com.tencent.angel.sona.online_learning.FTRL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Angel available.
* Copyright (C) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.online_learning
import{OptFuncs, Ufuncs}
import{LabeledData, RowType}
import{LongDummyVector, LongKeyVector, Vector}
import com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.{ColIdValueTextRowFormat, RowIdColIdValueTextRowFormat}
import com.tencent.angel.model.{MatrixLoadContext, MatrixSaveContext, ModelLoadContext, ModelSaveContext}
import{ColumnRangePartitioner, Partitioner}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.context.PSContext
import com.tencent.angel.sona.models.impl.{PSMatrixImpl, PSVectorImpl}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.models.{PSMatrix, PSVector}
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import com.tencent.angel.sona.graph.utils.AutoPartitioner
import com.tencent.angel.sona.psf.ftrl.ComputeW
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
class FTRL() extends Serializable {
var lambda1: Double = 0
var lambda2: Double = 0
var alpha: Double = 0
var beta: Double = 0
var wPS: PSVector = _
var name = "weights"
var possionRate: Float = 1.0f
var matrix: PSMatrix = _
def this(lambda1: Double, lambda2: Double, alpha: Double, beta: Double) {
this.lambda1 = lambda1
this.lambda2 = lambda2
this.alpha = alpha
this.beta = beta
/** Init with `dim` given, the default start index is 0
* @param dim , [0, dim)
def init(dim: Long): Unit =
def init(dim: Long, rowType: RowType): Unit =
init(dim, -1, rowType)
def init(dim: Long, nnz: Long, rowType: RowType): Unit =
init(dim, nnz, rowType, new ColumnRangePartitioner())
* Init with dim, nnz, rowType and partitioner
* @param dim , the index range is [0, dim) if dim > 0, else [long.min, long.max) is dim=-1
* @param nnz , number-of-non-zero elements in model
* @param rowType , default is T_FLOAT_SPARSE_LONGKEY
* @param partitioner , default is column-range-partitioner
def init(dim: Long, nnz: Long, rowType: RowType, partitioner: Partitioner): Unit = {
val ctx = new MatrixContext(name, 3, dim, nnz, -1, -1)
* create the model with a matrix-context and init three PSVector
* @param ctx , matrix context
def init(ctx: MatrixContext): Unit = {
val matId = PSMatrixUtils.createPSMatrix(ctx)
wPS = new PSVectorImpl(matId, 2, ctx.getColNum, ctx.getRowType)
matrix = new PSMatrixImpl(matId, ctx.getRowNum, ctx.getColNum, ctx.getRowType)
def init(start: Long, end: Long): Unit =
init(start, end, -1, RowType.T_FLOAT_SPARSE_LONGKEY)
* Init with start and end given
* @param start , the start index
* @param end , the end index range
* @param nnz , the number of non-zero element in model
* @param rowType , default is T_FLOAT_SPARSE_LONGKEY
def init(start: Long, end: Long, nnz: Long, rowType: RowType): Unit = {
init(start, end, nnz, rowType, new ColumnRangePartitioner())
def init(start: Long, end: Long, nnz: Long, rowType: RowType,
partitioner: Partitioner): Unit = {
val ctx = new MatrixContext(name, 3, start, end)
* Init model with the training data, this method will scan the index distribution in data
* and automatically generate partitions with load balance into consideration
* @param start , the start index
* @param end , the end index
* @param rowType , default is T_FLOAT_SPARSE_LONGKEY
* @param data , training data
* @param partitioner , a load balance partitioner
def init(start: Long, end: Long, rowType: RowType, data: RDD[Vector],
partitioner: AutoPartitioner): Unit = {
val ctx = new MatrixContext(name, 3, start, end)
partitioner.partition(data, ctx)
def setPossionRate(possionRate: Float): Unit =
this.possionRate = possionRate
* Optimize a batch of data with FTRL optimizer
* @param batch , data batch
