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olon.json.JsonAST.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
package olon
package json

import izumi.reflect.Tag

import java.lang.StringBuilder

/** This object contains the abstract syntax tree (or AST) for working with JSON
  * objects in lift-json.
  * The purpose of the JSON AST is to represent and manipulate JSON by
  * leveraging Scala language features like types, case classes, etc. The AST
  * should allow you to represent anything you could imagine from JSON land
  * using the Scala type system.
  * Everything in the AST has a single root: JValue. A JValue could, quite
  * literally, be anything. It could be an an object (represented by
  * `[[JObject]]`), a string (`[[JString]]`), a null (`[[JNull]]`), and so on.
  * So, when constructing a JSON object with the AST directly you might
  * construct something like the following:
  * {{{
  * JObject(JField("bacon", JBool(true)) :: JField("spinach", JBool(false)))
  * }}}
  * Once serialized to the string representation of JSON you would end up with
  * the following:
  * {{{
  * {
  *   "bacon":true,
  *   "spinach":false
  * }
  * }}}
object JsonAST {

  /** Concatenate a sequence of `[[JValue]]`s together.
    * This would be useful in the event that you have a handful of `JValue`
    * instances that need to be smacked together into one unit.
    * For example:
    * {{{
    * concat(JInt(1), JInt(2)) == JArray(List(JInt(1), JInt(2)))
    * }}}
  def concat(values: JValue[?]*): JValue[?] = { // Scala 2 workaround
    values.foldLeft(JNothing: JValue[None.type])(
      ((_: JValue[None.type]) ++ (_: JValue[None.type]))
        .asInstanceOf[(JValue[None.type], JValue[?]) => JValue[None.type]]

  object JValue extends Merge.Mergeable

  /** The base type for all things that represent distinct JSON entities in the
    * AST.
    * Most members of the AST will extend this class. The one exception is
    * `[[JField]]` which does not extend this class because it really ''can't''
    * properly exist as a first-class citizen of JSON.
  sealed abstract class JValue[+Values] extends Diff.Diffable {

    /** An XPath-like expression to find a child of a `[[JObject]]` or a
      * `[[JArray]]` of `JObject` by name. If you call this method on anything
      * other than a `JObject` or `JArray` of `JObject`s you'll get a
      * `[[JNothing]]`.
      * This method is most useful if you have an object that you need to dig
      * into in order to retrieve a specific value. So, let's say that you had a
      * JSON object that looked something like this:
      * {{{
      * {
      *   "name": "Joe",
      *   "profession": "Software Engineer",
      *   "catchphrase": {
      *     "name": "Alabama Cheer",
      *     "value": "Roll tide"
      *   }
      * }
      * }}}
      * If for some reason you're interested in taking a look at Joe's
      * catchphrase, you can query it using the `\` method to find it like so:
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * scala> json \ "catchphrase"
      * res0: JValue = JObject(List(JField("name", JString("Alabama Cheer")), JField("value", JString("Roll tide"))))
      * }}}
      * Likewise, if you wanted to find Joe's name you could do the following:
      * {{{
      * scala> json \ "name"
      * res0: JValue = JString("Joe")
      * }}}
      * The result could be any subclass of `JValue`. In the event that the
      * `JValue` you're operating on is actually an array of objects, you'll get
      * back a `JArray` of the result of executing `\` on each object in the
      * array. In the event nothing is found, you'll get a `JNothing`.
    def \(nameToFind: String): JValue[?] = {
      // Use :: instead of List() to avoid the extra array allocation for the variable arguments
      findDirectByName(this :: Nil, nameToFind) match {
        case Nil      => JNothing
        case x :: Nil => x
        case x        => JArray(x)

    private def findDirectByName(
        xs: List[JValue[?]],
        name: String
    ): List[JValue[?]] =
      xs.flatMap {
        case JObject(l) =>
          l.collect {
            case JField(n, value) if n == name => value
        case JArray(l) => findDirectByName(l, name)
        case _         => Nil

    private def findDirect(
        xs: List[JValue[?]],
        p: JValue[?] => Boolean
    ): List[JValue[?]] = xs.flatMap {
      case JObject(l) =>
        l.collect {
          case JField(_, x) if p(x) => x
      case JArray(l) => findDirect(l, p)
      case x if p(x) => x :: Nil
      case _         => Nil

