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com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.feature.FeatureHasher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.feature
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.Transformer
import com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.attribute.AttributeGroup
import org.apache.spark.linalg.Vectors
import com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.param.{BooleanParam, ParamMap, StringArrayParam}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.param.shared.{HasInputCols, HasNumFeatures, HasOutputCol}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.ml.util._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.SONASchemaUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, Dataset, Row}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.hash.Murmur3_x86_32.{hashInt, hashLong, hashUnsafeBytes}
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8String
import org.apache.spark.util.{OpenHashMap, SparkUtil}
import org.apache.spark.sql.Compatible
* Feature hashing projects a set of categorical or numerical features into a feature vector of
* specified dimension (typically substantially smaller than that of the original feature
* space). This is done using the hashing trick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_hashing)
* to map features to indices in the feature vector.
* The [[FeatureHasher]] transformer operates on multiple columns. Each column may contain either
* numeric or categorical features. Behavior and handling of column data types is as follows:
* -Numeric columns: For numeric features, the hash value of the column name is used to map the
* feature value to its index in the feature vector. By default, numeric features
* are not treated as categorical (even when they are integers). To treat them
* as categorical, specify the relevant columns in `categoricalCols`.
* -String columns: For categorical features, the hash value of the string "column_name=value"
* is used to map to the vector index, with an indicator value of `1.0`.
* Thus, categorical features are "one-hot" encoded
* -Boolean columns: Boolean values are treated in the same way as string columns. That is,
* boolean features are represented as "column_name=true" or "column_name=false",
* with an indicator value of `1.0`.
* Null (missing) values are ignored (implicitly zero in the resulting feature vector).
* The hash function used here is also the MurmurHash 3 used in [[HashingTF]]. Since a simple modulo
* on the hashed value is used to determine the vector index, it is advisable to use a power of two
* as the numFeatures parameter; otherwise the features will not be mapped evenly to the vector
* indices.
* {{{
* val df = Seq(
* (2.0, true, "1", "foo"),
* (3.0, false, "2", "bar")
* ).toDF("real", "bool", "stringNum", "string")
* val hasher = new FeatureHasher()
* .setInputCols("real", "bool", "stringNum", "string")
* .setOutputCol("features")
* hasher.transform(df).show(false)
* +----+-----+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
* |real|bool |stringNum|string|features |
* +----+-----+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
* |2.0 |true |1 |foo |(262144,[51871,63643,174475,253195],[1.0,1.0,2.0,1.0])|
* |3.0 |false|2 |bar |(262144,[6031,80619,140467,174475],[1.0,1.0,1.0,3.0]) |
* +----+-----+---------+------+------------------------------------------------------+
* }}}
class FeatureHasher(override val uid: String) extends Transformer
with HasInputCols with HasOutputCol with HasNumFeatures with DefaultParamsWritable {
val longKey: BooleanParam = new BooleanParam(this, "longKey",
"Force to index label whether it is numeric or string")
setDefault(longKey -> false)
/** @group getParam */
def getLongKey: Boolean = $(longKey)
def this() = this(Identifiable.randomUID("featureHasher"))
// def setLongKey(isLongKey: Boolean): this.type = {
// set(longKey, isLongKey)
// }
// setDefault(longKey -> false)
* Numeric columns to treat as categorical features. By default only string and boolean
* columns are treated as categorical, so this param can be used to explicitly specify the
* numerical columns to treat as categorical. Note, the relevant columns must also be set in
* `inputCols`.
* @group param
val categoricalCols = new StringArrayParam(this, "categoricalCols",
"numeric columns to treat as categorical")
def setNumFeatures(value: Long): this.type = set(numFeature, value)
if (getLongKey) {
setDefault(numFeature -> (1L << 36))
} else {
setDefault(numFeature -> (1 << 18))
/** @group setParam */
def setInputCols(values: String*): this.type = setInputCols(values.toArray)
/** @group setParam */
def setInputCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(inputCols, value)
/** @group setParam */
def setOutputCol(value: String): this.type = set(outputCol, value)
/** @group getParam */
def getCategoricalCols: Array[String] = $(categoricalCols)
/** @group setParam */
def setCategoricalCols(value: Array[String]): this.type = set(categoricalCols, value)
override def transform(dataset: Dataset[_]): DataFrame = {
val n = $(numFeature)
val localInputCols = $(inputCols)
val catCols = if (isSet(categoricalCols)) {
} else {
val outputSchema = transformSchema(dataset.schema)
val realFields = outputSchema.fields.filter { f =>
f.dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType] && !catCols.contains(f.name)
def getDouble(x: Any): Double = {
x match {
case n: java.lang.Number =>
case other =>
