com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms
* of the Common Development and Distribution License
* (the "License"). You may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at
* https://jwsdp.dev.java.net/CDDLv1.0.html
* See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
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package com.sun.codemodel;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Collection;
* A generated Java class/interface/enum/....
* This class models a declaration, and since a declaration can be always
* used as a reference, it inherits {@link JClass}.
Where to go from here?
* You'd want to generate fields and methods on a class.
* See {@link #method(int, JType, String)} and {@link #field(int, JType, String)}.
public class JDefinedClass
extends JClass
implements JDeclaration, JClassContainer, JGenerifiable, JAnnotatable {
/** Name of this class. Null if anonymous. */
private String name = null;
/** Modifiers for the class declaration */
private JMods mods;
/** Name of the super class of this class. */
private JClass superClass;
/** List of interfaces that this class implements */
private final Set interfaces = new TreeSet();
/** Fields keyed by their names. */
private final Map fields = new LinkedHashMap();
/** Static initializer, if this class has one */
private JBlock init = null;
/** class javadoc */
private JDocComment jdoc = null;
/** Set of constructors for this class, if any */
private final List constructors = new ArrayList();
/** Set of methods that are members of this class */
private final List methods = new ArrayList();
* Nested classes as a map from name to JDefinedClass.
* The name is all capitalized in a case sensitive file system
* ({@link JCodeModel#isCaseSensitiveFileSystem}) to avoid conflicts.
* Lazily created to save footprint.
* @see #getClasses()
private Map classes;
* Flag that controls whether this class should be really generated or not.
* Sometimes it is useful to generate code that refers to class X,
* without actually generating the code of X.
* This flag is used to surpress X.java file in the output.
private boolean hideFile = false;
* Client-app spcific metadata associated with this user-created class.
public Object metadata;
* String that will be put directly inside the generated code.
* Can be null.
private String directBlock;
* If this is a package-member class, this is {@link JPackage}.
* If this is a nested class, this is {@link JDefinedClass}.
* If this is an anonymous class, this constructor shouldn't be used.
private JClassContainer outer = null;
/** Default value is class or interface
* or annotationTypeDeclaration
* or enum
private final ClassType classType;
/** List containing the enum value declarations
// private List enumValues = new ArrayList();
/** Set of enum constants that are keyed by names */
private final Map enumConstantsByName = new TreeMap();
* Annotations on this variable. Lazily created.
private List annotations = null;
* Helper class to implement {@link JGenerifiable}.
private final JGenerifiableImpl generifiable = new JGenerifiableImpl() {
protected JCodeModel owner() {
return JDefinedClass.this.owner();
JDefinedClass(JClassContainer parent, int mods, String name, ClassType classTypeval) {
this(mods, name, parent, parent.owner(), classTypeval);
* Constructor for creating anonymous inner class.
JCodeModel owner,
int mods,
String name) {
this(mods, name, null, owner);
private JDefinedClass(
int mods,
String name,
JClassContainer parent,
JCodeModel owner) {
this (mods,name,parent,owner,ClassType.CLASS);
* JClass constructor
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this class declaration
* @param name
* Name of this class
private JDefinedClass(
int mods,
String name,
JClassContainer parent,
JCodeModel owner,
ClassType classTypeVal) {
if(name!=null) {
if (name.trim().length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("JClass name empty");
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(name.charAt(0))) {
String msg =
"JClass name "
+ name
+ " contains illegal character"
+ " for beginning of identifier: "
+ name.charAt(0);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
for (int i = 1; i < name.length(); i++) {
if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(name.charAt(i))) {
String msg =
"JClass name "
+ name
+ " contains illegal character "
+ name.charAt(i);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
this.classType = classTypeVal;
if (isInterface())
this.mods = JMods.forInterface(mods);
this.mods = JMods.forClass(mods);
this.name = name;
this.outer = parent;
* Returns true if this is an anonymous class.
public final boolean isAnonymous() {
return name == null;
* This class extends the specifed class.
* @param superClass
* Superclass for this class
* @return This class
public JDefinedClass _extends(JClass superClass) {
if (this.classType==ClassType.INTERFACE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to set the super class for an interface");
if (superClass == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.superClass = superClass;
return this;
public JDefinedClass _extends(Class superClass) {
return _extends(owner().ref(superClass));
* Returns the class extended by this class.
public JClass _extends() {
superClass = owner().ref(Object.class);
return superClass;
* This class implements the specifed interface.
