelComments(); }
(("namespace" prefix = UnprefixedName())
| ("default" { isDefault = true; }
"namespace" (prefix = UnprefixedName())?))
namespaceName = NamespaceName()
if (isDefault)
defaultNamespace = namespaceName;
if (prefix != null) {
if (prefix.getString().equals("xmlns"))
error("xmlns_prefix", prefix.getToken());
else if (prefix.getString().equals("xml")) {
if (!namespaceName.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.XML))
error("xml_prefix_bad_uri", prefix.getToken());
else if (namespaceName.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.XML))
error("xml_uri_bad_prefix", prefix.getToken());
else {
if (namespaceName.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG_COMPATIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS))
compatibilityPrefix = prefix.getString();
namespaceTable.put(prefix.getString(), namespaceName);
String NamespaceName() :
String r;
(r = Literal() | "inherit" { r = this.inheritedNs; })
{ return r; }
void DatatypesDecl() :
LocatedString prefix;
String uri;
{ noteTopLevelComments(); }
"datatypes" prefix = UnprefixedName() "=" uri = Literal()
datatypesTable.put(prefix.getString(), uri);
ParsedPattern AnnotatedPrimaryExpr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, Token[] except) :
Annotations a;
ParsedPattern p;
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
Token t;
a = Annotations()
p = PrimaryExpr(topLevel, scope, a, except)
( t = e = AnnotationElement(false) {
if (topLevel)
error("top_level_follow_annotation", t);
p = sb.annotateAfter(p, e);
{ return p; }
ParsedPattern PrimaryExpr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, Annotations a, Token[] except) :
ParsedPattern p;
(p = ElementExpr(scope, a)
| p = AttributeExpr(scope, a)
| p = GrammarExpr(scope, a)
| p = ExternalRefExpr(scope, a)
| p = ListExpr(scope, a)
| p = MixedExpr(scope, a)
| p = ParenExpr(topLevel, scope, a)
| p = IdentifierExpr(scope, a)
| p = ParentExpr(scope, a)
| p = DataExpr(topLevel, scope, a, except)
| p = ValueExpr(topLevel, a)
| p = TextExpr(a)
| p = EmptyExpr(a)
| p = NotAllowedExpr(a))
{ return p; }
ParsedPattern EmptyExpr(Annotations a) :
Token t;
t = "empty"
{ return sb.makeEmpty(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern TextExpr(Annotations a) :
Token t;
t = "text"
{ return sb.makeText(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern NotAllowedExpr(Annotations a) :
Token t;
t = "notAllowed"
{ return sb.makeNotAllowed(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern Expr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, Token t, Annotations a) :
List patterns = new ArrayList();
ParsedPattern p;
boolean[] hadOccur = new boolean[1];
Token[] except = new Token[1];
p = UnaryExpr(topLevel, scope, hadOccur, except)
{ patterns.add(p); }
{ checkExcept(except); }
(t = "|" p = UnaryExpr(topLevel, scope, null, except)
{ patterns.add(p); checkExcept(except); } )+
{ p = sb.makeChoice(patterns, makeLocation(t), a); }
| (t = "&" p = UnaryExpr(topLevel, scope, null, except)
{ patterns.add(p); checkExcept(except); } )+
{ p = sb.makeInterleave(patterns, makeLocation(t), a); }
| (t = "," p = UnaryExpr(topLevel, scope, null, except)
{ patterns.add(p); checkExcept(except); } )+
{ p = sb.makeGroup(patterns, makeLocation(t), a); }
if (patterns.size() == 1 && a != null) {
if (hadOccur[0])
p = sb.annotate(p, a);
p = sb.makeGroup(patterns, makeLocation(t), a);
return p;
ParsedPattern UnaryExpr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, boolean[] hadOccur, Token[] except) :
ParsedPattern p;
Token t;
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
p = AnnotatedPrimaryExpr(topLevel, scope, except)
if (hadOccur != null) hadOccur[0] = true;
p = afterComments(p);
(t = "+" { checkExcept(except); p = sb.makeOneOrMore(p, makeLocation(t), null); }
| t = "?" { checkExcept(except); p = sb.makeOptional(p, makeLocation(t), null); }
| t = "*" { checkExcept(except); p = sb.makeZeroOrMore(p, makeLocation(t), null); })
( t = e = AnnotationElement(false) {
if (topLevel)
error("top_level_follow_annotation", t);
p = sb.annotateAfter(p, e);
} )*
{ return p; }
ParsedPattern ElementExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedNameClass nc;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "element"
nc = NameClass(IN_ELEMENT, null)
