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* Copyright The Sett Ltd, 2005 to 2014.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.thesett.aima.logic.fol.isoprologparser;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import com.thesett.aima.logic.fol.Functor;
import com.thesett.aima.logic.fol.OpSymbol;
import com.thesett.aima.logic.fol.Term;
import com.thesett.common.parsing.SourceCodeException;
import com.thesett.common.util.Queue;
import com.thesett.common.util.StackQueue;
* DynamicOperatorParser is a 'deferred decision parser' that can be used to parse Prolog with dynamically defined
* operators. Prolog operators are dynamic; they can be redefined at run-time with altered fixities, associativities and
* priorities. This means that the grammar of prolog is not fixed and parser generator tools have a hard time coping
* with it. A solution is to parse sequences of adjacent terms into a flat array, and then to pass this array to this
* parser to attempt to correctly parse the sequence of terms using the currently defined operators.
* This parser maintains the {@link OperatorTable} in an ISO Prolog compliant manner. That is, it does not permit
* the ',' operator to be redefined, it does not allow an infix and postfix operator with the same name to be
* simultaneosly defined, priority must be between 0 and 1200 inclusive, setting a priority of 0 on an operator removes
* it from the table. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that operators have valid names.
* The grammar to parse looks like:
* T := t
* T := op T
* T := T op
* T := T op T
* Where t is a term already fully parsed, for example, a functor, an atom, a variable, an operator as an atom. 'op' is
* an operator, which can be pre, post, or infix by its position in the different rules.
* This grammar can be parsed using a simple Shift-Reduce, or LR parser. The translation of the grammar into a
* parsing table looks like:
* Augment the grammar with a start state and number the rules:
* 0. S := T
* 1. T := t
* 2. T := op T
* 3. T := T op
* 4. T := T op T
* Expand the rules into item sets by shifting a '.' down the rules:
* Item Set 0
* S := . T
* + T := . t
* + T := . op T
* + T := . T op
* + T := . T op T
* Item Set 1
* T := t .
* Item Set 2
* T := op . T
* + T := . t
* + T := . op T
* + T := . T op
* + T := . T op T
* Item Set 3
* S := T .
* T := T . op
* T := T . op T
* Item Set 4
* T := op T .
* T := T . op
* T := T . op T
* Item Set 5
* T := T op .
* T := T op . T
* + T := . t
* + T := . op T
* + T := . T op
* + T := . T op T
* Item Set 6
* T := T op T .
* T := T . op
* T := T . op T
* Which yields the transition table between these states of:
Transition Table
* Which results in an LR parser table of:
LR Parser Table
* From which it can be seen that there are 4 shift-reduce conflicts. It is these conflicts that make this grammar
* difficult to parse with generator tools. This DynamicOperatorParser uses the operator precedence, fixity and
* associativity values to decide which way to resolve the conflicts. The 's1/r2' conflict when encountering 't' in
* state 5 is always shifted as non-operator terms have priority 0 in Prolog. The remaining conflicts are all
* operator/operator conflicts, and are therefore a matter of deciding which operator takes precedence; the one most
* recently seen, in which case reduce; the one which is encountered as the next symbol, in which case shift. The
* operators priority values are compared and the one with the lower value wins. If the priorities are equal, then the
* associativity of the next operator is used to decide, if it binds left then reduce, binds right then shift, if it is
* non-associative then the choice is ambigious so an error is reported.
* The parser is further complicated by the fact that operators can be overloaded in Prolog. This means that each
* {@link CandidateOpSymbol} encountered can map onto multiple {@link OpSymbol} definitions and a choice as to which one
* is used must be made in the context of the position in which is encountered. Consider the following sequences of
* symbols when and operator/operator conflict is encountered:
* alpha OpA beta OpB ...
* Where alpha and beta are sequences of symbols, possibly empty. Now consider for the empty or non-empty values of
* alpha and beta, what fixities of operator are possible for OpA and OpB. Note that OpA and OpB must be prefix,
* postfix, or infix and cannot be an constant atom, because operators as constant atoms must be bracketed in ISO
* Prolog, and will therefore have already been resolved from a {@link CandidateOpSymbol} to an {@link OpSymbol}.
