selenium.assertions.element.WebDriverElementAssertions.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package selenium.assertions.element
import com.testerum_api.testerum_steps_api.annotations.steps.Param
import com.testerum_api.testerum_steps_api.annotations.steps.Then
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement
import selenium_steps_support.service.css_class.CssClassAttributeParser
import selenium_steps_support.service.descriptions.SeleniumSharedDescriptions
import selenium_steps_support.service.elem_locators.ElementLocatorService
import selenium_steps_support.service.module_di.SeleniumModuleServiceLocator
import selenium_steps_support.service.text_match.TextMatcherService
import selenium_steps_support.service.webdriver_manager.WebDriverManager
class WebDriverElementAssertions {
private val logger = TesterumServiceLocator.getTesterumLogger()
private val webDriverManager: WebDriverManager = SeleniumModuleServiceLocator.bootstrapper.seleniumModuleFactory.webDriverManager
value = "the element <> should be present",
description = "Checks if the given element is not absent from the page."
fun assertElementPresent(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"the element should be present\n" +
"-----------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement? = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
if (element == null) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
value = "the element <> should be absent",
description = "Checks if the given element is not present on the page."
fun assertElementAbsent(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"the element should be absent\n" +
"----------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement? = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
if (element != null) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should absent from the page, but is not")
value = "the element <> should be displayed",
description = "Checks if the given element is \"displayed\" on the page, for example by not having it's ``display`` CSS property set to ``none``."
fun assertElementDisplayed(elementLocator: String) {
"the element should be displayed\n" +
"-------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (!element.isDisplayed) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be displayed, but is not")
* check that an element is hidden (e.g. "display: none", or "visibility: hidden")
value = "the element <> should be hidden",
description = "Checks if the given element is not \"displayed\" on the page, for example by having it's ``display`` CSS property set to ``none``. "
fun assertElementHidden(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"the element should be hidden\n" +
"----------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (element.isDisplayed) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be hidden, but is not")
value = "the element <> should be enabled",
description = "Checks that the given element is enabled. This is generally true for everything except disabled input elements."
fun assertElementEnabled(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"the element should be enabled\n" +
"-----------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (!element.isEnabled) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be enabled, but is not")
value = "the element <> should be disabled",
description = "Checks that the given element is disabled. This is generally false for everything except disabled input elements."
fun assertElementDisabled(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"the element should be disabled\n" +
"------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (element.isEnabled) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be disabled, but is not")
value = "the element <> should have the value <>",
description = "Checks that the given element has a ``value`` attribute matching the given expression."
fun assertThatTheElementHasValue(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.TEXT_MATCH_EXPRESSION_DESCRIPTION
expectedValueExpression: String
) {
"the element should have the value\n" +
"---------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"expectedValueExpression : $expectedValueExpression\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val field: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the field [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val actualValue: String = field.getAttribute("value")
?: throw AssertionError("field [$elementLocator] does not have a value")
if (TextMatcherService.doesNotMatch(expectedValueExpression, actualValue)) {
throw AssertionError("field [$elementLocator] has unexpected value: expected: [$expectedValueExpression] but was: [$actualValue]")
value = "the element <> should have the attribute <> with a value of <>",
description = "Checks that the given element has an attribute with the given name whose value matches the given expression."
fun assertElementAttributeShouldBe(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = "the name of the attribute to check"
attributeName: String,
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.TEXT_MATCH_EXPRESSION_DESCRIPTION
attributeValueTextMatchExpression: String
) {
"the element should have the attribute with the value\n" +
"----------------------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"attributeName : $attributeName\n" +
"attributeValueTextMatchExpression : $attributeValueTextMatchExpression\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val actualValue: String = element.getAttribute(attributeName)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should have an attribute [$attributeName] with a value, but either the element doesn't have that attribute, or the attribute doesn't have a value")
if (TextMatcherService.doesNotMatch(attributeValueTextMatchExpression, actualValue)) {
throw AssertionError("the value of attribute [$attributeName] of element [$elementLocator] does not match: expected [$attributeValueTextMatchExpression] but was [$actualValue]")
value = "the element <> should have the attribute <> with a value different from <>",
description = "Checks that the given element has an attribute with the given name whose value does not match the given expression."