    /** Find all children of a `[[JObject]]` with the matching name, returning
      * an empty `JObject` if no matches are found.
      * For example given this example JSON:
      * {{{
      * {
      *   "name": "Joe",
      *   "profession": "Software Engineer",
      *   "catchphrase": {
      *     "name": "Alabama Cheer",
      *     "value": "Roll tide"
      *   }
      * }
      * }}}
      * We might do the following:
      * {{{
      * scala> json \\ "name"
      * res2: JValue = JObject(List(JField(name,JString(Joe)), JField(name,JString(Alabama Cheer))))
      * }}}
    def \\(nameToFind: String): JObject = {
      def find(json: JValue[?]): List[JField] = json match {
        case JObject(fields) =>
          fields.foldLeft(List[JField]()) {
            case (matchingFields, JField(name, value)) =>
              matchingFields :::
                List(JField(name, value)).filter( == nameToFind) :::

        case JArray(fields) =>
          fields.foldLeft(List[JField]()) { (matchingFields, children) =>
            matchingFields ::: find(children)

        case _ =>


    /** Find immediate children of this `[[JValue]]` that match a specific
      * `JValue` subclass.
      * This methid will search a `[[JObject]]` or `[[JArray]]` for values of a
      * specific type and return a `List` of those values if they any are found.
      * So given some JSON like so:
      * {{{
      *  [
      *    {
      *      "thinga":1,
      *      "thingb":"bacon"
      *    },{
      *      "thingc":3,
      *      "thingd":"Wakka"
      *    },{
      *      "thinge":{
      *        "thingf":4
      *      },
      *      "thingg":true
      *    }
      *  ]
      * }}}
      * You would use this method like so:
      * {{{
      * scala> json \ classOf[JInt]
      * res0: List[olon.json.JInt#Values] = List(1, 3)
      * }}}
      * This method does require that whatever type you're searching for is
      * subtype of `JValue`.
    def \[B, A <: JValue[B]](clazz: Class[A]): List[B] =
      findDirect(children, typePredicate(clazz)).asInstanceOf[List[A]] map {

    /** Find all descendants of this `JValue` that match a specific `JValue`
      * subclass.
      * Unlike its cousin `\`, this method will recurse down into all children
      * looking for type matches searching a `[[JObject]]` or `[[JArray]]` for
      * values of a specific type and return a `List` of those values if they
      * are found.
      * So given some JSON like so:
      * {{{
      *  [
      *    {
      *      "thinga":1,
      *      "thingb":"bacon"
      *    },{
      *      "thingc":3,
      *      "thingd":"Wakka"
      *    },{
      *      "thinge":{
      *        "thingf":4
      *      },
      *      "thingg":true
      *    }
      *  ]
      * }}}
      * You would use this method like so:
      * {{{
      * scala> json \\ classOf[JInt]
      * res0: List[olon.json.JInt#Values] = List(1, 3, 4)
      * }}}
    def \\[B, A <: JValue[B]](clazz: Class[A]): List[B] =
      (this.filter(typePredicate(clazz))).asInstanceOf[List[A]] map {

    private def typePredicate[A <: JValue[?]](
        clazz: Class[A]
    )(json: JValue[?]) =
      json match {
        case x if x.getClass == clazz => true
        case _                        => false

    /** Return the element in the `i`-th position from a `[[JArray]]`. Will
      * return `JNothing` when invoked on any other kind of `JValue`.
      * For example:
      * {{{
      * scala> val array = JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil)
      * array: olon.json.JsonAST.JArray = JArray(List(JInt(1), JInt(2)))
      * scala> array(1)
      * res0: olon.json.JsonAST.JValue = JInt(2)
      * }}}
    def apply(i: Int): JValue[?] = JNothing

    /** Return a representation of the values in this `[[JValue]]` in a native
      * Scala structure.
      * For example, you might invoke this on a `[[JObject]]` to have its fields
      * returned as a `Map`.
      * {{{
      * scala> JObject(JField("name", JString("joe")) :: Nil).values
      * res0: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,Any] = Map(name -> joe)
      * }}}
    def values: Values

