com.tencent.angel.psagent.PSAgent Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Angel available.
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.tencent.angel.psagent;
import com.tencent.angel.RunningMode;
import com.tencent.angel.common.location.Location;
import com.tencent.angel.common.location.LocationManager;
import com.tencent.angel.conf.AngelConf;
import com.tencent.angel.exception.AngelException;
import com.tencent.angel.exception.InvalidParameterException;
import com.tencent.angel.ipc.TConnection;
import com.tencent.angel.ipc.TConnectionManager;
import com.tencent.angel.protobuf.generated.PSAgentMasterServiceProtos.PSAgentCommandProto;
import com.tencent.angel.protobuf.generated.PSAgentMasterServiceProtos.PSAgentRegisterResponse;
import com.tencent.angel.protobuf.generated.PSAgentMasterServiceProtos.PSAgentReportResponse;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.client.MasterClient;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.client.PSControlClientManager;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.clock.ClockCache;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.consistency.ConsistencyController;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.executor.Executor;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.MatrixClient;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.MatrixClientFactory;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.PSAgentLocationManager;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.PSAgentMatrixMetaManager;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.cache.MatricesCache;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.oplog.cache.MatrixOpLogCache;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.MatrixTransportClient;
import com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.adapter.UserRequestAdapter;
import com.tencent.angel.utils.NetUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ApplicationId;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* Agent for master and parameter servers, It fetches matrix meta from master, fetches matrices from
* parameter servers and pushes updates to parameter servers.
* It use {@link MasterClient} to communicate with master. The meta data contains:
* matrix meta {@link MatrixMetaManager},
* server locations {@link LocationManager}.
* It use {@link MatrixTransportClient} to communicate with parameter servers. Because an
* application layer request generally needs to access multiple parameter servers, so we use
* {@link UserRequestAdapter} first to divide the application layer request to many underlying
* network requests in matrix partition.
public class PSAgent {
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PSAgent.class);
* application configuration
private final Configuration conf;
* application id
private final ApplicationId appId;
* the user that submit the application
private final String user;
* ps agent attempt id
private volatile int id;
* the connection manager for rpc to master
private final TConnection connection;
* the rpc client to master
private volatile MasterClient masterClient;
private volatile PSControlClientManager psControlClientManager;
* psagent location(ip and listening port)
private volatile Location location;
* psagent location(ip and listening port)
private final Location masterLocation;
* master location(ip and listening port)
private volatile PSAgentLocationManager locationManager;
* matrix meta manager
private volatile PSAgentMatrixMetaManager matrixMetaManager;
* matrix updates cache
private volatile MatrixOpLogCache opLogCache;
* the rpc client to parameter servers
private volatile MatrixTransportClient matrixTransClient;
* psagent initialization completion flag
private final AtomicBoolean psAgentInitFinishedFlag;
* psagent heartbeat thread
private volatile Thread heartbeatThread;
* psagent stop flag
private final AtomicBoolean stopped;
* psagent heartbeat interval in milliseconds
private final int heartbeatIntervalMs;
* psagent metrics
private final Map metrics;
* SSP consistency controller
private volatile ConsistencyController consistencyController;
* matrix partitions clock cache
private volatile ClockCache clockCache;
* matrices cache
private volatile MatricesCache matricesCache;
* matrix storage manager
private volatile MatrixStorageManager matrixStorageManager;
* application layer request adapter
private volatile UserRequestAdapter userRequestAdapter;
* if we need startup heartbeat thread
private final boolean needHeartBeat;
* application running mode(LOCAL,YARN)
private final RunningMode runningMode;
* the machine learning executor reference
private final Executor executor;
* psagent exited flag
private final AtomicBoolean exitedFlag;
* Control connection manager
private volatile TConnection controlConnectManager;
* Create a new PSAgent instance.
* @param masterIp master ip
* @param masterPort master listening port
* @param clientIndex psagent index
public PSAgent(String masterIp, int masterPort, int clientIndex) {
this(new Configuration(), masterIp, masterPort, clientIndex, true, null);
* Create a new PSAgent instance.
