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// Generated by the Scala Plugin for the Protocol Buffer Compiler.
// Do not edit!
/** A Duration represents a signed, fixed-length span of time represented
* as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond
* resolution. It is independent of any calendar and concepts like "day"
* or "month". It is related to Timestamp in that the difference between
* two Timestamp values is a Duration and it can be added or subtracted
* from a Timestamp. Range is approximately +-10,000 years.
* # Examples
* Example 1: Compute Duration from two Timestamps in pseudo code.
* Timestamp start = ...;
* Timestamp end = ...;
* Duration duration = ...;
* duration.seconds = end.seconds - start.seconds;
* duration.nanos = end.nanos - start.nanos;
* if (duration.seconds < 0 && duration.nanos > 0) {
* duration.seconds += 1;
* duration.nanos -= 1000000000;
* } else if (duration.seconds > 0 && duration.nanos < 0) {
* duration.seconds -= 1;
* duration.nanos += 1000000000;
* }
* Example 2: Compute Timestamp from Timestamp + Duration in pseudo code.
* Timestamp start = ...;
* Duration duration = ...;
* Timestamp end = ...;
* end.seconds = start.seconds + duration.seconds;
* end.nanos = start.nanos + duration.nanos;
* if (end.nanos < 0) {
* end.seconds -= 1;
* end.nanos += 1000000000;
* } else if (end.nanos >= 1000000000) {
* end.seconds += 1;
* end.nanos -= 1000000000;
* }
* Example 3: Compute Duration from datetime.timedelta in Python.
* td = datetime.timedelta(days=3, minutes=10)
* duration = Duration()
* duration.FromTimedelta(td)
* # JSON Mapping
* In JSON format, the Duration type is encoded as a string rather than an
* object, where the string ends in the suffix "s" (indicating seconds) and
* is preceded by the number of seconds, with nanoseconds expressed as
* fractional seconds. For example, 3 seconds with 0 nanoseconds should be
* encoded in JSON format as "3s", while 3 seconds and 1 nanosecond should
* be expressed in JSON format as "3.000000001s", and 3 seconds and 1
* microsecond should be expressed in JSON format as "3.000001s".
* @param seconds
* Signed seconds of the span of time. Must be from -315,576,000,000
* to +315,576,000,000 inclusive. Note: these bounds are computed from:
* 60 sec/min * 60 min/hr * 24 hr/day * 365.25 days/year * 10000 years
* @param nanos
* Signed fractions of a second at nanosecond resolution of the span
* of time. Durations less than one second are represented with a 0
* `seconds` field and a positive or negative `nanos` field. For durations
* of one second or more, a non-zero value for the `nanos` field must be
* of the same sign as the `seconds` field. Must be from -999,999,999
* to +999,999,999 inclusive.
final case class Duration(
seconds: _root_.scala.Long = 0L,
nanos: _root_.scala.Int = 0,
unknownFields: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty
) extends scalapb.GeneratedMessage with scalapb.lenses.Updatable[Duration] with _root_.scalapb.DurationMethods {
private[this] var __serializedSizeMemoized: _root_.scala.Int = 0
private[this] def __computeSerializedSize(): _root_.scala.Int = {
var __size = 0
val __value = seconds
if (__value != 0L) {
__size +=, __value)
val __value = nanos
if (__value != 0) {
__size +=, __value)
__size += unknownFields.serializedSize
override def serializedSize: _root_.scala.Int = {
var __size = __serializedSizeMemoized
if (__size == 0) {
__size = __computeSerializedSize() + 1
__serializedSizeMemoized = __size
__size - 1
def writeTo(`_output__`: _root_.scala.Unit = {
val __v = seconds
if (__v != 0L) {
_output__.writeInt64(1, __v)
val __v = nanos
if (__v != 0) {
_output__.writeInt32(2, __v)
def withSeconds(__v: _root_.scala.Long): Duration = copy(seconds = __v)
def withNanos(__v: _root_.scala.Int): Duration = copy(nanos = __v)