p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ p = afterComments(p); }
{ return sb.makeElement(nc, p, makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern AttributeExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedNameClass nc;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "attribute"
nc = NameClass(IN_ATTRIBUTE, null)
p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ p = afterComments(p); }
{ return sb.makeAttribute(nc, p, makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedNameClass NameClass(int context, Annotations[] pa) :
Annotations a;
ParsedNameClass nc;
a = Annotations()
(nc = PrimaryNameClass(context, a) nc = AnnotateAfter(nc) nc = NameClassAlternatives(context, nc, pa)
| nc = AnyNameExceptClass(context, a, pa)
| nc = NsNameExceptClass(context, a, pa))
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass AnnotateAfter(ParsedNameClass nc) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
( e = AnnotationElement(false) { nc = ncb.annotateAfter(nc, e); })*
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass NameClassAlternatives(int context, ParsedNameClass nc, Annotations[] pa) :
Token t;
ParsedNameClass[] nameClasses;
int nNameClasses;
nameClasses = new ParsedNameClass[2];
nameClasses[0] = nc;
nNameClasses = 1;
(t = "|" nc = BasicNameClass(context) nc = AnnotateAfter(nc)
if (nNameClasses >= nameClasses.length) {
ParsedNameClass[] oldNameClasses = nameClasses;
nameClasses = new ParsedNameClass[oldNameClasses.length*2];
System.arraycopy(oldNameClasses, 0, nameClasses, 0, oldNameClasses.length);
nameClasses[nNameClasses++] = nc;
Annotations a;
if (pa == null)
a = null;
else {
a = pa[0];
pa[0] = null;
nc = ncb.makeChoice(Arrays.asList(nameClasses).subList(0,nNameClasses), makeLocation(t), a);
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass BasicNameClass(int context) :
Annotations a;
ParsedNameClass nc;
a = Annotations()
(nc = PrimaryNameClass(context, a)
| nc = OpenNameClass(context, a))
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass PrimaryNameClass(int context, Annotations a) :
ParsedNameClass nc;
(nc = UnprefixedNameClass(context, a)
| nc = PrefixedNameClass(a)
| nc = ParenNameClass(context, a))
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass OpenNameClass(int context, Annotations a) :
Token t;
LocatedString ns;
ns = NsName() { checkNsName(context, ns); return ncb.makeNsName(ns.getString(), ns.getLocation(), a); }
| t = "*" { checkAnyName(context, t); return ncb.makeAnyName(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedNameClass UnprefixedNameClass(int context, Annotations a) :
LocatedString name;
name = UnprefixedName()
String ns;
ns = "";
ns = defaultNamespace;
return ncb.makeName(ns, name.getString(), null, name.getLocation(), a);
ParsedNameClass PrefixedNameClass(Annotations a) :
Token t;
t =
String qn = t.image;
int colon = qn.indexOf(':');
String prefix = qn.substring(0, colon);
return ncb.makeName(lookupPrefix(prefix, t), qn.substring(colon + 1), prefix, makeLocation(t), a);
ParsedNameClass NsNameExceptClass(int context, Annotations a, Annotations[] pa) :
LocatedString ns;
ParsedNameClass nc;
ns = NsName()
{ checkNsName(context, ns); }
(nc = ExceptNameClass(context | IN_NS_NAME)
{ nc = ncb.makeNsName(ns.getString(), nc, ns.getLocation(), a); }
nc = AnnotateAfter(nc)
| { nc = ncb.makeNsName(ns.getString(), ns.getLocation(), a); }
nc = AnnotateAfter(nc)
nc = NameClassAlternatives(context, nc, pa))
{ return nc; }
LocatedString NsName() :
Token t;
t =
String qn = t.image;
String prefix = qn.substring(0, qn.length() - 2);
return new LocatedString(lookupPrefix(prefix, t), t);
ParsedNameClass AnyNameExceptClass(int context, Annotations a, Annotations[] pa) :
Token t;
ParsedNameClass nc;
t = "*"
{ checkAnyName(context, t); }
(nc = ExceptNameClass(context | IN_ANY_NAME)
{ nc = ncb.makeAnyName(nc, makeLocation(t), a); }
nc = AnnotateAfter(nc)
| { nc = ncb.makeAnyName(makeLocation(t), a); }
nc = AnnotateAfter(nc)
nc = NameClassAlternatives(context, nc, pa))
{ return nc; }
ParsedNameClass ParenNameClass(int context, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedNameClass nc;
Annotations[] pa = new Annotations[]{ a };
t = "(" nc = NameClass(context, pa) { nc = afterComments(nc); } ")"
