com.sun.tools.xjc.model.Model Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.sun.tools.xjc.model;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlNsForm;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import com.sun.codemodel.JClass;
import com.sun.codemodel.JCodeModel;
import com.sun.codemodel.JPackage;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.ErrorReceiver;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.Options;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.Plugin;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.api.ClassNameAllocator;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.generator.bean.BeanGenerator;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.generator.bean.ImplStructureStrategy;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.model.nav.NClass;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.model.nav.NType;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.model.nav.NavigatorImpl;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.outline.Outline;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.reader.xmlschema.Messages;
import com.sun.tools.xjc.util.ErrorReceiverFilter;
import com.sun.xml.bind.api.impl.NameConverter;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.Ref;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.core.TypeInfoSet;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.nav.Navigator;
import com.sun.xml.bind.v2.util.FlattenIterator;
import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSComponent;
import com.sun.xml.xsom.XSSchemaSet;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.LocatorImpl;
* Root of the object model that represents the code that needs to be generated.
* A {@link Model} is a schema language neutral representation of the
* result of a scehma parsing. The back-end then works against this model
* to turn this into a series of Java source code.
* @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
public final class Model implements TypeInfoSet, CCustomizable {
* Generated beans.
private final Map beans = new LinkedHashMap();
* Generated enums.
private final Map enums = new LinkedHashMap();
* The element mappings.
private final Map> elementMappings =
new HashMap>();
private final Iterable extends CElementInfo> allElements =
new Iterable() {
public Iterator iterator() {
return new FlattenIterator(elementMappings.values());
* {@link TypeUse}s for all named types.
* I really don't want to promote the notion of a 'type' in any place except in the XML Schema code,
* but this needs to be exposed for JAX-RPC. A reference to a named XML type will be converted into
* a reference to a Java type with annotations.
private final Map typeUses = new LinkedHashMap();
* {@link NameConverter} to be used.
private NameConverter nameConverter;
* Single linked list that connects all {@link CCustomizations} that belong to this model.
* @see CCustomizations#next
/*package*/ CCustomizations customizations;
* This field controls the generation of package level annotations for s2j
private boolean packageLevelAnnotations = true;
* If this model was built from XML Schema, this field
* stores the root object of the parse schema model.
* Otherwise null.
* @sine 2.1.1
public final XSSchemaSet schemaComponent;
private CCustomizations gloablCustomizations = new CCustomizations();
* @param nc
* Usually this should be set in the constructor, but we do allow this parameter
* to be initially null, and then set later.
* @param schemaComponent
* The source schema model, if this is built from XSD.
public Model( Options opts, JCodeModel cm, NameConverter nc, ClassNameAllocator allocator, XSSchemaSet schemaComponent ) {
this.options = opts;
this.codeModel = cm;
this.nameConverter = nc;
this.defaultSymbolSpace = new SymbolSpace(codeModel);
elementMappings.put(null,new HashMap());
allocator = new AutoClassNameAllocator(allocator);
this.allocator = new ClassNameAllocatorWrapper(allocator);
this.schemaComponent = schemaComponent;
public void setNameConverter(NameConverter nameConverter) {
assert this.nameConverter==null;
assert nameConverter!=null;
this.nameConverter = nameConverter;
* Gets the name converter that shall be used to parse XML names into Java names.
public final NameConverter getNameConverter() {
return nameConverter;
public boolean isPackageLevelAnnotations() {
return packageLevelAnnotations;
public void setPackageLevelAnnotations(boolean packageLevelAnnotations) {
this.packageLevelAnnotations = packageLevelAnnotations;
* This model uses this code model exclusively.
public final JCodeModel codeModel;
* Command-line options used for building this model.
public final Options options;
* True to generate serializable classes.
public boolean serializable;
* serial version UID to be generated.
* null if not to generate serialVersionUID field.
public Long serialVersionUID;
* If non-null, all the generated classes should eventually derive from this class.
public JClass rootClass;
* If non-null, all the generated interfaces should eventually derive from this interface.
public JClass rootInterface;
* Specifies the code generation strategy.
* Must not be null.
public ImplStructureStrategy strategy = ImplStructureStrategy.BEAN_ONLY;
* This allocator has the final say on deciding the class name.
* Must not be null.
* Model classes are responsible for using the allocator.
* This allocator interaction should be transparent to the user/builder
* of the model.
/*package*/ final ClassNameAllocatorWrapper allocator;
* Default ID/IDREF symbol space. Any ID/IDREF without explicit
* reference to a symbol space is assumed to use this default
* symbol space.
public final SymbolSpace defaultSymbolSpace;
/** All the defined {@link SymbolSpace}s keyed by their name. */
private final Map symbolSpaces = new HashMap();
public SymbolSpace getSymbolSpace( String name ) {
SymbolSpace ss = symbolSpaces.get(name);
symbolSpaces.put(name,ss=new SymbolSpace(codeModel));
return ss;
* Fully-generate the source code into the given model.
