shade.polaris.io.grpc.util.OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2022 The gRPC Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package io.grpc.util;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.ForwardingMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import io.grpc.Attributes;
import io.grpc.ChannelLogger;
import io.grpc.ChannelLogger.ChannelLogLevel;
import io.grpc.ClientStreamTracer;
import io.grpc.ClientStreamTracer.StreamInfo;
import io.grpc.ConnectivityState;
import io.grpc.ConnectivityStateInfo;
import io.grpc.EquivalentAddressGroup;
import io.grpc.Internal;
import io.grpc.LoadBalancer;
import io.grpc.Metadata;
import io.grpc.Status;
import io.grpc.SynchronizationContext;
import io.grpc.SynchronizationContext.ScheduledHandle;
import io.grpc.internal.ServiceConfigUtil.PolicySelection;
import io.grpc.internal.TimeProvider;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Wraps a child {@code LoadBalancer} while monitoring for outlier backends and removing them from
* the use of the child LB.
* This implements the outlier detection gRFC:
* https://github.com/grpc/proposal/blob/master/A50-xds-outlier-detection.md
The implementation maintains two maps. Each endpoint status is tracked using an
* EndpointTracker. E.g. for two endpoints with these address list and their tracker:
* Endpoint e1 : [a1, a2] is tracked with EndpointTracker t1
* Endpoint e2 : [a3] is tracked with EndpointTracker t2
* The two maps are:
* First, addressMap maps from socket address -> endpoint tracker : [a1 -> t1, a2 -> t1, a3 -> t2]
* EndpointTracker has reference to all the subchannels of the corresponding endpoint.
* Second, trackerMap maps from unordered address set -> endpoint tracker.
* Updated upon address updates.
public final class OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer extends LoadBalancer {
final EndpointTrackerMap endpointTrackerMap;
final Map addressMap = new HashMap<>();
private final SynchronizationContext syncContext;
private final Helper childHelper;
private final GracefulSwitchLoadBalancer switchLb;
private TimeProvider timeProvider;
private final ScheduledExecutorService timeService;
private ScheduledHandle detectionTimerHandle;
private Long detectionTimerStartNanos;
private final ChannelLogger logger;
private static final Attributes.Key ENDPOINT_TRACKER_KEY
= Attributes.Key.create("endpointTrackerKey");
* Creates a new instance of {@link OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer}.
public OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer(Helper helper, TimeProvider timeProvider) {
logger = helper.getChannelLogger();
childHelper = new ChildHelper(checkNotNull(helper, "helper"));
switchLb = new GracefulSwitchLoadBalancer(childHelper);
endpointTrackerMap = new EndpointTrackerMap();
this.syncContext = checkNotNull(helper.getSynchronizationContext(), "syncContext");
this.timeService = checkNotNull(helper.getScheduledExecutorService(), "timeService");
this.timeProvider = timeProvider;
logger.log(ChannelLogLevel.DEBUG, "OutlierDetection lb created.");
public Status acceptResolvedAddresses(ResolvedAddresses resolvedAddresses) {
logger.log(ChannelLogLevel.DEBUG, "Received resolution result: {0}", resolvedAddresses);
OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config
= (OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig) resolvedAddresses.getLoadBalancingPolicyConfig();
// The map should only retain entries for endpoints in this latest update.
Set> endpoints = new HashSet<>();
Map> addressEndpointMap = new HashMap<>();
for (EquivalentAddressGroup addressGroup : resolvedAddresses.getAddresses()) {
Set endpoint = ImmutableSet.copyOf(addressGroup.getAddresses());
for (SocketAddress address : addressGroup.getAddresses()) {
if (addressEndpointMap.containsKey(address)) {
"Unexpected duplicated address {0} belongs to multiple endpoints", address);
addressEndpointMap.put(address, endpoint);
// Add any new ones.
endpointTrackerMap.putNewTrackers(config, endpoints);
// Update address -> tracker map.
