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kotlin.reflect.TypesJVM.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright 2010-2019 JetBrains s.r.o. and Kotlin Programming Language contributors.
 * Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the license/LICENSE.txt file.

package kotlin.reflect

import java.lang.reflect.*
import kotlin.internal.LowPriorityInOverloadResolution
import kotlin.jvm.internal.KTypeBase

 * Returns a Java [Type] instance corresponding to the given Kotlin type.
 * This function is experimental because not all the features are supported yet, and behavior might change in corner cases.
 * In particular, the following is not supported correctly or at all:
 * - declaration-site variance
 * - variance of types annotated with [JvmSuppressWildcards]
 * - obtaining the containing declaration of a type parameter ([TypeVariable.getGenericDeclaration])
 * - annotations of type parameters and their bounds ([TypeVariable.getAnnotation], [TypeVariable.getAnnotations],
 *   [TypeVariable.getDeclaredAnnotations], [TypeVariable.getAnnotatedBounds])
@LowPriorityInOverloadResolution // To make non-experimental kotlin.reflect.full.javaType always win in overload resolution
public val KType.javaType: Type
    get() {
        if (this is KTypeBase) {
            // Use kotlin-reflect implementation for types which are position-dependent, e.g. "Unit" in a callable's return type.
            javaType?.let { return it }

        return computeJavaType()

private fun KType.computeJavaType(forceWrapper: Boolean = false): Type {
    when (val classifier = classifier) {
        is KTypeParameter -> return TypeVariableImpl(classifier)
        is KClass<*> -> {
            val jClass = if (forceWrapper) classifier.javaObjectType else
            val arguments = arguments
            if (arguments.isEmpty()) return jClass

            if (jClass.isArray) {
                if (jClass.componentType.isPrimitive) return jClass

                val (variance, elementType) = arguments.singleOrNull()
                    ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("kotlin.Array must have exactly one type argument: $this")
                return when (variance) {
                    // Array is always erased to Object[], and Array<*> is Object[].
                    null, KVariance.IN -> jClass
                    KVariance.INVARIANT, KVariance.OUT -> {
                        val javaElementType = elementType!!.computeJavaType()
                        if (javaElementType is Class<*>) jClass else GenericArrayTypeImpl(javaElementType)

            return createPossiblyInnerType(jClass, arguments)
        else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type classifier: $this")

private fun createPossiblyInnerType(jClass: Class<*>, arguments: List): Type {
    val ownerClass = jClass.declaringClass
        ?: return ParameterizedTypeImpl(jClass, null,
    if (Modifier.isStatic(jClass.modifiers))
        return ParameterizedTypeImpl(jClass, ownerClass,

    val n = jClass.typeParameters.size
    return ParameterizedTypeImpl(
        createPossiblyInnerType(ownerClass, arguments.subList(n, arguments.size)),
        arguments.subList(0, n).map(KTypeProjection::javaType)

private val KTypeProjection.javaType: Type
    get() {
        val variance = variance ?: return WildcardTypeImpl.STAR
        val type = type!!
        // TODO: JvmSuppressWildcards
        return when (variance) {
            KVariance.INVARIANT -> {
                // TODO: declaration-site variance
                type.computeJavaType(forceWrapper = true)
            KVariance.IN -> WildcardTypeImpl(null, type.computeJavaType(forceWrapper = true))
            KVariance.OUT -> WildcardTypeImpl(type.computeJavaType(forceWrapper = true), null)

private interface TypeImpl : Type {
    // This is a copy of [Type.getTypeName] which is present on JDK 8+.
    ) // This is needed for cases when environment variable JDK_16 points to JDK 8+.
    fun getTypeName(): String

// Suppression of the error is needed for `AnnotatedType[] getAnnotatedBounds()` which is impossible to implement on JDK 6
// because `AnnotatedType` has only appeared in JDK 8.
private class TypeVariableImpl(private val typeParameter: KTypeParameter) : TypeVariable, TypeImpl {
    override fun getName(): String =

    override fun getGenericDeclaration(): GenericDeclaration =
        TODO("getGenericDeclaration() is not yet supported for type variables created from KType: $typeParameter")

    override fun getBounds(): Array = { it.computeJavaType(forceWrapper = true) }.toTypedArray()

    override fun getTypeName(): String = name

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
        other is TypeVariable<*> && name == && genericDeclaration == other.genericDeclaration

    override fun hashCode(): Int =
        name.hashCode() xor genericDeclaration.hashCode()

    override fun toString(): String = getTypeName()

    // [TypeVariable] extends [AnnotatedElement] starting from JDK 8. The following are copies of methods from there.
    // Suppression of VIRTUAL_MEMBER_HIDDEN is needed for cases when environment variable JDK_16 points to JDK 8+.
    fun  getAnnotation(annotationClass: Class): T? = null

    fun getAnnotations(): Array = emptyArray()

    fun getDeclaredAnnotations(): Array = emptyArray()

    fun getAnnotatedBounds(): Array = emptyArray()

private class GenericArrayTypeImpl(private val elementType: Type) : GenericArrayType, TypeImpl {
    override fun getGenericComponentType(): Type = elementType

    override fun getTypeName(): String = "${typeToString(elementType)}[]"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is GenericArrayType && genericComponentType == other.genericComponentType

    override fun hashCode(): Int = genericComponentType.hashCode()

    override fun toString(): String = getTypeName()

private class WildcardTypeImpl(private val upperBound: Type?, private val lowerBound: Type?) : WildcardType, TypeImpl {
    override fun getUpperBounds(): Array =
        arrayOf(upperBound ?:

    override fun getLowerBounds(): Array =
        if (lowerBound == null) emptyArray() else arrayOf(lowerBound)

    override fun getTypeName(): String = when {
        lowerBound != null -> "? super ${typeToString(lowerBound)}"
        upperBound != null && upperBound != -> "? extends ${typeToString(upperBound)}"
        else -> "?"

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
        other is WildcardType && upperBounds.contentEquals(other.upperBounds) && lowerBounds.contentEquals(other.lowerBounds)

    override fun hashCode(): Int =
        upperBounds.contentHashCode() xor lowerBounds.contentHashCode()

    override fun toString(): String = getTypeName()

    companion object {
        val STAR = WildcardTypeImpl(null, null)

private class ParameterizedTypeImpl(
    private val rawType: Class<*>,
    private val ownerType: Type?,
    typeArguments: List
) : ParameterizedType, TypeImpl {
    private val typeArguments = typeArguments.toTypedArray()

    override fun getRawType(): Type = rawType

    override fun getOwnerType(): Type? = ownerType

    override fun getActualTypeArguments(): Array = typeArguments

    override fun getTypeName(): String = buildString {
        if (ownerType != null) {
        } else {

        if (typeArguments.isNotEmpty()) {
            typeArguments.joinTo(this, prefix = "<", postfix = ">", transform = ::typeToString)

    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
        other is ParameterizedType && rawType == other.rawType && ownerType == other.ownerType &&

    override fun hashCode(): Int =
        rawType.hashCode() xor ownerType.hashCode() xor actualTypeArguments.contentHashCode()

    override fun toString(): String = getTypeName()

// TODO: use getTypeName instead of this, when this code is migrated to JDK 8.
private fun typeToString(type: Type): String =
    if (type is Class<*>) {
        if (type.isArray) {
            val unwrap = generateSequence(type, Class<*>::getComponentType)
            unwrap.last().name + "[]".repeat(unwrap.count())
        } else
    } else type.toString()

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