* @param conf application configuration
* @param masterIp master listening port
* @param masterPort master listening port
* @param clientIndex psagent index
public PSAgent(Configuration conf, String masterIp, int masterPort, int clientIndex) {
this(conf, masterIp, masterPort, clientIndex, true, null);
* Create a new PSAgent instance.
* @param conf application configuration
* @param appId application id
* @param user the user that submit this application
* @param masterIp master ip
* @param masterPort master port
* @param needHeartBeat true means need startup heartbeat thread
* @param executor the machine learning executor reference
public PSAgent(Configuration conf, ApplicationId appId, String user, String masterIp,
int masterPort, boolean needHeartBeat, Executor executor) {
this.needHeartBeat = needHeartBeat;
this.conf = conf;
this.executor = executor;
this.heartbeatIntervalMs = conf.getInt(AngelConf.ANGEL_WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS,
this.runningMode = initRunningMode(conf);
this.appId = appId;
this.user = user;
this.masterLocation = new Location(masterIp, masterPort);
this.connection = TConnectionManager.getConnection(conf);
this.psAgentInitFinishedFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.exitedFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.metrics = new HashMap<>();
* Create a new PSAgent instance.
* @param conf application configuration
* @param masterIp master ip
* @param masterPort master port
* @param clientIndex ps agent index
* @param needHeartBeat true means need startup heartbeat thread
* @param executor the machine learning executor reference
public PSAgent(Configuration conf, String masterIp, int masterPort, int clientIndex,
boolean needHeartBeat, Executor executor) {
this.needHeartBeat = needHeartBeat;
this.conf = conf;
this.executor = executor;
this.heartbeatIntervalMs = conf.getInt(AngelConf.ANGEL_WORKER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS,
this.runningMode = initRunningMode(conf);
this.masterLocation = new Location(masterIp, masterPort);
this.appId = null;
this.user = null;
this.connection = TConnectionManager.getConnection(conf);
this.psAgentInitFinishedFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.stopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.exitedFlag = new AtomicBoolean(false);
this.metrics = new HashMap<>();
private RunningMode initRunningMode(Configuration conf) {
String mode = conf.get(AngelConf.ANGEL_RUNNING_MODE, AngelConf.DEFAULT_ANGEL_RUNNING_MODE);
if (mode.equals(RunningMode.ANGEL_PS.toString())) {
return RunningMode.ANGEL_PS;
} else {
return RunningMode.ANGEL_PS_WORKER;
public void initAndStart() throws Exception {
// Init control connection manager
controlConnectManager = TConnectionManager.getConnection(conf);
// Get ps locations from master and put them to the location cache.
locationManager = new PSAgentLocationManager(PSAgentContext.get());
// Build and initialize rpc client to master
masterClient = new MasterClient();
// Get psagent id
id = masterClient.getPSAgentId();
// Build PS control rpc client manager
psControlClientManager = new PSControlClientManager();
// Build local location
String localIp = NetUtils.getRealLocalIP();
int port = NetUtils.chooseAListenPort(conf);
location = new Location(localIp, port);
// Initialize matrix meta information
clockCache = new ClockCache();
List matrixMetas = masterClient.getMatrices();"PSAgent get matrices from master," + matrixMetas.size());
this.matrixMetaManager = new PSAgentMatrixMetaManager(clockCache);
Map psIdToLocMap = masterClient.getPSLocations();
List psIds = new ArrayList<>(psIdToLocMap.keySet());
Collections.sort(psIds, new Comparator() {
@Override public int compare(ParameterServerId s1, ParameterServerId s2) {
return s1.getIndex() - s2.getIndex();
int size = psIds.size();
locationManager.setPsIds(psIds.toArray(new ParameterServerId[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (psIdToLocMap.containsKey(psIds.get(i))) {
locationManager.setPsLocation(psIds.get(i), psIdToLocMap.get(psIds.get(i)));
matrixTransClient = new MatrixTransportClient();
userRequestAdapter = new UserRequestAdapter();
matricesCache = new MatricesCache();
if (runningMode == RunningMode.ANGEL_PS_WORKER) {
opLogCache = new MatrixOpLogCache();
matrixStorageManager = new MatrixStorageManager();
int staleness = conf.getInt(AngelConf.ANGEL_STALENESS, AngelConf.DEFAULT_ANGEL_STALENESS);
consistencyController = new ConsistencyController(staleness);
// Start all services
if (runningMode == RunningMode.ANGEL_PS_WORKER) {
* Get matrix meta from master and refresh the local cache.
