com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.helper.HistManager.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.helper
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.histogram.Histogram
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.metadata.FeatureInfo
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.tree.GBDTParam
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.util.{ConcurrentUtil, MathUtil}
object HistManager {
private[gbdt] type NodeHist = Array[Histogram]
private[gbdt] def apply(param: GBDTParam, featInto: FeatureInfo): HistManager =
new HistManager(param, featInto)
import HistManager._
class HistManager(param: GBDTParam, featInto: FeatureInfo) {
private[gbdt] var isFeatUsed: Array[Boolean] = _
private[gbdt] val nodeHists = Array.ofDim[NodeHist](MathUtil.maxInnerNodeNum(param.regTParam.maxDepth))
private[gbdt] val histStore = Array.ofDim[NodeHist](nodeHists.length + ConcurrentUtil.numThread)
private[gbdt] var availHist = 0
private[gbdt] def getOrAlloc(sync: Boolean = false): NodeHist = {
def doGetOrAlloc(): NodeHist = {
if (availHist == 0) {
val numFeat = featInto.numFeature
val nodeHist = Array.ofDim[Histogram](numFeat)
for (fid <- 0 until numFeat)
if (isFeatUsed(fid)) {
if (!param.isLeafVector) {
nodeHist(fid) = new Histogram(featInto.getNumBin(fid), 2, false)
} else {
nodeHist(fid) = new Histogram(featInto.getNumBin(fid),
param.numClass, param.fullHessian)
} else {
val nodeHist = histStore(availHist - 1)
histStore(availHist - 1) = null
availHist -= 1
if (sync)
private[gbdt] def free(nodeHist: NodeHist, sync: Boolean = false): Unit = {
def doFree(): Unit = {
for (hist <- nodeHist)
if (hist != null)
histStore(availHist) = nodeHist
availHist += 1
if (sync)
private[gbdt] def reset(isFeatUsed: Array[Boolean]): Unit = {
require(isFeatUsed.length == featInto.numFeature)
this.isFeatUsed = isFeatUsed
for (i <- this.histStore.indices)
this.histStore(i) = null
for (i <- this.nodeHists.indices)
this.nodeHists(i) = null
availHist = 0
private[gbdt] def getNodeHist(nid: Int): NodeHist = nodeHists(nid)
private[gbdt] def setNodeHist(nid: Int, nodeHist: NodeHist): Unit = nodeHists(nid) = nodeHist
private[gbdt] def moveNodeHist(parent: Int, child: Int): Unit = {
nodeHists(child) = nodeHists(parent)
nodeHists(parent) = null
private[gbdt] def removeNodeHist(nid: Int, sync: Boolean = false): Unit = {
if (nid < nodeHists.length && nodeHists(nid) != null) {
val nodeHist = nodeHists(nid)
nodeHists(nid) = null
free(nodeHist, sync = sync)
private[gbdt] def removeAll(sync: Boolean = false): Unit = {
nodeHists.indices.foreach(nid => removeNodeHist(nid, sync = sync))
private[helper] def newFixedHistPool(name: String, capacity: Int): HistPool = new HistPool {
private val pool = Array.ofDim[NodeHist](capacity)
private var numHist = 0
private var numAcquired = 0
override private[helper] def acquire: NodeHist = {
this.synchronized {
if (numHist == numAcquired) {
require(numHist < capacity, s"HistPool[$name] Requiring too many node hist, capacity: $capacity")
pool(numHist) = getOrAlloc(sync = true)
numHist += 1
var i = 0
while (i < numHist && pool(i) == null) i += 1
val nodeHist = pool(i)
pool(i) = null
numAcquired += 1
override private[helper] def release(nodeHist: NodeHist): Unit = {
this.synchronized {
require(numHist >= numAcquired && numAcquired > 0, s"HistPool[$name] Release before acquire")
var i = 0
while (i < numHist && pool(i) != null) i += 1
pool(i) = nodeHist
numAcquired -= 1
override private[helper] def result: NodeHist = {
this.synchronized {
require(numHist > 0, s"HistPool[$name] Request result without computation")
require(numAcquired == 0, s"HistPool[$name] Request result before all requires are released")
val res = pool.head
for (i <- 1 until pool.length) {
val one = pool(i)
if (one != null) {
for (fid <- res.indices)
if (res(fid) != null)
free(one, sync = true)
private[helper] sealed trait HistPool {
private[helper] def acquire: NodeHist
private[helper] def release(nodeHist: NodeHist): Unit
private[helper] def result: NodeHist
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