    /** Return direct child elements of this `JValue`, if this `JValue` is a
      * `[[JObject]]` or `[[JArray]]`.
      * This method is useful for getting all the values of a `JObject` or
      * `JArray` and will return them as a `List[JValue]`. If the `JValue` you
      * invoke this method on is not a `JObject` or `JArray` you will instead
      * get `Nil`.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil).children
      * List(JInt(1), JInt(2))
      * }}}
      * @return
      *   Direct children of this `JValue` if it is a `[[JObject]]` or
      *   `[[JArray]]`, or `[[JNothing]]` otherwise.
    def children: List[JValue[?]] = {
      if (this.isInstanceOf[JObject])
        this.asInstanceOf[JObject].obj map (_.value)
      else if (this.isInstanceOf[JArray]) this.asInstanceOf[JArray].arr
      else Nil
      // this match {
      // case JObject(l) => l map (_.value)
      // case JArray(l)  => l
      // case _          => Nil

    /** Fold over `JValue`s by applying a function to each element.
      * @param f
      *   The function to apply, which takes an accumulator and the next item as
      *   paramaters.
      * @param z
      *   The initial value for the fold.
    def fold[A](z: A)(f: (A, JValue[?]) => A): A = {
      def rec(acc: A, v: JValue[?]) = {
        val newAcc = f(acc, v)
        v match {
          case JObject(l) =>
            l.foldLeft(newAcc) { case (a, JField(_, value)) =>
          case JArray(l) =>
            l.foldLeft(newAcc) { (a, e) =>
          case _ => newAcc
      rec(z, this)

    /** Fold over a series of `JField`s applying a function to each one.
      * @param z
      *   The initial value for the fold.
      * @param f
      *   The function to apply, which takes an accumulator as its first
      *   parameter and the next field as its second.
    def foldField[A](z: A)(f: (A, JField) => A): A = {
      def rec(acc: A, v: JValue[?]) = {
        v match {
          case JObject(l) =>
            l.foldLeft(acc) { case (a, field @ JField(_, value)) =>
              value.foldField(f(a, field))(f)
          case JArray(l) => l.foldLeft(acc)((a, e) => e.foldField(a)(f))
          case _         => acc
      rec(z, this)

    /** Return a new `JValue` resulting from applying the given function to each
      * value, recursively.
      * If this function is invoked on a `[[JObject]]`, it will iterate over the
      * field values of that `JObject`. If this function is invoked on a
      * `[[JArray]]`, it will iterate over the values of that `JArray`. If this
      * function is invoked on any other kind of `JValue` it will simply pass
      * that instance into the function you have provided.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) map {
      *   case JInt(x) => JInt(x+1)
      *   case x => x
      * }
      * }}}
    def map(f: JValue[?] => JValue[?]): JValue[?] = {
      def rec(v: JValue[?]): JValue[?] = v match {
        case JObject(l) =>
          f(JObject( { field => field.copy(value = rec(field.value)) }))
        case JArray(l) => f(JArray(
        case x         => f(x)

    /** Return a new `JValue` resulting from applying the given function to each
      * `[[JField]]` in a `[[JObject]]` or a `[[JArray]]` of `JObject`,
      * recursively.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) map {
      *   case ("age", JInt(x)) => ("age", JInt(x+1))
      *   case x => x
      * }
      * }}}
      * @see
      *   transformField
    def mapField(f: JField => JField): JValue[?] = {
      def rec(v: JValue[?]): JValue[?] = v match {
        case JObject(l) =>
          JObject( { field => f(field.copy(value = rec(field.value))) })
        case JArray(l) => JArray(
        case x         => x

    /** Return a new `JValue` resulting from applying the given partial function
      * `f`` to each field in JSON.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * JObject(("age", JInt(10)) :: Nil) transformField {
      *   case ("age", JInt(x)) => ("age", JInt(x+1))
      * }
      * }}}
    def transformField(f: PartialFunction[JField, JField]): JValue[?] =
      mapField { x =>
        if (f.isDefinedAt(x)) f(x) else x

    /** Return a new `JValue` resulting from applying the given partial function
      * to each value within this `JValue`.
      * If this is a `JArray`, this means we will transform each value in the
      * array and return an updated array.
      * If this is a `JObject`, this means we will transform the value of each
      * field of the object and the object in turn and return an updated object.
      * If this is another type of `JValue`, the value is transformed directly.
      * Note that this happens recursively, so you will receive both each value
      * in an array ''and'' the array itself, or each field value in an object
      * ''and'' the object itself. If an array contains arrays, we will recurse
      * into them in turn.
      * Examples:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) transform {
      *   case JInt(x) =>
      *     JInt(x+1)
      * }
      * res0: olon.json.JsonAST.JValue = JArray(List(JInt(2), JInt(3)))
      * }}}
      * Without type matching, notice that we get the result of the transform
      * replacing the array:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) transform {
      *   case _ =>
      *     JString("hello")
      * }
      * res0: olon.json.JsonAST.JValue = JString("hello")
      * }}}
      * @return
      *   This `JValue` with its child values recursively transformed by the
      *   given `PartialFunction`, when defined. If the `PartialFunction` is
      *   undefined, leaves the child values untouched.
    def transform(f: PartialFunction[JValue[?], JValue[?]]): JValue[?] = map {
      x =>
        if (f.isDefinedAt(x)) f(x) else x

