org.apache.spark.linalg.distributed.BlockMatrix.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package org.apache.spark.linalg.distributed
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import breeze.linalg.{DenseMatrix => BDM, DenseVector => BDV, Matrix => BM, SparseVector => BSV, Vector => BV}
import org.apache.spark.{Partitioner, SparkException}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.Since
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.linalg._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
* A grid partitioner, which uses a regular grid to partition coordinates.
* @param rows Number of rows.
* @param cols Number of columns.
* @param rowsPerPart Number of rows per partition, which may be less at the bottom edge.
* @param colsPerPart Number of columns per partition, which may be less at the right edge.
class GridPartitioner(
val rows: Int,
val cols: Int,
val rowsPerPart: Int,
val colsPerPart: Int) extends Partitioner {
require(rows > 0)
require(cols > 0)
require(rowsPerPart > 0)
require(colsPerPart > 0)
private val rowPartitions = math.ceil(rows * 1.0 / rowsPerPart).toInt
private val colPartitions = math.ceil(cols * 1.0 / colsPerPart).toInt
override val numPartitions: Int = rowPartitions * colPartitions
* Returns the index of the partition the input coordinate belongs to.
* @param key The partition id i (calculated through this method for coordinate (i, j) in
* `simulateMultiply`, the coordinate (i, j) or a tuple (i, j, k), where k is
* the inner index used in multiplication. k is ignored in computing partitions.
* @return The index of the partition, which the coordinate belongs to.
override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = {
key match {
case i: Int => i
case (i: Int, j: Int) =>
getPartitionId(i, j)
case (i: Int, j: Int, _: Int) =>
getPartitionId(i, j)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unrecognized key: $key.")
/** Partitions sub-matrices as blocks with neighboring sub-matrices. */
private def getPartitionId(i: Int, j: Int): Int = {
require(0 <= i && i < rows, s"Row index $i out of range [0, $rows).")
require(0 <= j && j < cols, s"Column index $j out of range [0, $cols).")
i / rowsPerPart + j / colsPerPart * rowPartitions
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = {
obj match {
case r: GridPartitioner =>
(this.rows == r.rows) && (this.cols == r.cols) &&
(this.rowsPerPart == r.rowsPerPart) && (this.colsPerPart == r.colsPerPart)
case _ =>
override def hashCode: Int = {
rows: java.lang.Integer,
cols: java.lang.Integer,
rowsPerPart: java.lang.Integer,
colsPerPart: java.lang.Integer)
object GridPartitioner {
/** Creates a new [[GridPartitioner]] instance. */
def apply(rows: Int, cols: Int, rowsPerPart: Int, colsPerPart: Int): GridPartitioner = {
new GridPartitioner(rows, cols, rowsPerPart, colsPerPart)
/** Creates a new [[GridPartitioner]] instance with the input suggested number of partitions. */
def apply(rows: Int, cols: Int, suggestedNumPartitions: Int): GridPartitioner = {
require(suggestedNumPartitions > 0)
val scale = 1.0 / math.sqrt(suggestedNumPartitions)
val rowsPerPart = math.round(math.max(scale * rows, 1.0)).toInt
val colsPerPart = math.round(math.max(scale * cols, 1.0)).toInt
new GridPartitioner(rows, cols, rowsPerPart, colsPerPart)
* Represents a distributed matrix in blocks of local matrices.
* @param blocks The RDD of sub-matrix blocks ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), sub-matrix) that
* form this distributed matrix. If multiple blocks with the same index exist, the
* results for operations like add and multiply will be unpredictable.
* @param rowsPerBlock Number of rows that make up each block. The blocks forming the final
* rows are not required to have the given number of rows
* @param colsPerBlock Number of columns that make up each block. The blocks forming the final
* columns are not required to have the given number of columns
* @param nRows Number of rows of this matrix. If the supplied value is less than or equal to zero,
* the number of rows will be calculated when `numRows` is invoked.
* @param nCols Number of columns of this matrix. If the supplied value is less than or equal to
* zero, the number of columns will be calculated when `numCols` is invoked.
class BlockMatrix (
val blocks: RDD[((Int, Int), Matrix)],
val rowsPerBlock: Int,
val colsPerBlock: Int,
private var nRows: Long,
private var nCols: Long) extends DistributedMatrix with Logging {
private type MatrixBlock = ((Int, Int), Matrix) // ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), sub-matrix)
* Alternate constructor for BlockMatrix without the input of the number of rows and columns.