for (Map.Entry> e : addressEndpointMap.entrySet()) {
addressMap.put(e.getKey(), endpointTrackerMap.get(e.getValue()));
// If outlier detection is actually configured, start a timer that will periodically try to
// detect outliers.
if (config.outlierDetectionEnabled()) {
Long initialDelayNanos;
if (detectionTimerStartNanos == null) {
// On the first go we use the configured interval.
initialDelayNanos = config.intervalNanos;
} else {
// If a timer has started earlier we cancel it and use the difference between the start
// time and now as the interval.
initialDelayNanos = Math.max(0L,
config.intervalNanos - (timeProvider.currentTimeNanos() - detectionTimerStartNanos));
// If a timer has been previously created we need to cancel it and reset all the call counters
// for a fresh start.
if (detectionTimerHandle != null) {
detectionTimerHandle = syncContext.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new DetectionTimer(config, logger),
initialDelayNanos, config.intervalNanos, NANOSECONDS, timeService);
} else if (detectionTimerHandle != null) {
// Outlier detection is not configured, but we have a lingering timer. Let's cancel it and
// uneject any addresses we may have ejected.
detectionTimerStartNanos = null;
return Status.OK;
public void handleNameResolutionError(Status error) {
public void shutdown() {
* This timer will be invoked periodically, according to configuration, and it will look for any
* outlier subchannels.
class DetectionTimer implements Runnable {
OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config;
ChannelLogger logger;
DetectionTimer(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config, ChannelLogger logger) {
this.config = config;
this.logger = logger;
public void run() {
detectionTimerStartNanos = timeProvider.currentTimeNanos();
for (OutlierEjectionAlgorithm algo : OutlierEjectionAlgorithm.forConfig(config, logger)) {
algo.ejectOutliers(endpointTrackerMap, detectionTimerStartNanos);
* This child helper wraps the provided helper so that it can hand out wrapped {@link
* OutlierDetectionSubchannel}s and manage the address info map.
class ChildHelper extends ForwardingLoadBalancerHelper {
private Helper delegate;
ChildHelper(Helper delegate) {
this.delegate = new HealthProducerHelper(delegate);
protected Helper delegate() {
return delegate;
public Subchannel createSubchannel(CreateSubchannelArgs args) {
// Subchannels are wrapped so that we can monitor call results and to trigger failures when
// we decide to eject the subchannel.
OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel = new OutlierDetectionSubchannel(args, delegate);
// If the subchannel is associated with a single address that is also already in the map
// the subchannel will be added to the map and be included in outlier detection.
List addressGroups = args.getAddresses();
if (hasSingleAddress(addressGroups)
&& addressMap.containsKey(addressGroups.get(0).getAddresses().get(0))) {
EndpointTracker tracker = addressMap.get(addressGroups.get(0).getAddresses().get(0));
// If this address has already been ejected, we need to immediately eject this Subchannel.
if (tracker.ejectionTimeNanos != null) {
return subchannel;
public void updateBalancingState(ConnectivityState newState, SubchannelPicker newPicker) {
delegate.updateBalancingState(newState, new OutlierDetectionPicker(newPicker));
class OutlierDetectionSubchannel extends ForwardingSubchannel {
private final Subchannel delegate;
private EndpointTracker endpointTracker;
private boolean ejected;
private ConnectivityStateInfo lastSubchannelState;
// In the new pick first: created at construction, delegates to health consumer listener;
// In th old pick first: created at subchannel.start(), delegates to subchannel state listener.