if (pa[0] != null)
nc = ncb.makeChoice(Collections.singletonList(nc), makeLocation(t), pa[0]);
return nc;
ParsedNameClass ExceptNameClass(int context) :
ParsedNameClass nc;
"-" nc = BasicNameClass(context)
{ return nc; }
ParsedPattern ListExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "list"
p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ p = afterComments(p); }
{ return sb.makeList(p, makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern MixedExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "mixed"
p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ p = afterComments(p); }
{ return sb.makeMixed(p, makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern GrammarExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
Grammar g;
t = "grammar" { g = sb.makeGrammar(scope); }
"{" a = GrammarBody(g, g, a) { topLevelComments(g); } "}"
{ return g.endGrammar(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern ParenExpr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "(" p = Expr(topLevel, scope, t, a) { p = afterComments(p); } ")"
{ return p; }
Annotations GrammarBody(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
(LOOKAHEAD(2) e = AnnotationElementNotKeyword()
{ if (a == null) a = sb.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); a.addElement(e); })*
(GrammarComponent(section, scope))*
{ return a; }
void GrammarComponent(GrammarSection section, Scope scope) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
Annotations a;
(a = Annotations()
(Definition(section, scope, a)
| Include(section, scope, a)
| Div(section, scope, a)))
(LOOKAHEAD(2) e = AnnotationElementNotKeyword() { section.topLevelAnnotation(e); })*
void Definition(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
(Define(section, scope, a) | Start(section, scope, a))
void Start(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
GrammarSection.Combine combine;
ParsedPattern p;
t = "start" combine = AssignOp() p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ section.define(GrammarSection.START, combine, p, makeLocation(t), a); }
void Define(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
LocatedString name;
GrammarSection.Combine combine;
ParsedPattern p;
name = Identifier() combine = AssignOp() p = Expr(false, scope, null, null)
{ section.define(name.getString(), combine, p, name.getLocation(), a); }
GrammarSection.Combine AssignOp() :
"=" { return null; }
| "|=" { return GrammarSection.COMBINE_CHOICE; }
| "&=" { return GrammarSection.COMBINE_INTERLEAVE; }
void Include(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
String href;
String ns;
Include include = section.makeInclude();
t = "include" href = Literal()
ns = Inherit()
("{" a = IncludeBody(include, scope, a) { topLevelComments(include); } "}")?
try {
include.endInclude(parseable, resolve(href), ns, makeLocation(t), a);
catch (IllegalSchemaException e) { }
Annotations IncludeBody(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
(LOOKAHEAD(2) e = AnnotationElementNotKeyword()
{ if (a == null) a = sb.makeAnnotations(null, getContext()); a.addElement(e); })*
(IncludeComponent(section, scope))*
{ return a; }
void IncludeComponent(GrammarSection section, Scope scope) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
Annotations a;
(a = Annotations() (Definition(section, scope, a)
| IncludeDiv(section, scope, a)))
(LOOKAHEAD(2) e = AnnotationElementNotKeyword() { section.topLevelAnnotation(e); })*
void Div(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
Div div = section.makeDiv();
t = "div" "{" a = GrammarBody(div, scope, a) { topLevelComments(div); } "}"
{ div.endDiv(makeLocation(t), a); }
void IncludeDiv(GrammarSection section, Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
Div div = section.makeDiv();
t = "div" "{" a = IncludeBody(div, scope, a) { topLevelComments(div); } "}"
{ div.endDiv(makeLocation(t), a); }
ParsedPattern ExternalRefExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
Token t;
String href;
String ns;
t = "external" href = Literal()
ns = Inherit()
try {
return sb.makeExternalRef(parseable, resolve(href), ns, scope, makeLocation(t), a);
catch (IllegalSchemaException e) {
return sb.makeErrorPattern();
String Inherit() :
String ns = null;
("inherit" "=" ns = Prefix())?