* @return summation of loss for this batch
def optimize(batch: Array[LabeledData]): Double = {
var (start, end) = (0L, 0L)
// First, distinct the feature indices of this batch
val indices = batch.flatMap {
case point =>
point.getX match {
case dummy: LongDummyVector => dummy.getIndices
case longKey: LongKeyVector => longKey.getStorage
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
// Fetch the dimensions of n/z
val vectors = matrix.pull(Array(0, 1), indices)
val (localZ, localN) = (vectors(0), vectors(1))
assert(localN.getSize == indices.length)
assert(localZ.getSize == indices.length)
end = System.currentTimeMillis()
val pullTime = end - start
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
// calculate w with FTRL
val weight = Ufuncs.ftrlthreshold(localZ, localN, alpha, beta, lambda1, lambda2)
val dim = batch.head.getX.dim()
// allocate two vectors for delta n/z
// TODO: use emptylike instead
val deltaZ = localZ.copy()
val deltaN = localN.copy()
val iter = batch.iterator
var lossSum = 0.0
while (iter.hasNext) {
val point =
val (feature, label) = (point.getX, point.getY)
// calculate margin
val margin =
val multiplier = 1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(margin)) - label
// sample the feature index with Possion sampling
val possion = Ufuncs.ftrlpossion(localN, feature, possionRate).ifilter(10e-10)
val grad = possion.mul(multiplier)
// calculate delta z/n
Ufuncs.iaxpy2(deltaN, grad, 1)
OptFuncs.iftrldetalintersect(grad, localN, alpha)
val loss = if (label > 0) log1pExp(margin) else log1pExp(margin) - margin
lossSum += loss
end = System.currentTimeMillis()
val optimTime = end - start
// push delta z/n
start = System.currentTimeMillis()
matrix.increment(Array(0, 1), Array(deltaZ, deltaN))
end = System.currentTimeMillis()
val pushTime = end - start
println(s"${lossSum / batch.size} " +
s"pullTime=$pullTime " +
s"optimTime=$optimTime " +
def log1pExp(x: Double): Double = {
if (x > 0) {
x + math.log1p(math.exp(-x))
} else {
* Predict with weight
* @param batch
* @return
def predict(batch: Array[LabeledData], isTraining: Boolean = true): Array[(Double, Double)] = {
val indices = batch.flatMap {
case point =>
point.getX match {
case dummy: LongDummyVector => dummy.getIndices
case longKey: LongKeyVector => longKey.getStorage
val weight = isTraining match {
case true =>
val vectors = matrix.pull(Array(0, 1), indices)
val (localZ, localN) = (vectors(0), vectors(1))
Ufuncs.ftrlthreshold(localZ, localN, alpha, beta, lambda1, lambda2)
case false =>
matrix.pull(Array(2), indices)(0)
// Fetch the dimensions of n/z {
case point =>
val (feature, label) = (point.getX, point.getY)
val p =
val score = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-p))
(label, score)
* calculate w from z and n and store it in the w row
* @return
def weight: PSVector = {
val func = new ComputeW(, alpha, beta, lambda1, lambda2, 1.0)
* Save z and n for increment training
* @param path , output path
def save(path: String): Unit = {
val format = classOf[RowIdColIdValueTextRowFormat].getCanonicalName
val modelContext = new ModelSaveContext(path)
val matrixContext = new MatrixSaveContext(name, format)
matrixContext.addIndices(Array(0, 1))
* Save w for model serving
* @param path , output path
def saveWeight(path: String): Unit = {
val format = classOf[ColIdValueTextRowFormat].getCanonicalName
val modelContext = new ModelSaveContext(path)
val matrixContext = new MatrixSaveContext(name, format)
def load(path: String): Unit = {
val format = classOf[RowIdColIdValueTextRowFormat].getCanonicalName
val modelContext = new ModelLoadContext(path)
val matrixContext = new MatrixLoadContext(name, format)
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