com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.helper.NodeIndexer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.helper
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.basic.split.SplitEntry
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.dataset.Dataset
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.util.{ConcurrentUtil, MathUtil, RangeBitSet}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.histogram.GradPair
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.tree.GBDTParam
import java.{util => ju}
object NodeIndexer {
private[gbdt] def apply(maxDepth: Int, numIns: Int): NodeIndexer = {
val maxNodeNum = MathUtil.maxNodeNum(maxDepth)
val nodePosStart = Array.ofDim[Int](maxNodeNum)
val nodePosEnd = Array.ofDim[Int](maxNodeNum)
val nodeActualPosEnd = Array.ofDim[Int](maxNodeNum)
val nodeToIns = Array.ofDim[Int](numIns)
val nodeGradPairs = Array.ofDim[GradPair](maxNodeNum)
val nodeGains = Array.ofDim[Float](maxNodeNum)
NodeIndexer(nodePosStart, nodePosEnd, nodeActualPosEnd, nodeToIns, nodeGradPairs, nodeGains)
case class NodeIndexer(nodePosStart: Array[Int], nodePosEnd: Array[Int], nodeActualPosEnd: Array[Int],
nodeToIns: Array[Int], nodeGradPairs: Array[GradPair], nodeGains: Array[Float]) {
private[gbdt] def reset(): Unit = {
val numIns = numInstance
for (nid <- nodeGradPairs.indices) {
nodeGradPairs(nid) = null
nodeGains(nid) = Float.NaN
nodePosStart(0) = 0
nodePosEnd(0) = numIns
nodeActualPosEnd(0) = numIns
for (i <- 0 until numIns) {
nodeToIns(i) = i
private[gbdt] def sample(ratio: Float, seed: Option[Long] = None): Boolean = {
val numIns = numInstance
val numSample = Math.ceil(numIns * ratio).toInt
if (numSample < numIns) {
nodePosEnd(0) = numSample
MathUtil.shuffle(nodeToIns, seed.getOrElse(
// sort to be cache-friendly
ju.Arrays.sort(nodeToIns, 0, numSample)
ju.Arrays.sort(nodeToIns, numSample, numIns)
} else {
private[gbdt] def getSplitResult(nid: Int, fid: Int, splitEntry: SplitEntry, splits: Array[Float],
dataset: Dataset[Int, Int], param: GBDTParam): RangeBitSet = {
val res = new RangeBitSet(getNodePosStart(nid), getNodeActualPosEnd(nid))
def getFlowTo(posId: Int): Int = {
val insId = nodeToIns(posId)
val binId = dataset.get(insId, fid)
if (binId >= 0) splitEntry.flowTo(splits(binId))
else splitEntry.defaultTo()
def split(start: Int, end: Int): Unit = {
require(start <= end)
if (start == end)
for (posId <- start until end) {
val flowTo = getFlowTo(posId)
if (flowTo == 1) {
if (ConcurrentUtil.numThread == 1) {
split(getNodePosStart(nid), getNodeActualPosEnd(nid))
} else {
ConcurrentUtil.rangeParallel(split, getNodePosStart(nid),
private[gbdt] def updatePos(nid: Int, splitResult: RangeBitSet): Unit = {
// in-place update position
def updateRange(start: Int, end: Int): Int = {
require(start <= end)
if (start == end)
return start
var left = start
var right = end - 1
while (left < right) {
while (left < right && !splitResult.get(left)) left += 1
while (left < right && splitResult.get(right)) right -= 1
if (left < right) {
val leftInsId = nodeToIns(left)
val rightInsId = nodeToIns(right)
nodeToIns(left) = rightInsId
nodeToIns(right) = leftInsId
left += 1
right -= 1
// find cutting position
val cut = if (left == right) {
if (splitResult.get(left)) left
else left + 1
} else {
// update sampled part
val cut1 = updateRange(getNodePosStart(nid), getNodePosEnd(nid))
val numLeftSampled = cut1 - getNodePosStart(nid)
val numRightSampled = getNodeSize(nid) - numLeftSampled
// update unsampled part
val cut2 = updateRange(getNodePosEnd(nid), getNodeActualPosEnd(nid))
val numLeftUnsampled = cut2 - getNodePosEnd(nid)
val numRightUnsampled = getNodeActualSize(nid) - getNodeSize(nid) - numLeftUnsampled