* @param iface
* Interface that this class implements
* @return This class
public JDefinedClass _implements(JClass iface) {
return this;
public JDefinedClass _implements(Class iface) {
return _implements(owner().ref(iface));
* Returns an iterator that walks the nested classes defined in this
* class.
public Iterator _implements() {
return interfaces.iterator();
* JClass name accessor.
* For example, for java.util.List
, this method
* returns "List"
* @return Name of this class
public String name() {
return name;
* This method generates reference to the JEnumConstant in
* the class
* @param name
* The name of the constant.
* @return
* The generated type-safe enum constant.
public JEnumConstant enumConstant(String name){
JEnumConstant ec = new JEnumConstant(this, name);
enumConstantsByName.put(name, ec);
return ec;
* Gets the fully qualified name of this class.
public String fullName() {
if (outer instanceof JDefinedClass)
return ((JDefinedClass) outer).fullName() + '.' + name();
JPackage p = _package();
if (p.isUnnamed())
return name();
return p.name() + '.' + name();
public String binaryName() {
if (outer instanceof JDefinedClass)
return ((JDefinedClass) outer).binaryName() + '$' + name();
return fullName();
public boolean isInterface() {
return this.classType==ClassType.INTERFACE;
public boolean isAbstract() {
return mods.isAbstract();
* Adds a field to the list of field members of this JDefinedClass.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this field
* @param type
* JType of this field
* @param name
* Name of this field
* @return Newly generated field
public JFieldVar field(int mods, JType type, String name) {
return field(mods, type, name, null);
public JFieldVar field(int mods, Class type, String name) {
return field(mods, owner()._ref(type), name);
* Adds a field to the list of field members of this JDefinedClass.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this field.
* @param type
* JType of this field.
* @param name
* Name of this field.
* @param init
* Initial value of this field.
* @return Newly generated field
public JFieldVar field(
int mods,
JType type,
String name,
JExpression init) {
JFieldVar f = new JFieldVar(owner(),JMods.forField(mods), type, name, init);
if(fields.put(name, f)!=null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("trying to create the same field twice: "+name);
return f;
/** This method indicates if the interface
* is an annotationTypeDeclaration
public boolean isAnnotationTypeDeclaration() {
return this.classType==ClassType.ANNOTATION_TYPE_DECL;
* Add an annotationType Declaration to this package
* @param name
* Name of the annotation Type declaration to be added to this package
* @return
* newly created Annotation Type Declaration
* @exception JClassAlreadyExistsException
* When the specified class/interface was already created.
public JDefinedClass _annotationTypeDeclaration(String name) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class (JMod.PUBLIC,name,ClassType.ANNOTATION_TYPE_DECL);
* Add a public enum to this package
* @param name
* Name of the enum to be added to this package
* @return
* newly created Enum
* @exception JClassAlreadyExistsException
* When the specified class/interface was already created.
public JDefinedClass _enum (String name) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class (JMod.PUBLIC,name,ClassType.ENUM);
* Add a public enum to this package
* @param name
* Name of the enum to be added to this package
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this enum declaration
* @return
* newly created Enum
* @exception JClassAlreadyExistsException
* When the specified class/interface was already created.
public JDefinedClass _enum (int mods,String name) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class (mods,name,ClassType.ENUM);
public ClassType getClassType(){
return this.classType;
public JFieldVar field(
int mods,
Class type,
String name,
JExpression init) {
return field(mods, owner()._ref(type), name, init);
* Returns all the fields declred in this class.
* The returned {@link Map} is a read-only live view.
* @return always non-null.
public Map fields() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(fields);
* Removes a {@link JFieldVar} from this class.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the given field is not a field on this class.
public void removeField(JFieldVar field) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Creates, if necessary, and returns the static initializer
* for this class.
* @return JBlock containing initialization statements for this class
public JBlock init() {
if (init == null)
init = new JBlock();
return init;
* Adds a constructor to this class.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this constructor
public JMethod constructor(int mods) {
JMethod c = new JMethod(mods, this);
return c;
* Returns an iterator that walks the constructors defined in this class.
public Iterator constructors() {
return constructors.iterator();
* Looks for a method that has the specified method signature
* and return it.