private SubchannelStateListener subchannelStateListener;
private final ChannelLogger logger;
OutlierDetectionSubchannel(CreateSubchannelArgs args, Helper helper) {
LoadBalancer.SubchannelStateListener healthConsumerListener =
if (healthConsumerListener != null) {
this.subchannelStateListener = healthConsumerListener;
SubchannelStateListener upstreamListener =
new OutlierDetectionSubchannelStateListener(healthConsumerListener);
this.delegate = helper.createSubchannel(args.toBuilder()
.addOption(HEALTH_CONSUMER_LISTENER_ARG_KEY, upstreamListener).build());
} else {
this.delegate = helper.createSubchannel(args);
this.logger = delegate.getChannelLogger();
public void start(SubchannelStateListener listener) {
if (subchannelStateListener != null) {
} else {
subchannelStateListener = listener;
super.start(new OutlierDetectionSubchannelStateListener(listener));
public void shutdown() {
if (endpointTracker != null) {
public Attributes getAttributes() {
if (endpointTracker != null) {
return delegate.getAttributes().toBuilder().set(ENDPOINT_TRACKER_KEY, endpointTracker)
} else {
return delegate.getAttributes();
public void updateAddresses(List addressGroups) {
// Outlier detection only supports subchannels with a single address, but the list of
// addressGroups associated with a subchannel can change at any time, so we need to react to
// changes in the address list plurality.
// No change in address plurality, we replace the single one with a new one.
if (hasSingleAddress(getAllAddresses()) && hasSingleAddress(addressGroups)) {
// Remove the current subchannel from the old address it is associated with in the map.
if (endpointTrackerMap.containsValue(endpointTracker)) {
// If the map has an entry for the new address, we associate this subchannel with it.
SocketAddress address = addressGroups.get(0).getAddresses().get(0);
if (addressMap.containsKey(address)) {
} else if (hasSingleAddress(getAllAddresses()) && !hasSingleAddress(addressGroups)) {
// We go from a single address to having multiple, making this subchannel uneligible for
// outlier detection. Remove it from all trackers and reset the call counters of all the
// associated trackers.
// Remove the current subchannel from the old address it is associated with in the map.
if (addressMap.containsKey(getAddresses().getAddresses().get(0))) {
EndpointTracker tracker = addressMap.get(getAddresses().getAddresses().get(0));
} else if (!hasSingleAddress(getAllAddresses()) && hasSingleAddress(addressGroups)) {
// We go from, previously uneligble, multiple address mode to a single address. If the map
// has an entry for the new address, we associate this subchannel with it.
SocketAddress address = addressGroups.get(0).getAddresses().get(0);
if (addressMap.containsKey(address)) {
EndpointTracker tracker = addressMap.get(address);
// We could also have multiple addressGroups and get an update for multiple new ones. This is
// a no-op as we will just continue to ignore multiple address subchannels.
* If the {@link Subchannel} is considered for outlier detection the associated {@link
* EndpointTracker} should be set.
void setEndpointTracker(EndpointTracker endpointTracker) {
this.endpointTracker = endpointTracker;
void clearEndpointTracker() {
this.endpointTracker = null;
void eject() {
ejected = true;
"The subchannel has been ejected by outlier detection")));
logger.log(ChannelLogLevel.INFO, "Subchannel ejected: {0}", this);
void uneject() {
ejected = false;
if (lastSubchannelState != null) {
logger.log(ChannelLogLevel.INFO, "Subchannel unejected: {0}", this);
boolean isEjected() {
return ejected;
protected Subchannel delegate() {
return delegate;
* Wraps the actual listener so that state changes from the actual one can be intercepted.
class OutlierDetectionSubchannelStateListener implements SubchannelStateListener {
private final SubchannelStateListener delegate;
OutlierDetectionSubchannelStateListener(SubchannelStateListener delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public void onSubchannelState(ConnectivityStateInfo newState) {
lastSubchannelState = newState;
if (!ejected) {
public String toString() {
return "OutlierDetectionSubchannel{"
+ "addresses=" + delegate.getAllAddresses()
+ '}';
* This picker delegates the actual picking logic to a wrapped delegate, but associates a {@link
* ClientStreamTracer} with each pick to track the results of each subchannel stream.
class OutlierDetectionPicker extends SubchannelPicker {
private final SubchannelPicker delegate;
OutlierDetectionPicker(SubchannelPicker delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
public PickResult pickSubchannel(PickSubchannelArgs args) {
PickResult pickResult = delegate.pickSubchannel(args);
Subchannel subchannel = pickResult.getSubchannel();
if (subchannel != null) {
return PickResult.withSubchannel(subchannel, new ResultCountingClientStreamTracerFactory(
return pickResult;
* Builds instances of a {@link ClientStreamTracer} that increments the call count in the
* tracker for each closed stream.
