com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.mailtest.MailTestClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.mailtest;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.*;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.artifacts.ArtifactClient;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.testmgmt.*;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
* Facade of MailTest subsystem.
public class MailTestClient {
private WebmateAPISession session;
private MailTestApiClient apiClient;
private ArtifactClient artifactClient;
private String mailAddress = "[email protected]";
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MailTestClient.class);
private static class MailTestApiClient extends WebmateApiClient {
private final static UriTemplate createTestMailAddressInProjectTemplate =
new UriTemplate("/mailtest/testmail/${projectId}");
public MailTestApiClient(WebmateAuthInfo authInfo, WebmateEnvironment environment) {
super(authInfo, environment);
public MailTestApiClient(WebmateAuthInfo authInfo, WebmateEnvironment environment, HttpClientBuilder clientBuilder) {
super(authInfo, environment, clientBuilder);
public TestMailAddress createTestMailAddressInProject(ProjectId projectId, TestRunId testRunId) {
JsonNode postBody = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode().put("testRunId", testRunId.toString());
Optional optHttpResponse = sendPOST(
ImmutableMap.of("projectId", projectId.toString()),
if (!optHttpResponse.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not create MailTest address. Got no response");
try {
String testMailAddressBody = EntityUtils.toString(optHttpResponse.get().getEntity());
ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonMapper.getInstance();
String testMailStr = mapper.readValue(testMailAddressBody, String.class);
return new TestMailAddress(testMailStr);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Error reading data: " + e.getMessage(), e);
* Creates a MailTestApiClient based on a WebmateApiSession
* @param session The WebmateApiSession used by the TestMgmtClient
* @param artifactClient client for the artifact subsystem (comes from webmate session)
public MailTestClient(WebmateAPISession session, ArtifactClient artifactClient) {
this.session = session;
this.apiClient = new MailTestApiClient(session.authInfo, session.environment);
this.artifactClient = artifactClient;
* Creates a MailTestApiClient based on a WebmateApiSession
* @param session The WebmateApiSession used by the TestMgmtClient
* @param artifactClient client for the artifact subsystem (comes from webmate session)
* @param httpClientBuilder The HttpClientBuilder that is used for building the underlying connection.
public MailTestClient(WebmateAPISession session, ArtifactClient artifactClient, HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
this.session = session;
this.apiClient = new MailTestApiClient(session.authInfo, session.environment, httpClientBuilder);
this.artifactClient = artifactClient;
* Creates a TestMgmtClient based on a WebmateApiSession and a custom HttpClientBuilder.
* @param session The WebmateApiSession used by the TestMgmtClient
* @param httpClientBuilder The HttpClientBuilder that is used for building the underlying connection.
public MailTestClient(WebmateAPISession session, HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
this.session = session;
this.apiClient = new MailTestApiClient(session.authInfo, session.environment, httpClientBuilder);
* Create a TestMail that can be used in a TestRun.
* @param projectId Id of Project.
* @param testRunId Id of TestRun.
* @return email address associated with project and testrun.
public TestMailAddress createTestMailAddress(ProjectId projectId, TestRunId testRunId) {
TestMailAddress result = this.apiClient.createTestMailAddressInProject(projectId, testRunId);
this.mailAddress = result.getAddress();
return result;
* Get emails for the test mail adress in the given TestRun and project
* @param projectId Project id.
* @param testRunId Id of TestRun.
* @return list of TestMails
public List getMailsInTestRun(ProjectId projectId, TestRunId testRunId) {
List infos = this.artifactClient.queryArtifacts(projectId, testRunId, ImmutableSet.of(ArtifactType.fromString("Mail.MailContent")));
List result = Lists.newArrayList();
for (ArtifactInfo info : infos) {
Optional artifact = artifactClient.getArtifact(info.getId());
if (artifact.isPresent()) {
} else {
LOG.warn("Could not retrieve artifact [" + info.getId() + "]");
return result;