if (ns == null)
ns = defaultNamespace;
return ns;
ParsedPattern ParentExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
LocatedString name;
"parent" { a = addCommentsToChildAnnotations(a); } name = Identifier()
if(scope==null) {
return sb.makeErrorPattern();
} else {
return scope.makeParentRef(name.getString(), name.getLocation(), a);
ParsedPattern IdentifierExpr(Scope scope, Annotations a) :
LocatedString name;
name = Identifier()
if(scope==null) {
return sb.makeErrorPattern();
} else {
return scope.makeRef(name.getString(), name.getLocation(), a);
ParsedPattern ValueExpr(boolean topLevel, Annotations a) :
LocatedString s;
s = LocatedLiteral()
if (topLevel && annotationsIncludeElements) {
error("top_level_follow_annotation", s.getToken());
a = null;
return sb.makeValue("", "token", s.getString(), getContext(), defaultNamespace, s.getLocation(), a);
ParsedPattern DataExpr(boolean topLevel, Scope scope, Annotations a, Token[] except) :
Token datatypeToken;
Location loc;
String datatype;
String datatypeUri = null;
String s = null;
ParsedPattern e = null;
DataPatternBuilder dpb;
datatypeToken = DatatypeName()
datatype = datatypeToken.image;
loc = makeLocation(datatypeToken);
int colon = datatype.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 0)
datatypeUri = "";
else {
String prefix = datatype.substring(0, colon);
datatypeUri = lookupDatatype(prefix, datatypeToken);
datatype = datatype.substring(colon + 1);
((s = Literal()
if (topLevel && annotationsIncludeElements) {
error("top_level_follow_annotation", datatypeToken);
a = null;
return sb.makeValue(datatypeUri, datatype, s, getContext(), defaultNamespace, loc, a);
| ( { dpb = sb.makeDataPatternBuilder(datatypeUri, datatype, loc); }
( (Params(dpb) (e = Except(scope, except))?)
| (e = Except(scope, except))?)
{ return e == null ? dpb.makePattern(loc, a) : dpb.makePattern(e, loc, a); }))
Token DatatypeName() :
Token t;
(t = "string" | t = "token" | t = )
{ return t; }
LocatedString Identifier() :
LocatedString s;
Token t;
(t = { s = new LocatedString(t.image, t); }
| t = { s = new LocatedString(t.image.substring(1), t); })
{ return s; }
String Prefix() :
Token t;
String prefix;
(t = { prefix = t.image; }
| t = { prefix = t.image.substring(1); }
| t = Keyword() { prefix = t.image; })
{ return lookupPrefix(prefix, t); }
LocatedString UnprefixedName() :
LocatedString s;
Token t;
(s = Identifier()
| t = Keyword() { s = new LocatedString(t.image, t); })
{ return s; }
void Params(DataPatternBuilder dpb) :
"{" (Param(dpb))* "}"
void Param(DataPatternBuilder dpb) :
LocatedString name;
Annotations a;
String value;
a = Annotations() name = UnprefixedName() "=" { a = addCommentsToLeadingAnnotations(a); } value = Literal()
{ dpb.addParam(name.getString(), value, getContext(), defaultNamespace, name.getLocation(), a); }