* @param blocks The RDD of sub-matrix blocks ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), sub-matrix) that
* form this distributed matrix. If multiple blocks with the same index exist, the
* results for operations like add and multiply will be unpredictable.
* @param rowsPerBlock Number of rows that make up each block. The blocks forming the final
* rows are not required to have the given number of rows
* @param colsPerBlock Number of columns that make up each block. The blocks forming the final
* columns are not required to have the given number of columns
def this(
blocks: RDD[((Int, Int), Matrix)],
rowsPerBlock: Int,
colsPerBlock: Int) = {
this(blocks, rowsPerBlock, colsPerBlock, 0L, 0L)
override def numRows(): Long = {
if (nRows <= 0L) estimateDim()
override def numCols(): Long = {
if (nCols <= 0L) estimateDim()
val numRowBlocks = math.ceil(numRows() * 1.0 / rowsPerBlock).toInt
val numColBlocks = math.ceil(numCols() * 1.0 / colsPerBlock).toInt
def createPartitioner(): GridPartitioner =
GridPartitioner(numRowBlocks, numColBlocks, suggestedNumPartitions = blocks.partitions.length)
private lazy val blockInfo = blocks.mapValues(block => (block.numRows, block.numCols)).cache()
/** Estimates the dimensions of the matrix. */
private def estimateDim(): Unit = {
val (rows, cols) = { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), (m, n)) =>
(blockRowIndex.toLong * rowsPerBlock + m,
blockColIndex.toLong * colsPerBlock + n)
}.reduce { (x0, x1) =>
(math.max(x0._1, x1._1), math.max(x0._2, x1._2))
if (nRows <= 0L) nRows = rows
assert(rows <= nRows, s"The number of rows $rows is more than claimed $nRows.")
if (nCols <= 0L) nCols = cols
assert(cols <= nCols, s"The number of columns $cols is more than claimed $nCols.")
* Validates the block matrix info against the matrix data (`blocks`) and throws an exception if
* any error is found.
def validate(): Unit = {
logDebug("Validating BlockMatrix...")
// check if the matrix is larger than the claimed dimensions
logDebug("BlockMatrix dimensions are okay...")
// Check if there are multiple MatrixBlocks with the same index.
blockInfo.countByKey().foreach { case (key, cnt) =>
if (cnt > 1) {
throw new SparkException(s"Found multiple MatrixBlocks with the indices $key. Please " +
"remove blocks with duplicate indices.")
logDebug("MatrixBlock indices are okay...")
// Check if each MatrixBlock (except edges) has the dimensions rowsPerBlock x colsPerBlock
// The first tuple is the index and the second tuple is the dimensions of the MatrixBlock
val dimensionMsg = s"dimensions different than rowsPerBlock: $rowsPerBlock, and " +
s"colsPerBlock: $colsPerBlock. Blocks on the right and bottom edges can have smaller " +
s"dimensions. You may use the repartition method to fix this issue."
blockInfo.foreach { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), (m, n)) =>
if ((blockRowIndex < numRowBlocks - 1 && m != rowsPerBlock) ||
(blockRowIndex == numRowBlocks - 1 && (m <= 0 || m > rowsPerBlock))) {
throw new SparkException(s"The MatrixBlock at ($blockRowIndex, $blockColIndex) has " +
if ((blockColIndex < numColBlocks - 1 && n != colsPerBlock) ||
(blockColIndex == numColBlocks - 1 && (n <= 0 || n > colsPerBlock))) {
throw new SparkException(s"The MatrixBlock at ($blockRowIndex, $blockColIndex) has " +
logDebug("MatrixBlock dimensions are okay...")
logDebug("BlockMatrix is valid!")