class ResultCountingClientStreamTracerFactory extends ClientStreamTracer.Factory {
private final EndpointTracker tracker;
private final ClientStreamTracer.Factory delegateFactory;
ResultCountingClientStreamTracerFactory(EndpointTracker tracker,
@Nullable ClientStreamTracer.Factory delegateFactory) {
this.tracker = tracker;
this.delegateFactory = delegateFactory;
public ClientStreamTracer newClientStreamTracer(StreamInfo info, Metadata headers) {
if (delegateFactory != null) {
ClientStreamTracer delegateTracer = delegateFactory.newClientStreamTracer(info, headers);
return new ForwardingClientStreamTracer() {
protected ClientStreamTracer delegate() {
return delegateTracer;
public void streamClosed(Status status) {
} else {
return new ClientStreamTracer() {
public void streamClosed(Status status) {
* Tracks additional information about the endpoint needed for outlier detection.
static class EndpointTracker {
private OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config;
// Marked as volatile to assure that when the inactive counter is swapped in as the new active
// one, all threads see the change and don't hold on to a reference to the now inactive counter.
private volatile CallCounter activeCallCounter = new CallCounter();
private CallCounter inactiveCallCounter = new CallCounter();
private Long ejectionTimeNanos;
private int ejectionTimeMultiplier;
private final Set subchannels = new HashSet<>();
EndpointTracker(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config) {
this.config = config;
void setConfig(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config) {
this.config = config;
* Adds a subchannel to the tracker, while assuring that the subchannel ejection status is
* updated to match the tracker's if needed.
boolean addSubchannel(OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel) {
// Make sure that the subchannel is in the same ejection state as the new tracker it is
// associated with.
if (subchannelsEjected() && !subchannel.isEjected()) {
} else if (!subchannelsEjected() && subchannel.isEjected()) {
return subchannels.add(subchannel);
boolean removeSubchannel(OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel) {
return subchannels.remove(subchannel);
boolean containsSubchannel(OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel) {
return subchannels.contains(subchannel);
Set getSubchannels() {
return ImmutableSet.copyOf(subchannels);
void incrementCallCount(boolean success) {
// If neither algorithm is configured, no point in incrementing counters.
if (config.successRateEjection == null && config.failurePercentageEjection == null) {
if (success) {
} else {
long activeVolume() {
return activeCallCounter.successCount.get() + activeCallCounter.failureCount.get();
long inactiveVolume() {
return inactiveCallCounter.successCount.get() + inactiveCallCounter.failureCount.get();
double successRate() {
return ((double) inactiveCallCounter.successCount.get()) / inactiveVolume();
double failureRate() {
return ((double)inactiveCallCounter.failureCount.get()) / inactiveVolume();
void resetCallCounters() {
void decrementEjectionTimeMultiplier() {
// The multiplier should not go negative.
ejectionTimeMultiplier = ejectionTimeMultiplier == 0 ? 0 : ejectionTimeMultiplier - 1;
void resetEjectionTimeMultiplier() {
ejectionTimeMultiplier = 0;
* Swaps the active and inactive counters.
* Note that this method is not thread safe as the swap is not done atomically. This is
* expected to only be called from the timer that is scheduled at a fixed delay, assuring that
* only one timer is active at a time.
void swapCounters() {
CallCounter tempCounter = activeCallCounter;
activeCallCounter = inactiveCallCounter;
inactiveCallCounter = tempCounter;
void ejectSubchannels(long ejectionTimeNanos) {
this.ejectionTimeNanos = ejectionTimeNanos;
for (OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel : subchannels) {
* Uneject a currently ejected address.
