Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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import org.apache.spark.linalg.VectorUDT
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
* Represents a parsed R formula.
private[sona] case class ParsedRFormula(label: ColumnRef, terms: Seq[Term]) {
* Resolves formula terms into column names. A schema is necessary for inferring the meaning
* of the special '.' term. Duplicate terms will be removed during resolution.
def resolve(schema: StructType): ResolvedRFormula = {
val dotTerms = expandDot(schema)
var includedTerms = Seq[Seq[String]]()
terms.foreach {
case col: ColumnRef =>
includedTerms :+= Seq(col.value)
case ColumnInteraction(cols) =>
includedTerms ++= expandInteraction(schema, cols)
case Dot =>
includedTerms ++=
case Deletion(term: Term) =>
term match {
case inner: ColumnRef =>
includedTerms = includedTerms.filter(_ != Seq(inner.value))
case ColumnInteraction(cols) =>
val fromInteraction = expandInteraction(schema, cols).map(_.toSet)
includedTerms = includedTerms.filter(t => !fromInteraction.contains(t.toSet))
case Dot =>
// e.g. "- .", which removes all first-order terms
includedTerms = includedTerms.filter {
case Seq(t) => !dotTerms.contains(t)
case _ => true
case _: Deletion =>
throw new RuntimeException("Deletion terms cannot be nested")
case _: Intercept =>
case _: Intercept =>
ResolvedRFormula(label.value, includedTerms.distinct, hasIntercept)
/** Whether this formula specifies fitting with response variable. */
def hasLabel: Boolean = label.value.nonEmpty
/** Whether this formula specifies fitting with an intercept term. */
def hasIntercept: Boolean = {
var intercept = true
terms.foreach {
case Intercept(enabled) =>
intercept = enabled
case Deletion(Intercept(enabled)) =>
intercept = !enabled
case _ =>
// expands the Dot operators in interaction terms
private def expandInteraction(schema: StructType, terms: Seq[InteractableTerm]): Seq[Seq[String]] = {
if (terms.isEmpty) {
return Seq(Nil)
val rest = expandInteraction(schema, terms.tail)
val validInteractions = (terms.head match {
case Dot =>
expandDot(schema).flatMap { t => { r =>
Seq(t) ++ r
case ColumnRef(value) => ++ _)
// Deduplicates feature interactions, for example, a:b is the same as b:a.
val seen = mutable.Set[Set[String]]()
validInteractions.flatMap {
case t if seen.contains(t.toSet) =>
case t =>
seen += t.toSet
// the dot operator excludes complex column types
private def expandDot(schema: StructType): Seq[String] = {
schema.fields.filter(_.dataType match {
case _: NumericType | StringType | BooleanType | _: VectorUDT => true
case _ => false
}).map( != label.value)
* Represents a fully evaluated and simplified R formula.
* @param label the column name of the R formula label (response variable).
* @param terms the simplified terms of the R formula. Interactions terms are represented as Seqs
* of column names; non-interaction terms as length 1 Seqs.
* @param hasIntercept whether the formula specifies fitting with an intercept.
private[sona] case class ResolvedRFormula(label: String, terms: Seq[Seq[String]], hasIntercept: Boolean) {
override def toString: String = {
val ts = {
case t if t.length > 1 =>
s"${t.mkString("{", ",", "}")}"
case t =>
val termStr = ts.mkString("[", ",", "]")
s"ResolvedRFormula(label=$label, terms=$termStr, hasIntercept=$hasIntercept)"
* R formula terms. See the R formula docs here for more information:
private[sona] sealed trait Term
/** A term that may be part of an interaction, e.g. 'x' in 'x:y' */
private[sona] sealed trait InteractableTerm extends Term
/* R formula reference to all available columns, e.g. "." in a formula */
private[sona] case object Dot extends InteractableTerm
/* R formula reference to a column, e.g. "+ Species" in a formula */
private[sona] case class ColumnRef(value: String) extends InteractableTerm
/* R formula interaction of several columns, e.g. "Sepal_Length:Species" in a formula */
private[sona] case class ColumnInteraction(terms: Seq[InteractableTerm]) extends Term
/* R formula intercept toggle, e.g. "+ 0" in a formula */
private[sona] case class Intercept(enabled: Boolean) extends Term
/* R formula deletion of a variable, e.g. "- Species" in a formula */
private[sona] case class Deletion(term: Term) extends Term
* Limited implementation of R formula parsing. Currently supports: '~', '+', '-', '.', ':'.
private[sona] object RFormulaParser extends RegexParsers {
private val intercept: Parser[Intercept] =
"([01])".r ^^ { case a => Intercept(a == "1") }
private val columnRef: Parser[ColumnRef] =
"([a-zA-Z]|\\.[a-zA-Z_])[a-zA-Z0-9._]*".r ^^ { case a => ColumnRef(a) }
private val empty: Parser[ColumnRef] = "" ^^ { case a => ColumnRef("") }
private val label: Parser[ColumnRef] = columnRef | empty
private val dot: Parser[InteractableTerm] = "\\.".r ^^ { case _ => Dot }
private val interaction: Parser[List[InteractableTerm]] = rep1sep(columnRef | dot, ":")
private val term: Parser[Term] = intercept |
interaction ^^ { case terms => ColumnInteraction(terms) } | dot | columnRef
private val terms: Parser[List[Term]] = (term ~ rep("+" ~ term | "-" ~ term)) ^^ {
case op ~ list => list.foldLeft(List(op)) {
case (left, "+" ~ right) => left ++ Seq(right)
case (left, "-" ~ right) => left ++ Seq(Deletion(right))
private val formula: Parser[ParsedRFormula] =
(label ~ "~" ~ terms) ^^ { case r ~ "~" ~ t => ParsedRFormula(r, t) }
def parse(value: String): ParsedRFormula = parseAll(formula, value) match {
case Success(result, _) => result
case failure: NoSuccess => throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Could not parse formula: " + value)
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