com.tencent.trpc.codegen.TRpcCodeGenerator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Tencent is pleased to support the open source community by making tRPC available.
* Copyright (C) 2023 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company.
* All rights reserved.
* If you have downloaded a copy of the tRPC source code from Tencent,
* please note that tRPC source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License,
* A copy of the Apache 2.0 License can be found in the LICENSE file.
package com.tencent.trpc.codegen;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protobuf.FileDescriptorsCompiler;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protobuf.ProtoParser;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protobuf.ProtoSourceInfo;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.Language;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.Protoc;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.ProtocExecutionResult;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.ProtocInstruction;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.ProtocPlugin;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.protoc.ProtocPluginInstruction;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.template.CodeFileGenerator;
import com.tencent.trpc.codegen.util.JarUtils;
import io.envoyproxy.pgv.Validator;
import java.nio.file.DirectoryStream;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.RandomStringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* tRPC code generator. Responsible for generating protoc stub code and tRPC interfaces.
public class TRpcCodeGenerator {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TRpcCodeGenerator.class);
private static final String DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_FILENAME = "descriptor.pb";
private static final String DEFAULT_TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER = "generated";
private static final String DEFAULT_TMP_IMPORT_FOLDER = "imports";
* CodeFileGenerator for generating templated codes
private final CodeFileGenerator, ?> codeFileGenerator;
* Transfer protocol (tRPC/gRPC)
private final Protocol protocol;
* Code language
private final Language language;
* Representing protoc executable file
private final Protoc protoc;
* Directory of where the .proto files in
private final Path protoPath;
* Directory of generated code files
private final Path outPath;
* Temporary directory used during code generation
private final Path tmpPath;
* Temporary directory for storing generated code files (must be subfolder of tmpPath)
private final Path tmpOutPath;
* A hook for customizing code generation
private final TRpcCodeGeneratorHook codeGeneratorHook;
private TRpcCodeGenerator(CodeFileGenerator, ?> codeFileGenerator,
Protocol protocol,
Language language,
Protoc protoc,
CodeGeneratorPath codeGeneratorPath,
TRpcCodeGeneratorHook codeGeneratorHook) {
this.codeFileGenerator = codeFileGenerator;
this.protocol = protocol;
this.language = language;
this.protoc = protoc;
this.protoPath = codeGeneratorPath.getProtoPath();
this.outPath = codeGeneratorPath.getOutPath();
this.tmpPath = codeGeneratorPath.getTmpPath();
this.codeGeneratorHook = codeGeneratorHook;
this.tmpOutPath = tmpPath.resolve(DEFAULT_TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER);
* Run the code generation process
* @throws TRpcCodeGenerateException if error occurred while generating code
public void generateCode() throws TRpcCodeGenerateException {"generating code... language={}, protoPath={}, outPath={}, protoc={}",
language, protoPath, outPath, protoc);
try {
List importPaths = prepareImportPaths();
Path descriptorFile = generateDescriptorFile(getProtoFiles(true), importPaths);
List fdList = compileDescriptorSet(descriptorFile);
Map customVariables = codeGeneratorHook.getCustomVariables(fdList);
ProtoSourceInfo protoSourceInfo = ProtoParser.parseFileDescriptors(fdList);
codeFileGenerator.generateCodeFiles(protocol, protoSourceInfo, tmpOutPath, customVariables);
generateStub(getProtoFiles(false), importPaths, protoSourceInfo.isUsingValidator());
assembleOutputs();"code generate complete, exported to {}", outPath);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("IOException", e);
} finally {
* Prepare the directories contain global proto dependencies(imported .proto files).
* By default, the returned directories will contain trpc.proto and google/protobuf/**.proto
* @return the imported directories
private List prepareImportPaths() throws IOException {
List importPaths = new ArrayList<>();
List additionalDependencies = codeGeneratorHook.getAdditionalProtoDependencyPaths();
if (additionalDependencies != null) {
return importPaths;
private Path prepareProtoDependencies() throws IOException {
Path importPath = tmpPath.resolve(DEFAULT_TMP_IMPORT_FOLDER);
Path filePath = importPath.resolve("trpc.proto");
try (InputStream trpcProto = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("imports/trpc.proto");
OutputStream out = Files.newOutputStream(filePath)) {
if (trpcProto == null) {
// normally shouldn't happen
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("cannot find 'imports/trpc.proto' in classpath");
IOUtils.copy(trpcProto, out);
} catch (IOException | URISyntaxException e) {
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("extract common .proto files failed", e);
return importPath;
private void extractCommonProtoFiles(Path outputPath) throws URISyntaxException, IOException {
// extract google/protobuf/*.proto from protobuf-java.jar
JarFile jar = new JarFile(new File(
JarUtils.extractJarFolder(jar, "google/", outputPath);
// extract validate.proto from pgv-java-stub.jar
jar = new JarFile(
new File(Validator.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI().getPath()));
JarUtils.extractFileFromJar(jar, new JarEntry("validate/validate.proto"),
* Get .proto filenames under protoPath.
* @param shallow true: only get .proto files directly under protoPath.
