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 * (the License).  You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL
 * Header Notice in each file and include the License file
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 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems Inc. All Rights Reserved


import com.sun.xml.bind.api.AccessorException;
import com.sun.xml.bind.api.Bridge;
import com.sun.xml.bind.api.CompositeStructure;
import com.sun.xml.bind.api.RawAccessor;

import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPException;
import javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Reads a response {@link Message}, disassembles it, and moves obtained Java values
 * to the expected places.
 * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
 * @author Jitendra Kotamraju
abstract class ResponseBuilder {
     * Reads a response {@link Message}, disassembles it, and moves obtained Java values
     * to the expected places.
     * @param reply
     *      The reply {@link Message} to be de-composed.
     * @param args
     *      The Java arguments given to the SEI method invocation.
     *      Some parts of the reply message may be set to {@link Holder}s in the arguments.
     * @return
     *      If a part of the reply message is returned as a return value from
     *      the SEI method, this method returns that value. Otherwise null.
     * @throws JAXBException
     *      if there's an error during unmarshalling the reply message.
     * @throws XMLStreamException
     *      if there's an error during unmarshalling the reply message.
    abstract Object readResponse(Message reply, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException;

    static final class None extends ResponseBuilder {
        private None(){
        public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) {           
            return null;

     * The singleton instance that produces null return value.
     * Used for operations that doesn't have any output.
    public static ResponseBuilder NONE = new None();

     * Returns the 'uninitialized' value for the given type.

* For primitive types, it's '0', and for reference types, it's null. */ public static Object getVMUninitializedValue(Type type) { // if this map returns null, that means the 'type' is a reference type, // in which case 'null' is the correct null value, so this code is correct. return primitiveUninitializedValues.get(type); } private static final Map primitiveUninitializedValues = new HashMap(); static { Map m = primitiveUninitializedValues; m.put(int.class,(int)0); m.put(char.class,(char)0); m.put(byte.class,(byte)0); m.put(short.class,(short)0); m.put(long.class,(long)0); m.put(float.class,(float)0); m.put(double.class,(double)0); } /** * {@link ResponseBuilder} that sets the VM uninitialized value to the type. */ static final class NullSetter extends ResponseBuilder { private final ValueSetter setter; private final Object nullValue; public NullSetter(ValueSetter setter, Object nullValue){ assert setter!=null; this.nullValue = nullValue; this.setter = setter; } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) { return setter.put(nullValue, args); } } /** * {@link ResponseBuilder} that is a composition of multiple * {@link ResponseBuilder}s. * *

* Sometimes we need to look at multiple parts of the reply message * (say, two header params, one body param, and three attachments, etc.) * and that's when this object is used to combine multiple {@link ResponseBuilder}s * (that each responsible for handling one part). * *

* The model guarantees that only at most one {@link ResponseBuilder} will * return a value as a return value (and everything else has to go to * {@link Holder}s.) */ static final class Composite extends ResponseBuilder { private final ResponseBuilder[] builders; public Composite(ResponseBuilder... builders) { = builders; } public Composite(Collection builders) { this(builders.toArray(new ResponseBuilder[builders.size()])); } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException { Object retVal = null; for (ResponseBuilder builder : builders) { Object r = builder.readResponse(msg,args); // there's only at most one ResponseBuilder that returns a value. if(r!=null) { assert retVal==null; retVal = r; } } return retVal; } } /** * Reads an Attachment into a Java parameter. */ static abstract class AttachmentBuilder extends ResponseBuilder { protected final ValueSetter setter; protected final ParameterImpl param; private final String pname; private final String pname1; AttachmentBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { this.setter = setter; this.param = param; this.pname = param.getPartName(); this.pname1 = "<"+pname; } /** * Creates an AttachmentBuilder based on the parameter type * * @param param * runtime Parameter that abstracts the annotated java parameter * @param setter * specifies how the obtained value is set into the argument. Takes * care of Holder arguments. */ public static ResponseBuilder createAttachmentBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { Class type = (Class)param.getTypeReference().type; if (DataHandler.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new DataHandlerBuilder(param, setter); } else if (byte[].class==type) { return new ByteArrayBuilder(param, setter); } else if(Source.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new SourceBuilder(param, setter); } else if(Image.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { return new ImageBuilder(param, setter); } else if(InputStream.class==type) { return new InputStreamBuilder(param, setter); } else if(isXMLMimeType(param.getBinding().getMimeType())) { return new JAXBBuilder(param, setter); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Attachment is not mapped"); } } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException { // TODO not to loop for (Attachment att : msg.getAttachments()) { String part = getWSDLPartName(att); if (part == null) { continue; } if(part.equals(pname) || part.equals(pname1)){ return mapAttachment(att, args); } } return null; } abstract Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) throws JAXBException; } private static final class DataHandlerBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { DataHandlerBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) { return setter.put(att.asDataHandler(), args); } } private static final class ByteArrayBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { ByteArrayBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) { return setter.put(att.asByteArray(), args); } } private static final class SourceBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { SourceBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) { return setter.put(att.asSource(), args); } } private static final class ImageBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { ImageBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) { Image image; try { image =; } catch(IOException ioe) { throw new WebServiceException(ioe); } return setter.put(image, args); } } private static final class InputStreamBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { InputStreamBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) { return setter.put(att.asInputStream(), args); } } private static final class JAXBBuilder extends AttachmentBuilder { JAXBBuilder(ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { super(param, setter); } Object mapAttachment(Attachment att, Object[] args) throws JAXBException { Object obj = param.getBridge().unmarshal(att.asInputStream()); return setter.put(obj, args); } } /** * Gets the WSDL part name of this attachment. * *

