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com.sxtanna.database.struct.Resolver.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.sxtanna.database.struct
import com.sxtanna.database.ext.*
import com.sxtanna.database.struct.obj.SqlType
import java.math.BigInteger
import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.util.*
import kotlin.Byte
import kotlin.Double
import kotlin.Enum
import kotlin.Float
import kotlin.Int
import kotlin.Long
import kotlin.Short
import kotlin.String
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty1
import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation
import kotlin.reflect.full.isSubclassOf
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmErasure
object Resolver {
private val adapters = mutableMapOf, Adapter>()
init {
this[Char::class] = { SqlType.Char(1, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull()) }
this[UUID::class] = { SqlType.Char(36, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull()) }
this[Boolean::class] = { SqlType.Bool(isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull()) }
this[Enum::class] = {
if (isSerialized()) SqlType.VarChar(VARCHAR_SIZE, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
else {
SqlType.EnumSet(returnType.jvmErasure as KClass>, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
this[Timestamp::class] = {
val time = findAnnotation()
SqlType.Timestamp(time?.current ?: false, time?.updating ?: false, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
val textAdapter : Adapter = {
when (findAnnotation()?.value) {
SqlType.TinyText::class -> SqlType.TinyText(isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
SqlType.MediumText::class -> SqlType.MediumText(isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
SqlType.LongText::class -> SqlType.LongText(isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
else -> {
if (returnType.jvmErasure == String::class) {
val fix = findAnnotation()?.length ?: -1
if (fix > 0) SqlType.Char(fix, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
else SqlType.VarChar(findAnnotation()?.length ?: VARCHAR_SIZE, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
} else SqlType.Text(isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
adapters.multiplePut(textAdapter, String::class, Any::class)
val numberAdapter : Adapter = {
val size = findAnnotation()
val length = (size?.length ?: 100)
when (findAnnotation()?.value) {
SqlType.TinyInt::class -> SqlType.TinyInt(length.coerceAtMost(TINY_MAX_UNSIGN), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
SqlType.SmallInt::class -> SqlType.SmallInt(length.coerceAtMost(SMALL_MAX_UNSIGN), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
SqlType.MediumInt::class -> SqlType.MediumInt(length.coerceAtMost(MEDIUM_MAX_UNSIGN), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
SqlType.BigInt::class -> SqlType.BigInt(length.toString(), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
else -> {
if (returnType.jvmErasure == BigInteger::class || returnType.jvmErasure == Long::class) {
SqlType.BigInt(length.toString(), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
else SqlType.NormInt(length.toLong().coerceAtMost(NORM_MAX_UNSIGN), isUnsigned(), isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
adapters.multiplePut(numberAdapter, Byte::class, Short::class, Int::class, Long::class, BigInteger::class)
val decimalAdapter : Adapter = {
val size = findAnnotation()
SqlType.Decimal(size?.length ?: 10, size?.places ?: 1, isPrimaryKey(), isNotNull())
adapters.multiplePut(decimalAdapter, Float::class, Double::class)
operator fun set(type : KClass<*>, adapter : Adapter) {
adapters[type] = adapter
operator fun get(property : KProperty1<*, *>) : SqlType {
val type = property.returnType.jvmErasure
val adapter = checkNotNull(adapters[type] ?: adapters[if (type.isEnum()) Enum::class else Any::class])
return checkNotNull(adapter) { "Random Impossible error... but for type $type" }.invoke(property)
private fun KProperty1<*, *>.isNotNull() = findAnnotation() == null && returnType.isMarkedNullable.not()
private fun KProperty1<*, *>.isUnsigned() = findAnnotation() != null
private fun KProperty1<*, *>.isSerialized() = findAnnotation() != null
private fun KProperty1<*, *>.isPrimaryKey() = findAnnotation() != null
private fun KClass<*>.isEnum() = this.isSubclassOf(Enum::class)
private fun MutableMap.multiplePut(value : V, vararg keys : K) = keys.forEach { put(it, value) }