    /** Return a new `JValue` resulting from replacing the value at the
      * specified field path with the replacement value provided. This has no
      * effect if the path is empty or if the value is not a `[[JObject]]`
      * instance.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JObject(List(JField("foo", JObject(List(JField("bar", JInt(1))))))).replace("foo" :: "bar" :: Nil, JString("baz"))
      * JObject(List(JField("foo", JObject(List(JField("bar", JString("baz")))))))
      * }}}
    def replace(l: List[String], replacement: JValue[?]): JValue[?] = {
      def rep(l: List[String], in: JValue[?]): JValue[?] = {
        l match {
          case x :: xs =>
            in match {
              case JObject(fields) =>
                    case JField(`x`, value) =>
                      JField(x, if (xs == Nil) replacement else rep(xs, value))
                    case field => field
              case other => other

          case Nil => in

      rep(l, this)

    /** Return the first field from this `JValue` which matches the given
      * predicate.
      * When invoked on a `[[JObject]]` it will first attempt to see if the
      * `JObject` has the field defined on it. Not finding the field defined,
      * this method will recurse into the fields of that object and search for
      * the value there. When invoked on or encountering a `[[JArray]]` during
      * recursion this method will run its search on each member of the
      * `JArray`.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JObject(JField("age", JInt(2))) findField {
      *   case JField(n, v) =>
      *     n == "age"
      * }
      * res0: Option[olon.json.JsonAST.JField] = Some(JField(age,JInt(2))
      * }}}
    def findField(p: JField => Boolean): Option[JField] = {
      def find(json: JValue[?]): Option[JField] = json match {
        case JObject(fs) if (fs.find(p)).isDefined => return fs.find(p)
        case JObject(fs) =>
          fs.flatMap { case JField(_, v) => find(v) }.headOption
        case JArray(l) => l.flatMap(find).headOption
        case _         => None

    /** Return the first element from a `JValue` which matches the given
      * predicate.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) find { _ == JInt(2) }
      * res0: Option[olon.json.JsonAST.JValue] = Some(JInt(2))
      * }}}
    def find(p: JValue[?] => Boolean): Option[JValue[?]] = {
      def find(json: JValue[?]): Option[JValue[?]] = {
        json match {
          case _ if p(json) => Some(json)
          case JObject(fs) =>
            fs.flatMap { case JField(_, v) => find(v) }.headOption
          case JArray(l) => l.flatMap(find).headOption
          case _         => None


    /** Return a `List` of all fields that match the given predicate. Does not
      * recurse into child elements, so this will only check a `JObject`'s field
      * values.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JObject(JField("age", JInt(10))) filterField {
      *   case JField("age", JInt(x)) if x > 18 =>
      *     true
      *   case _ =>
      *     false
      * }
      * res0: List[olon.json.JsonAST.JField] = List()
      * > JObject(JField("age", JInt(10))) filterField {
      *   case JField("age", JInt(x)) if x < 18 =>
      *     true
      *   case _ =>
      *     false
      * }
      * res1: List[olon.json.JsonAST.JField] = List(JField(age,JInt(10)))
      * }}}
      * @return
      *   A `List` of `JField`s that match the given predicate `p`, or `Nil` if
      *   this `JValue` is not a `JObject`.
    def filterField(p: JField => Boolean): List[JField] =
      foldField(List[JField]())((acc, e) => if (p(e)) e :: acc else acc).reverse

    /** Return a List of all values which matches the given predicate,
      * recursively.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) filter {
      *   case JInt(x) => x > 1
      *   case _ => false
      * }
      * res0: List[olon.json.JsonAST.JValue] = List(JInt(2))
      * }}}
      * This operates recursively, so nested objects work too:
      * {{{
      * > ((("boom" -> ("slam" -> "hello")) ~ ("shap" -> 3)): JObject) filter {
      *   case JString("hello") => true
      *   case _ => false
      * }
      * res0: List[olon.json.JsonAST.JValue] = List(JString(hello))
      * }}}
    def filter(p: JValue[?] => Boolean): List[JValue[?]] =
      fold(List[JValue[?]]())((acc, e) => if (p(e)) e :: acc else acc).reverse