ParsedPattern Except(Scope scope, Token[] except) :
Annotations a;
ParsedPattern p;
Token t;
Token[] innerExcept = new Token[1];
t = "-" a = Annotations() p = PrimaryExpr(false, scope, a, innerExcept)
except[0] = t;
return p;
ParsedElementAnnotation Documentation() :
CommentList comments = getComments();
ElementAnnotationBuilder eab;
Token t;
(t = | t = )
eab = sb.makeElementAnnotationBuilder(WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG_COMPATIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS,
eab.addText(mungeComment(t.image), makeLocation(t), null);
(t = { eab.addText("\n" + mungeComment(t.image), makeLocation(t), null); })*
{ return eab.makeElementAnnotation(); }
Annotations Annotations() :
CommentList comments = getComments();
Annotations a = null;
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
( { a = sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext()); }
(e = Documentation() { a.addElement(e); })+
comments = getComments();
if (comments != null)
("[" { if (a == null) a = sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext()); clearAttributeList(); annotationsIncludeElements = false; }
(LOOKAHEAD(2) PrefixedAnnotationAttribute(a, false) )*
( e = AnnotationElement(false) { a.addElement(e); annotationsIncludeElements = true; } )*
{ a.addComment(getComments()); }
if (a == null && comments != null)
a = sb.makeAnnotations(comments, getContext());
return a;
void AnnotationAttribute(Annotations a) :
PrefixedAnnotationAttribute(a, true) | UnprefixedAnnotationAttribute(a)
void PrefixedAnnotationAttribute(Annotations a, boolean nested) :
Token t;
String value;
t = "=" value = Literal()
String qn = t.image;
int colon = qn.indexOf(':');
String prefix = qn.substring(0, colon);
String ns = lookupPrefix(prefix, t);
if (ns == this.inheritedNs)
error("inherited_annotation_namespace", t);
else if (ns.length() == 0 && !nested)
error("unqualified_annotation_attribute", t);
else if (ns.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG) && !nested)
error("relax_ng_namespace", t);
/*else if (ns.length() == 0
&& qn.length() - colon - 1 == 5
&& qn.regionMatches(colon + 1, "xmlns", 0, 5))
error("xmlns_annotation_attribute", t);*/
else if (ns.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.XMLNS))
error("xmlns_annotation_attribute_uri", t);
else {
if (ns.length() == 0)
prefix = null;
addAttribute(a, ns, qn.substring(colon + 1), prefix, value, t);
void UnprefixedAnnotationAttribute(Annotations a) :
LocatedString name;
String value;
name = UnprefixedName() "=" value = Literal()
if (name.getString().equals("xmlns"))
error("xmlns_annotation_attribute", name.getToken());
addAttribute(a, "", name.getString(), null, value, name.getToken());
ParsedElementAnnotation AnnotationElement(boolean nested) :
ParsedElementAnnotation a;
(a = PrefixedAnnotationElement(nested)