* According to WSI AP 1.0 *

     * 3.8 Value-space of Content-Id Header
     *   Definition: content-id part encoding
     *   The "content-id part encoding" consists of the concatenation of:
     * The value of the name attribute of the wsdl:part element referenced by the mime:content, in which characters disallowed in content-id headers (non-ASCII characters as represented by code points above 0x7F) are escaped as follows:
     *     o Each disallowed character is converted to UTF-8 as one or more bytes.
     *     o Any bytes corresponding to a disallowed character are escaped with the URI escaping mechanism (that is, converted to %HH, where HH is the hexadecimal notation of the byte value).
     *     o The original character is replaced by the resulting character sequence.
     * The character '=' (0x3D).
     * A globally unique value such as a UUID.
     * The character '@' (0x40).
     * A valid domain name under the authority of the entity constructing the message.
* * So a wsdl:part fooPart will be encoded as: * * * @return null * if the parsing fails. */ public static final String getWSDLPartName( att){ String cId = att.getContentId(); int index = cId.lastIndexOf('@', cId.length()); if(index == -1){ return null; } String localPart = cId.substring(0, index); index = localPart.lastIndexOf('=', localPart.length()); if(index == -1){ return null; } try { return, index), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } /** * Reads a header into a JAXB object. */ static final class Header extends ResponseBuilder { private final Bridge bridge; private final ValueSetter setter; private final QName headerName; private final SOAPVersion soapVersion; /** * @param soapVersion * SOAP1.1 or 1.2 * @param name * The name of the header element. * @param bridge * specifies how to unmarshal a header into a JAXB object. * @param setter * specifies how the obtained value is returned to the client. */ public Header(SOAPVersion soapVersion, QName name, Bridge bridge, ValueSetter setter) { this.soapVersion = soapVersion; this.headerName = name; this.bridge = bridge; this.setter = setter; } public Header(SOAPVersion soapVersion, ParameterImpl param, ValueSetter setter) { this(soapVersion, param.getTypeReference().tagName, param.getBridge(), setter); assert param.getOutBinding()== ParameterBinding.HEADER; } private SOAPFaultException createDuplicateHeaderException() { try { SOAPFault fault = soapVersion.saajSoapFactory.createFault( ServerMessages.DUPLICATE_PORT_KNOWN_HEADER(headerName), soapVersion.faultCodeServer); return new SOAPFaultException(fault); } catch(SOAPException e) { throw new WebServiceException(e); } } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException { header = null; Iterator it = msg.getHeaders().getHeaders(headerName,true); if (it.hasNext()) { header =; if (it.hasNext()) { throw createDuplicateHeaderException(); } } if(header!=null) return setter.put( header.readAsJAXB(bridge), args ); else // header not found. return null; } } /** * Reads the whole payload into a single JAXB bean. */ static final class Body extends ResponseBuilder { private final Bridge bridge; private final ValueSetter setter; /** * @param bridge * specifies how to unmarshal the payload into a JAXB object. * @param setter * specifies how the obtained value is returned to the client. */ public Body(Bridge bridge, ValueSetter setter) { this.bridge = bridge; this.setter = setter; } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException { return setter.put( msg.readPayloadAsJAXB(bridge), args ); } } /** * Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, * and processes all such wrapped parts. */ static final class DocLit extends ResponseBuilder { /** * {@link PartBuilder} keyed by the element name (inside the wrapper element.) */ private final PartBuilder[] parts; private final Bridge wrapper; private final QName wrapperName; public DocLit(WrapperParameter wp) { wrapperName = wp.getName(); wrapper = wp.getBridge(); Class wrapperType = (Class) wrapper.getTypeReference().type; List parts = new ArrayList(); List children = wp.getWrapperChildren(); for (ParameterImpl p : children) { if(p.isIN()) continue; QName name = p.getName(); try { parts.add( new PartBuilder( wp.getOwner().getJAXBContext().getElementPropertyAccessor( wrapperType, name.getNamespaceURI(), p.getName().getLocalPart()), ValueSetter.get(p) )); // wrapper parameter itself always bind