void unejectSubchannels() {
checkState(ejectionTimeNanos != null, "not currently ejected");
ejectionTimeNanos = null;
for (OutlierDetectionSubchannel subchannel : subchannels) {
boolean subchannelsEjected() {
return ejectionTimeNanos != null;
public boolean maxEjectionTimeElapsed(long currentTimeNanos) {
// The instant in time beyond which the address should no longer be ejected. Also making sure
// we honor any maximum ejection time setting.
long maxEjectionDurationSecs
= Math.max(config.baseEjectionTimeNanos, config.maxEjectionTimeNanos);
long maxEjectionTimeNanos =
ejectionTimeNanos + Math.min(
config.baseEjectionTimeNanos * ejectionTimeMultiplier,
return currentTimeNanos > maxEjectionTimeNanos;
/** Tracks both successful and failed call counts. */
private static class CallCounter {
AtomicLong successCount = new AtomicLong();
AtomicLong failureCount = new AtomicLong();
void reset() {
public String toString() {
return "EndpointTracker{"
+ "subchannels=" + subchannels
+ '}';
* Maintains a mapping from endpoint (a set of addresses) to their trackers.
static class EndpointTrackerMap extends ForwardingMap, EndpointTracker> {
private final Map, EndpointTracker> trackerMap;
EndpointTrackerMap() {
trackerMap = new HashMap<>();
protected Map, EndpointTracker> delegate() {
return trackerMap;
void updateTrackerConfigs(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config) {
for (EndpointTracker tracker: trackerMap.values()) {
/** Adds a new tracker for every given address. */
void putNewTrackers(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config,
Set> endpoints) {
endpoints.forEach(e -> trackerMap.putIfAbsent(e, new EndpointTracker(config)));
/** Resets the call counters for all the trackers in the map. */
void resetCallCounters() {
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
* When OD gets disabled we need to uneject any subchannels that may have been ejected and
* to reset the ejection time multiplier.
void cancelTracking() {
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
if (tracker.subchannelsEjected()) {
/** Swaps the active and inactive counters for each tracker. */
void swapCounters() {
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
* At the end of a timer run we need to decrement the ejection time multiplier for trackers
* that don't have ejected subchannels and uneject ones that have spent the maximum ejection
* time allowed.
void maybeUnejectOutliers(Long detectionTimerStartNanos) {
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
if (!tracker.subchannelsEjected()) {
if (tracker.subchannelsEjected() && tracker.maxEjectionTimeElapsed(
detectionTimerStartNanos)) {
* How many percent of the addresses have been ejected.
double ejectionPercentage() {
if (trackerMap.isEmpty()) {
return 0;
int totalEndpoints = 0;
int ejectedEndpoints = 0;
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
if (tracker.subchannelsEjected()) {
return ((double)ejectedEndpoints / totalEndpoints) * 100;
* Implementations provide different ways of ejecting outlier addresses..
interface OutlierEjectionAlgorithm {
/** Eject any outlier addresses. */
void ejectOutliers(EndpointTrackerMap trackerMap, long ejectionTimeNanos);
/** Builds a list of algorithms that are enabled in the given config. */
static List forConfig(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config,
ChannelLogger logger) {
ImmutableList.Builder algoListBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
if (config.successRateEjection != null) {
algoListBuilder.add(new SuccessRateOutlierEjectionAlgorithm(config, logger));
if (config.failurePercentageEjection != null) {
algoListBuilder.add(new FailurePercentageOutlierEjectionAlgorithm(config, logger));
return algoListBuilder.build();
* This algorithm ejects addresses that don't maintain a required rate of successful calls. The
* required rate is not fixed, but is based on the mean and standard deviation of the success
* rates of all of the addresses.
static class SuccessRateOutlierEjectionAlgorithm implements OutlierEjectionAlgorithm {
private final OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config;
private final ChannelLogger logger;
SuccessRateOutlierEjectionAlgorithm(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config,
ChannelLogger logger) {
checkArgument(config.successRateEjection != null, "success rate ejection config is null");
this.config = config;
this.logger = logger;
public void ejectOutliers(EndpointTrackerMap trackerMap, long ejectionTimeNanos) {
// Only consider addresses that have the minimum request volume specified in the config.
