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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import org.apache.spark.linalg
import org.apache.spark.linalg.{VectorUDT, Vectors}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Expression, ImplicitCastInputTypes}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateExpression, Complete, TypedImperativeAggregate}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

 * A builder object that provides summary statistics about a given column.
 * Users should not directly create such builders, but instead use one of the methods in
 * [[Summarizer]].
sealed abstract class SummaryBuilder {
   * Returns an aggregate object that contains the summary of the column with the requested metrics.
   * @param featuresCol a column that contains features Vector object.
   * @param weightCol a column that contains weight value. Default weight is 1.0.
   * @return an aggregate column that contains the statistics. The exact content of this
   *         structure is determined during the creation of the builder.

  def summary(featuresCol: Column, weightCol: Column): Column

  def summary(featuresCol: Column): Column = summary(featuresCol, lit(1.0))


 * Tools for vectorized statistics on MLlib Vectors.
 * The methods in this package provide various statistics for Vectors contained inside DataFrames.
 * This class lets users pick the statistics they would like to extract for a given column. Here is
 * an example in Scala:
 * {{{
 *   import
 *   import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
 *   val dataframe = ... // Some dataframe containing a feature column and a weight column
 *   val multiStatsDF =
 *       Summarizer.metrics("min", "max", "count").summary($"features", $"weight")
 *   val Row(Row(minVec, maxVec, count)) = multiStatsDF.first()
 * }}}
 * If one wants to get a single metric, shortcuts are also available:
 * {{{
 *   val meanDF =$"features"))
 *   val Row(meanVec) = meanDF.first()
 * }}}
 * Note: Currently, the performance of this interface is about 2x~3x slower than using the RDD
 * interface.
object Summarizer extends Logging {

  import SummaryBuilderImpl._

   * Given a list of metrics, provides a builder that it turns computes metrics from a column.
   * See the documentation of [[Summarizer]] for an example.
   * The following metrics are accepted (case sensitive):
   *  - mean: a vector that contains the coefficient-wise mean.
   *  - variance: a vector tha contains the coefficient-wise variance.
   *  - count: the count of all vectors seen.
   *  - numNonzeros: a vector with the number of non-zeros for each coefficients
   *  - max: the maximum for each coefficient.
   *  - min: the minimum for each coefficient.
   *  - normL2: the Euclidean norm for each coefficient.
   *  - normL1: the L1 norm of each coefficient (sum of the absolute values).
   * @param metrics metrics that can be provided.
   * @return a builder.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the metric names is not understood.
   * Note: Currently, the performance of this interface is about 2x~3x slower then using the RDD
   * interface.

  def metrics(metrics: String*): SummaryBuilder = {
    require(metrics.size >= 1, "Should include at least one metric")
    val (typedMetrics, computeMetrics) = getRelevantMetrics(metrics)
    new SummaryBuilderImpl(typedMetrics, computeMetrics)

  def mean(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "mean")

  def mean(col: Column): Column = mean(col, lit(1.0))

  def variance(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "variance")

  def variance(col: Column): Column = variance(col, lit(1.0))

  def count(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "count")

  def count(col: Column): Column = count(col, lit(1.0))

  def numNonZeros(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "numNonZeros")

  def numNonZeros(col: Column): Column = numNonZeros(col, lit(1.0))

  def max(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "max")

  def max(col: Column): Column = max(col, lit(1.0))

  def min(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "min")

  def min(col: Column): Column = min(col, lit(1.0))

  def normL1(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "normL1")

  def normL1(col: Column): Column = normL1(col, lit(1.0))

  def normL2(col: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {
    getSingleMetric(col, weightCol, "normL2")

  def normL2(col: Column): Column = normL2(col, lit(1.0))

  private def getSingleMetric(col: Column, weightCol: Column, metric: String): Column = {
    val c1 = metrics(metric).summary(col, weightCol)

 private[angel] class SummaryBuilderImpl(
    requestedMetrics: Seq[SummaryBuilderImpl.Metric],
    requestedCompMetrics: Seq[SummaryBuilderImpl.ComputeMetric]
  ) extends SummaryBuilder {

  override def summary(featuresCol: Column, weightCol: Column): Column = {

    val agg = SummaryBuilderImpl.MetricsAggregate(
      mutableAggBufferOffset = 0,
      inputAggBufferOffset = 0)

    new Column(AggregateExpression(agg, mode = Complete, isDistinct = false))

