com.sun.codemodel.JExpression Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.sun.codemodel;
* A Java expression.
* Unlike most of CodeModel, JExpressions are built bottom-up (
* meaning you start from leaves and then gradually build compliated expressions
* by combining them.)
* {@link JExpression} defines a series of composer methods,
* which returns a complicated expression (by often taking other {@link JExpression}s
* as parameters.
* For example, you can build "5+2" by
* JExpr.lit(5).add(JExpr.lit(2))
public interface JExpression extends JGenerable {
* Returns "-[this]" from "[this]".
JExpression minus();
* Returns "![this]" from "[this]".
JExpression not();
* Returns "~[this]" from "[this]".
JExpression complement();
* Returns "[this]++" from "[this]".
JExpression incr();
* Returns "[this]--" from "[this]".
JExpression decr();
* Returns "[this]+[right]"
JExpression plus(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]-[right]"
JExpression minus(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]*[right]"
JExpression mul(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]/[right]"
JExpression div(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]%[right]"
JExpression mod(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]<<[right]"
JExpression shl(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]>>[right]"
JExpression shr(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this]>>>[right]"
JExpression shrz(JExpression right);
/** Bit-wise AND '&'. */
JExpression band(JExpression right);
/** Bit-wise OR '|'. */
JExpression bor(JExpression right);
/** Logical AND '&&'. */
JExpression cand(JExpression right);
/** Logical OR '||'. */
JExpression cor(JExpression right);
JExpression xor(JExpression right);
JExpression lt(JExpression right);
JExpression lte(JExpression right);
JExpression gt(JExpression right);
JExpression gte(JExpression right);
JExpression eq(JExpression right);
JExpression ne(JExpression right);
* Returns "[this] instanceof [right]"
JExpression _instanceof(JType right);
* Returns "[this].[method]".
* Arguments shall be added to the returned {@link JInvocation} object.
JInvocation invoke(JMethod method);
* Returns "[this].[method]".
* Arguments shall be added to the returned {@link JInvocation} object.
JInvocation invoke(String method);
JFieldRef ref(JVar field);
JFieldRef ref(String field);
JArrayCompRef component(JExpression index);