| a = UnprefixedAnnotationElement())
{ return a; }
ParsedElementAnnotation AnnotationElementNotKeyword() :
ParsedElementAnnotation a;
(a = PrefixedAnnotationElement(false)
| a = IdentifierAnnotationElement())
{ return a; }
ParsedElementAnnotation PrefixedAnnotationElement(boolean nested) :
CommentList comments = getComments();
Token t;
ElementAnnotationBuilder eab;
t =
String qn = t.image;
int colon = qn.indexOf(':');
String prefix = qn.substring(0, colon);
String ns = lookupPrefix(prefix, t);
if (ns == this.inheritedNs) {
error("inherited_annotation_namespace", t);
ns = "";
else if (!nested && ns.equals(WellKnownNamespaces.RELAX_NG)) {
error("relax_ng_namespace", t);
ns = "";
else {
if (ns.length() == 0)
prefix = null;
eab = sb.makeElementAnnotationBuilder(ns, qn.substring(colon + 1), prefix,
makeLocation(t), comments, getContext());
{ return eab.makeElementAnnotation(); }
ParsedElementAnnotation UnprefixedAnnotationElement() :
CommentList comments = getComments();
LocatedString name;
ElementAnnotationBuilder eab;
name = UnprefixedName()
eab = sb.makeElementAnnotationBuilder("", name.getString(), null,
name.getLocation(), comments, getContext());
{ return eab.makeElementAnnotation(); }
ParsedElementAnnotation IdentifierAnnotationElement() :
CommentList comments = getComments();
LocatedString name;
ElementAnnotationBuilder eab;
name = Identifier()
eab = sb.makeElementAnnotationBuilder("", name.getString(), null,
name.getLocation(), comments, getContext());
{ return eab.makeElementAnnotation(); }
void AnnotationElementContent(ElementAnnotationBuilder eab) :
ParsedElementAnnotation e;
"[" { clearAttributeList(); }
(LOOKAHEAD(2) AnnotationAttribute(eab))*
("~" AnnotationElementLiteral(eab))*)
| e = AnnotationElement(true) { eab.addElement(e); })*
{ eab.addComment(getComments()); }
void AnnotationElementLiteral(ElementAnnotationBuilder eab) :
Token t;
CommentList comments = getComments();
t = { eab.addText(unquote(t.image), makeLocation(t), comments); }
String Literal() :
Token t;
String s;
StringBuffer buf;
t =
s = unquote(t.image);
{ buf = new StringBuffer(s); }
("~" t = { buf.append(unquote(t.image)); })+
{ s = buf.toString(); }
{ return s; }
LocatedString LocatedLiteral() :
Token t;
Token t2;
String s;
StringBuffer buf;
t =
s = unquote(t.image);
{ buf = new StringBuffer(s); }
("~" t2 = { buf.append(unquote(t2.image)); })+
{ s = buf.toString(); }
{ return new LocatedString(s, t); }
Token Keyword() :
Token t;
(t = "element"
| t = "attribute"
| t = "namespace"
| t = "list"
| t = "mixed"
| t = "grammar"
| t = "empty"
| t = "text"
| t = "parent"
| t = "external"
| t = "notAllowed"
| t = "start"
| t = "include"
| t = "default"
| t = "inherit"
| t = "string"
| t = "token"
| t = "datatypes"
| t = "div")
{ return t; }
< #NEWLINE : [ "\u0000", "\n" ] >
