olon.json.Xml.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package olon
package json
/** Functions to convert between JSON and XML.
object Xml {
import scala.xml._
/** Converts the given XML to JSON.
* The following rules are used in the conversion:
* - an XML leaf element is converted to a JSON string
* - an XML parent element is converted to a JSON object and its children
* to JSON fields
* - XML elements with the same name at the same level are converted to a
* JSON array
* - XML attributes are converted to JSON fields
* For example:
* {{{
* scala> val xml =
* 1
* Harry
* 2
* David
* scala> val json = toJson(xml)
* scala> prettyRender(json)
* {
* "users":{
* "user":[{
* "id":"1",
* "name":"Harry"
* },{
* "id":"2",
* "name":"David"
* }]
* }
* }
* }}}
* Now, the above example has two problems. First, the id is converted to a
* `String` while we might want it as an `Int`. This is easy to fix by
* mapping `JString(s)` to `JInt(s.toInt)`. The second problem is more
* subtle: the conversion function decides to use a JSON array because
* there's more than one `user` element in the XML. Therefore a structurally
* equivalent XML document which happens to have just one `user` element will
* generate a JSON document without a JSON array. This is rarely a desired
* outcome. Both of these problems can be fixed by the following `map`
* invocation:
* {{{
* json mapField {
* case JField("id", JString(s)) => JField("id", JInt(s.toInt))
* case JField("user", x: JObject) => JField("user", JArray(x :: Nil))
* case x => x
* }
* }}}
def toJson(xml: NodeSeq): JValue = {
def empty_?(node: Node) = node.child.isEmpty
/* Checks if given node is leaf element. For instance these are considered leafs:
* bar , { doSomething() } , etc.
def leaf_?(node: Node) = {
def descendant(n: Node): List[Node] = n match {
case g: Group => g.nodes.toList.flatMap(x => x :: descendant(x))
case _ => n.child.toList.flatMap { x => x :: descendant(x) }
def array_?(nodeNames: Seq[String]) =
nodeNames.size != 1 && nodeNames.toList.distinct.size == 1
def directChildren(n: Node): NodeSeq =
n.child.filter(c => c.isInstanceOf[Elem])
def nameOf(n: Node) =
(if (n.prefix ne null) n.prefix + ":" else "") + n.label
def buildAttrs(n: Node) =
n.attributes.map((a: MetaData) => (a.key, XValue(a.value.text))).toList
sealed trait XElem
case class XValue(value: String) extends XElem
case class XLeaf(value: (String, XElem), attrs: List[(String, XValue)])
extends XElem
case class XNode(fields: List[(String, XElem)]) extends XElem
case class XArray(elems: List[XElem]) extends XElem
def toJValue(x: XElem): JValue = x match {
case XValue(s) => JString(s)
case XLeaf((name, value), attrs) =>
(value, attrs) match {
case (_, Nil) => toJValue(value)
case (XValue(""), xs) => JObject(mkFields(xs))
case (_, xs) => JObject(JField(name, toJValue(value)) :: mkFields(xs))
case XNode(xs) => JObject(mkFields(xs))
case XArray(elems) => JArray(elems.map(toJValue))
def mkFields(xs: List[(String, XElem)]) =
xs.flatMap { case (name, value) =>
(value, toJValue(value)) match {
// This special case is needed to flatten nested objects which resulted from
// XML attributes. Flattening keeps transformation more predicatable.
// x -> {"a":{"foo":{"foo":"x","id":"1"}}} vs
// x -> {"a":{"foo":"x","id":"1"}}
case (XLeaf(_, _ :: _), o: JObject) => o.obj
case (_, json) => JField(name, json) :: Nil
def buildNodes(xml: NodeSeq): List[XElem] = xml match {
case n: Node =>
if (empty_?(n)) XLeaf((nameOf(n), XValue("")), buildAttrs(n)) :: Nil
else if (leaf_?(n))
XLeaf((nameOf(n), XValue(n.text)), buildAttrs(n)) :: Nil
else {
val children = directChildren(n)
buildAttrs(n) ::: children
) :: Nil
case nodes: NodeSeq =>
val allLabels = nodes.map(_.label)
if (array_?(allLabels)) {
val arr = XArray(nodes.toList.flatMap { n =>
if (leaf_?(n) && n.attributes.length == 0) XValue(n.text) :: Nil
else buildNodes(n)
XLeaf((allLabels(0), arr), Nil) :: Nil
} else nodes.toList.flatMap(buildNodes)
buildNodes(xml) match {
case List(x @ XLeaf(_, _ :: _)) => toJValue(x)
case List(x) => JObject(JField(nameOf(xml.head), toJValue(x)) :: Nil)
case x => JArray(x.map(toJValue))
/** Converts the given JSON to XML.
* The following rules are used in conversion:
* - JSON primitives are converted to XML leaf elements
* - JSON objects are converted to XML elements
* - JSON arrays are recursively converted to XML elements
* Use the `map` function to preprocess JSON before conversion to adjust the
* end result. For instance a common conversion is to encode arrays as comma
* separated Strings since XML does not have an array type:
* {{{
* toXml(json map {
* case JField("nums",JArray(ns)) => JField("nums",JString(ns.map(_.values).mkString(",")))
* case x => x
* })
* }}}
def toXml(json: JValue): NodeSeq = {
def toXml(name: String, json: JValue): NodeSeq = json match {
case JObject(fields) =>
new XmlNode(name, fields flatMap { case JField(n, v) => toXml(n, v) })
case JArray(xs) => xs flatMap { v => toXml(name, v) }
case JInt(x) => new XmlElem(name, x.toString)
case JDouble(x) => new XmlElem(name, x.toString)
case JString(x) => new XmlElem(name, x)
case JBool(x) => new XmlElem(name, x.toString)
case JNull => new XmlElem(name, "null")
case JNothing => Text("")
json match {
case JObject(fields) =>
fields flatMap { case JField(name, value) => toXml(name, value) }
case x => toXml("root", x)
// SCALA3 using `x*` instead of `_*`
private[json] class XmlNode(name: String, children: Seq[Node])
extends Elem(null, name, scala.xml.Null, TopScope, true, children*)
private[json] class XmlElem(name: String, value: String)
extends Elem(null, name, scala.xml.Null, TopScope, true, Text(value))
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