jvmMain.okio.internal.ResourceFileSystem.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2021 Square, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package okio.internal
import okio.FileHandle
import okio.FileMetadata
import okio.FileNotFoundException
import okio.FileSystem
import okio.Path
import okio.Path.Companion.toOkioPath
import okio.Path.Companion.toPath
import okio.Sink
import okio.Source
import java.io.File
import java.io.IOException
import java.net.URI
import java.net.URL
* A file system exposing Java classpath resources. It is equivalent to the files returned by
* [ClassLoader.getResource] but supports extra features like [metadataOrNull] and [list].
* If `.jar` files overlap, this returns an arbitrary element. For overlapping directories it unions
* their contents.
* ResourceFileSystem excludes `.class` files.
* This file system is read-only.
internal class ResourceFileSystem internal constructor(
classLoader: ClassLoader,
indexEagerly: Boolean,
) : FileSystem() {
private val roots: List> by lazy { classLoader.toClasspathRoots() }
init {
if (indexEagerly) {
override fun canonicalize(path: Path): Path {
// TODO(jwilson): throw FileNotFoundException if the canonical file doesn't exist.
return canonicalizeInternal(path)
/** Don't throw [FileNotFoundException] if the path doesn't identify a file. */
private fun canonicalizeInternal(path: Path): Path {
return ROOT.resolve(path, normalize = true)
override fun list(dir: Path): List {
val relativePath = dir.toRelativePath()
val result = mutableSetOf()
var foundAny = false
for ((fileSystem, base) in roots) {
try {
result += fileSystem.list(base / relativePath)
.filter { keepPath(it) }
.map { it.removeBase(base) }
foundAny = true
} catch (_: IOException) {
if (!foundAny) throw FileNotFoundException("file not found: $dir")
return result.toList()
override fun listOrNull(dir: Path): List? {
val relativePath = dir.toRelativePath()
val result = mutableSetOf()
var foundAny = false
for ((fileSystem, base) in roots) {
val baseResult = fileSystem.listOrNull(base / relativePath)
?.filter { keepPath(it) }
?.map { it.removeBase(base) }
if (baseResult != null) {
result += baseResult
foundAny = true
return if (foundAny) result.toList() else null
override fun openReadOnly(file: Path): FileHandle {
if (!keepPath(file)) throw FileNotFoundException("file not found: $file")
val relativePath = file.toRelativePath()
for ((fileSystem, base) in roots) {
try {
return fileSystem.openReadOnly(base / relativePath)
} catch (_: FileNotFoundException) {
throw FileNotFoundException("file not found: $file")
override fun openReadWrite(file: Path, mustCreate: Boolean, mustExist: Boolean): FileHandle {
throw IOException("resources are not writable")
override fun metadataOrNull(path: Path): FileMetadata? {
if (!keepPath(path)) return null
val relativePath = path.toRelativePath()
for ((fileSystem, base) in roots) {
return fileSystem.metadataOrNull(base / relativePath) ?: continue
return null
override fun source(file: Path): Source {
if (!keepPath(file)) throw FileNotFoundException("file not found: $file")
val relativePath = file.toRelativePath()
for ((fileSystem, base) in roots) {
try {
return fileSystem.source(base / relativePath)
} catch (_: FileNotFoundException) {
throw FileNotFoundException("file not found: $file")
override fun sink(file: Path, mustCreate: Boolean): Sink {
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
override fun appendingSink(file: Path, mustExist: Boolean): Sink {
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
override fun createDirectory(dir: Path, mustCreate: Boolean): Unit =
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
override fun atomicMove(source: Path, target: Path): Unit =
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
override fun delete(path: Path, mustExist: Boolean): Unit =
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
override fun createSymlink(source: Path, target: Path): Unit =
throw IOException("$this is read-only")
private fun Path.toRelativePath(): String {
val canonicalThis = canonicalizeInternal(this)
return canonicalThis.relativeTo(ROOT).toString()
private companion object {
val ROOT = "/".toPath()
fun Path.removeBase(base: Path): Path {
val prefix = base.toString()
return ROOT / (toString().removePrefix(prefix).replace('\\', '/'))
* Returns a search path of classpath roots. Each element contains a file system to use, and
* the base directory of that file system to search from.
fun ClassLoader.toClasspathRoots(): List> {
// We'd like to build this upon an API like ClassLoader.getURLs() but unfortunately that
// API exists only on URLClassLoader (and that isn't the default class loader implementation).
// The closest we have is `ClassLoader.getResources("")`. It returns all classpath roots that
// are directories but none that are .jar files. To mitigate that we also search for all
// `META-INF/MANIFEST.MF` files, hastily assuming that every .jar file will have such an
// entry.
// Classpath entries that aren't directories and don't have a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file will
// not be visible in this file system.
return getResources("").toList().mapNotNull { it.toFileRoot() } +
getResources("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF").toList().mapNotNull { it.toJarRoot() }
fun URL.toFileRoot(): Pair? {
if (protocol != "file") return null // Ignore unexpected URLs.
return SYSTEM to File(toURI()).toOkioPath()
fun URL.toJarRoot(): Pair? {
val urlString = toString()
if (!urlString.startsWith("jar:file:")) return null // Ignore unexpected URLs.
// Given a URL like `jar:file:/tmp/foo.jar!/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF`, get the path to the archive
// file, like `/tmp/foo.jar`.
val suffixStart = urlString.lastIndexOf("!")
if (suffixStart == -1) return null
val path = File(URI.create(urlString.substring("jar:".length, suffixStart))).toOkioPath()
val zip = openZip(
zipPath = path,
fileSystem = SYSTEM,
predicate = { entry -> keepPath(entry.canonicalPath) }
return zip to ROOT
private fun keepPath(path: Path) = !path.name.endsWith(".class", ignoreCase = true)
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