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# Copyright (c) 2005, 2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
# terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

# general
# Wrapped into an Exception. {0} - localizable exception message of another exception
modeler.nestedModelError=modeler error: {0}

# WSDLModeler
# Usage not found. TODO Remove
#wsdlmodeler.multipleOutputParameters=multiple \"out\" parameters in operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.invalidOperation=invalid operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.invalidState.modelingOperation=invalid state while modeling operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.resultIsInOutParameter=result is \"inout\" parameter in operation: {0}
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameterorder.parameter=\"{0}\" specified in the parameterOrder attribute of operation \"{1}\" is not a valid part of the message.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameterOrder.tooManyUnmentionedParts=more than one part left out in the parameterOrder attribute of operation \"{0}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameterOrder.invalidParameterOrder=parameterOrder attribute on operation \"{0}\" is invalid, ignoring parameterOrder hint
wsdlmodeler.invalid.parameter.differentTypes=parameter \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\" appears with different types in the input and output messages
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.notInPortType=in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not appear in the corresponding port type
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputMissingSoapBody=input message of binding operation \"{0}\" does not have a SOAP body extension
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputMissingSoapBody=output message of binding operation \"{0}\" does not have a SOAP body extension
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.missingInputName=binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a name for its input message
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.missingOutputName=binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a name for its output message
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.multipleMatchingOperations=in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not reference a unique operation in the corresponding port type
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.notFound=in binding \"{1}\", operation \"{0}\" does not match any operation in the corresponding port type
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputSoapBody.missingNamespace=input message of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputSoapBody.missingNamespace=output message of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.inputHeader.missingNamespace=input header \"{1}\" of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.outputHeader.missingNamespace=output header \"{1}\" of binding operation \"{0}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.notUnique=fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" matches more than one fault in the corresponding port type operation
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.notFound=fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" does not match any fault in the corresponding port type operation
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.portTypeFault.notFound=fault \"{0}\" in portType operation \"{1}\" does not match any fault in the corresponding binding operation
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.outputMissingSoapFault=fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" does not have a SOAP fault extension
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.missingName=fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" must specify a value for the \"name\" attribute
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.missingNamespace=fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" must specify a value for the \"namespace\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.emptyMessage=fault \"{0}\" refers to message \"{1}\", but the message has no parts
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.messageHasMoreThanOnePart=fault \"{0}\" refers to message \"{1}\", but the message has more than one parts
# Usage not found. TODO Remove
#wsdlmodeler.invalid.message.partMustHaveTypeDescriptor=in message \"{0}\", part \"{1}\" must specify a \"type\" attribute
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.message.partMustHaveElementDescriptor=in message \"{0}\", part \"{1}\" must specify a \"element\" attribute
# Usage not found. TODO Remove
#wsdlmodeler.invalid=invalid WSDL document
wsdlmodeler.unsolvableNamingConflicts=the following naming conflicts occurred: {0}
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringUnrecognizedSchemaExtension=ignoring schema element (unsupported version): {0}
wsdlmodeler.warning.searchSchema.unrecognizedTypes=encountered {0} unrecognized type(s)
wsdlmodeler.warning.noServiceDefinitionsFound=WSDL document does not define any services
wsdlmodeler.warning.noPortsInService=Service \"{0}\" does not contain any usable ports. try running wsimport with -extension switch.
wsdlmodeler.warning.noOperationsInPort=Port \"{0}\" does not contain any usable operations
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringNonSOAPPort=ignoring port \"{0}\": not a standard SOAP port. try running wsimport with -extension switch.
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonSOAPPort=port \"{0}\": not a standard SOAP port. The generated artifacts may not work with XML-WS tools.
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringNonSOAPPort.noAddress=ignoring port \"{0}\": no SOAP address specified. try running wsimport with -extension switch.
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.warning.noSOAPAddress=Port \"{0}\" is not a SOAP port, it has no soap:address
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringSOAPBinding.nonHTTPTransport:ignoring SOAP port \"{0}\": unrecognized transport. try running wsimport with -extension switch.