    /** Create a new instance of `[[WithFilter]]` for Scala to use when using
      * this `JValue` in a for comprehension.
    def withFilter(p: JValue[?] => Boolean) = new WithFilter(this, p)

    final class WithFilter(self: JValue[?], p: JValue[?] => Boolean) {
      def map[A](f: JValue[?] => A): List[A] = self.filter(p).map(f)
      def flatMap[A](f: JValue[?] => List[A]) = self.filter(p).flatMap(f)
      def withFilter(q: JValue[?] => Boolean): WithFilter =
        new WithFilter(self, x => p(x) && q(x))
      def foreach[U](f: JValue[?] => U): Unit = self.filter(p).foreach(f)

    /** Concatenate this `JValue` with another `JValue`.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: Nil) ++ JArray(JInt(3) :: Nil)
      * res0: JArray(List(JInt(1), JInt(2), JInt(3)))
      * }}}
    def ++[T](other: JValue[T]) = {
      def append(value1: JValue[?], value2: JValue[?]): JValue[?] =
        (value1, value2) match {
          case (JNothing, x)              => x
          case (x, JNothing)              => x
          case (JArray(xs), JArray(ys))   => JArray(xs ::: ys)
          case (JArray(xs), v: JValue[?]) => JArray(xs ::: List(v))
          case (v: JValue[?], JArray(xs)) => JArray(v :: xs)
          case (x, y)                     => JArray(x :: y :: Nil)
      append(this, other)

    /** Return a `JValue` where all fields matching the given predicate are
      * removed.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JObject(JField("age", JInt(10))) removeField {
      *   case JField("age", _) => true
      *   case _          => false
      * }
      * }}}
    def removeField(p: JField => Boolean): JValue[?] = this mapField {
      case x if p(x) => JField(, JNothing)
      case x         => x

    /** Return a JSON where all values matching the given predicate are removed.
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > JArray(JInt(1) :: JInt(2) :: JNull :: Nil).remove(_ == JNull)
      * res0: olon.json.JsonAST.JValue = JArray(List(JInt(1), JInt(2), JNothing))
      * }}}
    def remove(p: JValue[?] => Boolean): JValue[?] = this map {
      case x if p(x) => JNothing
      case x         => x

    /** Extract a value into a concrete Scala instance from its `JValue`
      * representation.
      * Value can be:
      *   - a case class
      *   - a primitive (String, Boolean, Date, etc.)>
      *   - any type which has a configured [[TypeHints custom deserializer]]
      *   - a supported collection type of any of the above (List, Seq,
      *     Map[String, _], Set)
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > case class Person(name: String)
      * > JObject(JField("name", JString("joe")) :: Nil).extract[Person]
      * res0: Person("joe")
      * }}}
    // SCALA3 Using `ClassTag` instead of `Manifest`
    def extract[A](implicit
        formats: Formats,
        mf: Tag[A]
    ): A =
      Extraction.extract(this)(formats, mf)

    /** Optionally extract a value into a concrete Scala instance from its
      * `JValue` representation.
      * This method will attempt to extract a concrete Scala instance of type
      * `A`, but if it fails it will return a `[[scala.None]]` instead of
      * throwing an exception as `[[extract]]` would.
      * Value can be:
      *   - a case class
      *   - a primitive (String, Boolean, Date, etc.)>
      *   - any type which has a configured [[TypeHints custom deserializer]]
      *   - a supported collection type of any of the above (List, Seq,
      *     Map[String, _], Set)
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * scala> case class Person(name: String)
      * defined class Person
      * scala> implicit val formats = DefaultFormats
      * formats: olon.json.DefaultFormats.type = olon.json.DefaultFormats$@39afbb7c
      * scala> JObject(JField("name", JString("joe")) :: Nil).extractOpt[Person]
      * res1: Option[Person] = Some(Person(joe))
      * }}}
    // SCALA3 Using `ClassTag` instead of `Manifest`
    def extractOpt[A](implicit
        formats: Formats,
        mf: Tag[A]
    ): Option[A] =
      Extraction.extractOpt(this)(formats, mf)

