Download com.tecacet JAR files with all dependencies
jflat8 from group com.tecacet (version 0.0.3)
Convert flat files to Java Beans and vice versa.
Some supported formats are CSV, fixed-width, arbitrary regex, and more.
JFlat 8 is highly extensible and can be adopted to support additional formats.
Group: com.tecacet Artifact: jflat8
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jflat-excel from group com.tecacet (version 1.4.1)
JFlat extension to read and write excel files
jflat-core from group com.tecacet (version 1.4.1)
Convert flat files to Java Beans and vice versa.
Some supported formats are CSV, fixed-width, arbitrary regex, and more.
JFlat is highly extensible and can be adopted to support additional formats.
komplex from group com.tecacet (version 1.2.2)
A Kotlin module for performing complex number and complex polynomial operations
math-extensions from group com.tecacet (version 1.0.5)
Koltin extensions for matrix and vector algebra,
random number generation, and arithmetic on boolean arrays.
jquotes from group com.tecacet (version 0.1.0)
Easy to use stock quotes for Java
java-finance-api from group com.tecacet (version 1.2.3)
JFApi connects to various Web Services that provide financial data such as stock prices,
splits, dividends, and FX rates.
jtemplates from group com.tecacet (version 1.0.0)
Abstraction for Java Templating engines
jfapi from group com.tecacet (version 1.1.3)
JFApi connects to various Web Services that provide financial data such as stock prices,
splits, dividends, and FX rates.
javafsm from group com.tecacet (version 1.0.6)
Finite State Machine in Java
jmetric from group com.tecacet (version 0.1.3-SNAPHSOT)
Distance metrics and norm implementations
iex-kuotes from group com.tecacet (version 1.0.5)
A Kotlin library for the IEX API: https://iextrading.com/developer/docs/
jflat8 from group com.tecacet (version 0.0.5)
Convert flat files to Java Beans and vice versa.
Some supported formats are CSV, fixed-width, arbitrary regex, and more.
JFlat 8 is highly extensible and can be adopted to support additional formats.
jflat from group com.tecacet (version 1.7.0)
JFlat's purpose is to convert flat files to Java Beans and vice versa.
Some supported formats are CSV, fixed-width, arbitrary delimiters, and excel files.
There are also tools to generate Java Beans to/from JDBC and Swing tables.
JFlat is highly extensible and can be adopted to support additional formats.
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