com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.devices.DeviceClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.devices;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.BooleanNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.google.common.base.Optional;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.*;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.commonutils.HttpHelpers;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.ImageId;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.ImagePool;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.ImageType;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.PackageId;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.*;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.packagemgmt.Package;
import com.testfabrik.webmate.javasdk.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.NameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
* Facade to webmate's Device subsystem.
public class DeviceClient {
private WebmateAPISession session;
private DeviceApiClient apiClient;
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeviceClient.class);
private static class DeviceApiClient extends WebmateApiClient {
private final static UriTemplate getDeviceIdsForProject = new UriTemplate("/projects/${projectId}/device/devices");
private final static UriTemplate getDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}");
private final static UriTemplate requestDeviceByRequirementsForProject = new UriTemplate("/projects/${projectId}/device/devices");
private final static UriTemplate synchronizeDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/sync");
private final static UriTemplate releaseDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}");
private final static UriTemplate redeployDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/redeploy");
private final static UriTemplate resetDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/reset");
private final static UriTemplate installAppOnDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/${deviceId}/appinstall/${packageId}");
private final static UriTemplate imposePropertyRequirement = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/requirements/propertyRequirement");
private final static UriTemplate uploadImage = new UriTemplate("/projects/${projectId}/images");
private final static UriTemplate uploadImageToDevice = new UriTemplate("/device/${deviceId}/image/${imageId}");
private final static UriTemplate setCameraSimulation = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/capabilities");
private final static UriTemplate setBiometricsSimulation = new UriTemplate("/device/devices/${deviceId}/capabilities");
public DeviceApiClient(WebmateAuthInfo authInfo, WebmateEnvironment environment) {
super(authInfo, environment);
public DeviceApiClient(WebmateAuthInfo authInfo, WebmateEnvironment environment, HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
super(authInfo, environment, httpClientBuilder);
public Collection getDeviceIdsForProject(ProjectId projectId) {
ApiResponse response = sendGET(getDeviceIdsForProject, ImmutableMap.of("projectId", projectId.toString()));
Optional optHttpResponse = response.getOptHttpResponse();
if (!optHttpResponse.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not get device list. Got no response");
List deviceIds = new ArrayList<>();
try {
String deviceIdsJson = EntityUtils.toString(optHttpResponse.get().getEntity());
ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonMapper.getInstance();
List deviceIdList = mapper.readValue(deviceIdsJson, new TypeReference>(){});
for (String deviceIdStr : deviceIdList) {
deviceIds.add(new DeviceId(UUID.fromString(deviceIdStr)));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not retrieve device list", e);
return deviceIds;
public DeviceDTO requestDeviceByRequirements(ProjectId projectId, DeviceRequest deviceRequest) {
ObjectMapper mapper = JacksonMapper.getInstance();
Optional optHttpResponse = sendPOST(requestDeviceByRequirementsForProject, ImmutableMap.of("projectId", projectId.toString()), mapper.valueToTree(deviceRequest)).getOptHttpResponse();
if (!optHttpResponse.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not request device. Got no response");
return HttpHelpers.getObjectFromJsonEntity(optHttpResponse.get(), DeviceDTO.class);
public DeviceDTO getDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
Optional optHttpResponse = sendGET(getDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString())).getOptHttpResponse();
if (!optHttpResponse.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not request device. Got no response");
return HttpHelpers.getObjectFromJsonEntity(optHttpResponse.get(), DeviceDTO.class);
public void synchronizeDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
sendPOST(synchronizeDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()));
public void releaseDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
sendDELETE(releaseDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()));