List trackersWithVolume = trackersWithVolume(trackerMap,
// If we don't have enough endpoints with significant volume then there's nothing to do.
if (trackersWithVolume.size() < config.successRateEjection.minimumHosts
|| trackersWithVolume.size() == 0) {
// Calculate mean and standard deviation of the fractions of successful calls.
List successRates = new ArrayList<>();
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackersWithVolume) {
double mean = mean(successRates);
double stdev = standardDeviation(successRates, mean);
double requiredSuccessRate =
mean - stdev * (config.successRateEjection.stdevFactor / 1000f);
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackersWithVolume) {
// If we are above or equal to the max ejection percentage, don't eject any more. This will
// allow the total ejections to go one above the max, but at the same time it assures at
// least one ejection, which the spec calls for. This behavior matches what Envoy proxy
// does.
if (trackerMap.ejectionPercentage() >= config.maxEjectionPercent) {
// If success rate is below the threshold, eject the address.
if (tracker.successRate() < requiredSuccessRate) {
"SuccessRate algorithm detected outlier: {0}. "
+ "Parameters: successRate={1}, mean={2}, stdev={3}, "
+ "requiredSuccessRate={4}",
tracker, tracker.successRate(), mean, stdev, requiredSuccessRate);
// Only eject some endpoints based on the enforcement percentage.
if (new Random().nextInt(100) < config.successRateEjection.enforcementPercentage) {
/** Calculates the mean of the given values. */
static double mean(Collection values) {
double totalValue = 0;
for (double value : values) {
totalValue += value;
return totalValue / values.size();
/** Calculates the standard deviation for the given values and their mean. */
static double standardDeviation(Collection values, double mean) {
double squaredDifferenceSum = 0;
for (double value : values) {
double difference = value - mean;
squaredDifferenceSum += difference * difference;
double variance = squaredDifferenceSum / values.size();
return Math.sqrt(variance);
static class FailurePercentageOutlierEjectionAlgorithm implements OutlierEjectionAlgorithm {
private final OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config;
private final ChannelLogger logger;
FailurePercentageOutlierEjectionAlgorithm(OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig config,
ChannelLogger logger) {
this.config = config;
this.logger = logger;
public void ejectOutliers(EndpointTrackerMap trackerMap, long ejectionTimeNanos) {
// Only consider endpoints that have the minimum request volume specified in the config.
List trackersWithVolume = trackersWithVolume(trackerMap,
// If we don't have enough endpoints with significant volume then there's nothing to do.
if (trackersWithVolume.size() < config.failurePercentageEjection.minimumHosts
|| trackersWithVolume.size() == 0) {
// If this endpoint does not have enough volume to be considered, skip to the next one.
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackersWithVolume) {
// If we are above or equal to the max ejection percentage, don't eject any more. This will
// allow the total ejections to go one above the max, but at the same time it assures at
// least one ejection, which the spec calls for. This behavior matches what Envoy proxy
// does.
if (trackerMap.ejectionPercentage() >= config.maxEjectionPercent) {
if (tracker.inactiveVolume() < config.failurePercentageEjection.requestVolume) {
// If the failure rate is above the threshold, we should eject...
double maxFailureRate = ((double)config.failurePercentageEjection.threshold) / 100;
if (tracker.failureRate() > maxFailureRate) {
"FailurePercentage algorithm detected outlier: {0}, failureRate={1}",
tracker, tracker.failureRate());
// ...but only enforce this based on the enforcement percentage.