* false: traverse protoPath recursively to get all .proto files
* @return a list of .proto filenames, including subfolder names
private List getProtoFiles(boolean shallow) throws IOException {
List protoFiles = walkDirectoryForProtoFiles(protoPath, shallow).stream()
if (protoFiles.isEmpty()) {
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("no .proto files found in " + protoPath);
return protoFiles;
private List walkDirectoryForProtoFiles(Path directory, boolean shallow) throws IOException {
List protoFiles = new ArrayList<>();
try (DirectoryStream directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(directory)) {
for (Path path : directoryStream) {
if (!shallow && Files.isDirectory(path, LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS)) {
protoFiles.addAll(walkDirectoryForProtoFiles(path, false));
} else if (path.getFileName().toString().endsWith(".proto") && Files.isRegularFile(path)) {
return protoFiles;
* Generate protoc descriptor set file.
* @param protoFiles list of .proto filenames (relative to protoPath)
* @param importPaths list of import directories
* @return {@code Path} of the descriptor set file
private Path generateDescriptorFile(List protoFiles, List importPaths) {"generating descriptor set for {}", protoFiles);
Path descriptorPath = tmpPath.resolve(DEFAULT_DESCRIPTOR_FILENAME);
ProtocExecutionResult result = protoc.generateDescriptorSet(ProtocInstruction.builder()
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("generate descriptor set failed: " + result, result.getCause());
return descriptorPath;
private List compileDescriptorSet(Path descriptorPath) throws IOException {
DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet set = ProtoParser.parseDescriptorSetFile(descriptorPath);
FileDescriptorsCompiler compiler = new FileDescriptorsCompiler(set.getFileList());
return compiler.compile();
* invoke protoc to generate stub codes. Generated code files are placed under tmpOutPath
* @param protoFiles list of .proto filenames (relative to protoPath)
* @param importPaths list of import directories
* @param withValidatePlugin if protoc-gen-validate plugin is required
private void generateStub(List protoFiles,
List importPaths,
boolean withValidatePlugin) {"generating protobuf stub code for {}", protoFiles);
ProtocInstruction.ProtocInstructionBuilder instructionBuilder = ProtocInstruction.builder()
if (withValidatePlugin) {
instructionBuilder.pluginInstruction(new ProtocPluginInstruction(ProtocPlugin.GEN_VALIDATE_PLUGIN_NAME,
Collections.singletonList("lang=" + language.toString().toLowerCase()), tmpOutPath));
ProtocExecutionResult result = protoc.generateStub(;
if (!result.isSuccess()) {
throw new TRpcCodeGenerateException("generate stub failed: " + result, result.getCause());
* assemble generated code files, copy them to outPath.
private void assembleOutputs() throws IOException {"assembling outputs...");
try (DirectoryStream directoryStream = Files.newDirectoryStream(tmpOutPath)) {
for (Path path : directoryStream) {
if (Files.isDirectory(path)) {
FileUtils.copyDirectoryToDirectory(path.toFile(), outPath.toFile());
} else {
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(path.toFile(), outPath.toFile());
* Builder for {@link TRpcCodeGenerator}
* @return Builder for {@link TRpcCodeGenerator}
public static TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder builder() {
return new TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder();
public static final class TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder {
private CodeFileGenerator, ?> codeFileGenerator;
private Protocol protocol = Protocol.TRPC;
private Language language = Language.JAVA;
private Protoc protoc;
private Path protoPath;
private Path outPath;
private Path tmpPath;
private TRpcCodeGeneratorHook codeGeneratorHook;
private TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder() {
* Set {@link CodeFileGenerator} used for generating templated codes.
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder codeFileGenerator(CodeFileGenerator, ?> codeFileGenerator) {
this.codeFileGenerator = codeFileGenerator;
return this;
* Set {@link Protocol}, default is TRPC.
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder protocol(Protocol protocol) {
this.protocol = protocol;
return this;
* Set {@link Language}, default is JAVA.
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder language(Language language) {
this.language = language;
return this;
* Set {@link Protoc} representing an executable protoc binary file.
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder protoc(Protoc protoc) {
this.protoc = protoc;
return this;
* Set .proto files directory
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder protoPath(Path protoPath) {
this.protoPath = protoPath;
return this;
* Set code output directory
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder outPath(Path outPath) {
this.outPath = outPath;
return this;
* Set temporary working directory, a randomly named directory will be used if not specified
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder tmpPath(Path tmpPath) {
this.tmpPath = tmpPath;
return this;
* Set the {@link TRpcCodeGeneratorHook} for customizing.
* {@link DefaultCodeGeneratorHook} will be used if not specified.
public TRpcCodeGeneratorBuilder codeGeneratorHook(TRpcCodeGeneratorHook codeGeneratorHook) {
this.codeGeneratorHook = codeGeneratorHook;
return this;
* Build {@link TRpcCodeGenerator}
public TRpcCodeGenerator build() {
if (codeFileGenerator == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("codeFileGenerator must not be null");
if (protoc == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("protoc must not be null");
if (protoPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("protoPath must not be null");
if (outPath == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("outPath must not be null");
if (tmpPath == null) {
tmpPath = protoPath.getParent().resolve("tmp" + RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(6));
if (codeGeneratorHook == null) {
codeGeneratorHook = new DefaultCodeGeneratorHook();
CodeGeneratorPath codeGeneratorPath = new CodeGeneratorPath(protoPath, outPath, tmpPath);
return new TRpcCodeGenerator(codeFileGenerator, protocol, language, protoc, codeGeneratorPath,
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