public void redeployDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
sendPOST(redeployDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()));
public void resetDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
sendPOST(resetDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()));
public void installAppOnDevice(DeviceId deviceId, PackageId appId, Boolean instrumented) {
sendPOST(installAppOnDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString(), "packageId", appId.toString()), "wait=true&instrumented=" + instrumented.toString());
public void installAppOnDeviceNew(DeviceId deviceId, PackageId appId, String packageType) {
PackageInstallation packageInstallation = new PackageInstallation(UUID.randomUUID(), appId, packageType, PackageInstallationState.FINISHED);
DeviceRequirements requirement = new DeviceRequirements(
ImmutableMap.of(DevicePropertyName.InstalledPackages, packageInstallation.toJson())
sendPOST(imposePropertyRequirement, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()), requirement.toJson());
public ImageId uploadImage(ProjectId projectId, byte[] image, String imageName, ImageType imageType) {
Optional contentType = Optional.of("image/" + imageType.getValue());
List queryParams = new ArrayList<>();
queryParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair("name", imageName));
Optional r = sendPOST(uploadImage, ImmutableMap.of("projectId", projectId.toString()), image, contentType, queryParams).getOptHttpResponse();
if (!r.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Could not upload image. Got no response");
try {
return new ImageId(readUUIDFromResponse(r.get()));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Error sending image data: " + e.getMessage(), e);
public void uploadImageToDevice(DeviceId deviceId, ImageId imageId) {
sendPOST(uploadImageToDevice, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString(), "imageId", imageId.toString()));
public ImageId uploadImageToDevice(ProjectId projectId, byte[] image, String imageName, ImageType imageType, DeviceId deviceId) {
ImageId imageId = uploadImage(projectId, image, imageName, imageType);
uploadImageToDevice(deviceId, imageId);
return imageId;
public void setCameraSimulation(DeviceId deviceId, ImageId imageId, boolean simulate, ImagePool imagePool) {
if (!imagePool.contains(imageId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The given image pool must contain the passed image id.");
ObjectNode simulateCameraNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
simulateCameraNode.put("enabled", simulate);
String selectedImageId = imageId == null ? null : imageId.toString();
simulateCameraNode.put("selectedImage", selectedImageId);
Map params = ImmutableMap.of(CapabilityConstants.SIMULATE_CAMERA, simulateCameraNode, CapabilityConstants.MEDIA_SETTINGS, imagePool.toJson());
sendPOST(setCameraSimulation, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()), JsonUtils.getJsonFromData(params));
public void setBiometricsSimulation(DeviceId deviceId, boolean simulate, boolean accept) {
Map params = ImmutableMap.of(CapabilityConstants.SIMULATE_BIOMETRICS, simulate, CapabilityConstants.ACCEPT_BIOMETRICS, accept);
sendPOST(setBiometricsSimulation, ImmutableMap.of("deviceId", deviceId.toString()), JsonUtils.getJsonFromData(params));
private DeviceDTO waitForProperties(DeviceId deviceId, Map expectedProperties) {
return waitForProperties(deviceId, expectedProperties, MAX_WAITING_TIME_MILLIS);
private DeviceDTO waitForProperties(DeviceId deviceId, Map expectedProperties, long maxWaitingTimeInMilliSeconds) {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
DeviceDTO device = null;
boolean propertiesMatch = false;
try {
do {
device = this.getDevice(deviceId);
propertiesMatch = true;
Map currentProperties = device.getProperties();
for (String key : expectedProperties.keySet()) {
if (!expectedProperties.get(key).equals(currentProperties.get(key))) {
propertiesMatch = false;
} while (!propertiesMatch && System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime < maxWaitingTimeInMilliSeconds);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (propertiesMatch) {
return device;
} else {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("Device was in unexpected state");
public DeviceDTO waitForDeviceForAppInstallation(DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.waitForProperties(deviceId, new HashMap() {{
put("os.canInstallPackages", BooleanNode.TRUE);
put("network.reachability", BooleanNode.TRUE);
public DeviceDTO waitForDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.waitForProperties(deviceId, new HashMap() {{
put("webmate.setup", BooleanNode.TRUE);
* Creates a DeviceClient based on a WebmateApiSession.
* @param session The WebmateApiSession the DeviceClient is supposed to be based on.
public DeviceClient(WebmateAPISession session) {
this.session = session;
this.apiClient = new DeviceApiClient(session.authInfo, session.environment);
* Creates a DeviceClient based on a WebmateApiSession and a custom HttpClientBuilder.
* @param session The WebmateApiSession the DeviceClient is supposed to be based on.