// will throw ClassCastException if it cannot be cast, as would row.getDouble
val hashFeatures = if (!getLongKey) {
val hashFunc: Any => Int = FeatureHasher.murmur3Hash
udf { row: Row =>
val map = new OpenHashMap[Int, Double]()
localInputCols.foreach { colName =>
val fieldIndex = row.fieldIndex(colName)
if (!row.isNullAt(fieldIndex)) {
val (rawIdx, value) = if (realFields(colName)) {
// numeric values are kept as is, with vector index based on hash of "column_name"
val value = getDouble(row.get(fieldIndex))
val hash = hashFunc(colName)
(hash, value)
} else {
// string, boolean and numeric values that are in catCols are treated as categorical,
// with an indicator value of 1.0 and vector index based on hash of "column_name=value"
val value = row.get(fieldIndex).toString
val fieldName = s"$colName=$value"
val hash = hashFunc(fieldName)
(hash, 1.0)
val idx = SparkUtil.nonNegativeMod(rawIdx, n.toInt)
map.changeValue(idx, value, v => v + value)
Vectors.sparse(n, map.toSeq)
} else {
val hashFunc: Any => Long = FeatureHasher.murmur3Hash64
udf { row: Row =>
val map = new OpenHashMap[Long, Double]()
localInputCols.foreach { colName =>
val fieldIndex = row.fieldIndex(colName)
if (!row.isNullAt(fieldIndex)) {
val (rawIdx, value) = if (realFields(colName)) {
// numeric values are kept as is, with vector index based on hash of "column_name"
val value = getDouble(row.get(fieldIndex))
val hash = hashFunc(colName)
(hash, value)
} else {
// string, boolean and numeric values that are in catCols are treated as categorical,
// with an indicator value of 1.0 and vector index based on hash of "column_name=value"
val value = row.get(fieldIndex).toString
val fieldName = s"$colName=$value"
val hash = hashFunc(fieldName)
(hash, 1.0)
val idx = nonNegativeModLong(rawIdx, n)
map.changeValue(idx, value, v => v + value)
Vectors.sparse(n, map.toSeq)
val metadata = outputSchema($(outputCol)).metadata
hashFeatures(struct($(inputCols).map(col): _*)).as($(outputCol), metadata))
private def nonNegativeModLong(x: Long, mod: Long): Long = {
val rawMod = x % mod
rawMod + (if (rawMod < 0) mod else 0L)
override def copy(extra: ParamMap): FeatureHasher = defaultCopy(extra)
override def transformSchema(schema: StructType): StructType = {
val fields = schema($(inputCols).toSet)
fields.foreach { fieldSchema =>
val dataType = fieldSchema.dataType
val fieldName = fieldSchema.name
require(dataType.isInstanceOf[NumericType] ||
dataType.isInstanceOf[StringType] ||
s"FeatureHasher requires columns to be of ${Compatible.numericTypeSimpleString}, " +
s"${BooleanType.catalogString} or ${StringType.catalogString}. " +
s"Column $fieldName was ${dataType.catalogString}")
val attrGroup = new AttributeGroup($(outputCol), $(numFeature))
SONASchemaUtils.appendColumn(schema, attrGroup.toStructField)
object FeatureHasher extends DefaultParamsReadable[FeatureHasher] {
override def load(path: String): FeatureHasher = super.load(path)
private val seed = HashingTF.seed
* Calculate a hash code value for the term object using
* Austin Appleby's MurmurHash 3 algorithm (MurmurHash3_x86_32).
* This is the default hash algorithm used from Spark 2.0 onwards.
* Use hashUnsafeBytes2 to match the original algorithm with the value.
* See SPARK-23381.
private[sona] def murmur3Hash(term: Any): Int = {
term match {
case null => seed
case b: Boolean => hashInt(if (b) 1 else 0, seed)
case b: Byte => hashInt(b, seed)
case s: Short => hashInt(s, seed)
case i: Int => hashInt(i, seed)
case l: Long => hashLong(l, seed)
case f: Float => hashInt(java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(f), seed)
case d: Double => hashLong(java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(d), seed)
case s: String =>
val utf8 = UTF8String.fromString(s)
hashUnsafeBytes(utf8.getBaseObject, utf8.getBaseOffset, utf8.numBytes(), seed)
case _ => throw new SparkException("FeatureHasher with murmur3 algorithm does not " +
s"support type ${term.getClass.getCanonicalName} of input data.")
private[sona] def murmur3Hash64(term: Any): Long = {
val str = term match {
case str: String => str
case str: Int => str.toString
case str: Long => str.toString
case str: Double => str.toString
case str: Float => str.toString
case _ => term.toString
val data = str.getBytes
val length = data.length
val m = 0xc6a4a7935bd1e995L
val r = 47
var h = (seed.toLong & 0xffffffffL) ^ (length * m)
val length8 = length / 8
for (i <- 0 until length8) {
val i8 = i * 8
var k = (data(i8 + 0) & 0xff).toLong + ((data(i8 + 1) & 0xff).toLong << 8) + ((data(i8 + 2) & 0xff).toLong << 16) + ((data(i8 + 3) & 0xff).toLong << 24) + ((data(i8 + 4) & 0xff).toLong << 32) + ((data(i8 + 5) & 0xff).toLong << 40) + ((data(i8 + 6) & 0xff).toLong << 48) + ((data(i8 + 7) & 0xff).toLong << 56)
k *= m
k ^= k >>> r
k *= m
h ^= k
h *= m
if (length % 8 >= 7)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 6) & 0xff).toLong << 48
if (length % 8 >= 6)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 5) & 0xff).toLong << 40
if (length % 8 >= 5)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 4) & 0xff).toLong << 32
if (length % 8 >= 4)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 3) & 0xff).toLong << 24
if (length % 8 >= 3)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 2) & 0xff).toLong << 16
if (length % 8 >= 2)
h ^= (data((length & ~7) + 1) & 0xff).toLong << 8
if (length % 8 >= 1) {
h ^= (data(length & ~7) & 0xff).toLong
h *= m
h ^= h >>> r
h *= m
h ^= h >>> r
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