// swap right child's sampled part and left child's unsampled part
MathUtil.swapRange(nodeToIns, cut1, cut2, getNodePosEnd(nid))
// set edges
nodePosStart(2 * nid + 1) = getNodePosStart(nid)
nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 1) = nodePosStart(2 * nid + 1) + numLeftSampled
nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 1) = nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 1) + numLeftUnsampled
nodePosStart(2 * nid + 2) = nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 1)
nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 2) = nodePosStart(2 * nid + 2) + numRightSampled
nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 2) = nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 2) + numRightUnsampled
private[gbdt] def updatePos(nid: Int, dataset: Dataset[Int, Int],
splitEntry: SplitEntry, splits: Array[Float]): Unit = {
val fid = splitEntry.getFid
def getFlowTo(posId: Int): Int = {
val insId = nodeToIns(posId)
val binId = dataset.get(insId, fid)
if (binId >= 0) {
} else {
// in-place update position
def updateRange(start: Int, end: Int): Int = {
require(start <= end)
if (start == end)
return start
var left = start
var right = end - 1
while (left < right) {
while (left < right && getFlowTo(left) == 0) left += 1
while (left < right && getFlowTo(right) == 1) right -= 1
if (left < right) {
val leftInsId = nodeToIns(left)
val rightInsId = nodeToIns(right)
nodeToIns(left) = rightInsId
nodeToIns(right) = leftInsId
left += 1
right -= 1
// find cutting position
val cut = if (left == right) {
if (getFlowTo(left) == 1) left
else left + 1
} else {
// update sampled part
val cut1 = updateRange(getNodePosStart(nid), getNodePosEnd(nid))
val numLeftSampled = cut1 - getNodePosStart(nid)
val numRightSampled = getNodeSize(nid) - numLeftSampled
// update unsampled part
val cut2 = updateRange(getNodePosEnd(nid), getNodeActualPosEnd(nid))
val numLeftUnsampled = cut2 - getNodePosEnd(nid)
val numRightUnsampled = getNodeActualSize(nid) - getNodeSize(nid) - numLeftUnsampled
// swap right child's sampled part and left child's unsampled part
MathUtil.swapRange(nodeToIns, cut1, cut2, getNodePosEnd(nid))
// set edges
nodePosStart(2 * nid + 1) = getNodePosStart(nid)
nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 1) = nodePosStart(2 * nid + 1) + numLeftSampled
nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 1) = nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 1) + numLeftUnsampled
nodePosStart(2 * nid + 2) = nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 1)
nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 2) = nodePosStart(2 * nid + 2) + numRightSampled
nodeActualPosEnd(2 * nid + 2) = nodePosEnd(2 * nid + 2) + numRightUnsampled
lazy val numInstance: Int = nodeToIns.length
@inline def nodeCanSplit(nid: Int, param: GBDTParam): Boolean =
getNodeSize(nid) > param.regTParam.minNodeInstance && getNodeGradPair(nid).satisfyWeight(param)
@inline def getNodePosStart(nid: Int): Int = nodePosStart(nid)
@inline def getNodePosEnd(nid: Int) = nodePosEnd(nid)
@inline def getNodeSize(nid: Int): Int = getNodePosEnd(nid) - getNodePosStart(nid)
@inline def getNodeActualPosEnd(nid: Int): Int = nodeActualPosEnd(nid)
@inline def getNodeActualSize(nid: Int): Int = getNodeActualPosEnd(nid) - getNodePosStart(nid)
@inline def getNodeGradPair(nid: Int): GradPair = nodeGradPairs(nid)
@inline def setNodeGradPair(nid: Int, nodeGradPair: GradPair): Unit = nodeGradPairs(nid) = nodeGradPair
@inline def getNodeGain(nid: Int): Float = nodeGains(nid)
@inline def setNodeGain(nid: Int, nodeGain: Float): Unit = nodeGains(nid) = nodeGain
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