Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* coverity-common
* Copyright (C) 2019 Black Duck Software, Inc.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar;
* Java class for mergedDefectDataObj complex type.
The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
* <complexType name="mergedDefectDataObj">
* <complexContent>
* <restriction base="{}anyType">
* <sequence>
* <element name="checkerName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="cid" type="{}long" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="componentName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="cwe" type="{}int" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="defectStateAttributeValues" type="{}defectStateAttributeValueDataObj" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="displayCategory" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="displayImpact" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="displayIssueKind" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="displayType" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="domain" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="filePathname" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetected" type="{}dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedBy" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedDescription" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedSnapshotId" type="{}long" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedStream" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedTarget" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="firstDetectedVersion" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="functionDisplayName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="functionName" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="issueKind" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetected" type="{}dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetectedDescription" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetectedSnapshotId" type="{}long" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetectedStream" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetectedTarget" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastDetectedVersion" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastFixed" type="{}dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="lastTriaged" type="{}dateTime" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="mergeKey" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
* <element name="occurrenceCount" type="{}int" minOccurs="0"/>
* </sequence>
* </restriction>
* </complexContent>
* </complexType>
@XmlType(name = "mergedDefectDataObj", propOrder = {
public class MergedDefectDataObj {
protected String checkerName;
protected Long cid;
protected String componentName;
protected Integer cwe;
@XmlElement(nillable = true)
protected List defectStateAttributeValues;
protected String displayCategory;
protected String displayImpact;
protected String displayIssueKind;
protected String displayType;
protected String domain;
protected String filePathname;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar firstDetected;
protected String firstDetectedBy;
protected String firstDetectedDescription;
protected Long firstDetectedSnapshotId;
protected String firstDetectedStream;
protected String firstDetectedTarget;
protected String firstDetectedVersion;
protected String functionDisplayName;
protected String functionName;
protected String issueKind;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar lastDetected;
protected String lastDetectedDescription;
protected Long lastDetectedSnapshotId;
protected String lastDetectedStream;
protected String lastDetectedTarget;
protected String lastDetectedVersion;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar lastFixed;
@XmlSchemaType(name = "dateTime")
protected XMLGregorianCalendar lastTriaged;
protected String mergeKey;
protected Integer occurrenceCount;
* Gets the value of the checkerName property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getCheckerName() {
return checkerName;
* Sets the value of the checkerName property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setCheckerName(String value) {
this.checkerName = value;
* Gets the value of the cid property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Long }
public Long getCid() {
return cid;
* Sets the value of the cid property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Long }
public void setCid(Long value) {
this.cid = value;
* Gets the value of the componentName property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getComponentName() {
return componentName;
* Sets the value of the componentName property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setComponentName(String value) {
this.componentName = value;
* Gets the value of the cwe property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Integer }
public Integer getCwe() {
return cwe;
* Sets the value of the cwe property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Integer }
public void setCwe(Integer value) {
this.cwe = value;
* Gets the value of the defectStateAttributeValues property.
* This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
* not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
* returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
* This is why there is not a set
method for the defectStateAttributeValues property.