def withUnknownFields(__v: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet) = copy(unknownFields = __v)
def discardUnknownFields = copy(unknownFields = _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty)
def getFieldByNumber(__fieldNumber: _root_.scala.Int): _root_.scala.Any = {
(__fieldNumber: @_root_.scala.unchecked) match {
case 1 => {
val __t = seconds
if (__t != 0L) __t else null
case 2 => {
val __t = nanos
if (__t != 0) __t else null
def getField(__field: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.FieldDescriptor): _root_.scalapb.descriptors.PValue = {
_root_.scala.Predef.require(__field.containingMessage eq companion.scalaDescriptor)
(__field.number: @_root_.scala.unchecked) match {
case 1 => _root_.scalapb.descriptors.PLong(seconds)
case 2 => _root_.scalapb.descriptors.PInt(nanos)
def toProtoString: _root_.scala.Predef.String = _root_.scalapb.TextFormat.printToUnicodeString(this)
def companion: =
// @@protoc_insertion_point(GeneratedMessage[google.protobuf.Duration])
object Duration extends scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[] with scalapb.DurationCompanionMethods {
implicit def messageCompanion: scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[] with scalapb.DurationCompanionMethods = this
def parseFrom(`_input__`: = {
var __seconds: _root_.scala.Long = 0L
var __nanos: _root_.scala.Int = 0
var `_unknownFields__`: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.Builder = null
var _done__ = false
while (!_done__) {
val _tag__ = _input__.readTag()
_tag__ match {
case 0 => _done__ = true
case 8 =>
__seconds = _input__.readInt64()
case 16 =>
__nanos = _input__.readInt32()
case tag =>
if (_unknownFields__ == null) {
_unknownFields__ = new _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.Builder()
_unknownFields__.parseField(tag, _input__)
seconds = __seconds,
nanos = __nanos,
unknownFields = if (_unknownFields__ == null) _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet.empty else _unknownFields__.result()
implicit def messageReads: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.Reads[] = _root_.scalapb.descriptors.Reads{
case _root_.scalapb.descriptors.PMessage(__fieldsMap) =>
_root_.scala.Predef.require(__fieldsMap.keys.forall(_.containingMessage eq scalaDescriptor), "FieldDescriptor does not match message type.")
seconds = __fieldsMap.get(scalaDescriptor.findFieldByNumber(1).get).map([_root_.scala.Long]).getOrElse(0L),
nanos = __fieldsMap.get(scalaDescriptor.findFieldByNumber(2).get).map([_root_.scala.Int]).getOrElse(0)
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Expected PMessage")
def javaDescriptor: =
def scalaDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.Descriptor =
def messageCompanionForFieldNumber(__number: _root_.scala.Int): _root_.scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[_] = throw new MatchError(__number)
lazy val nestedMessagesCompanions: Seq[_root_.scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion[_ <: _root_.scalapb.GeneratedMessage]] = Seq.empty
def enumCompanionForFieldNumber(__fieldNumber: _root_.scala.Int): _root_.scalapb.GeneratedEnumCompanion[_] = throw new MatchError(__fieldNumber)
lazy val defaultInstance =
seconds = 0L,
nanos = 0
implicit class DurationLens[UpperPB](_l: _root_.scalapb.lenses.Lens[UpperPB,]) extends _root_.scalapb.lenses.ObjectLens[UpperPB,](_l) {
def seconds: _root_.scalapb.lenses.Lens[UpperPB, _root_.scala.Long] = field(_.seconds)((c_, f_) => c_.copy(seconds = f_))
def nanos: _root_.scalapb.lenses.Lens[UpperPB, _root_.scala.Int] = field(_.nanos)((c_, f_) => c_.copy(nanos = f_))
final val NANOS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2
def of(
seconds: _root_.scala.Long,
nanos: _root_.scala.Int
): =
// @@protoc_insertion_point(GeneratedMessageCompanion[google.protobuf.Duration])