Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* An interface defining constants needed to read and write WSDL documents.
* @author WS Development Team
public interface Constants {
// WSDL element tags
static final String TAG_BINDING = "binding";
static final String TAG_DEFINITIONS = "definitions";
static final String TAG_DOCUMENTATION = "documentation";
static final String TAG_MESSAGE = "message";
static final String TAG_PART = "part";
static final String TAG_PORT_TYPE = "portType";
static final String TAG_TYPES = "types";
static final String TAG_OPERATION = "operation";
static final String TAG_INPUT = "input";
static final String TAG_OUTPUT = "output";
static final String TAG_FAULT = "fault";
static final String TAG_SERVICE = "service";
static final String TAG_PORT = "port";
static final String TAG_ = "";
// WSDL attribute names
static final String ATTR_ELEMENT = "element";
static final String ATTR_NAME = "name";
static final String ATTR_REQUIRED = "required";
static final String ATTR_TARGET_NAMESPACE = "targetNamespace";
static final String ATTR_TYPE = "type";
static final String ATTR_MESSAGE = "message";
static final String ATTR_BINDING = "binding";
static final String ATTR_LOCATION = "location";
static final String ATTR_TRANSPORT = "transport";
static final String ATTR_STYLE = "style";
static final String ATTR_USE = "use";
static final String ATTR_NAMESPACE = "namespace";
static final String ATTR_ENCODING_STYLE = "encodingStyle";
static final String ATTR_PART = "part";
static final String ATTR_PARTS = "parts";
static final String ATTR_SOAP_ACTION = "soapAction";
static final String ATTR_PARAMETER_ORDER = "parameterOrder";
static final String ATTR_VERB = "verb";
// schema attribute names
static final String ATTR_ID = "id";
static final String ATTR_VERSION = "version";
static final String ATTR_ATTRIBUTE_FORM_DEFAULT = "attributeFormDefault";
static final String ATTR_BLOCK_DEFAULT = "blockDefault";
static final String ATTR_ELEMENT_FORM_DEFAULT = "elementFormDefault";
static final String ATTR_FINAL_DEFAULT = "finalDefault";
static final String ATTR_ABSTRACT = "abstract";
static final String ATTR_NILLABLE = "nillable";
static final String ATTR_DEFAULT = "default";
static final String ATTR_FIXED = "fixed";
static final String ATTR_FORM = "form";
static final String ATTR_BLOCK = "block";
static final String ATTR_FINAL = "final";
static final String ATTR_REF = "ref";
static final String ATTR_SUBSTITUTION_GROUP = "substitutionGroup";
static final String ATTR_MIN_OCCURS = "minOccurs";
static final String ATTR_MAX_OCCURS = "maxOccurs";
static final String ATTR_PROCESS_CONTENTS = "processContents";
static final String ATTR_MIXED = "mixed";
static final String ATTR_BASE = "base";
static final String ATTR_VALUE = "value";
static final String ATTR_XPATH = "xpath";
static final String ATTR_SCHEMA_LOCATION = "schemaLocation";
static final String ATTR_REFER = "refer";
static final String ATTR_ITEM_TYPE = "itemType";
static final String ATTR_PUBLIC = "public";
static final String ATTR_SYSTEM = "system";
static final String ATTR_MEMBER_TYPES = "memberTypes";
static final String ATTR_ = "";
// WSDL attribute values
static final String ATTRVALUE_RPC = "rpc";
static final String ATTRVALUE_DOCUMENT = "document";
static final String ATTRVALUE_LITERAL = "literal";
static final String ATTRVALUE_ENCODED = "encoded";
// schema attribute values
static final String ATTRVALUE_QUALIFIED = "qualified";
static final String ATTRVALUE_UNQUALIFIED = "unqualified";
static final String ATTRVALUE_ALL = "#all";
static final String ATTRVALUE_SUBSTITUTION = "substitution";
static final String ATTRVALUE_EXTENSION = "extension";
static final String ATTRVALUE_RESTRICTION = "restriction";
static final String ATTRVALUE_LIST = "list";
static final String ATTRVALUE_UNION = "union";
static final String ATTRVALUE_UNBOUNDED = "unbounded";
static final String ATTRVALUE_PROHIBITED = "prohibited";
static final String ATTRVALUE_OPTIONAL = "optional";
static final String ATTRVALUE_REQUIRED = "required";
static final String ATTRVALUE_LAX = "lax";
static final String ATTRVALUE_SKIP = "skip";
static final String ATTRVALUE_STRICT = "strict";
static final String ATTRVALUE_ANY = "##any";
static final String ATTRVALUE_LOCAL = "##local";
static final String ATTRVALUE_OTHER = "##other";
static final String ATTRVALUE_TARGET_NAMESPACE = "##targetNamespace";
static final String ATTRVALUE_ = "";
// namespace URIs
static final String NS_XML = "";
static final String NS_XMLNS = "";
static final String NS_WSDL = "";
static final String NS_WSDL_SOAP = "";
static final String NS_WSDL_SOAP12 = "";
static final String NS_WSDL_HTTP = "";
static final String NS_WSDL_MIME = "";
static final String NS_XSD = "";
static final String NS_XSI = "";
static final String NS_ = "";
// other constants
static final String XMLNS = "xmlns";
static final String TRUE = "true";
static final String FALSE = "false";