* @param httpClientBuilder The HttpClientBuilder that is used for building the underlying connection.
public DeviceClient(WebmateAPISession session, HttpClientBuilder httpClientBuilder) {
this.session = session;
this.apiClient = new DeviceApiClient(session.authInfo, session.environment, httpClientBuilder);
* Get all Device ids for a project.
* @param projectId Id of Project (as found in dashboard), for which devices should be retrieved.
* @return Collection of device ids.
public Collection getDeviceIdsForProject(ProjectId projectId) {
return this.apiClient.getDeviceIdsForProject(projectId);
* Get Information about running device.
* @param deviceId Id of running device (as found in device details on device overview page)
* @return information about device
public DeviceDTO getDeviceInfo(DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.apiClient.getDevice(deviceId);
* Request a device deployment by the specified device request.
* @param projectId Id of Project (as found in dashboard), for which devices should be retrieved.
* @param deviceRequest Contains the defined device properties.
public DeviceDTO requestDeviceByRequirements(ProjectId projectId, DeviceRequest deviceRequest) {
return this.apiClient.requestDeviceByRequirements(projectId, deviceRequest);
* Request a device deployment by the specified device request in the currently active project.
* @param deviceRequest Contains the defined device properties.
public DeviceDTO requestDeviceByRequirements(DeviceRequest deviceRequest) {
Optional projectId = this.session.getProjectId();
if (!projectId.isPresent()) {
throw new WebmateApiClientException("No project id associated with webmate session.");
return this.requestDeviceByRequirements(projectId.get(), deviceRequest);
* Synchronize webmate with device. (Usually not necessary)
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
public void synchronizeDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
* Release device. The device will not be deployed afterwards.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
public void releaseDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
* Redeploy device. The device will be released and redeployed with the same properties as before.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
public void redeployDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
* Reset device. For the device, an automatic cleanup procedure will be conducted. The operation blocks until the operation
* has completed.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
public void resetDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
* Install the app wit the given Id on a device. If instrumented is set to true, the instrumented version will be
* used if available.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @param appId Id of app to be installed. Can be found in App management of the webmate device overview.
* @param instrumented If true, the instrumented version of the app will be installed, if available.
public void installAppOnDevice(DeviceId deviceId, PackageId appId, Boolean instrumented) throws InterruptedException {
Package p = session.packages.getPackage(appId);
PackageId id;
if (instrumented) {
id = p.getInstrumentedPackageId().get();
this.apiClient.installAppOnDeviceNew(deviceId, p.getInstrumentedPackageId().get(), p.getOrigPackageType());
} else {
id = p.getOrigPackageId();
this.apiClient.installAppOnDeviceNew(deviceId, p.getOrigPackageId(), p.getOrigPackageType());
ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
int retries = 0;
while (retries < 30 ) {
DeviceDTO deviceDTO = this.apiClient.getDevice(deviceId);
JsonNode installedApps = deviceDTO.getProperties().get("package.installedPackages");
if (installedApps != null) {
List installations = objectMapper.convertValue(
new TypeReference>() {}
for (PackageInstallation installation : installations) {
if (installation.getPackageId().toString().equals(id.toString())) {
switch (installation.getState()) {
case FAILED:
System.err.println("Installation failed for package: " + appId);
System.out.println("Installation still in progress for package: " + appId);
System.out.println("Installation finished for package: " + appId);
System.out.println("Unknown state: " + installation.getState());
System.err.println("Timeout reached: Installation process could not complete for package: " + appId);
* Install the app wit the given Id on a device. The non-instrumented version of the App will be installed.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @param appId Id of app to be installed. Can be found in App management of the webmate device overview.
public void installAppOnDevice(DeviceId deviceId, PackageId appId) throws InterruptedException {
installAppOnDevice(deviceId,appId, false);
* Uploads am image to webmate. The image is defined by the given byte array and specified by the imageType. The
* uploaded image can be referenced by the returned image id.
* @param projectId Id of Project (as found in dashboard), for which devices should be retrieved.
* @param image Image data.
* @param imageName Desired name of the image.
* @param imageType Image format type.