#BP1.1 R2705
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringSOAPBinding.mixedStyle=ignoring port \"{0}\", its not WS-I BP 1.1 compliant: the wsdl binding has mixed style, it must be rpc-literal or document-literal operation. try running wsimport with -extension switch.
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.warning.port.SOAPBinding.mixedStyle=not a WS-I BP1.1 compliant SOAP port \"{0}\": the WSDL binding has mixed style, it must be rpc-literal or document-literal operation!

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notSupportedStyle=ignoring operation \"{0}\": not request-response or one-way
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.notSupportedStyle=Invalid WSDL, wsdl:operation \"{0}\" in wsdl:portType \"{1}\": not request-response or one-way
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notEncoded=ignoring RPC-style operation \"{0}\": parameters are not encoded
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleBodyPartsAttribute=ignoring operation \"{0}\": cannot handle \"parts\" attribute of \"soap:body\" element

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleTypeMessagePart=ignoring operation \"{0}\": message part does not refer to a schema element declaration
wsdlmodeler.invalid.doclitoperation=Invalid wsdl:operation \"{0}\": its a document-literal operation,  message part must refer to a schema element declaration

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleElementMessagePart=ignoring operation \"{0}\": message part does not refer to a schema type declaration
wsdlmodeler.invalid.rpclitoperation=Invalid wsdl:operation \"{0}\": its a rpc-literal operation,  message part must refer to a schema type declaration

wsdlmodeler.invalid.ignoringMemberSubmissionAddressing=ignoring wsa:Action attribute since obsolete addressing version 08-2004:\"{0}\" used; expecting addressing version \"{1}\". To use version 08-2004 anyway run wsimport with -extension switch.
wsdlmodeler.warning.memberSubmissionAddressingUsed=obsolete addressing version 08-2004:\"{0}\" used; version \"{1}\" should be used instead.

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleDocumentStyle=ignoring operation \"{0}\": cannot handle document-style operations
wsdlmodeler.warning.bindingOperation.multiplePartBinding=Check the abstract operation \"{0}\" binding, part \"{1}\" has multiple binding. Will try to generated artifacts anyway...
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingOperation.multiplePartBinding=abstract operation \"{0}\" binding, part \"{1}\" has multiple binding.
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFaults=ignoring faults declared by operation \"{0}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.notEncoded=ignoring literal fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.notLiteral=ignoring encoded fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.fault.notLiteral=ignoring encoded fault \"{0}\" in literal binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader=ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.partFromBody=header part: \"{0}\" already bound by soapbind:body, illegal to bind the part twice
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notLiteral=ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not literal
wsdlmodeler.invalid.header.notLiteral=Invalid header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not literal
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notFound=ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not found
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.header.notFound=header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not found
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.cant.resolve.message=ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": cannot resolve message
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.header.cant.resolve.message=header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": cannot resolve message

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.cant.resolve.message=ignoring fault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": cannot resolve message
wsdlmodeler.invalid.fault.cant.resolve.message=fault message \"{0}\" in binding operation \"{1}\" could not be resolved

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.notEncoded=ignoring header \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not SOAP-encoded
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeader.inconsistentDefinition=ignoring header \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\": part not found
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notLiteral=ignoring document-style operation \"{0}\": parameters are not literal
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleMoreThanOnePartInInputMessage=ignoring operation \"{0}\": more than one part in input message
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleEmptyInputMessage=ignoring operation \"{0}\": input message is empty
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleMoreThanOnePartInOutputMessage=ignoring operation \"{0}\": more than one part in output message
wsdlmodeler.warning.operation.MoreThanOnePartInMessage=Ignoring operation \"{0}\": more than one part bound to body
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.MoreThanOnePartInMessage=operation \"{0}\": more than one part bound to body
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.cannotHandleEmptyOutputMessage=ignoring operation \"{0}\": output message is empty
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.conflictStyleInWSIMode=ignoring operation \"{0}\": binding style and operation style are conflicting
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.partNotFound=ignoring operation \"{0}\": part \"{1}\" not found
wsdlmodeler.error.partNotFound=part \"{1}\" of operation \"{0}\" could not be resolved!
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringFault.documentOperation=ignoring fault \"{0}\" of document-style operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodler.warning.operation.use=The WSDL used has operations with literal and encoded use. -f:searchschema is not supported for this scenario.
#wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.wrongSoapFaultName=The name of the SOAP fault extension does not match the name of the \"{0}\" fault in operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.wrongSoapFaultName=name of soap:fault \"{0}\" doesn''t match the name of wsdl:fault \"{1}\" in operation \"{2}\"
#wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.noSoapFaultName=The name of the SOAP fault extension is missing from the fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\"
wsdlmodeler.invalid.bindingFault.noSoapFaultName=soap:fault name not specified, wsdl:fault \"{0}\" in operation \"{1}\" fault \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\", part name \"{2}\" is not unique fault \"{0}\" of operation \"{1}\", soap:fault name \"{2}\" is not unique