    /** Attempt to extract a concrete Scala instance of type `A` from this
      * `JValue` and, on failing to do so, return the default value instead.
      * Value can be:
      *   - a case class
      *   - a primitive (String, Boolean, Date, etc.)>
      *   - any type which has a configured [[TypeHints custom deserializer]]
      *   - a supported collection type of any of the above (List, Seq,
      *     Map[String, _], Set)
      * Example:
      * {{{
      * > case class Person(name: String)
      * > JNothing.extractOrElse(Person("joe"))
      * res0: Person("joe")
      * }}}
    // SCALA3 Using `ClassTag` instead of `Manifest`
    def extractOrElse[A](
        default: => A
    )(implicit formats: Formats, mf: Tag[A]): A =
      Extraction.extractOpt(this)(formats, mf).getOrElse(default)

    def toOpt: Option[JValue[?]] = {
      if (this.isInstanceOf[JNothing.type]) None
      else Some(this)

    //   this match {
    //   case JNothing => None
    //   case json     => Some(json)
    // }

  case object JNothing extends JValue[None.type] {
    def values = None
  case object JNull extends JValue[Null] {
    def values = null
  case class JString(s: String) extends JValue[String] {
    def values = s
  case class JDouble(num: Double) extends JValue[Double] {
    def values = num
  case class JInt(num: BigInt) extends JValue[BigInt] {
    def values = num
  case class JBool(value: Boolean) extends JValue[Boolean] {
    def values = value

  case class JObject(obj: List[JField]) extends JValue[Map[String, Any]] {
    def values = { { case JField(name, value) =>
        (name, value.values): (String, Any)

    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
      case o: JObject => obj.toSet == o.obj.toSet
      case _          => false

    override def hashCode = obj.toSet[JField].hashCode
  case object JObject {
    def apply(fs: JField*): JObject = JObject(fs.toList)

  case class JArray(arr: List[JValue[?]]) extends JValue[List[Any]] {
    def values =
    override def apply(i: Int): JValue[?] = arr(i)

  case class JField(name: String, value: JValue[?])

  private[json] def quote(s: String): String = {
    val buf = new StringBuilder
    appendEscapedString(buf, s, RenderSettings.compact)

  private def appendEscapedString(
      buf: Appendable,
      s: String,
      settings: RenderSettings
  ): Unit = {
    s.foreach { c =>
      val strReplacement = c match {
        case '"'  => "\\\""
        case '\\' => "\\\\"
        case '\b' => "\\b"
        case '\f' => "\\f"
        case '\n' => "\\n"
        case '\r' => "\\r"
        case '\t' => "\\t"
        // Set.contains will cause boxing of c to Character, try and avoid this
        case c
            if ((c >= '\u0000' && c < '\u0020')) || (settings.escapeChars.nonEmpty && settings.escapeChars
              .contains(c)) =>
          "\\u%04x".format(c: Int)

        case _ => ""

      // Use Char version of append if we can, as it's cheaper.
      if (strReplacement.isEmpty) {
      } else {

  object RenderSettings {

    /** Pretty-print JSON with 2-space indentation.
    val pretty = RenderSettings(2)

    /** Compact print JSON on one line.
    val compact = RenderSettings(0)

    /** Ranges of chars that should be escaped if this JSON is to be evaluated
      * directly as JavaScript (rather than by a valid JSON parser).
    val jsEscapeChars =
        ('\u00ad', '\u00ad'),
        ('\u0600', '\u0604'),
        ('\u070f', '\u070f'),
        ('\u17b4', '\u17b5'),
        ('\u200c', '\u200f'),
        ('\u2028', '\u202f'),
        ('\u2060', '\u206f'),
        ('\ufeff', '\ufeff'),
        ('\ufff0', '\uffff')
        .foldLeft(Set[Char]()) { case (set, (start, end)) =>
          set ++ (start to end).toSet

    /** Pretty-print JSON with 2-space indentation and escape all JS-sensitive
      * characters.
    val prettyJs = RenderSettings(2, jsEscapeChars)

    /** Compact print JSON on one line and escape all JS-sensitive characters.
    val compactJs = RenderSettings(0, jsEscapeChars)

  /** Parent trait for double renderers, which decide how doubles contained in a
    * JDouble are rendered to JSON string.
  sealed trait DoubleRenderer extends Function1[Double, String] {
    def apply(double: Double): String

  /** A `DoubleRenderer` that renders special values `NaN`, `-Infinity`, and
    * `Infinity` as-is using `toString`. This is not valid JSON, meaning JSON
    * libraries generally won't be able to parse it (including lift-json!), but
    * JavaScript can eval it. Other double values are also rendered the same
    * way.
    * Usage is not recommended.
  case object RenderSpecialDoubleValuesAsIs extends DoubleRenderer {
    def apply(double: Double): String = {