if (new Random().nextInt(100) < config.failurePercentageEjection.enforcementPercentage) {
/** Returns only the trackers that have the minimum configured volume to be considered. */
private static List trackersWithVolume(EndpointTrackerMap trackerMap,
int volume) {
List trackersWithVolume = new ArrayList<>();
for (EndpointTracker tracker : trackerMap.values()) {
if (tracker.inactiveVolume() >= volume) {
return trackersWithVolume;
/** Counts how many addresses are in a given address group. */
private static boolean hasSingleAddress(List addressGroups) {
int addressCount = 0;
for (EquivalentAddressGroup addressGroup : addressGroups) {
addressCount += addressGroup.getAddresses().size();
if (addressCount > 1) {
return false;
return true;
* The configuration for {@link OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer}.
public static final class OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig {
public final Long intervalNanos;
public final Long baseEjectionTimeNanos;
public final Long maxEjectionTimeNanos;
public final Integer maxEjectionPercent;
public final SuccessRateEjection successRateEjection;
public final FailurePercentageEjection failurePercentageEjection;
public final PolicySelection childPolicy;
private OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig(Long intervalNanos,
Long baseEjectionTimeNanos,
Long maxEjectionTimeNanos,
Integer maxEjectionPercent,
SuccessRateEjection successRateEjection,
FailurePercentageEjection failurePercentageEjection,
PolicySelection childPolicy) {
this.intervalNanos = intervalNanos;
this.baseEjectionTimeNanos = baseEjectionTimeNanos;
this.maxEjectionTimeNanos = maxEjectionTimeNanos;
this.maxEjectionPercent = maxEjectionPercent;
this.successRateEjection = successRateEjection;
this.failurePercentageEjection = failurePercentageEjection;
this.childPolicy = childPolicy;
/** Builds a new {@link OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig}. */
public static class Builder {
Long intervalNanos = 10_000_000_000L; // 10s
Long baseEjectionTimeNanos = 30_000_000_000L; // 30s
Long maxEjectionTimeNanos = 300_000_000_000L; // 300s
Integer maxEjectionPercent = 10;
SuccessRateEjection successRateEjection;
FailurePercentageEjection failurePercentageEjection;
PolicySelection childPolicy;
/** The interval between outlier detection sweeps. */
public Builder setIntervalNanos(Long intervalNanos) {
checkArgument(intervalNanos != null);
this.intervalNanos = intervalNanos;
return this;
/** The base time an address is ejected for. */
public Builder setBaseEjectionTimeNanos(Long baseEjectionTimeNanos) {
checkArgument(baseEjectionTimeNanos != null);
this.baseEjectionTimeNanos = baseEjectionTimeNanos;
return this;
/** The longest time an address can be ejected. */
public Builder setMaxEjectionTimeNanos(Long maxEjectionTimeNanos) {
checkArgument(maxEjectionTimeNanos != null);
this.maxEjectionTimeNanos = maxEjectionTimeNanos;
return this;
/** The algorithm agnostic maximum percentage of addresses that can be ejected. */
public Builder setMaxEjectionPercent(Integer maxEjectionPercent) {
checkArgument(maxEjectionPercent != null);
this.maxEjectionPercent = maxEjectionPercent;
return this;
/** Set to enable success rate ejection. */
public Builder setSuccessRateEjection(
SuccessRateEjection successRateEjection) {
this.successRateEjection = successRateEjection;
return this;
/** Set to enable failure percentage ejection. */
public Builder setFailurePercentageEjection(
FailurePercentageEjection failurePercentageEjection) {
this.failurePercentageEjection = failurePercentageEjection;
return this;
/** Sets the child policy the {@link OutlierDetectionLoadBalancer} delegates to. */
public Builder setChildPolicy(PolicySelection childPolicy) {
checkState(childPolicy != null);
this.childPolicy = childPolicy;
return this;
/** Builds a new instance of {@link OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig}. */
public OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig build() {
checkState(childPolicy != null);
return new OutlierDetectionLoadBalancerConfig(intervalNanos, baseEjectionTimeNanos,
maxEjectionTimeNanos, maxEjectionPercent, successRateEjection,
failurePercentageEjection, childPolicy);
/** The configuration for success rate ejection. */
public static class SuccessRateEjection {
public final Integer stdevFactor;
public final Integer enforcementPercentage;
public final Integer minimumHosts;
public final Integer requestVolume;
SuccessRateEjection(Integer stdevFactor, Integer enforcementPercentage, Integer minimumHosts,
Integer requestVolume) {
this.stdevFactor = stdevFactor;
this.enforcementPercentage = enforcementPercentage;
this.minimumHosts = minimumHosts;
this.requestVolume = requestVolume;
/** Builds new instances of {@link SuccessRateEjection}. */
public static final class Builder {
Integer stdevFactor = 1900;
Integer enforcementPercentage = 100;
Integer minimumHosts = 5;
Integer requestVolume = 100;
/** The product of this and the standard deviation of success rates determine the ejection
* threshold.