 private[angel] object SummaryBuilderImpl extends Logging {

  def implementedMetrics: Seq[String] =

  @throws[IllegalArgumentException]("When the list is empty or not a subset of known metrics")
  def getRelevantMetrics(requested: Seq[String]): (Seq[Metric], Seq[ComputeMetric]) = {
    val all = { req =>
      val (_, metric, _, deps) = allMetrics.find(_._1 == req).getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Metric $req cannot be found." +
          s" Valid metrics are $implementedMetrics")
      metric -> deps
    // Do not sort, otherwise the user has to look the schema to see the order that it
    // is going to be given in.
    val metrics =
    val computeMetrics = all.flatMap(_._2).distinct.sortBy(_.toString)
    metrics -> computeMetrics

  def structureForMetrics(metrics: Seq[Metric]): StructType = {
    val dict = { case (name, metric, dataType, _) =>
      (metric, (name, dataType))
    val fields = { case (name, dataType) =>
      StructField(name, dataType, nullable = false)

  private val vectorUDT = new VectorUDT

   * All the metrics that can be currently computed by Spark for vectors.
   * This list associates the user name, the internal (typed) name, and the list of computation
   * metrics that need to de computed internally to get the final result.
  private val allMetrics: Seq[(String, Metric, DataType, Seq[ComputeMetric])] = Seq(
    ("mean", Mean, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeMean, ComputeWeightSum)),
    ("variance", Variance, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeWeightSum, ComputeMean, ComputeM2n)),
    ("count", Count, LongType, Seq()),
    ("numNonZeros", NumNonZeros, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeNNZ)),
    ("max", Max, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeMax, ComputeNNZ)),
    ("min", Min, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeMin, ComputeNNZ)),
    ("normL2", NormL2, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeM2)),
    ("normL1", NormL1, vectorUDT, Seq(ComputeL1))

   * The metrics that are currently implemented.
  sealed trait Metric extends Serializable
  private[stat] case object Mean extends Metric
  private[stat] case object Variance extends Metric
  private[stat] case object Count extends Metric
  private[stat] case object NumNonZeros extends Metric
  private[stat] case object Max extends Metric
  private[stat] case object Min extends Metric
  private[stat] case object NormL2 extends Metric
  private[stat] case object NormL1 extends Metric

   * The running metrics that are going to be computed.
   * There is a bipartite graph between the metrics and the computed metrics.
  sealed trait ComputeMetric extends Serializable
  private[stat] case object ComputeMean extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeM2n extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeM2 extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeL1 extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeWeightSum extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeNNZ extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeMax extends ComputeMetric
  private[stat] case object ComputeMin extends ComputeMetric

  private[stat] class SummarizerBuffer(
      requestedMetrics: Seq[Metric],
      requestedCompMetrics: Seq[ComputeMetric]
  ) extends Serializable {

    private var n = 0
    private var currMean: Array[Double] = null
    private var currM2n: Array[Double] = null
    private var currM2: Array[Double] = null
    private var currL1: Array[Double] = null
    private var totalCnt: Long = 0
    private var totalWeightSum: Double = 0.0
    private var weightSquareSum: Double = 0.0
    private var weightSum: Array[Double] = null
    private var nnz: Array[Long] = null
    private var currMax: Array[Double] = null
    private var currMin: Array[Double] = null

    def this() {
        Seq(Mean, Variance, Count, NumNonZeros, Max, Min, NormL2, NormL1),
        Seq(ComputeMean, ComputeM2n, ComputeM2, ComputeL1,
          ComputeWeightSum, ComputeNNZ, ComputeMax, ComputeMin)

     * Add a new sample to this summarizer, and update the statistical summary.
    def add(instance: linalg.Vector, weight: Double): this.type = {
      require(weight >= 0.0, s"sample weight, $weight has to be >= 0.0")
      if (weight == 0.0) return this

      if (n == 0) {
        require(instance.size > 0, s"Vector should have dimension larger than zero.")
        n = instance.size.toInt

        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeMean)) { currMean = Array.ofDim[Double](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeM2n)) { currM2n = Array.ofDim[Double](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeM2)) { currM2 = Array.ofDim[Double](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeL1)) { currL1 = Array.ofDim[Double](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeWeightSum)) { weightSum = Array.ofDim[Double](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeNNZ)) { nnz = Array.ofDim[Long](n) }
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeMax)) {
          currMax = Array.fill[Double](n)(Double.MinValue)
        if (requestedCompMetrics.contains(ComputeMin)) {
          currMin = Array.fill[Double](n)(Double.MaxValue)

      require(n == instance.size, s"Dimensions mismatch when adding new sample." +
        s" Expecting $n but got ${instance.size}.")