| < #NOT_NEWLINE : ~[ "\u0000", "\n" ] >
| < WS: ([ "\u0000", " ", "\n", "\t" ])+ > : DEFAULT
< DOCUMENTATION_CONTINUE: ([" ", "\t"])* >
< #BASE_CHAR : [
"\u0041" - "\u005a",
"\u0061" - "\u007a",
"\u00c0" - "\u00d6",
"\u00d8" - "\u00f6",
"\u00f8" - "\u00ff",
"\u0100" - "\u0131",
"\u0134" - "\u013e",
"\u0141" - "\u0148",
"\u014a" - "\u017e",
"\u0180" - "\u01c3",
"\u01cd" - "\u01f0",
"\u01f4" - "\u01f5",
"\u01fa" - "\u0217",
"\u0250" - "\u02a8",
"\u02bb" - "\u02c1",
"\u0388" - "\u038a",
"\u038e" - "\u03a1",
"\u03a3" - "\u03ce",
"\u03d0" - "\u03d6",
"\u03e2" - "\u03f3",
"\u0401" - "\u040c",
"\u040e" - "\u044f",
"\u0451" - "\u045c",
"\u045e" - "\u0481",
"\u0490" - "\u04c4",
"\u04c7" - "\u04c8",
"\u04cb" - "\u04cc",
"\u04d0" - "\u04eb",
"\u04ee" - "\u04f5",
"\u04f8" - "\u04f9",
"\u0531" - "\u0556",
"\u0561" - "\u0586",
"\u05d0" - "\u05ea",
"\u05f0" - "\u05f2",
"\u0621" - "\u063a",
"\u0641" - "\u064a",
"\u0671" - "\u06b7",
"\u06ba" - "\u06be",
"\u06c0" - "\u06ce",
"\u06d0" - "\u06d3",
"\u06e5" - "\u06e6",
"\u0905" - "\u0939",
"\u0958" - "\u0961",
"\u0985" - "\u098c",
"\u098f" - "\u0990",
"\u0993" - "\u09a8",
"\u09aa" - "\u09b0",
"\u09b6" - "\u09b9",
"\u09dc" - "\u09dd",
"\u09df" - "\u09e1",
"\u09f0" - "\u09f1",
"\u0a05" - "\u0a0a",
"\u0a0f" - "\u0a10",
"\u0a13" - "\u0a28",
"\u0a2a" - "\u0a30",
"\u0a32" - "\u0a33",
"\u0a35" - "\u0a36",
"\u0a38" - "\u0a39",
"\u0a59" - "\u0a5c",
"\u0a72" - "\u0a74",
"\u0a85" - "\u0a8b",
"\u0a8f" - "\u0a91",
"\u0a93" - "\u0aa8",
"\u0aaa" - "\u0ab0",
"\u0ab2" - "\u0ab3",
"\u0ab5" - "\u0ab9",
"\u0b05" - "\u0b0c",
"\u0b0f" - "\u0b10",
"\u0b13" - "\u0b28",
"\u0b2a" - "\u0b30",
"\u0b32" - "\u0b33",
"\u0b36" - "\u0b39",
"\u0b5c" - "\u0b5d",
"\u0b5f" - "\u0b61",
"\u0b85" - "\u0b8a",
"\u0b8e" - "\u0b90",
"\u0b92" - "\u0b95",
"\u0b99" - "\u0b9a",
"\u0b9e" - "\u0b9f",
"\u0ba3" - "\u0ba4",
"\u0ba8" - "\u0baa",
"\u0bae" - "\u0bb5",
"\u0bb7" - "\u0bb9",
"\u0c05" - "\u0c0c",
"\u0c0e" - "\u0c10",
"\u0c12" - "\u0c28",
"\u0c2a" - "\u0c33",
"\u0c35" - "\u0c39",
"\u0c60" - "\u0c61",
"\u0c85" - "\u0c8c",
"\u0c8e" - "\u0c90",
"\u0c92" - "\u0ca8",
"\u0caa" - "\u0cb3",
"\u0cb5" - "\u0cb9",
"\u0ce0" - "\u0ce1",
"\u0d05" - "\u0d0c",
"\u0d0e" - "\u0d10",
"\u0d12" - "\u0d28",
"\u0d2a" - "\u0d39",
"\u0d60" - "\u0d61",
"\u0e01" - "\u0e2e",
"\u0e32" - "\u0e33",
"\u0e40" - "\u0e45",
"\u0e81" - "\u0e82",
"\u0e87" - "\u0e88",
"\u0e94" - "\u0e97",
"\u0e99" - "\u0e9f",
"\u0ea1" - "\u0ea3",
"\u0eaa" - "\u0eab",
"\u0ead" - "\u0eae",
"\u0eb2" - "\u0eb3",
"\u0ec0" - "\u0ec4",
"\u0f40" - "\u0f47",
"\u0f49" - "\u0f69",
"\u10a0" - "\u10c5",
"\u10d0" - "\u10f6",
"\u1102" - "\u1103",
"\u1105" - "\u1107",
"\u110b" - "\u110c",
"\u110e" - "\u1112",
"\u1154" - "\u1155",
"\u115f" - "\u1161",
"\u116d" - "\u116e",
"\u1172" - "\u1173",
"\u11ae" - "\u11af",
"\u11b7" - "\u11b8",
"\u11bc" - "\u11c2",
"\u1e00" - "\u1e9b",