  /** A `DoubleRenderer` that renders special values `NaN`, `-Infinity`, and
    * `Infinity` as `null`. Other doubles are rendered normally using
    * `toString`.
  case object RenderSpecialDoubleValuesAsNull extends DoubleRenderer {
    def apply(double: Double): String = {
      if (double.isNaN || double.isInfinity) {
      } else {

  /** A `DoubleRenderer` that throws an `IllegalArgumentException` when the
    * special values `NaN`, `-Infinity`, and `Infinity` are encountered. Other
    * doubles are rendered normally using `toString`.
  case object FailToRenderSpecialDoubleValues extends DoubleRenderer {
    def apply(double: Double): String = {
      if (double.isNaN || double.isInfinity) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Double value $double cannot be rendered to JSON with the current DoubleRenderer."
      } else {

  /** RenderSettings allows for customizing how JSON is rendered to a String. At
    * the moment, you can customize the indentation (if 0, all the JSON is
    * printed on one line), the characters that should be escaped (in addition
    * to a base set that will always be escaped for valid JSON), and whether or
    * not a space should be included after a field name.
    * @param doubleRendering
    *   Before Lift 3.1.0, the three special double values NaN, Infinity, and
    *   -Infinity were serialized as-is. This is invalid JSON, but valid
    *   JavaScript. We now default special double values to serialize as null,
    *   but provide both the old behavior and a new behavior that throws an
    *   exception upon finding these values. See `[[DoubleRenderer]]` and its
    *   subclasses for more.
  case class RenderSettings(
      indent: Int,
      escapeChars: Set[Char] = Set.empty,
      spaceAfterFieldName: Boolean = false,
      doubleRenderer: DoubleRenderer = RenderSpecialDoubleValuesAsNull
  ) {
    val lineBreaks_? = indent > 0

  /** Render `value` using `[[RenderSettings.pretty]]`.
  def prettyRender(value: JValue[?]): String = {
    render(value, RenderSettings.pretty)

  /** Render `value` to the given `appendable` using
    * `[[RenderSettings.pretty]]`.
  def prettyRender(value: JValue[?], appendable: Appendable): String = {
    render(value, RenderSettings.pretty, appendable)

  /** Renders JSON directly to string in compact format. This is an optimized
    * version of compact(render(value)) when the intermediate Document is not
    * needed.
  def compactRender(value: JValue[?]): String = {
    render(value, RenderSettings.compact)

  /** Render `value` to the given `appendable` using
    * `[[RenderSettings.compact]]`.
  def compactRender(value: JValue[?], appendable: Appendable): String = {
    render(value, RenderSettings.compact, appendable)

  /** Render `value` to the given `appendable` (a `StringBuilder`, by default)
    * using the given `settings`. The appendable's `toString` will be called and
    * the result will be returned.
  def render(
      value: JValue[?],
      settings: RenderSettings,
      appendable: Appendable = new StringBuilder()
  ): String = {
    bufRender(value, appendable, settings).toString()

  case class RenderIntermediaryDocument(value: JValue[?])
  def render(value: JValue[?]) = RenderIntermediaryDocument(value)

  /** @param value
    *   the JSON to render
    * @param buf
    *   the buffer to render the JSON into. may not be empty
  private def bufRender(
      value: JValue[?],
      buf: Appendable,
      settings: RenderSettings,
      indentLevel: Int = 0
  ): Appendable = value match {
    case null          => buf.append("null")
    case JBool(true)   => buf.append("true")
    case JBool(false)  => buf.append("false")
    case JDouble(n)    => buf.append(settings.doubleRenderer(n))
    case JInt(n)       => buf.append(n.toString)
    case JNull         => buf.append("null")
    case JString(null) => buf.append("null")
    case JString(s)    => bufQuote(s, buf, settings)
    case JArray(arr)   => bufRenderArr(arr, buf, settings, indentLevel)
    case JObject(obj)  => bufRenderObj(obj, buf, settings, indentLevel)
    case JNothing =>
        "can't render 'nothing'"
      ) // TODO: this should not throw an exception

  private def bufRenderArr(
      values: List[JValue[?]],
      buf: Appendable,
      settings: RenderSettings,
      indentLevel: Int
  ): Appendable = {
    var firstEntry = true
    val currentIndent = indentLevel + settings.indent