* @throws ServiceException rpc failed
* @throws InterruptedException interrupted while wait for rpc results
public void refreshMatrixInfo()
throws InterruptedException, ServiceException, ClassNotFoundException {
* Stop ps agent
public void stop() {
if (!stopped.getAndSet(true)) {"stop heartbeat thread!");
if (heartbeatThread != null) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
LOG.warn("InterruptedException while stopping heartbeatThread:", ie);
heartbeatThread = null;
}"stop op log merger");
if (opLogCache != null) {
opLogCache = null;
}"stop clock cache");
if (clockCache != null) {
clockCache = null;
}"stop matrix cache");
if (matricesCache != null) {
matricesCache = null;
}"stop user request adapater");
if (userRequestAdapter != null) {
userRequestAdapter = null;
}"stop rpc dispacher");
if (matrixTransClient != null) {
matrixTransClient = null;
if (PSAgentContext.get() != null) {
protected void heartbeat() throws ServiceException {
PSAgentReportResponse response = masterClient.psAgentReport();
switch (response.getCommand()) {
try {
} catch (Exception x) {
LOG.error("register failed: ", x);
LOG.error("shutdown command come from appmaster, exit now!!");
private void register() throws ServiceException {
PSAgentRegisterResponse response = masterClient.psAgentRegister();
if (response.getCommand() == PSAgentCommandProto.PSAGENT_SHUTDOWN) {
LOG.fatal("register to master, receive shutdown command");
* Get application configuration
* @return Configuration application configuration
public Configuration getConf() {
return conf;
* Get master location
* @return Location master location
public Location getMasterLocation() {
return locationManager.getMasterLocation();
* Get application id
* @return ApplicationId application id
public ApplicationId getAppId() {
return appId;
* Get the user that submits the application
* @return String the user that submits the application
public String getUser() {
return user;
* Get the connection manager for rpc to master
* @return TConnection the connection manager for rpc to master
public TConnection getConnection() {
return connection;
* get the rpc client to master
* @return MasterClient the rpc client to master
public MasterClient getMasterClient() {
return masterClient;
* Get ps agent location ip
* @return String ps agent location ip
public String getIp() {
return location.getIp();
* Notify run success message to master
public void done() {
if (!exitedFlag.getAndSet(true)) {"psagent success done");
RunningMode mode = PSAgentContext.get().getRunningMode();
// Stop all modules
if (executor != null) {
} else {
* Notify run failed message to master
* @param errorMsg detail failed message
public void error(String errorMsg) {
if (!exitedFlag.getAndSet(true)) {"psagent falied");
// Stop all modules
if (executor != null) {
} else {
* Get ps agent location
* @return Location ps agent location
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
* Get ps location cache
* @return LocationCache ps location cache
public PSAgentLocationManager getLocationManager() {
return locationManager;
* Get matrix meta manager
* @return MatrixMetaManager matrix meta manager
public PSAgentMatrixMetaManager getMatrixMetaManager() {
return matrixMetaManager;
* Get matrix update cache
* @return MatrixOpLogCache matrix update cache
public MatrixOpLogCache getOpLogCache() {
return opLogCache;
* Get rpc client to ps
* @return MatrixTransportClient rpc client to ps
public MatrixTransportClient getMatrixTransportClient() {
return matrixTransClient;
* Get matrix client for rpc
* @param matrixId matrix id
* @return matrix client
public MatrixClient getMatrixClient(int matrixId) throws AngelException {
return getMatrixClient(matrixId, -1);
* Get matrix client for rpc
* @param matrixId matrix id
* @param taskIndex task id
* @return matrix client
public MatrixClient getMatrixClient(int matrixId, int taskIndex) throws AngelException {
try {
return MatrixClientFactory.get(matrixId, taskIndex);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new AngelException(e);
* Get matrix client for rpc
* @param matrixName matrix name
* @return matrix client
public MatrixClient getMatrixClient(String matrixName) throws AngelException {
return getMatrixClient(matrixName, -1);
* Get matrix client for rpc
* @param matrixName matrix name
* @param taskIndex task id
* @return matrix client
public MatrixClient getMatrixClient(String matrixName, int taskIndex) throws AngelException {
