com.qq.tars.server.core.ServerThreadPoolDispatcher Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// * Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making Tars available.
// *
// * Copyright (C) 2016 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All rights reserved.
// *
// * Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License (the "License"); you may not use this file except
// * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// *
// *
// *
// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
// * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// */
//package com.qq.tars.server.core;
//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
//import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
//import com.qq.tars.common.util.concurrent.TaskQueue;
//import com.qq.tars.common.util.concurrent.TaskThreadFactory;
//import com.qq.tars.common.util.concurrent.TaskThreadPoolExecutor;
//import com.qq.tars.rpc.protocol.tars.TarsServantRequest;
//import com.qq.tars.server.apps.AppContextImpl;
//public class ServerThreadPoolDispatcher implements Executor {
// private final static HashMap threadExecutors = new HashMap();
// public void execute(Runnable command) {
// getExecutor(command).execute(command);
// }
// private static Executor getExecutor(Runnable command) {
// TarsServantRequest request = getPortalServiceRequest(command);
// if (request == null) return getDefaultExecutor();
// return getExecutor(request);
// }
// private static Executor getDefaultExecutor() {
// Executor executor = threadExecutors.get(null);
// if (executor == null) {
// executor = createExecutor(null);
// }
// return executor;
// }
// private static Executor getExecutor(TarsServantRequest request) {
// String service = request.getServantName();
// Executor executor = threadExecutors.get(service);
// if (executor == null) {
// executor = createExecutor(request);
// }
// return executor;
// }
// private static synchronized Executor createDefaultExecutor(String key) {
// Executor executor = threadExecutors.get(null);
// if (executor != null) {
// threadExecutors.put(key, executor);
// return executor;
// }
// TaskQueue taskqueue = new TaskQueue(20000);
// TaskThreadPoolExecutor pool = new TaskThreadPoolExecutor(5, 512, 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS, taskqueue, new TaskThreadFactory("taserverThreadPool-exec-"));
// taskqueue.setParent(pool);
// threadExecutors.put(null, pool);
// threadExecutors.put(key, pool);
// return pool;
// }
// private static synchronized Executor createExecutor(TarsServantRequest request) {
// String key = null, contextName = null, serviceName = null;
// Executor executor = null;
// if (request == null) return createDefaultExecutor(null);
//// contextName = request.getWebappContext();
// serviceName = request.getServantName();
// key = contextName + '_' + serviceName;
// executor = threadExecutors.get(key);
// if (executor != null) return executor;
// int minPoolSize = -1, maxPoolSize = -1, queueSize = -1;
// AppContainer container = ContainerManager.getContainer(AppContainer.class);
// AppContextImpl context = container.getDefaultAppContext();
// // 客户端请求错误的app或service时,返回默认的executor.
// if (context == null) {
// return getDefaultExecutor();
// }
// ServantHomeSkeleton service = context.getCapHomeSkeleton(serviceName);
// if (service == null) {
// return getDefaultExecutor();
// }
// minPoolSize = service.getMinThreadPoolSize();
// maxPoolSize = service.getMaxThreadPoolSize();
// queueSize = service.getQueueSize();
// if (minPoolSize < 0 || maxPoolSize < 0 || queueSize < 0) {
// return createDefaultExecutor(key);
// }
// // ----------------------------------
// TaskQueue taskqueue = new TaskQueue(queueSize);
// TaskThreadPoolExecutor pool = new TaskThreadPoolExecutor(minPoolSize, maxPoolSize, 120, TimeUnit.SECONDS, taskqueue, new TaskThreadFactory("taserverThreadPool-exec-" + contextName + '.' + serviceName + '-'));
// taskqueue.setParent(pool);
// threadExecutors.put(key, pool);
// return pool;
// }
// private static TarsServantRequest getPortalServiceRequest(Runnable command) {
// if (!(command instanceof WorkThread)) return null;
// WorkThread workThread = (WorkThread) command;
// Request req = workThread.getRequest();
// if (!(req instanceof TarsServantRequest)) return null;
// return (TarsServantRequest) req;
// }