com.tencent.angel.sona.graph.utils.LoadBalancePartitioner.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.graph.utils
import{LongDummyVector, LongKeyVector, Vector}
import{MatrixContext, PartContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
* Automatically generate model partitions according to the distribution of feature index
* @param numPartitions , the number of model partitions
abstract class AutoPartitioner(val bits: Int, numPartitions: Int) extends Serializable {
def getBuckets(data: RDD[Vector]): Array[(Long, Long)]
def getBucketsIndex(data: RDD[Long]): Array[(Long, Long)]
* Generate partitions from data into ctx.
* @param data , the training data
* @param ctx , the matrix context for the model
def partition(data: RDD[Vector], ctx: MatrixContext): Unit = {
val buckets = getBuckets(data)
partition(buckets, ctx)
def partitionIndex(data: RDD[Long], ctx: MatrixContext): Unit = {
val buckets = getBucketsIndex(data)
partition(buckets, ctx)
def partition(buckets: Array[(Long, Long)], ctx: MatrixContext): Unit = {
// println(s"bucket.size=${buckets.size}")
val sorted = buckets.sortBy(f => f._1)
val sum = => f._2).sum
val per = (sum / numPartitions)
var start = ctx.getIndexStart
val end = ctx.getIndexEnd
val rowNum = ctx.getRowNum
var current = 0L
val size = sorted.size
val limit = ((end.toDouble - start.toDouble) / numPartitions).toLong * 4
for (i <- 0 until size) {
// keep each partition similar load and limit the range of each partition
if (current > per || (((sorted(i)._1 << bits) - start > limit) && current > per / 2)) {
val part = new PartContext(0, rowNum, start, sorted(i)._1 << bits, 0)
println(s"part=${part} load=${current} range=${part.getEndCol - part.getStartCol}")
start = sorted(i)._1 << bits
current = 0L
current += sorted(i)._2
val part = new PartContext(0, rowNum, start, end, 0)
println(s"part=${part} load=${current} range=${end - start}")
println(s"split matrix ${ctx.getName} into ${ctx.getParts.size()} partitions")
* Generate buckets according to the number of elements for each feature
* @param bits , use how many bits (lower) to generate a bucket
* @param numPartitions , the number of model partitions
class LoadBalancePartitioner(bits: Int = -1, numPartitions: Int)
extends AutoPartitioner(bits, numPartitions) {
override def getBuckets(data: RDD[Vector]): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val indices = data.flatMap {
case vector =>
vector match {
case dummy: LongDummyVector => dummy.getIndices
case longKey: LongKeyVector => longKey.getStorage.asInstanceOf[LongKeyVectorStorage]
val buckets = => f / (1L << bits))
.map(f => (f, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _).sortBy(_._1).collect()
return buckets
override def getBucketsIndex(data: RDD[Long]): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val buckets = => f / (1L << bits))
.map(f => (f, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _).sortBy(_._1).collect()
return buckets
* Generate buckets according to the number of features
* @param bits , use how many bits (lower) to generate a bucket
* @param numPartitions , the number of model partitions
class StorageBalancePartitioner(bits: Int, numPartitions: Int)
extends AutoPartitioner(bits, numPartitions) {
override def getBuckets(data: RDD[Vector]): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val indices = data.flatMap {
case vector =>
vector match {
case dummy: LongDummyVector => dummy.getIndices
case longKey: LongKeyVector => longKey.getStorage.asInstanceOf[LongKeyVectorStorage]
val buckets = indices.distinct().map(f => f / (1L << bits))
.map(f => (f, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _).sortBy(_._1).collect()
return buckets
override def getBucketsIndex(data: RDD[Long]): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val bucket = data.distinct().map(f => f / (1L << bits))
.map(f => (f, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _).sortBy(_._1).collect()
return bucket
object LoadBalancePartitioner {
def getBuckets(data: RDD[Long], bits: Int): Array[(Long, Long)] = {
val buckets = => f / (1L << bits))
.map(f => (f, 1L)).reduceByKey(_ + _, 100).sortBy(_._1).collect()
return buckets
def partition(buckets: Array[(Long, Long)], ctx: MatrixContext, bits: Int, numPartitions: Int): Unit = {
val sorted = buckets.sortBy(f => f._1)
val sum = => f._2).sum
val per = (sum / numPartitions)
var start = ctx.getIndexStart
val end = ctx.getIndexEnd
val rowNum = ctx.getRowNum
var current = 0L
val size = sorted.size
val limit = ((end.toDouble - start.toDouble) / numPartitions).toLong * 4
for (i <- 0 until size) {
// keep each partition similar load and limit the range of each partition
if (current > per || (((sorted(i)._1 << bits) - start > limit) && current > per / 2)) {
val part = new PartContext(0, rowNum, start, sorted(i)._1 << bits, 0)
println(s"part=${part} load=${current} range=${part.getEndCol - part.getStartCol}")
start = sorted(i)._1 << bits
current = 0L
current += sorted(i)._2
val part = new PartContext(0, rowNum, start, end, 0)
println(s"part=${part} load=${current} range=${end - start}")
println(s"split matrix ${ctx.getName} into ${ctx.getParts.size()} partitions")
def partition(index: RDD[Long], maxId: Long, psPartitionNum: Int, ctx: MatrixContext, percent: Float = 0.7f): Unit = {
// var percent = 0.3
var p = percent
var count = 2
while (count > 0) {
val bits = (numBits(maxId) * percent).toInt
println(s"bits used for load balance partition is $bits")
val buckets = getBuckets(index, bits)
val sum = => f._2).sum
val max = => f._2).max
val size = buckets.size
println(s"max=$max sum=$sum size=$size")
if (count == 1 || max.toDouble / sum < 0.1) {
count = 0
partition(buckets, ctx, bits, psPartitionNum)
} else {
count -= 1
p -= 0.05f
def numBits(maxId: Long): Int = {
var num = 0
var value = maxId
while (value > 0) {
value >>= 1
num += 1
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