com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.metadata.InstanceInfo.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.metadata
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.helper.NodeIndexer
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.histogram.{BinaryGradPair, GradPair, MultiGradPair}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.gbdt.tree.GBDTParam
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.objective.loss.{BinaryLoss, Loss, MultiLoss}
import com.tencent.angel.sona.tree.util.ConcurrentUtil
object InstanceInfo {
private[gbdt] def ensureLabel(labels: Array[Float], numLabel: Int): Unit = {
if (numLabel == 2) {
val distinct =
if (distinct.length < 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("All labels equal to " + distinct.head)
} else if (distinct.length > 2) {
throw new RuntimeException("More than 2 labels are provided: " +
distinct.mkString(", "))
} else if (!distinct.contains(0) || !distinct.contains(1)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Label should be 0 or 1, provided: "
+ distinct.mkString(", "))
} else {
var min = Int.MaxValue
var max = Int.MinValue
for (label <- labels) {
val trueLabel = label.toInt
min = Math.min(min, trueLabel)
max = Math.max(max, trueLabel)
if (trueLabel < 0 || trueLabel >= numLabel) {
throw new RuntimeException("Label should be in " +
s"[0, ${numLabel - 1}] but got $trueLabel")
private[gbdt] def ensureGradSize(param: GBDTParam, numIns: Int): (Int, Int) = {
val numClass = param.numClass
if (param.isRegression || numClass == 2) {
(numIns, numIns)
} else {
val gradLength = numClass * numIns.toLong
if (gradLength >= Int.MaxValue)
throw new RuntimeException("Gradient size exceeds INT_MAX, " +
s"$numIns(#ins) * $numClass(#class) = $gradLength, " +
s"please use data parallel or set multi-tree as true")
val hessLength = if (!param.fullHessian) gradLength else numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2 * numIns.toLong
if (hessLength >= Int.MaxValue)
throw new RuntimeException("Hessian size exceeds INT_MAX, " +
s"$numIns(#ins) * ${numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2}(#class * (#class + 1) / 2) = $hessLength, " +
s"please use data parallel or set full-hessian as false")
(gradLength.toInt, hessLength.toInt)
private[gbdt] def apply(param: GBDTParam, numIns: Int): InstanceInfo = {
val (gradLength, hessLength) = ensureGradSize(param, numIns)
val predictions = Array.ofDim[Float](gradLength)
val gradients = Array.ofDim[Double](gradLength)
val hessians = Array.ofDim[Double](hessLength)
InstanceInfo(predictions, gradients, hessians)
case class InstanceInfo(predictions: Array[Float], gradients: Array[Double], hessians: Array[Double]) {
private[gbdt] def calcGradPairs(labels: Array[Float], loss: Loss, param: GBDTParam): GradPair = {
def calcGP(start: Int, end: Int): GradPair = {
val numClass = param.numClass
if (param.isRegression || numClass == 2) {
// regression or binary classification
val binaryLoss = loss.asInstanceOf[BinaryLoss]
var sumGrad = 0.0
var sumHess = 0.0
for (insId <- start until end) {
val grad = binaryLoss.firOrderGrad(predictions(insId), labels(insId))
val hess = binaryLoss.secOrderGrad(predictions(insId), labels(insId), grad)
gradients(insId) = grad
hessians(insId) = hess
sumGrad += grad
sumHess += hess
new BinaryGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
} else if (!param.fullHessian || param.multiTree) { // full-hessian & multi-tree are exclusive
// multi-label classification, assume hessian matrix is diagonal
val multiLoss = loss.asInstanceOf[MultiLoss]
val preds = Array.ofDim[Float](numClass)
val sumGrad = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
val sumHess = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
for (insId <- start until end) {
Array.copy(predictions, insId * numClass, preds, 0, numClass)
val grad = multiLoss.firOrderGrad(preds, labels(insId))
val hess = multiLoss.secOrderGradDiag(preds, labels(insId), grad)
for (k <- 0 until numClass) {
gradients(insId * numClass + k) = grad(k)
hessians(insId * numClass + k) = hess(k)
sumGrad(k) += grad(k)
sumHess(k) += hess(k)
new MultiGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
} else {
// multi-label classification, represent hessian matrix as lower triangular matrix
val multiLoss = loss.asInstanceOf[MultiLoss]
val preds = Array.ofDim[Float](numClass)
val sumGrad = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
val sumHess = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2)