/** Caches the underlying RDD. */
def cache(): this.type = {
/** Persists the underlying RDD with the specified storage level. */
def persist(storageLevel: StorageLevel): this.type = {
/** Converts to CoordinateMatrix. */
def toCoordinateMatrix(): CoordinateMatrix = {
val entryRDD = blocks.flatMap { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), mat) =>
val rowStart = blockRowIndex.toLong * rowsPerBlock
val colStart = blockColIndex.toLong * colsPerBlock
val entryValues = new ArrayBuffer[MatrixEntry]()
mat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
if (v != 0.0) entryValues += new MatrixEntry(rowStart + i, colStart + j, v)
new CoordinateMatrix(entryRDD, numRows(), numCols())
/** Converts to IndexedRowMatrix. The number of columns must be within the integer range. */
def toIndexedRowMatrix(): IndexedRowMatrix = {
val cols = numCols().toInt
require(cols < Int.MaxValue, s"The number of columns should be less than Int.MaxValue ($cols).")
val rows = blocks.flatMap { case ((blockRowIdx, blockColIdx), mat) => {
case (vector, rowIdx) =>
blockRowIdx * rowsPerBlock + rowIdx -> ((blockColIdx, vector.asBreeze))
}.groupByKey().map { case (rowIdx, vectors) =>
val numberNonZeroPerRow = / cols.toDouble
val wholeVector = if (numberNonZeroPerRow <= 0.1) { // Sparse at 1/10th nnz
} else {
vectors.foreach { case (blockColIdx: Int, vec: BV[_]) =>
val offset = colsPerBlock * blockColIdx
wholeVector(offset until Math.min(cols, offset + colsPerBlock)) := vec
new IndexedRow(rowIdx, Vectors.fromBreeze(wholeVector))
new IndexedRowMatrix(rows)
* Collect the distributed matrix on the driver as a `DenseMatrix`.
def toLocalMatrix(): Matrix = {
require(numRows() < Int.MaxValue, "The number of rows of this matrix should be less than " +
s"Int.MaxValue. Currently numRows: ${numRows()}")
require(numCols() < Int.MaxValue, "The number of columns of this matrix should be less than " +
s"Int.MaxValue. Currently numCols: ${numCols()}")
require(numRows() * numCols() < Int.MaxValue, "The length of the values array must be " +
s"less than Int.MaxValue. Currently numRows * numCols: ${numRows() * numCols()}")
val m = numRows().toInt
val n = numCols().toInt
val mem = m * n / 125000
if (mem > 500) logWarning(s"Storing this matrix will require $mem MB of memory!")
val localBlocks = blocks.collect()
val values = new Array[Double](m * n)
localBlocks.foreach { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), submat) =>
val rowOffset = blockRowIndex * rowsPerBlock
val colOffset = blockColIndex * colsPerBlock
submat.foreachActive { (i, j, v) =>
val indexOffset = (j + colOffset) * m + rowOffset + i
values(indexOffset) = v
new DenseMatrix(m, n, values)
* Transpose this `BlockMatrix`. Returns a new `BlockMatrix` instance sharing the
* same underlying data. Is a lazy operation.
def transpose: BlockMatrix = {
val transposedBlocks = { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), mat) =>
((blockColIndex, blockRowIndex), mat.transpose)
new BlockMatrix(transposedBlocks, colsPerBlock, rowsPerBlock, nCols, nRows)
/** Collects data and assembles a local dense breeze matrix (for test only). */
def toBreeze(): BDM[Double] = {
val localMat = toLocalMatrix()
new BDM[Double](localMat.numRows, localMat.numCols, localMat.toArray)
* For given matrices `this` and `other` of compatible dimensions and compatible block dimensions,
* it applies a binary function on their corresponding blocks.
* @param other The second BlockMatrix argument for the operator specified by `binMap`
* @param binMap A function taking two breeze matrices and returning a breeze matrix
* @return A [[BlockMatrix]] whose blocks are the results of a specified binary map on blocks
* of `this` and `other`.
