com.teambytes.handy.dynamo.replication.BruteForceReplicator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.teambytes.handy.dynamo.replication
import java.util
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, Executors, TimeUnit}
import{Item, Table}
import com.gilt.gfc.logging.Loggable
import com.gilt.gfc.time.{Timer, Timestamp}
import com.gilt.gfc.util.RateLimiter
import com.github.dwhjames.awswrap.dynamodb.DynamoDBSerializer
import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat
import org.joda.time.{DateTimeZone, DateTime}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
* The BruteForce replicator runs when the dynamo database is empty,
* to copy records from a relational DB to dynamo as quickly as possible.
* This only gets run if there is no cutoff date in Dynamo.
object BruteForceReplicator {
// If you delete this record, the entire cluster will restart and start building the dynamo db.
// So don't do that. Obviously if you drop the table that will happen as well.
val CutoffKey = "CutoffKeyDONOTDELETE"
val BootstrapLock = "BootstrapLock"
val BatchSize = 10000
val Id = "guid"
trait BruteForceReplicator[A] extends SqlDbApi[A] with DynamoDBComponent[A] with Loggable {
def rateLimiter: RateLimiter
def pageSize: Int
def numThreads: Int
def table: Table
def bootstrapDynamoDb(callback: => Unit = () => ())(implicit serializer: DynamoDBSerializer[A]) {
if (isBootstrapRequired) {
* returns true if this instance should do a brute force replication.
* otherwise will block until the replication is done, and return false
def isBootstrapRequired: Boolean = {
def recurse(): Boolean = {
val cutoff = getLastCutoff
if (cutoff.isDefined) {
info("Database appears to have been bootstrapped already; not kicking off bootstrap")
} else {
val bootstrapStarted: Option[Item] =
Option(table.getItem(new GetItemSpec()
.withPrimaryKey(BruteForceReplicator.Id, BruteForceReplicator.BootstrapLock)
if (bootstrapStarted.isDefined) {
warn("Bootstrap started by some other process; waiting for it to complete")
Thread.sleep(60 * 1000)
} else {
val now = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC)
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID
val exists: Option[Item] = Option(table.putItem(new Item()
.withPrimaryKey(BruteForceReplicator.Id, BruteForceReplicator.BootstrapLock)
.withString("timestamp", ISODateTimeFormat.basicDateTime().print(now))
.withString("uuid", uuid.toString)).getItem)
if (exists == None || exists.get.getString("uuid") != uuid.toString) {
Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread {
override def run() {
info("Deleting bootstrap lock")
} else {
warn("Bootstrap (%s) just started on another server; blocking for 1 minute and trying again".format(exists.get))
Thread.sleep(60 * 1000)
private def bruteForceReplicate(callback: => Unit = () => ())(implicit serializer: DynamoDBSerializer[A]) {
try {
// We manage 2 executors: one for reading from postgres, and one for writing to dynamo.
info("Starting brute force replication with %d threads".format(numThreads))
val coreExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numThreads)
val end = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis)
info("Computing which records to replicate")
val recordCount = countDbObjects()
val pageCount = ((recordCount / pageSize) + (if ((recordCount % pageSize) > 0) 1 else 0)).toInt
if (pageCount > 0) {
info("Starting job: replicate %s records (%d pages of %d)".format(recordCount, pageCount, pageSize))
} else {
warn("Brute force replication with nothing to replicate. This is bad.")
val pageCounter = new AtomicInteger(pageCount)
val queueSize = math.max(numThreads, 10000 / pageSize)
val queue = new ArrayBlockingQueue[Iterable[A]](queueSize)
// count down pages
val firstWrite = System.currentTimeMillis
// Create a bunch of futures, each one of which reads a page's worth
// of data from the db. Note this uses the dbExecutor,
// so we can vary the number of read threads independent of the number
// of write threads
for (page <- 0 until pageCount) {
coreExecutor.submit {
new Runnable {
override def run() {
var (startTime, endTime) = (0l, 0l)
try {
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
queue.put(loadDbObjects(page, pageSize))
endTime = System.currentTimeMillis
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
error("Could not read page %s from database".format(page), e)
throw e
} finally {
// some indication of how long to go if we are doing a big job
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
val thisPage = pageCount - pageCounter.decrementAndGet()
if (thisPage == pageCount) {
val percent = 100d * thisPage / pageCount
val pagesPerMs = 1d * thisPage / (now - firstWrite)
val pagesLeft = pageCount - thisPage
val msLeft = pagesLeft / pagesPerMs
val timeLeft = Timer.pretty(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(math.round(msLeft)))
val timeSoFar = Timer.pretty(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(now - firstWrite))
val hz = 1000d * pageSize / (endTime - startTime)
val pseudoHz = hz * numThreads
info("Replicated (%s/%s) %3.1f%% (%3.2f Hz) {%3.2f Hz} (Finish in %s) (So far: %s)".format(
thisPage, pageCount, percent, hz, pseudoHz, timeLeft, timeSoFar))
val drain = new util.ArrayList[Iterable[A]](pageSize * numThreads)
var done = pageCount == 0
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
while (!done) {
val toDrain = drain.asScala
done = toDrain.contains(Nil)
toDrain.flatten.grouped(BruteForceReplicator.BatchSize).foreach(objs => rateLimiter.limit(insertOrUpdate(objs)))
info("Records loaded into dynamo")
setLastCutoff(end) // if we made it this far, set the cutoff for next time
} finally {
private def finishBootstrap() {
table.deleteItem(BruteForceReplicator.Id, BruteForceReplicator.BootstrapLock)
// if we've already migrated some entries, they were all modified <= this timestamp
private def getLastCutoff: Option[Timestamp] = {
val date: Option[DateTime] = Option(table.getItem(new GetItemSpec()
.withPrimaryKey(BruteForceReplicator.Id, BruteForceReplicator.CutoffKey)
.withConsistentRead(true))).map { x =>
} => new Timestamp(d.getMillis))
// when we're done, store the timestamp for entries modified <= it
private def setLastCutoff(timestamp: Timestamp) {
table.putItem(new Item()
.withPrimaryKey(BruteForceReplicator.Id, BruteForceReplicator.CutoffKey)
.withString("timestamp", ISODateTimeFormat.basicDateTime().print(timestamp.getTime)))