      val localCurrMean = currMean
      val localCurrM2n = currM2n
      val localCurrM2 = currM2
      val localCurrL1 = currL1
      val localWeightSum = weightSum
      val localNumNonzeros = nnz
      val localCurrMax = currMax
      val localCurrMin = currMin
      instance.foreachActive { (index, value) =>
        if (value != 0.0) {
          if (localCurrMax != null && localCurrMax(index.toInt) < value) {
            localCurrMax(index.toInt) = value
          if (localCurrMin != null && localCurrMin(index.toInt) > value) {
            localCurrMin(index.toInt) = value

          if (localWeightSum != null) {
            if (localCurrMean != null) {
              val prevMean = localCurrMean(index.toInt)
              val diff = value - prevMean
              localCurrMean(index.toInt) = prevMean + weight * diff / (localWeightSum(index.toInt) + weight)

              if (localCurrM2n != null) {
                localCurrM2n(index.toInt) += weight * (value - localCurrMean(index.toInt)) * diff
            localWeightSum(index.toInt) += weight

          if (localCurrM2 != null) {
            localCurrM2(index.toInt) += weight * value * value
          if (localCurrL1 != null) {
            localCurrL1(index.toInt) += weight * math.abs(value)

          if (localNumNonzeros != null) {
            localNumNonzeros(index.toInt) += 1

      totalWeightSum += weight
      weightSquareSum += weight * weight
      totalCnt += 1

    def add(instance: linalg.Vector): this.type = add(instance, 1.0)

     * Merge another SummarizerBuffer, and update the statistical summary.
     * (Note that it's in place merging; as a result, `this` object will be modified.)
     * @param other The other MultivariateOnlineSummarizer to be merged.
    def merge(other: SummarizerBuffer): this.type = {
      if (this.totalWeightSum != 0.0 && other.totalWeightSum != 0.0) {
        require(n == other.n, s"Dimensions mismatch when merging with another summarizer. " +
          s"Expecting $n but got ${other.n}.")
        totalCnt += other.totalCnt
        totalWeightSum += other.totalWeightSum
        weightSquareSum += other.weightSquareSum
        var i = 0
        while (i < n) {
          if (weightSum != null) {
            val thisWeightSum = weightSum(i)
            val otherWeightSum = other.weightSum(i)
            val totalWeightSum = thisWeightSum + otherWeightSum

            if (totalWeightSum != 0.0) {
              if (currMean != null) {
                val deltaMean = other.currMean(i) - currMean(i)
                // merge mean together
                currMean(i) += deltaMean * otherWeightSum / totalWeightSum

                if (currM2n != null) {
                  // merge m2n together
                  currM2n(i) += other.currM2n(i) +
                    deltaMean * deltaMean * thisWeightSum * otherWeightSum / totalWeightSum
            weightSum(i) = totalWeightSum

          // merge m2 together
          if (currM2 != null) { currM2(i) += other.currM2(i) }
          // merge l1 together
          if (currL1 != null) { currL1(i) += other.currL1(i) }
          // merge max and min
          if (currMax != null) { currMax(i) = math.max(currMax(i), other.currMax(i)) }
          if (currMin != null) { currMin(i) = math.min(currMin(i), other.currMin(i)) }
          if (nnz != null) { nnz(i) = nnz(i) + other.nnz(i) }
          i += 1
      } else if (totalWeightSum == 0.0 && other.totalWeightSum != 0.0) {
        this.n = other.n
        if (other.currMean != null) { this.currMean = other.currMean.clone() }
        if (other.currM2n != null) { this.currM2n = other.currM2n.clone() }
        if (other.currM2 != null) { this.currM2 = other.currM2.clone() }
        if (other.currL1 != null) { this.currL1 = other.currL1.clone() }
        this.totalCnt = other.totalCnt
        this.totalWeightSum = other.totalWeightSum
        this.weightSquareSum = other.weightSquareSum
        if (other.weightSum != null) { this.weightSum = other.weightSum.clone() }
        if (other.nnz != null) { this.nnz = other.nnz.clone() }
        if (other.currMax != null) { this.currMax = other.currMax.clone() }
        if (other.currMin != null) { this.currMin = other.currMin.clone() }