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeaderFault.notFound=ignoring header fault \"{0}\", cannot find part \"{1}\" in binding \"{2}\"
# Usage not found. TODO Remove
#wsdlmodeler.headerfault.part.notFound=part \"{1}\" not found for the header fault \"{0}\", in binding \"{2}\"

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeaderFault.notLiteral=ignoring header fault part=\"{0}\" message=\"{1}\" of operation {2}, use attribute must be \"literal\"

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringHeaderFault.noElementAttribute=ignoring header fault part=\"{0}\" message=\"{1}\" of operation {2}

wsdlmodeler.invalid.headerfault.notLiteral=Invalid headerfault \"{0}\" of binding operation \"{1}\": not literal
wsdlmodeler.invalid.headerfault.message.partMustHaveElementDescriptor=Invalid headerfault \"{0}\" for header {1} in operation {2}: part must specify an \"element\" attribute
wsdlmodeler.invalid.header.message.partMustHaveElementDescriptor=Invalid header \"{0}\" in operation {1}: part must specify a \"element\" attribute

#wsi warnings
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.import=Non conforming WS-I WSDL used for wsdl:import
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.types=Non conforming WS-I WSDL used for wsdl:types
wsdlmodeler.warning.nonconforming.wsdl.use=Processing WS-I non conforming operation \"{0}\" with RPC-Style and SOAP-encoded

# optional parts
# Not concatenated with any other string.
wsdlmodeler.error.partsNotFound=parts \"{0}\" not found in the message \"{1}\", wrong WSDL

# soap 1.2
wsdlmodeler.warning.port.SOAPBinding12=SOAP port \"{0}\": uses a non-standard SOAP 1.2 binding.
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringSOAPBinding12=Ignoring SOAP port \"{0}\": it uses non-standard SOAP 1.2 binding.\nYou must specify the \"-extension\" option to use this binding.

#WSI-BP1.0 Warning/Errors
wsdlmodeler.warning.r2716=R2716 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, namespace attribute not allowed in doc/lit for {0}: \"{1}\"

# {0} - "soapbind:header"/"soapbind:fault", {1} - binding operation name / soap fault name e.g.: R2716/R2726 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, namespace attribute not allowed in doc/lit or rpc/lit for soapbind:fault: "RemoteValidationException"
wsdlmodeler.warning.r2716r2726=R2716/R2726 WSI-BasicProfile ver. 1.0, namespace attribute not allowed in doc/lit or rpc/lit for {0}: \"{1}\"

#WSI-BP 1.1 Warning/Errors
# R2911
mimemodeler.invalidMimePart.moreThanOneSOAPBody=Ignoring operation \"{0}\". The Multipart/Related structure has invalid root part: more than one soap:body parts found

# R2906
mimemodeler.warning.IgnoringinvalidHeaderPart.notDeclaredInRootPart=Headers not in root mime:part with soap:body, ignoring headers in operation \"{0}\"

# R2909
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.differentPart=Ignoring the mime:part. Invalid mime:part, the mime:content has different part attribute.

mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.invalidSchemaType=Ignoring the mime:part. mime part: {0} can not be mapped to schema type: {1}

# Rxxxx A mime:content in a DESCRIPTION MUST refer to a wsdl:part element defined using the type attribute.
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.mesagePartElementKind=wsdl:part element referenced by mime:content part attribute: {0} must be defined using type attribute!

# RXXXX RYYYY: In a description, a mime:content element MUST include the part attribute.
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.missingPartAttribute=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", missing part attribute in mime:content. part attribute must be present in mime:content declaration.

mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.missingTypeAttribute=Missing type attribute in mime:content in operation \"{0}\". part attribute must be present in mime:content declaration.