fun assertElementAttributeShouldNotBe(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = "the name of the attribute to check"
attributeName: String,
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.TEXT_MATCH_EXPRESSION_DESCRIPTION
attributeValueTextMatchExpression: String
) {
"the element should have the attribute with the value DIFFERENT FROM\n" +
"-------------------------------------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"attributeName : $attributeName\n" +
"attributeValueTextMatchExpression : $attributeValueTextMatchExpression\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val actualValue: String = element.getAttribute(attributeName)
?: return@executeWebDriverStep
if (TextMatcherService.matches(attributeValueTextMatchExpression, actualValue)) {
throw AssertionError("the value of attribute [$attributeName] of element [$elementLocator] matches: expected not to match [$attributeValueTextMatchExpression] but was [$actualValue]")
value = "the element <> should have the CSS class <>",
description = "Checks that the given element has the given class in its list of CSS classes." +
"Note that it's OK if the element has other CSS classes in addition to the given one."
fun assertElementCssClassPresent(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = "the name of the CSS class to check"
cssClass: String
) {
"the element should have the CSS class\n" +
"-------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"cssClass : $cssClass\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val cssClassAttrValue: String = element.getAttribute("class")
val cssClasses: Set = CssClassAttributeParser.parse(cssClassAttrValue)
if (!cssClasses.contains(cssClass)) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] does not have the CSS class [$cssClass], but it was expected to have it")
value = "the element <> should not have the CSS class <>",
description = "Checks that the given element does not have the given class in its list of CSS classes."
fun assertElementCssClassAbsent(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = "the name of the CSS class to check"
cssClass: String
) {
"the element should NOT have the CSS class\n" +
"-----------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"cssClass : $cssClass\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val cssClassAttrValue: String = element.getAttribute("class")
val cssClasses: Set = CssClassAttributeParser.parse(cssClassAttrValue)
if (cssClasses.contains(cssClass)) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] has the CSS class [$cssClass], but it was expected not to have it")
value = "the text of element <> should be <>",
description = "Checks that the text of the given element and sub-elements match the given expression." +
"Note that only the visible text (i.e. not hidden by CSS) is considered."
fun assertElementTextShouldBe(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.TEXT_MATCH_EXPRESSION_DESCRIPTION
textMatchExpression: String
) {
"the element should have the text\n" +
"--------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"textMatchExpression : $textMatchExpression\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val actualText: String = element.text
if (TextMatcherService.doesNotMatch(textMatchExpression, actualText)) {
throw AssertionError("the text of element [$elementLocator] does not match: expected [$textMatchExpression] but was [$actualText]")
value = "the text of element <> should not be <>",
description = "Checks that the text of the given element and sub-elements does not match the given expression." +
"Note that only the visible text (i.e. not hidden by CSS) is considered."
fun assertElementTextShouldNotBe(
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String,
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.TEXT_MATCH_EXPRESSION_DESCRIPTION
textMatchExpression: String
) {
"the element should NOT have the text\n" +
"------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
"textMatchExpression : $textMatchExpression\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val element: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
val actualText: String = element.text
if (TextMatcherService.matches(textMatchExpression, actualText)) {
throw AssertionError("the text of element [$elementLocator] matches: expected not to match [$textMatchExpression] but was [$actualText]")
value = "the element <> is checked",
description = "Confirm that the target element has been checked. The test will stop if the assert fails."
fun assertsThatElementIsChecked (
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"assert that element is checked (checkbox / radio)\n" +
"-------------------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val field: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the field [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (!field.isSelected) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should be checked, but is not")
value = "the element <> is not checked",
description = "Confirm that the target element is not checked. The test will stop if the assert fails."
fun assertsThatElementIsNotChecked (
description = SeleniumSharedDescriptions.ELEMENT_LOCATOR_DESCRIPTION
elementLocator: String
) {
"assert that element is not checked (checkbox / radio)\n" +
"-------------------------------------------------\n" +
"elementLocator : $elementLocator\n" +
webDriverManager.executeWebDriverStep { driver ->
val field: WebElement = ElementLocatorService.locateElement(driver, elementLocator)
?: throw AssertionError("the field [$elementLocator] should be present on the page, but is not")
if (field.isSelected) {
throw AssertionError("the element [$elementLocator] should not be checked, but is not")