     * Sample mean of each dimension.
    def mean: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")

      val realMean = Array.ofDim[Double](n)
      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        realMean(i) = currMean(i) * (weightSum(i) / totalWeightSum)
        i += 1

     * Unbiased estimate of sample variance of each dimension.
    def variance: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")

      val realVariance = Array.ofDim[Double](n)

      val denominator = totalWeightSum - (weightSquareSum / totalWeightSum)

      // Sample variance is computed, if the denominator is less than 0, the variance is just 0.
      if (denominator > 0.0) {
        val deltaMean = currMean
        var i = 0
        val len = currM2n.length
        while (i < len) {
          // We prevent variance from negative value caused by numerical error.
          realVariance(i) = math.max((currM2n(i) + deltaMean(i) * deltaMean(i) * weightSum(i) *
            (totalWeightSum - weightSum(i)) / totalWeightSum) / denominator, 0.0)
          i += 1

     * Sample size.
    def count: Long = totalCnt

     * Number of nonzero elements in each dimension.
    def numNonzeros: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalCnt > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")


     * Maximum value of each dimension.
    def max: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")

      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        if ((nnz(i) < totalCnt) && (currMax(i) < 0.0)) currMax(i) = 0.0
        i += 1

     * Minimum value of each dimension.
    def min: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")

      var i = 0
      while (i < n) {
        if ((nnz(i) < totalCnt) && (currMin(i) > 0.0)) currMin(i) = 0.0
        i += 1

     * L2 (Euclidean) norm of each dimension.
    def normL2: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")

      val realMagnitude = Array.ofDim[Double](n)

      var i = 0
      val len = currM2.length
      while (i < len) {
        realMagnitude(i) = math.sqrt(currM2(i))
        i += 1

     * L1 norm of each dimension.
    def normL1: linalg.Vector = {
      require(totalWeightSum > 0, s"Nothing has been added to this summarizer.")


  private case class MetricsAggregate(
      requestedMetrics: Seq[Metric],
      requestedComputeMetrics: Seq[ComputeMetric],
      featuresExpr: Expression,
      weightExpr: Expression,
      mutableAggBufferOffset: Int,
      inputAggBufferOffset: Int)
    extends TypedImperativeAggregate[SummarizerBuffer] with ImplicitCastInputTypes {

    override def eval(state: SummarizerBuffer): Any = {
      val metrics = {
        case Mean => vectorUDT.serialize(state.mean)
        case Variance => vectorUDT.serialize(state.variance)
        case Count => state.count
        case NumNonZeros => vectorUDT.serialize(state.numNonzeros)
        case Max => vectorUDT.serialize(state.max)
        case Min => vectorUDT.serialize(state.min)
        case NormL2 => vectorUDT.serialize(state.normL2)
        case NormL1 => vectorUDT.serialize(state.normL1)
      InternalRow.apply(metrics: _*)

    override def inputTypes: Seq[DataType] = Seq(vectorUDT, DoubleType)

    override def children: Seq[Expression] = featuresExpr :: weightExpr :: Nil

    override def update(state: SummarizerBuffer, row: InternalRow): SummarizerBuffer = {
      val features = vectorUDT.deserialize(featuresExpr.eval(row))
      val weight = weightExpr.eval(row).asInstanceOf[Double]
      state.add(features, weight)

    override def merge(state: SummarizerBuffer,
      other: SummarizerBuffer): SummarizerBuffer = {

    override def nullable: Boolean = false

    override def createAggregationBuffer(): SummarizerBuffer
      = new SummarizerBuffer(requestedMetrics, requestedComputeMetrics)

    override def serialize(state: SummarizerBuffer): Array[Byte] = {
      // TODO: Use ByteBuffer to optimize
      val bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
      val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos)

    override def deserialize(bytes: Array[Byte]): SummarizerBuffer = {
      // TODO: Use ByteBuffer to optimize
      val bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)
      val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis)

    override def withNewMutableAggBufferOffset(newMutableAggBufferOffset: Int): MetricsAggregate = {
      copy(mutableAggBufferOffset = newMutableAggBufferOffset)

    override def withNewInputAggBufferOffset(newInputAggBufferOffset: Int): MetricsAggregate = {
      copy(inputAggBufferOffset = newInputAggBufferOffset)

    override lazy val dataType: DataType = structureForMetrics(requestedMetrics)

    override def prettyName: String = "aggregate_metrics"


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