* Note: `blockMap` ONLY works for `add` and `subtract` methods and it does not support
* operators such as (a, b) => -a + b
* TODO: Make the use of zero matrices more storage efficient.
def blockMap(
other: BlockMatrix,
binMap: (BM[Double], BM[Double]) => BM[Double]): BlockMatrix = {
require(numRows() == other.numRows(), "Both matrices must have the same number of rows. " +
s"A.numRows: ${numRows()}, B.numRows: ${other.numRows()}")
require(numCols() == other.numCols(), "Both matrices must have the same number of columns. " +
s"A.numCols: ${numCols()}, B.numCols: ${other.numCols()}")
if (rowsPerBlock == other.rowsPerBlock && colsPerBlock == other.colsPerBlock) {
val newBlocks = blocks.cogroup(other.blocks, createPartitioner())
.map { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), (a, b)) =>
if (a.size > 1 || b.size > 1) {
throw new SparkException("There are multiple MatrixBlocks with indices: " +
s"($blockRowIndex, $blockColIndex). Please remove them.")
if (a.isEmpty) {
val zeroBlock = BM.zeros[Double](b.head.numRows, b.head.numCols)
val result = binMap(zeroBlock, b.head.asBreeze)
new MatrixBlock((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), Matrices.fromBreeze(result))
} else if (b.isEmpty) {
new MatrixBlock((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), a.head)
} else {
val result = binMap(a.head.asBreeze, b.head.asBreeze)
new MatrixBlock((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), Matrices.fromBreeze(result))
new BlockMatrix(newBlocks, rowsPerBlock, colsPerBlock, numRows(), numCols())
} else {
throw new SparkException("Cannot perform on matrices with different block dimensions")
* Adds the given block matrix `other` to `this` block matrix: `this + other`.
* The matrices must have the same size and matching `rowsPerBlock` and `colsPerBlock`
* values. If one of the blocks that are being added are instances of `SparseMatrix`,
* the resulting sub matrix will also be a `SparseMatrix`, even if it is being added
* to a `DenseMatrix`. If two dense matrices are added, the output will also be a
* `DenseMatrix`.
def add(other: BlockMatrix): BlockMatrix =
blockMap(other, (x: BM[Double], y: BM[Double]) => x + y)
* Subtracts the given block matrix `other` from `this` block matrix: `this - other`.
* The matrices must have the same size and matching `rowsPerBlock` and `colsPerBlock`
* values. If one of the blocks that are being subtracted are instances of `SparseMatrix`,
* the resulting sub matrix will also be a `SparseMatrix`, even if it is being subtracted
* from a `DenseMatrix`. If two dense matrices are subtracted, the output will also be a
* `DenseMatrix`.
def subtract(other: BlockMatrix): BlockMatrix =
blockMap(other, (x: BM[Double], y: BM[Double]) => x - y)
/** Block (i,j) --> Set of destination partitions */
private type BlockDestinations = Map[(Int, Int), Set[Int]]
* Simulate the multiplication with just block indices in order to cut costs on communication,
* when we are actually shuffling the matrices.
* The `colsPerBlock` of this matrix must equal the `rowsPerBlock` of `other`.
* Exposed for tests.
* @param other The BlockMatrix to multiply
* @param partitioner The partitioner that will be used for the resulting matrix `C = A * B`
* @return A tuple of [[BlockDestinations]]. The first element is the Map of the set of partitions
* that we need to shuffle each blocks of `this`, and the second element is the Map for
* `other`.
private[distributed] def simulateMultiply(
other: BlockMatrix,
partitioner: GridPartitioner,
midDimSplitNum: Int): (BlockDestinations, BlockDestinations) = {
val leftMatrix = blockInfo.keys.collect()
val rightMatrix = other.blockInfo.keys.collect()
val rightCounterpartsHelper = rightMatrix.groupBy(_._1).mapValues(
val leftDestinations = { case (rowIndex, colIndex) =>
val rightCounterparts = rightCounterpartsHelper.getOrElse(colIndex, Array.empty[Int])
val partitions = => partitioner.getPartition((rowIndex, b)))
val midDimSplitIndex = colIndex % midDimSplitNum
((rowIndex, colIndex), Int) => pid * midDimSplitNum + midDimSplitIndex))
val leftCounterpartsHelper = leftMatrix.groupBy(_._2).mapValues(
val rightDestinations = { case (rowIndex, colIndex) =>
val leftCounterparts = leftCounterpartsHelper.getOrElse(rowIndex, Array.empty[Int])
val partitions = => partitioner.getPartition((b, colIndex)))
val midDimSplitIndex = rowIndex % midDimSplitNum
((rowIndex, colIndex), Int) => pid * midDimSplitNum + midDimSplitIndex))
(leftDestinations, rightDestinations)
* Left multiplies this [[BlockMatrix]] to `other`, another [[BlockMatrix]]. The `colsPerBlock`
* of this matrix must equal the `rowsPerBlock` of `other`. If `other` contains
* `SparseMatrix`, they will have to be converted to a `DenseMatrix`. The output
* [[BlockMatrix]] will only consist of blocks of `DenseMatrix`. This may cause
* some performance issues until support for multiplying two sparse matrices is added.