"\u1ea0" - "\u1ef9",
"\u1f00" - "\u1f15",
"\u1f18" - "\u1f1d",
"\u1f20" - "\u1f45",
"\u1f48" - "\u1f4d",
"\u1f50" - "\u1f57",
"\u1f5f" - "\u1f7d",
"\u1f80" - "\u1fb4",
"\u1fb6" - "\u1fbc",
"\u1fc2" - "\u1fc4",
"\u1fc6" - "\u1fcc",
"\u1fd0" - "\u1fd3",
"\u1fd6" - "\u1fdb",
"\u1fe0" - "\u1fec",
"\u1ff2" - "\u1ff4",
"\u1ff6" - "\u1ffc",
"\u212a" - "\u212b",
"\u2180" - "\u2182",
"\u3041" - "\u3094",
"\u30a1" - "\u30fa",
"\u3105" - "\u312c",
"\uac00" - "\ud7a3"
] >
"\u4e00" - "\u9fa5",
"\u3021" - "\u3029"
] >
| < #LETTER : ( | ) >
"\u0300" - "\u0345",
"\u0360" - "\u0361",
"\u0483" - "\u0486",
"\u0591" - "\u05a1",
"\u05a3" - "\u05b9",
"\u05bb" - "\u05bd",
"\u05c1" - "\u05c2",
"\u064b" - "\u0652",
"\u06d6" - "\u06dc",
"\u06dd" - "\u06df",
"\u06e0" - "\u06e4",
"\u06e7" - "\u06e8",
"\u06ea" - "\u06ed",
"\u0901" - "\u0903",
"\u093e" - "\u094c",
"\u0951" - "\u0954",
"\u0962" - "\u0963",
"\u0981" - "\u0983",
"\u09c0" - "\u09c4",
"\u09c7" - "\u09c8",
"\u09cb" - "\u09cd",
"\u09e2" - "\u09e3",
"\u0a40" - "\u0a42",
"\u0a47" - "\u0a48",
"\u0a4b" - "\u0a4d",
"\u0a70" - "\u0a71",
"\u0a81" - "\u0a83",
"\u0abe" - "\u0ac5",
"\u0ac7" - "\u0ac9",
"\u0acb" - "\u0acd",
"\u0b01" - "\u0b03",
"\u0b3e" - "\u0b43",
"\u0b47" - "\u0b48",
"\u0b4b" - "\u0b4d",
"\u0b56" - "\u0b57",
"\u0b82" - "\u0b83",
"\u0bbe" - "\u0bc2",
"\u0bc6" - "\u0bc8",
"\u0bca" - "\u0bcd",
"\u0c01" - "\u0c03",
"\u0c3e" - "\u0c44",
"\u0c46" - "\u0c48",
"\u0c4a" - "\u0c4d",
"\u0c55" - "\u0c56",
"\u0c82" - "\u0c83",
"\u0cbe" - "\u0cc4",
"\u0cc6" - "\u0cc8",
"\u0cca" - "\u0ccd",
"\u0cd5" - "\u0cd6",
"\u0d02" - "\u0d03",
"\u0d3e" - "\u0d43",
"\u0d46" - "\u0d48",
"\u0d4a" - "\u0d4d",
"\u0e34" - "\u0e3a",
"\u0e47" - "\u0e4e",
"\u0eb4" - "\u0eb9",
"\u0ebb" - "\u0ebc",
"\u0ec8" - "\u0ecd",
"\u0f18" - "\u0f19",
"\u0f71" - "\u0f84",
"\u0f86" - "\u0f8b",
"\u0f90" - "\u0f95",
"\u0f99" - "\u0fad",
"\u0fb1" - "\u0fb7",
"\u20d0" - "\u20dc",
"\u302a" - "\u302f",
] >
| < #DIGIT : [
"\u0030" - "\u0039",
"\u0660" - "\u0669",
"\u06f0" - "\u06f9",
"\u0966" - "\u096f",
"\u09e6" - "\u09ef",
"\u0a66" - "\u0a6f",
"\u0ae6" - "\u0aef",
"\u0b66" - "\u0b6f",
"\u0be7" - "\u0bef",
"\u0c66" - "\u0c6f",
"\u0ce6" - "\u0cef",
"\u0d66" - "\u0d6f",
"\u0e50" - "\u0e59",
"\u0ed0" - "\u0ed9",
"\u0f20" - "\u0f29"
] >
| < #EXTENDER : [
"\u3031" - "\u3035",
"\u309d" - "\u309e",
"\u30fc" - "\u30fe"
] >
| < #NMSTART : ( | "_") >
| < #NMCHAR : ( | | | | "." | "-" | "_") >
| < #NCNAME: ()* >
| < PREFIX_STAR: ":*" >
| < PREFIXED_NAME: ":" >
| < LITERAL : ("\"" (~["\u0000", "\""])* "\"")
| ("'" (~["\u0000", "'"])* "'")
| ("\"\"\"" (~["\""]
| ("\"" ~["\""])
| ("\"\"" ~["\""]))* "\"\"\"")
| ("'''" (~["'"]
| ("'" ~["'"])
| ("''" ~["'"]))* "'''") >
| < FANNOTATE : ">>" >
/* This avoids lexical errors from JavaCC. */
< ILLEGAL_CHAR : [ "\u0000" - "\u0008", "\u000b" - "\uffff" ] >