public Builder setStdevFactor(Integer stdevFactor) {
checkArgument(stdevFactor != null);
this.stdevFactor = stdevFactor;
return this;
/** Only eject this percentage of outliers. */
public Builder setEnforcementPercentage(Integer enforcementPercentage) {
checkArgument(enforcementPercentage != null);
checkArgument(enforcementPercentage >= 0 && enforcementPercentage <= 100);
this.enforcementPercentage = enforcementPercentage;
return this;
/** The minimum amount of hosts needed for success rate ejection. */
public Builder setMinimumHosts(Integer minimumHosts) {
checkArgument(minimumHosts != null);
checkArgument(minimumHosts >= 0);
this.minimumHosts = minimumHosts;
return this;
/** The minimum address request volume to be considered for success rate ejection. */
public Builder setRequestVolume(Integer requestVolume) {
checkArgument(requestVolume != null);
checkArgument(requestVolume >= 0);
this.requestVolume = requestVolume;
return this;
/** Builds a new instance of {@link SuccessRateEjection}. */
public SuccessRateEjection build() {
return new SuccessRateEjection(stdevFactor, enforcementPercentage, minimumHosts,
/** The configuration for failure percentage ejection. */
public static class FailurePercentageEjection {
public final Integer threshold;
public final Integer enforcementPercentage;
public final Integer minimumHosts;
public final Integer requestVolume;
FailurePercentageEjection(Integer threshold, Integer enforcementPercentage,
Integer minimumHosts, Integer requestVolume) {
this.threshold = threshold;
this.enforcementPercentage = enforcementPercentage;
this.minimumHosts = minimumHosts;
this.requestVolume = requestVolume;
/** For building new {@link FailurePercentageEjection} instances. */
public static class Builder {
Integer threshold = 85;
Integer enforcementPercentage = 100;
Integer minimumHosts = 5;
Integer requestVolume = 50;
/** The failure percentage that will result in an address being considered an outlier. */
public Builder setThreshold(Integer threshold) {
checkArgument(threshold != null);
checkArgument(threshold >= 0 && threshold <= 100);
this.threshold = threshold;
return this;
/** Only eject this percentage of outliers. */
public Builder setEnforcementPercentage(Integer enforcementPercentage) {
checkArgument(enforcementPercentage != null);
checkArgument(enforcementPercentage >= 0 && enforcementPercentage <= 100);
this.enforcementPercentage = enforcementPercentage;
return this;
/** The minimum amount of host for failure percentage ejection to be enabled. */
public Builder setMinimumHosts(Integer minimumHosts) {
checkArgument(minimumHosts != null);
checkArgument(minimumHosts >= 0);
this.minimumHosts = minimumHosts;
return this;
* The request volume required for an address to be considered for failure percentage
* ejection.
public Builder setRequestVolume(Integer requestVolume) {
checkArgument(requestVolume != null);
checkArgument(requestVolume >= 0);
this.requestVolume = requestVolume;
return this;
/** Builds a new instance of {@link FailurePercentageEjection}. */
public FailurePercentageEjection build() {
return new FailurePercentageEjection(threshold, enforcementPercentage, minimumHosts,
/** Determine if any outlier detection algorithms are enabled in the config. */
boolean outlierDetectionEnabled() {
return successRateEjection != null || failurePercentageEjection != null;