* @return Id of the uploaded image.
public ImageId uploadImage(ProjectId projectId, byte[] image, String imageName, ImageType imageType) {
return this.apiClient.uploadImage(projectId, image, imageName, imageType);
* Uploads an image to a device. The image is identified by the given image id. The image must have been uploaded
* to webmate before
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @param imageId Id of the image to be pushed to device.
public void uploadImageToDevice(DeviceId deviceId, ImageId imageId) {
this.apiClient.uploadImageToDevice(deviceId, imageId);
* Uploads an image to webmate and pushes it to a device. The image is defined by the given byte array and specified
* by the imageType. The uploaded image can be referenced by the returned image id.
* @param projectId Id of Project (as found in dashboard), for which devices should be retrieved.
* @param image Image data.
* @param imageName Desired name of the image.
* @param imageType Image format type.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @return Id of the uploaded image.
public ImageId uploadImageToDevice(ProjectId projectId, byte[] image, String imageName, ImageType imageType,
DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.apiClient.uploadImageToDevice(projectId, image, imageName, imageType, deviceId);
* Configure the camera simulation to use the given selectedImageId. The simulation can be enabled or disabled. The
* imagePool includes all images that should be pushed to the device. Note that the imagePool must contain the
* given selectedImageId.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @param selectedImageId Image id of an already uploaded image. The parameter sets the image that is to be used for
* the camera simulation. It can also be null to reset the selected image.
* @param simulate Disables or enables the camera simulation.
* @param imagePool All images that are supposed to be pushed to the device. The parameter must contain the given
* selectedImageId.
public void setCameraSimulation(DeviceId deviceId, ImageId selectedImageId, boolean simulate, ImagePool imagePool) {
this.apiClient.setCameraSimulation(deviceId, selectedImageId, simulate, imagePool);
* Configure the camera simulation to use the given selectedImageId. The simulation can be enabled or disabled.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @param selectedImageId Image id of an already uploaded image. The parameter sets the image that is to be used for
* the camera simulation. It can also be null to reset the selected image.
* @param simulate Disables or enables the camera simulation.
public void setCameraSimulation(DeviceId deviceId, ImageId selectedImageId, boolean simulate) {
setCameraSimulation(deviceId, selectedImageId, simulate, new ImagePool(selectedImageId));
* Configure the biometrics simulation on a device.
* @param deviceId The device id of the device.
* @param simulateBiometrics True if the biometrics simulation should be enabled, false otherwise.
* @param acceptAuthentication True if the device should immediately accept the simulated authentication,
* false if the device should immediately reject the simulated authentication.
* Note that this flag only has any effect if simulateBiometrics
is true.
public void setBiometricsSimulation(DeviceId deviceId, boolean simulateBiometrics, boolean acceptAuthentication) {
this.apiClient.setBiometricsSimulation(deviceId, simulateBiometrics, acceptAuthentication);
* Uploads an image to webmate, pushes it to a device and configures the camera simulation to use the image. The
* image is defined by the given byte array and specified by the imageType. The uploaded image can be referenced by
* the returned image id. The camera simulation will be enabled.
* @param projectId Id of Project (as found in dashboard), for which devices should be retrieved.
* @param image Image data.
* @param imageName Desired name of the image.
* @param imageType Image format type.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @return Id of the uploaded image.
public ImageId uploadImageToDeviceAndSetForCameraSimulation(ProjectId projectId, byte[] image, String imageName,
ImageType imageType, DeviceId deviceId) {
ImageId imageId = uploadImageToDevice(projectId, image, imageName, imageType, deviceId);
setCameraSimulation(deviceId, imageId, true);
return imageId;
* Wait for a device to be ready to have an app installed. Timeouts after 5 minutes.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @return the device that the is being waited for
public DeviceDTO waitForDeviceForAppInstallation(DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.apiClient.waitForDeviceForAppInstallation(deviceId);
* Wait for a device to be ready to be used. Timeouts after 5 minutes.
* @param deviceId DeviceId of device. Can be found in "Details" dialog of an item in webmate device overview.
* @return the device that the is being waited for
public DeviceDTO waitForDevice(DeviceId deviceId) {
return this.apiClient.waitForDevice(deviceId);
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