try {
return MatrixClientFactory.get(matrixName, taskIndex);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new AngelException(e);
* Get heartbeat interval in milliseconds
* @return int heartbeat interval in milliseconds
public int getHeartbeatIntervalMs() {
return heartbeatIntervalMs;
* Get ps agent metrics
* @return Map ps agent metrics
public Map getMetrics() {
return metrics;
* Get SSP consistency controller
* @return ConsistencyController SSP consistency controller
public ConsistencyController getConsistencyController() {
return consistencyController;
* Get matrix clock cache
* @return ClockCache matrix clock cache
public ClockCache getClockCache() {
return clockCache;
* Get matrix cache
* @return ClockCache matrix cache
public MatricesCache getMatricesCache() {
return matricesCache;
* Create a new matrix
* @param matrixContext matrix configuration
* @param timeOutMs maximun wait time in milliseconds
* @return MatrixMeta matrix meta
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void createMatrix(MatrixContext matrixContext, long timeOutMs) throws AngelException {
try {
PSAgentContext.get().getMasterClient().createMatrix(matrixContext, timeOutMs);
} catch (Throwable x) {
throw new AngelException(x);
* Get Matrix meta
* @param matrixName matrix name
* @return
public MatrixMeta getMatrix(String matrixName) {
try {
return masterClient.getMatrix(matrixName);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new AngelException(e);
private void removeLocalMatrix(String matrixName) {
int matrixId = matrixMetaManager.getMatrixId(matrixName);
private void removeCacheData(int matrixId) {
if (runningMode == RunningMode.ANGEL_PS_WORKER) {
* Release a batch of matrices
* @param matrixNames matrix names
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void releaseMatricesUseName(List matrixNames) throws AngelException {
int size = matrixNames.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
try {
} catch (Throwable x) {
throw new AngelException(x);
* Release a matrix
* @param matrixName matrix name
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void releaseMatrix(String matrixName) throws AngelException {
try {
} catch (Throwable x) {
throw new AngelException(x);
* Release a batch of matrices
* @param matrixIds matrix ids
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void releaseMatrices(List matrixIds) throws AngelException {
int size = matrixIds.size();
List matrixNames = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
MatrixMeta meta = matrixMetaManager.getMatrixMeta(matrixIds.get(i));
if (meta == null) {
* Release a matrix
* @param matrixId matrix id
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void releaseMatrix(int matrixId) throws AngelException {
MatrixMeta meta = matrixMetaManager.getMatrixMeta(matrixId);
if (meta == null) {
* Create a batch of matrices
* @param matrixContexts matrices configuration
* @param timeOutMs maximun wait time in milliseconds
* @throws AngelException exception come from master
public void createMatrices(List matrixContexts, long timeOutMs)
throws AngelException {
try {
masterClient.createMatrices(matrixContexts, timeOutMs);
} catch (Throwable x) {
throw new AngelException(x);
public List getMatrices(List matrixNames) {
try {
return masterClient.getMatrices(matrixNames);
} catch (Throwable x) {
throw new AngelException(x);
* Get matrix storage manager
* @return MatrixStorageManager matrix storage manager
public MatrixStorageManager getMatrixStorageManager() {
return matrixStorageManager;
* Get application layer request adapter
* @return UserRequestAdapter application layer request adapter
public UserRequestAdapter getUserRequestAdapter() {
return userRequestAdapter;
* Get application running mode
* @return RunningMode application running mode
public RunningMode getRunningMode() {
return runningMode;
* Get the machine learning executor reference
* @return Executor the machine learning executor reference
public Executor getExecutor() {
return executor;
* Get PSAgent ID
* @return PSAgent ID
public int getId() {
return id;
* Get control connection manager
* @return control connection manager
public TConnection getControlConnectManager() {
return controlConnectManager;
* Get PS control rpc client manager
* @return PS control rpc client manager
public PSControlClientManager getPsControlClientManager() {
return psControlClientManager;