# unknown schematype
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.unknownSchemaType=Unknown schema type: {1} for mime:content part: {0}
mimemodeler.invalidMimeContent.errorLoadingJavaClass=Couldn't find class \"{0}\" for mime type \"{1}\"

# missing wsdl:part referenced by the mime:content
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringMimePart.notFound=ignoring mime:part, cannot find part \"{0}\" referenced by the mime:content in the wsdl:operation \"{1}\"

mimemodeler.elementPart.invalidElementMimeType=The mime:content part refers to wsdl:part \"{0}\", defined using element attribute. Please make sure the mime type: \"{1}\" is appropriate to serialize XML.

# R2708 The mime:part element in a DESCRIPTION MUST NOT have a name attribute.
mimemodeler.invalidMimePart.nameNotAllowed=name attribute on wsdl:part in Operation \"{0}\" is ignored. Its not allowed as per WS-I AP 1.0.

wsdlmodeler20.rpcenc.not.supported=rpc/encoded wsdl's are not supported in XML-WS.
wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.notNCName=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", it has illegal character ''{1}'' in its name. Its rpc-literal operation - XML-WS won't be able to serialize it!

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.nonWrapperStyle=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method. Parameter: part "{2}\" in wsdl:message \"{1}\", is a java keyword. Use customization to change the parameter name or change the wsdl:part name.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.nonWrapperStyle=Invalid operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method. Parameter: part "{2}\" in wsdl:message \"{1}\", is a java keyword. Use customization to change the parameter name or change the wsdl:part name.

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.wrapperStyle=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method parameter. Local name of the wrapper child \"{1}\" in the global element \"{2}\" is a java keyword. Use customization to change the parameter name.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.wrapperStyle=Invalid operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method parameter. Local name of the wrapper child \"{1}\" in the global element \"{2}\" is a java keyword. Use customization to change the parameter name.

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.customName=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method. Parameter,customized name \"{1}\" is a java keyword.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.customName=Invalid operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method. Parameter,customized name \"{1}\"  is a java keyword.

wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.invalidJavaVariableName.customName=Invalid operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method. Parameter,customized name \"{1}\" is not a valid java variable name.

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.operationName=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", it''s java reserved word, can''t generate java method. Use customization to change the operation name.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.operationName=Invalid operation \"{0}\", it''s java reserved word, can''t generate java method. Use customization to change the operation name.

wsdlmodeler.warning.ignoringOperation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.customizedOperationName=Ignoring operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method ,customized name \"{1}\" of the wsdl:operation is a java keyword.
wsdlmodeler.invalid.operation.javaReservedWordNotAllowed.customizedOperationName=Invalid operation \"{0}\", can''t generate java method ,customized name \"{1}\" of the wsdl:operation is a java keyword.

wsdlmodeler.jaxb.javatype.notfound=Schema descriptor {0} in message part \"{1}\" is not defined and could not be bound to Java. Perhaps the schema descriptor {0} is not defined in the schema imported/included in the WSDL. You can either add such imports/includes or run wsimport and provide the schema location using -b switch.
wsdlmodeler.unsupportedBinding.mime=WSDL MIME binding is not currently supported!

wsdlmodeler.nonUnique.body.error=Non unique body parts! In a port, as per BP 1.1 R2710 operations must have unique operation signature on the wire for successful dispatch. In port {0}, Operations \"{1}\" and \"{2}\" have the same request body block {3}. Try running wsimport with -extension switch, runtime will try to dispatch using SOAPAction
wsdlmodeler.nonUnique.body.warning=Non unique body parts! In a port, as per BP 1.1 R2710 operations must have unique operation signature on the wire for successful dispatch. In port {0}, Operations \"{1}\" and \"{2}\" have the same request body block {3}. Method dispatching may fail, runtime will try to dispatch using SOAPAction

wsdlmodeler.rpclit.unkownschematype=XML type \"{0}\" could not be resolved, XML to JAVA binding failed! Please check the wsdl:part \"{1}\" in the wsdl:message \"{2}\".

wsdlmodeler.responsebean.notfound=wsimport failed to generate async response bean for operation: {0}

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