to body, and // so do all its children assert p.getBinding()== ParameterBinding.BODY; } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new WebServiceException( // TODO: i18n wrapperType+" do not have a property of the name "+name,e); } } = parts.toArray(new PartBuilder[parts.size()]); } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException { Object retVal = null; if(parts.length>0) { XMLStreamReader reader = msg.readPayload(); XMLStreamReaderUtil.verifyTag(reader,wrapperName); Object wrapperBean = wrapper.unmarshal(reader, (msg.getAttachments() != null) ? new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(msg.getAttachments()): null); try { for (PartBuilder part : parts) { Object o = part.readResponse(args,wrapperBean); // there's only at most one ResponseBuilder that returns a value. // TODO: reorder parts so that the return value comes at the end. if(o!=null) { assert retVal==null; retVal = o; } } } catch (AccessorException e) { // this can happen when the set method throw a checked exception or something like that throw new WebServiceException(e); // TODO:i18n } // we are done with the body reader.close(); XMLStreamReaderFactory.recycle(reader); } return retVal; } /** * Unmarshals each wrapped part into a JAXB object and moves it * to the expected place. */ static final class PartBuilder { private final RawAccessor accessor; private final ValueSetter setter; /** * @param accessor * specifies which portion of the wrapper bean to obtain the value from. * @param setter * specifies how the obtained value is returned to the client. */ public PartBuilder(RawAccessor accessor, ValueSetter setter) { this.accessor = accessor; this.setter = setter; assert accessor!=null && setter!=null; } final Object readResponse( Object[] args, Object wrapperBean ) throws AccessorException { Object obj = accessor.get(wrapperBean); return setter.put(obj,args); } } } /** * Treats a payload as multiple parts wrapped into one element, * and processes all such wrapped parts. */ static final class RpcLit extends ResponseBuilder { /** * {@link PartBuilder} keyed by the element name (inside the wrapper element.) */ private final Map parts = new HashMap(); private QName wrapperName; public RpcLit(WrapperParameter wp) { assert wp.getTypeReference().type== CompositeStructure.class; wrapperName = wp.getName(); List children = wp.getWrapperChildren(); for (ParameterImpl p : children) { parts.put( p.getName(), new PartBuilder( p.getBridge(), ValueSetter.get(p) )); // wrapper parameter itself always bind to body, and // so do all its children assert p.getBinding()== ParameterBinding.BODY; } } public Object readResponse(Message msg, Object[] args) throws JAXBException, XMLStreamException { Object retVal = null; XMLStreamReader reader = msg.readPayload(); if (!reader.getName().equals(wrapperName)) throw new WebServiceException( // TODO: i18n "Unexpected response element "+reader.getName()+" expected: "+wrapperName); reader.nextTag(); while(reader.getEventType()==XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) { // TODO: QName has a performance issue PartBuilder part = parts.get(reader.getName()); if(part==null) { // no corresponding part found. ignore XMLStreamReaderUtil.skipElement(reader); reader.nextTag(); } else { Object o = part.readResponse(args,reader, msg.getAttachments()); // there's only at most one ResponseBuilder that returns a value. if(o!=null) { assert retVal==null; retVal = o; } } } // we are done with the body reader.close(); XMLStreamReaderFactory.recycle(reader); return retVal; } /** * Unmarshals each wrapped part into a JAXB object and moves it * to the expected place. */ static final class PartBuilder { private final Bridge bridge; private final ValueSetter setter; /** * @param bridge * specifies how the part is unmarshalled. * @param setter * specifies how the obtained value is returned to the client. */ public PartBuilder(Bridge bridge, ValueSetter setter) { this.bridge = bridge; this.setter = setter; } final Object readResponse(Object[] args, XMLStreamReader r, AttachmentSet att) throws JAXBException { Object obj = bridge.unmarshal(r, (att != null)?new AttachmentUnmarshallerImpl(att):null); return setter.put(obj,args); } } } private static boolean isXMLMimeType(String mimeType){ return (mimeType.equals("text/xml") || mimeType.equals("application/xml")) ? true : false; } }

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