* For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
* getDefectStateAttributeValues().add(newItem);
* Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
* {@link DefectStateAttributeValueDataObj }
public List getDefectStateAttributeValues() {
if (defectStateAttributeValues == null) {
defectStateAttributeValues = new ArrayList();
return this.defectStateAttributeValues;
* Gets the value of the displayCategory property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDisplayCategory() {
return displayCategory;
* Sets the value of the displayCategory property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDisplayCategory(String value) {
this.displayCategory = value;
* Gets the value of the displayImpact property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDisplayImpact() {
return displayImpact;
* Sets the value of the displayImpact property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDisplayImpact(String value) {
this.displayImpact = value;
* Gets the value of the displayIssueKind property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDisplayIssueKind() {
return displayIssueKind;
* Sets the value of the displayIssueKind property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDisplayIssueKind(String value) {
this.displayIssueKind = value;
* Gets the value of the displayType property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDisplayType() {
return displayType;
* Sets the value of the displayType property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDisplayType(String value) {
this.displayType = value;
* Gets the value of the domain property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getDomain() {
return domain;
* Sets the value of the domain property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setDomain(String value) {
this.domain = value;
* Gets the value of the filePathname property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFilePathname() {
return filePathname;
* Sets the value of the filePathname property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFilePathname(String value) {
this.filePathname = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetected property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public XMLGregorianCalendar getFirstDetected() {
return firstDetected;
* Sets the value of the firstDetected property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public void setFirstDetected(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
this.firstDetected = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedBy property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFirstDetectedBy() {
return firstDetectedBy;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedBy property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFirstDetectedBy(String value) {
this.firstDetectedBy = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedDescription property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFirstDetectedDescription() {
return firstDetectedDescription;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedDescription property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFirstDetectedDescription(String value) {
this.firstDetectedDescription = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedSnapshotId property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Long }
public Long getFirstDetectedSnapshotId() {
return firstDetectedSnapshotId;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedSnapshotId property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Long }
public void setFirstDetectedSnapshotId(Long value) {
this.firstDetectedSnapshotId = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedStream property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFirstDetectedStream() {
return firstDetectedStream;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedStream property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFirstDetectedStream(String value) {
this.firstDetectedStream = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedTarget property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFirstDetectedTarget() {
return firstDetectedTarget;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedTarget property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFirstDetectedTarget(String value) {
this.firstDetectedTarget = value;
* Gets the value of the firstDetectedVersion property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFirstDetectedVersion() {
return firstDetectedVersion;
* Sets the value of the firstDetectedVersion property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFirstDetectedVersion(String value) {
this.firstDetectedVersion = value;
* Gets the value of the functionDisplayName property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFunctionDisplayName() {
return functionDisplayName;
* Sets the value of the functionDisplayName property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFunctionDisplayName(String value) {
this.functionDisplayName = value;
* Gets the value of the functionName property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getFunctionName() {
return functionName;
* Sets the value of the functionName property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setFunctionName(String value) {
this.functionName = value;
* Gets the value of the issueKind property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getIssueKind() {
return issueKind;
* Sets the value of the issueKind property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setIssueKind(String value) {
this.issueKind = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetected property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public XMLGregorianCalendar getLastDetected() {
return lastDetected;
* Sets the value of the lastDetected property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public void setLastDetected(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
this.lastDetected = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetectedDescription property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getLastDetectedDescription() {
return lastDetectedDescription;
* Sets the value of the lastDetectedDescription property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setLastDetectedDescription(String value) {
this.lastDetectedDescription = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetectedSnapshotId property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Long }
public Long getLastDetectedSnapshotId() {
return lastDetectedSnapshotId;
* Sets the value of the lastDetectedSnapshotId property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Long }
public void setLastDetectedSnapshotId(Long value) {
this.lastDetectedSnapshotId = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetectedStream property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getLastDetectedStream() {
return lastDetectedStream;
* Sets the value of the lastDetectedStream property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setLastDetectedStream(String value) {
this.lastDetectedStream = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetectedTarget property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getLastDetectedTarget() {
return lastDetectedTarget;
* Sets the value of the lastDetectedTarget property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setLastDetectedTarget(String value) {
this.lastDetectedTarget = value;
* Gets the value of the lastDetectedVersion property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getLastDetectedVersion() {
return lastDetectedVersion;
* Sets the value of the lastDetectedVersion property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setLastDetectedVersion(String value) {
this.lastDetectedVersion = value;
* Gets the value of the lastFixed property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public XMLGregorianCalendar getLastFixed() {
return lastFixed;
* Sets the value of the lastFixed property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public void setLastFixed(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
this.lastFixed = value;
* Gets the value of the lastTriaged property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public XMLGregorianCalendar getLastTriaged() {
return lastTriaged;
* Sets the value of the lastTriaged property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link XMLGregorianCalendar }
public void setLastTriaged(XMLGregorianCalendar value) {
this.lastTriaged = value;
* Gets the value of the mergeKey property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link String }
public String getMergeKey() {
return mergeKey;
* Sets the value of the mergeKey property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link String }
public void setMergeKey(String value) {
this.mergeKey = value;
* Gets the value of the occurrenceCount property.
* @return possible object is
* {@link Integer }
public Integer getOccurrenceCount() {
return occurrenceCount;
* Sets the value of the occurrenceCount property.
* @param value allowed object is
* {@link Integer }
public void setOccurrenceCount(Integer value) {
this.occurrenceCount = value;