    buf.append('[') // open array

    if (!values.isEmpty) {
      if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

      values.foreach { elem =>
        if (elem != JNothing) {
          if (firstEntry) {
            firstEntry = false
          } else {

            if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

          (0 until currentIndent).foreach(_ => buf.append(' '))
          bufRender(elem, buf, settings, currentIndent)

      if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

      (0 until indentLevel).foreach(_ => buf.append(' '))


  private def bufRenderObj(
      fields: List[JField],
      buf: Appendable,
      settings: RenderSettings,
      indentLevel: Int
  ): Appendable = {
    var firstEntry = true
    val currentIndent = indentLevel + settings.indent

    buf.append('{') // open bracket

    if (!fields.isEmpty) {
      if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

      fields.foreach {
        case JField(name, value) if value != JNothing =>
          if (firstEntry) {
            firstEntry = false
          } else {

            if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

          (0 until currentIndent).foreach(_ => buf.append(' '))

          bufQuote(name, buf, settings)
          if (settings.spaceAfterFieldName) {
            buf.append(' ')
          bufRender(value, buf, settings, currentIndent)

        case _ => // omit fields with value of JNothing

      if (settings.lineBreaks_?) {

      (0 until indentLevel).foreach(_ => buf.append(' '))

    buf.append('}') // close bracket

  private def bufQuote(
      s: String,
      buf: Appendable,
      settings: RenderSettings
  ): Appendable = {
    buf.append('"') // open quote
    appendEscapedString(buf, s, settings)
    buf.append('"') // close quote


/** Basic implicit conversions from primitive types into JSON. Example:
  * import olon.json.Implicits._ JObject(JField("name", "joe") :: Nil) ==
  * JObject(JField("name", JString("joe")) :: Nil) 
*/ object Implicits extends Implicits trait Implicits { implicit def int2jvalue(x: Int): JInt = JInt(x) implicit def long2jvalue(x: Long): JInt = JInt(x) implicit def bigint2jvalue(x: BigInt): JInt = JInt(x) implicit def double2jvalue(x: Double): JDouble = JDouble(x) implicit def float2jvalue(x: Float): JDouble = JDouble(x) implicit def bigdecimal2jvalue(x: BigDecimal): JDouble = JDouble( x.doubleValue ) implicit def boolean2jvalue(x: Boolean): JBool = JBool(x) implicit def string2jvalue(x: String): JString = JString(x) } /** A DSL to produce valid JSON. Example:
 import olon.json.JsonDSL._
  * ("name", "joe") ~ ("age", 15) == JObject(JField("name",JString("joe")) ::
  * JField("age",JInt(15)) :: Nil) 
*/ object JsonDSL extends JsonDSL trait JsonDSL extends Implicits { implicit def seq2jvalue[A](s: Iterable[A])(implicit ev: A => JValue ): JArray = JArray( { a => val v: JValue = ev(a); v }) implicit def map2jvalue[A](m: Map[String, A])(implicit ev: A => JValue ): JObject = JObject( { case (k, v) => JField(k, ev(v)) }) implicit def option2jvalue[A]( opt: Option[A] )(implicit ev: A => JValue): JValue = opt match { case Some(x) => ev(x) case None => JNothing } implicit def symbol2jvalue(x: Symbol): JString = JString( implicit def pair2jvalue[A](t: (String, A))(implicit ev: A => JValue ): JObject = JObject(List(JField(t._1, ev(t._2)))) implicit def list2jvalue(l: List[JField]): JObject = JObject(l) implicit def jobject2assoc(o: JObject): JsonListAssoc = new JsonListAssoc( o.obj ) implicit def pair2Assoc[A](t: (String, A))(implicit ev: A => JValue ): JsonAssoc[A] = new JsonAssoc(t) class JsonAssoc[A](left: (String, A))(implicit ev: A => JValue) { def ~[B <: JValue](right: (String, B)) = { val l: JValue = ev(left._2) val r: JValue = right._2 JObject(JField(left._1, l) :: JField(right._1, r) :: Nil) } def ~(right: JObject) = { val l: JValue = ev(left._2) JObject(JField(left._1, l) :: right.obj) } } class JsonListAssoc(left: List[JField]) { def ~(right: (String, JValue)) = JObject( left ::: List(JField(right._1, right._2)) ) def ~(right: JObject) = JObject(left ::: right.obj) } }

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