* @return
* null if there was any errors. Otherwise it returns a valid
* {@link Outline} object, which captures how the model objects
* are mapped to the generated source code.
* Add-ons can use those information to further augment the generated
* source code.
public Outline generateCode(Options opt,ErrorReceiver receiver) {
ErrorReceiverFilter ehf = new ErrorReceiverFilter(receiver);
// run extensions // moved to BGMBuilder._build() - issue with hyperjaxb3
// for( Plugin ma : opt.activePlugins )
// ma.postProcessModel(this,ehf);
Outline o = BeanGenerator.generate(this, ehf);
try {// run extensions
for( Plugin ma : opt.activePlugins )
} catch (SAXException e) {
// fatal error. error should have been reported
return null;
// check for unused plug-in customizations.
// these can be only checked after the plug-ins run, so it's here.
// the JAXB bindings are checked by XMLSchema's builder.
Set check = new HashSet();
for( CCustomizations c=customizations; c!=null; c=c.next ) {
if(!check.add(c)) {
throw new AssertionError(); // detect a loop
for (CPluginCustomization p : c) {
if(!p.isAcknowledged()) {
o = null;
return o;
* Represents the "top-level binding".
* This is used to support the use of a schema inside WSDL.
* For XML Schema, the top-level binding is a map from
* global element declarations to its representation class.
* For other schema languages, it should follow the appendicies in
* WSDL (but in practice no one would use WSDL with a schema language
* other than XML Schema, so it doesn't really matter.)
* This needs to be filled by the front-end.
public final Map createTopLevelBindings() {
Map r = new HashMap();
for( CClassInfo b : beans().values() ) {
return r;
public Navigator getNavigator() {
return NavigatorImpl.theInstance;
public CNonElement getTypeInfo(NType type) {
CBuiltinLeafInfo leaf = CBuiltinLeafInfo.LEAVES.get(type);
if(leaf!=null) return leaf;
return getClassInfo(getNavigator().asDecl(type));
public CBuiltinLeafInfo getAnyTypeInfo() {
return CBuiltinLeafInfo.ANYTYPE;
public CNonElement getTypeInfo(Ref ref) {
// TODO: handle XmlValueList
assert !ref.valueList;
return getTypeInfo(ref.type);
public Map beans() {
return beans;
public Map enums() {
return enums;
public Map typeUses() {
return typeUses;
* No array mapping generation for XJC.
public Map arrays() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
public Map builtins() {
return CBuiltinLeafInfo.LEAVES;
public CClassInfo getClassInfo(NClass t) {
return beans.get(t);
public CElementInfo getElementInfo(NClass scope,QName name) {
Map m = elementMappings.get(scope);
if(m!=null) {
CElementInfo r = m.get(name);
if(r!=null) return r;
return elementMappings.get(null).get(name);
public Map getElementMappings(NClass scope) {
return elementMappings.get(scope);
public Iterable extends CElementInfo> getAllElements() {
return allElements;
* @deprecated
* Always return null. Perhaps you are interested in {@link #schemaComponent}?
public XSComponent getSchemaComponent() {
return null;
* @deprecated
* No line number available for the "root" component.
public Locator getLocator() {
LocatorImpl r = new LocatorImpl();
return r;
* Gets the global customizations.
public CCustomizations getCustomizations() {
return gloablCustomizations;
* Not implemented in the compile-time model.
public Map getXmlNs(String namespaceUri) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
public Map getSchemaLocations() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
public XmlNsForm getElementFormDefault(String nsUri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public XmlNsForm getAttributeFormDefault(String nsUri) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void dump(Result out) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
/*package*/ void add( CEnumLeafInfo e ) {
enums.put( e.getClazz(), e );
/*package*/ void add( CClassInfo ci ) {
beans.put( ci.getClazz(), ci );
/*package*/ void add( CElementInfo ei ) {
NClass clazz = null;
clazz = ei.getScope().getClazz();
Map m = elementMappings.get(clazz);
elementMappings.put(clazz,m=new HashMap());
private final Map cache = new HashMap();
public CClassInfoParent.Package getPackage(JPackage pkg) {
CClassInfoParent.Package r = cache.get(pkg);
cache.put(pkg,r=new CClassInfoParent.Package(pkg));
return r;
/*package*/ static final Locator EMPTY_LOCATOR;
static {
LocatorImpl l = new LocatorImpl();