scalapb.GeneratedMessageCompanion.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalapb
import{InputStream, OutputStream}
import{ByteString, CodedInputStream, CodedOutputStream}
import{Descriptors => JavaDescriptors}
import scalapb.lenses.{Lens, Updatable}
import _root_.scalapb.descriptors.{PMessage, PValue}
import scala.util.Try
import scala.annotation.nowarn
trait GeneratedEnum extends Any with Product with Serializable {
type EnumType <: GeneratedEnum
type RecognizedType <: EnumType
def value: Int
def index: Int
def name: String
override def toString = name
def companion: GeneratedEnumCompanion[EnumType]
def isUnrecognized: Boolean = false
def javaValueDescriptor: JavaDescriptors.EnumValueDescriptor =
def scalaValueDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor =
def asRecognized: Option[RecognizedType]
trait UnrecognizedEnum extends GeneratedEnum {
def name = "UNRECOGNIZED"
def index = -1
override def isUnrecognized: Boolean = true
override def scalaValueDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor =
trait GeneratedEnumCompanion[A <: GeneratedEnum] extends Serializable {
type ValueType = A
def fromValue(value: Int): A
def fromName(name: String): Option[A] = values.find( == name)
def values: Seq[A]
/** Returns the Java descriptors for this enum. It is recommended to use scalaDescriptors. The
* Java descriptors are available even when Java conversions is disabled, however they are not
* available in Scala.js or scala-native.
def javaDescriptor:
def scalaDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.EnumDescriptor
trait GeneratedOneof extends Any with Product with Serializable {
type ValueType
def number: Int
def isDefined: Boolean
def isEmpty: Boolean
def value: ValueType
def valueOption: Option[ValueType] = if (isDefined) Some(value) else None
trait GeneratedOneofCompanion
trait GeneratedMessage extends Any with Product with Serializable {
/** Serializes the message into the given coded output stream */
def writeTo(output: CodedOutputStream): Unit
/** Serializes the message into the given output stream */
final def writeTo(output: OutputStream): Unit = {
val bufferSize =
val codedOutput: CodedOutputStream =
CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output, bufferSize)
final def writeDelimitedTo(output: OutputStream): Unit = {
val serialized: Int = serializedSize
val bufferSize: Int = LiteParser.preferredCodedOutputStreamBufferSize(
CodedOutputStream.computeUInt32SizeNoTag(serialized) + serialized
val codedOutput: CodedOutputStream =
CodedOutputStream.newInstance(output, bufferSize)
@deprecated("Use getField instead.", "0.11.17")
def getFieldByNumber(fieldNumber: Int): Any
// Using a Scala field descriptor.
def getField(field: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.FieldDescriptor): PValue
final def toPMessage: PMessage =
PMessage( { case f =>
(f, getField(f))
def companion: GeneratedMessageCompanion[?]
/** Serializes the message and returns a byte array containing its raw bytes */
final def toByteArray: Array[Byte] = {
val a = new Array[Byte](serializedSize)
val outputStream = CodedOutputStream.newInstance(a)
/** Serializes the message and returns a ByteString containing its raw bytes */
final def toByteString: ByteString = {
val output = ByteString.newOutput(serializedSize)
def serializedSize: Int
/** Returns a human-readable ASCII format representation of this message.
* The original message can be decoded from this format by using fromAscii on the companion
* object.
* @return
* human-readable representation of this message.
def toProtoString: String
trait ExtendableMessage[A <: ExtendableMessage[A]] extends Updatable[A] {
self: A =>
def unknownFields: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet
def extension[T](generatedExtension: GeneratedExtension[A, T]): T = generatedExtension.get(this)
def withUnknownFields(unknownFields: _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet): A
def withExtension[T](generatedExtension: GeneratedExtension[A, T])(value: T): A =
object ExtendableMessage {
def unknownFieldsLen[A <: ExtendableMessage[A]]: Lens[A, _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet] =
Lens[A, _root_.scalapb.UnknownFieldSet](_.unknownFields)((c, t) => c.withUnknownFields(t))
trait JavaProtoSupport[ScalaPB, JavaPB] extends Any {
def fromJavaProto(javaProto: JavaPB): ScalaPB
def toJavaProto(scalaProto: ScalaPB): JavaPB
trait GeneratedMessageCompanion[A <: GeneratedMessage] extends Serializable {
self =>
type ValueType = A
/** Parses a message from a CodedInputStream. */
def parseFrom(input: CodedInputStream): A
def parseFrom(input: InputStream): A = parseFrom(CodedInputStream.newInstance(input))
def parseDelimitedFrom(input: CodedInputStream): Option[A] =
def parseDelimitedFrom(input: InputStream): Option[A] =
// Creates a stream that parses one message at a time from the delimited input stream.
def streamFromDelimitedInput(input: InputStream): Stream[A] = {
val codedInputStream = CodedInputStream.newInstance(input)
def parseFrom(s: Array[Byte]): A = parseFrom(CodedInputStream.newInstance(s))
/** Merges the given message with the additional fields in the steam. */
def merge(a: A, input: CodedInputStream): A = {
parseFrom(a.toByteArray ++ parseFrom(input).toByteArray)
def validate(s: Array[Byte]): Try[A] = Try(parseFrom(s))
def toByteArray(a: A): Array[Byte] = a.toByteArray
/** Returns the Java descriptors for this message. It is recommended to use scalaDescriptors. The
* Java descriptors are available even when Java conversions is disabled, however they are not
* available in Scala.js or scala-native.
def javaDescriptor:
def scalaDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.Descriptor
// Companion object of all nested messages. That is, all messages that are defined directly inside this
// message.
def nestedMessagesCompanions: Seq[GeneratedMessageCompanion[? <: GeneratedMessage]]
def messageReads: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.Reads[A]
def messageCompanionForFieldNumber(field: Int): GeneratedMessageCompanion[?]
def messageCompanionForField(
field: JavaDescriptors.FieldDescriptor
): GeneratedMessageCompanion[?] = {
field.getContainingType() == javaDescriptor,
"FieldDescriptor does not match message type."
def enumCompanionForFieldNumber(field: Int): GeneratedEnumCompanion[?]
def enumCompanionForField(field: JavaDescriptors.FieldDescriptor): GeneratedEnumCompanion[?] = {
field.getContainingType() == javaDescriptor,
"FieldDescriptor does not match message type."
// The ASCII representation is the representation returned by toProtoString. The following
// functions allow you to convert the ASCII format back to a protocol buffer. These
// functions are compatible with the Java implementation in the sense that anything that
// was generated by TextFormat.printToString can be parsed by these functions.
def validateAscii(s: String): Either[TextFormatError, A] = TextFormat.fromAscii(this, s)
def fromAscii(s: String): A =
validateAscii(s).fold(t => throw new TextFormatException(t.msg), identity[A])
def defaultInstance: A
abstract class GeneratedFileObject {
def scalaDescriptor: _root_.scalapb.descriptors.FileDescriptor
/** Returns the Java descriptors for this file. It is recommended to use scalaDescriptors. The
* Java descriptors are available even when Java conversions is disabled, however they are not
* available in Scala.js or scala-native.
def javaDescriptor:
// Other file objects that this file depends on.
def dependencies: Seq[GeneratedFileObject]
// Companion object of all top-level messages
def messagesCompanions: Seq[GeneratedMessageCompanion[? <: GeneratedMessage]]
trait GeneratedSealedOneof extends Any with Product with Serializable {
type MessageType <: GeneratedMessage
def isEmpty: Boolean
def isDefined: Boolean
def asMessage: MessageType