* @return
* null if not found.
public JMethod getConstructor(JType[] argTypes) {
for (JMethod m : constructors) {
if (m.hasSignature(argTypes))
return m;
return null;
* Add a method to the list of method members of this JDefinedClass instance.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this method
* @param type
* Return type for this method
* @param name
* Name of the method
* @return Newly generated JMethod
public JMethod method(int mods, JType type, String name) {
// XXX problems caught in M constructor
JMethod m = new JMethod(this, mods, type, name);
return m;
public JMethod method(int mods, Class type, String name) {
return method(mods, owner()._ref(type), name);
* Returns the set of methods defined in this class.
public Collection methods() {
return methods;
* Looks for a method that has the specified method signature
* and return it.
* @return
* null if not found.
public JMethod getMethod(String name, JType[] argTypes) {
outer :
for (JMethod m : methods) {
if (!m.name().equals(name))
if (m.hasSignature(argTypes))
return m;
return null;
public boolean isClass() {
return true;
public boolean isPackage() {
return false;
public JPackage getPackage() { return parentContainer().getPackage(); }
* Add a new nested class to this class.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this class declaration
* @param name
* Name of class to be added to this package
* @return Newly generated class
public JDefinedClass _class(int mods, String name)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class(mods, name, ClassType.CLASS);
* {@inheritDoc}
* @deprecated
public JDefinedClass _class(int mods, String name, boolean isInterface) throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class(mods,name,isInterface?ClassType.INTERFACE:ClassType.CLASS);
public JDefinedClass _class(int mods, String name, ClassType classTypeVal)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
String NAME;
if (JCodeModel.isCaseSensitiveFileSystem)
NAME = name.toUpperCase();
NAME = name;
if (getClasses().containsKey(NAME))
throw new JClassAlreadyExistsException(getClasses().get(NAME));
else {
// XXX problems caught in the NC constructor
JDefinedClass c = new JDefinedClass(this, mods, name, classTypeVal);
return c;
* Add a new public nested class to this class.
public JDefinedClass _class(String name)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class(JMod.PUBLIC, name);
* Add an interface to this package.
* @param mods
* Modifiers for this interface declaration
* @param name
* Name of interface to be added to this package
* @return Newly generated interface
public JDefinedClass _interface(int mods, String name)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _class(mods, name, ClassType.INTERFACE);
* Adds a public interface to this package.
public JDefinedClass _interface(String name)
throws JClassAlreadyExistsException {
return _interface(JMod.PUBLIC, name);
* Creates, if necessary, and returns the class javadoc for this
* JDefinedClass
* @return JDocComment containing javadocs for this class
public JDocComment javadoc() {
if (jdoc == null)
jdoc = new JDocComment(owner());
return jdoc;
* Mark this file as hidden, so that this file won't be
* generated.
* This feature could be used to generate code that refers
* to class X, without actually generating X.java.
public void hide() {
hideFile = true;
public boolean isHidden() {
return hideFile;
* Returns an iterator that walks the nested classes defined in this
* class.
public final Iterator classes() {
return Collections.emptyList().iterator();
return classes.values().iterator();
private Map getClasses() {
classes = new TreeMap();
return classes;
* Returns all the nested classes defined in this class.
public final JClass[] listClasses() {
return new JClass[0];
return classes.values().toArray(new JClass[classes.values().size()]);
public JClass outer() {
if (outer.isClass())
return (JClass) outer;
return null;
public void declare(JFormatter f) {
if (jdoc != null)
if (annotations != null){
for( int i=0; i bindings) {
return this;
/** Adding ability to annotate a class
* @param clazz
* The annotation class to annotate the class with
public JAnnotationUse annotate(Class extends Annotation> clazz){
return annotate(owner().ref(clazz));
/** Adding ability to annotate a class
* @param clazz
* The annotation class to annotate the class with
public JAnnotationUse annotate(JClass clazz){
annotations = new ArrayList();
JAnnotationUse a = new JAnnotationUse(clazz);
return a;
public W annotate2(Class clazz) {
return TypedAnnotationWriter.create(clazz,this);