* @note The behavior of multiply has changed in 1.6.0. `multiply` used to throw an error when
* there were blocks with duplicate indices. Now, the blocks with duplicate indices will be added
* with each other.
def multiply(other: BlockMatrix): BlockMatrix = {
multiply(other, 1)
* Left multiplies this [[BlockMatrix]] to `other`, another [[BlockMatrix]]. The `colsPerBlock`
* of this matrix must equal the `rowsPerBlock` of `other`. If `other` contains
* `SparseMatrix`, they will have to be converted to a `DenseMatrix`. The output
* [[BlockMatrix]] will only consist of blocks of `DenseMatrix`. This may cause
* some performance issues until support for multiplying two sparse matrices is added.
* Blocks with duplicate indices will be added with each other.
* @param other Matrix `B` in `A * B = C`
* @param numMidDimSplits Number of splits to cut on the middle dimension when doing
* multiplication. For example, when multiplying a Matrix `A` of
* size `m x n` with Matrix `B` of size `n x k`, this parameter
* configures the parallelism to use when grouping the matrices. The
* parallelism will increase from `m x k` to `m x k x numMidDimSplits`,
* which in some cases also reduces total shuffled data.
def multiply(
other: BlockMatrix,
numMidDimSplits: Int): BlockMatrix = {
require(numCols() == other.numRows(), "The number of columns of A and the number of rows " +
s"of B must be equal. A.numCols: ${numCols()}, B.numRows: ${other.numRows()}. If you " +
"think they should be equal, try setting the dimensions of A and B explicitly while " +
"initializing them.")
require(numMidDimSplits > 0, "numMidDimSplits should be a positive integer.")
if (colsPerBlock == other.rowsPerBlock) {
val resultPartitioner = GridPartitioner(numRowBlocks, other.numColBlocks,
math.max(blocks.partitions.length, other.blocks.partitions.length))
val (leftDestinations, rightDestinations)
= simulateMultiply(other, resultPartitioner, numMidDimSplits)
// Each block of A must be multiplied with the corresponding blocks in the columns of B.
val flatA = blocks.flatMap { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), block) =>
val destinations = leftDestinations.getOrElse((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), Set.empty) => (j, (blockRowIndex, blockColIndex, block)))
// Each block of B must be multiplied with the corresponding blocks in each row of A.
val flatB = other.blocks.flatMap { case ((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), block) =>
val destinations = rightDestinations.getOrElse((blockRowIndex, blockColIndex), Set.empty) => (j, (blockRowIndex, blockColIndex, block)))
val intermediatePartitioner = new Partitioner {
override def numPartitions: Int = resultPartitioner.numPartitions * numMidDimSplits
override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = key.asInstanceOf[Int]
val newBlocks = flatA.cogroup(flatB, intermediatePartitioner).flatMap { case (pId, (a, b)) =>
a.flatMap { case (leftRowIndex, leftColIndex, leftBlock) =>
b.filter(_._1 == leftColIndex).map { case (rightRowIndex, rightColIndex, rightBlock) =>
val C = rightBlock match {
case dense: DenseMatrix => leftBlock.multiply(dense)
case sparse: SparseMatrix => leftBlock.multiply(sparse.toDense)
case _ =>
throw new SparkException(s"Unrecognized matrix type ${rightBlock.getClass}.")
((leftRowIndex, rightColIndex), C.asBreeze)
}.reduceByKey(resultPartitioner, (a, b) => a + b).mapValues(Matrices.fromBreeze)
// TODO: Try to use aggregateByKey instead of reduceByKey to get rid of intermediate matrices
new BlockMatrix(newBlocks, rowsPerBlock, other.colsPerBlock, numRows(), other.numCols())
} else {
throw new SparkException("colsPerBlock of A doesn't match rowsPerBlock of B. " +
s"A.colsPerBlock: $colsPerBlock, B.rowsPerBlock: ${other.rowsPerBlock}")
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