for (insId <- start until end) {
Array.copy(predictions, insId * numClass, preds, 0, numClass)
val grad = multiLoss.firOrderGrad(preds, labels(insId))
val hess = multiLoss.secOrderGradFull(preds, labels(insId), grad)
val gradOffset = insId * numClass
val hessOffset = insId * numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2
for (k <- 0 until numClass) {
gradients(gradOffset + k) = grad(k)
sumGrad(k) += grad(k)
for (k <- 0 until numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2) {
hessians(hessOffset + k) = hess(k)
sumHess(k) += hess(k)
new MultiGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
val numIns = labels.length
if (ConcurrentUtil.threadPool == null) {
calcGP(0, numIns)
} else {
ConcurrentUtil.rangeParallel(calcGP, 0, numIns)
.reduceLeft((gp1, gp2) => { gp1.plusBy(gp2); gp1 })
private[gbdt] def sumGradPairs(insIds: Array[Int], from: Int, to: Int,
param: GBDTParam, classIdOpt: Option[Int] = None): GradPair = {
if (from == to) {
if (!param.isLeafVector)
return new BinaryGradPair()
return new MultiGradPair(param.numClass, param.fullHessian)
def sumGP(start: Int, end: Int): GradPair = {
val numClass = param.numClass
if (param.isRegression || numClass == 2) {
// regression task or binary classification
var sumGrad = 0.0
var sumHess = 0.0
for (i <- start until end) {
val insId = insIds(i)
sumGrad += gradients(insId)
sumHess += hessians(insId)
new BinaryGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
} else if (param.multiTree) {
// multi-label classification, use one-vs-rest trees
val classId = classIdOpt.get
var sumGrad = 0.0
var sumHess = 0.0
for (i <- start until end) {
val insId = insIds(i)
sumGrad += gradients(insId * numClass + classId)
sumHess += hessians(insId * numClass + classId)
new BinaryGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
} else if (!param.fullHessian) {
// multi-label classification, use multi-label tree, assume hessian matrix is diagonal
val sumGrad = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
val sumHess = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
for (i <- start until end) {
val insId = insIds(i)
for (k <- 0 until numClass) {
sumGrad(k) += gradients(insId * numClass + k)
sumHess(k) += hessians(insId * numClass + k)
new MultiGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
} else {
// multi-label classification, use multi-label tree, represent hessian matrix as lower triangular matrix
val sumGrad = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass)
val sumHess = Array.ofDim[Double](numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2)
for (i <- start until end) {
val insId = insIds(i)
val gradOffset = insId * numClass
val hessOffset = insId * numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2
for (k <- 0 until numClass)
sumGrad(k) += gradients(gradOffset + k)
for (k <- 0 until numClass * (numClass + 1) / 2)
sumHess(k) += hessians(hessOffset + k)
new MultiGradPair(sumGrad, sumHess)
if (ConcurrentUtil.threadPool == null) {
sumGP(from, to)
} else {
ConcurrentUtil.rangeParallel(sumGP, from, to)
.reduceLeft((gp1, gp2) => { gp1.plusBy(gp2); gp1 })
private[gbdt] def updatePreds(nid: Int, nodeIndexer: NodeIndexer, update: Float, learningRate: Float): Unit = {
val update_ = update * learningRate
val nodeStart = nodeIndexer.getNodePosStart(nid)
val nodeEnd = nodeIndexer.getNodeActualPosEnd(nid)
val nodeToIns = nodeIndexer.nodeToIns
for (posId <- nodeStart until nodeEnd) {
val insId = nodeToIns(posId)
predictions(insId) += update_
private[gbdt] def updatePreds(nid: Int, nodeIndexer: NodeIndexer, update: Array[Float], learningRate: Float): Unit = {
val numClass = update.length
val update_ = * learningRate)
val nodeStart = nodeIndexer.getNodePosStart(nid)
val nodeEnd = nodeIndexer.getNodeActualPosEnd(nid)
val nodeToIns = nodeIndexer.nodeToIns
for (posId <- nodeStart until nodeEnd) {
val insId = nodeToIns(posId)
val offset = insId * numClass
for (k <- 0 until numClass)
predictions(offset + k) += update_(k)
private[gbdt] def updatePredsMultiTree(nid: Int, treeId: Int, numClass: Int, nodeIndexer: NodeIndexer,
update: Float, learningRate: Float): Unit = {
val update_ = update * learningRate
val nodeStart = nodeIndexer.getNodePosStart(nid)
val nodeEnd = nodeIndexer.getNodeActualPosEnd(nid)
val nodeToIns = nodeIndexer.nodeToIns
for (posId <- nodeStart until nodeEnd) {
val insId = nodeToIns(posId)
predictions(insId * numClass + treeId) += update_
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