scalapb.textformat.Basics.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package scalapb.textformat
import fastparse.NoWhitespace._
object Basics extends ParserCompat {
import fastparse._
def Newline[_: P] = P(StringIn("\r\n", "\n"))
case class NamedFunction[T, V](f: T => V, name: String) extends (T => V) {
def apply(t: T) = f(t)
override def toString() = name
private val hexDigitStr = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
val Digits = NamedFunction('0' to '9' contains (_: Char), "Digits")
val HexDigits = NamedFunction(hexDigitStr contains (_: Char), "HexDigits")
val OctDigits = NamedFunction('0' to '7' contains (_: Char), "OctDigits")
val CharChunk = NamedFunction((c: Char) => !"\n\r".contains(c), "CharChunk")
// TODO(nadavsr): figure out this
def sameLineCharChunks[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(CharChunk) | (!Newline) ~ AnyChar)
def lineComment[_: P] = P("#" ~ sameLineCharChunks.rep ~ &(Newline | End))
def whiteSpace[_: P] = (CharIn(" \n\r\t\f") | lineComment).opaque("whitespace").rep
def identifier[_: P] = P(CharIn("a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", "_").rep(1).!).opaque("identifier")
def literal[_: P] = P(CharIn("a-z", "A-Z", "0-9", "_\\-.").rep(1).!).opaque("literal")
def digits[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(Digits))
def hexDigits[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(HexDigits))
def octDigits[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(OctDigits))
def exponent[_: P] = P(CharIn("eE") ~ CharIn("+\\-").? ~ digits)
def fractional[_: P] =
(CharIn("+\\-").? ~ (digits ~ "." ~ digits.? | "." ~ digits) ~ exponent.? ~ CharIn("fF").?).!
def decIntegral[_: P] = P("0" | CharIn("1-9") ~ digits.?).!.map(p => BigInt(p))
def hexIntegral[_: P] = P("0x" ~/ hexDigits.!).map(p => BigInt(p, 16))
def octIntegral[_: P] = P("0" ~ octDigits.!).map(p => BigInt(p, 8))
def integral[_: P]: P[BigInt] = P(hexIntegral | octIntegral | decIntegral)
def bigInt[_: P]: P[BigInt] =
P(CharIn("+\\-").!.? ~ integral).map({
case (Some("-"), number) => -number
case (_, number) => number
def strNoDQChars[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(!"\"\n\\".contains(_: Char)))
def strNoQChars[_: P] = P(CharsWhile(!"'\n\\".contains(_: Char)))
def escape[_: P] = P("\\" ~ AnyChar)
def singleBytesLiteral[_: P] =
"\"" ~/ (strNoDQChars | escape).rep.! ~ "\"" |
"'" ~/ (strNoQChars | escape).rep.! ~ "'"
def bytesLiteral[_: P] = P(singleBytesLiteral.rep(1, whiteSpace)).map(_.mkString)
def boolean[_: P]: P[Boolean] =
("true" | "t" | "1").map(_ => true) |
("false" | "f" | "0").map(_ => false)
).opaque("'true' or 'false'")
def ws[_: P](s: String): P[Unit] = P(s ~ &(whiteSpace))