Possibly Fixity Combinations
alpha = not_empty, beta = not_empty
(OpA = in, OpB = post) or (OpA = in, OpB = in)
alpha = empty, beta = not_empty
(OpA = pre, OpB = post) or (OpA = in, OpB = in)
alpha = not_empty, beta = empty
(OpA = post, OpB = in) or (OpA = post, OpB = post) or (OpA = in, OpB = pre)
alpha = empty, beta = empty
(OpA = pre, OpB = pre)
* ISO Prolog does not permit a postfix and infix operator with the same name to be defined simultaneously, which
* reduces the above table to only one possible operator combination in each case.
* The evaluation of the fixity combinations, and operator precedence to decide conflicts can be seen in the
* {@link ResolveAction#apply()} method.
* Error reporting is added to the LR parser by filling the blank transitions in the parse tables with error actions
* with custom error messages specific to the empty transition.
CRC Card
Add new operators to the table following ISO Prolog rules.
Find all candidate operators matching a given name.
Parse sequences of terms and candidate operators using ISO Prolog rules.
* @author Rupert Smith
public class DynamicOperatorParser implements OperatorTable
/** Used for debugging purposes. */
/* private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DynamicOperatorParser.class.getName()); */
/** Encodes the possible symbols that this parser accepts. */
private enum Symbol
/** A term which is not a {@link CandidateOpSymbol}. It may be a previously resolved {@link OpSymbol} though. */
/** A symbol which is a {@link CandidateOpSymbol} to be resovled onto an {@link OpSymbol}. */
/** A final symbol to complete the sequence. */
/** Defines the action to shift to state 1. */
private ShiftAction s1 = new ShiftAction(1);
/** Defines the action to shift to state 2. */
private ShiftAction s2 = new ShiftAction(2);
/** Defines the action to shift to state 5. */
private ShiftAction s5 = new ShiftAction(5);
/** Defines the action to resolve using rule 1. */
private ReduceAction r1 = new ReduceAction(1);
/** Defines the action to resolve using rule 2. */
private ReduceAction r2 = new ReduceAction(2);
/** Defines the action to resolve using rule 3. */
private ReduceAction r3 = new ReduceAction(3);
/** Defines the action to resolve using rule 4. */
private ReduceAction r4 = new ReduceAction(4);
/** Defines an error message when the final symbol is encountered in the start state. */
private ErrorAction e1 = new ErrorAction("Term sequence cannot be empty.");
/** Defines an error message when nothing is specified to apply an operator to. */
private ErrorAction e2 = new ErrorAction("Something expected after operator.");
/** Defines an error message when two adjacement terms no seperated by an operator are encounterd. */
private ErrorAction e3 = new ErrorAction("Cannot have two adjacent non-operator terms.");
* Holds the LR parser action table, that describes which action to perform when encountering a given symbol in a
* given state. The first index to the two dimensional array is the state number, the second is the {@link Symbol}s
* ordinal value. Note that there are three operator/operator shift/reduce conflicts in this table.
private Action[][] actionTable =
new Action[][]
{ s1, s2, e1 },
{ r1, r1, r1 },
{ s1, s2, e2 },
{ e3, s5, new Accept() },
{ r2, new ResolveAction(s5, r2), r2 },
{ s1, new ResolveAction(s2, r3), r3 },
{ r4, new ResolveAction(s5, r4), r4 }
/** Holds the LR parser goto table, that describes the state to transition to after resolving a rule. */
private Integer[] gotoTable = new Integer[] { 3, null, 4, null, null, 6, null };
/** Holds the rules to apply when resolving. */
private Action[] rules = { null, new Rule1(), new Rule2(), new Rule3(), new Rule4() };
/** Holds the parser state stack. */
private Queue stack = new StackQueue();
/** Holds the parsers current state. */
private int state;
/** Holds the parsers current position within the input sequence of terms. */
private int position;
/** Holds the output stack onto which terms are placed pending their consumption by rule reductions. */
private Queue outputStack = new StackQueue();
/** Holds the current next term on the input sequence. */
private Term nextTerm;
/** Holds the table of defined operators by name and fixity. */
private Map> operators =
new HashMap>();
* Parses a flat list of terms, which are literals, variables, functors, or operators into a tree in such a way that
* the operators associativity and precendence is obeyed.
* @param terms A flat list of terms possibly containing operators, to be parsed.
* @return The functor at the root of the sequence of terms parsed into an abstract syntax tree.
* @throws SourceCodeException If the list of terms does not form a valid syntactical construction under the current
* set of defined operators.
public Functor parseOperators(Term[] terms) throws SourceCodeException
// Initialize the parsers state.
state = 0;
position = 0;
nextTerm = null;
// Consume the terms from left to right.
for (position = 0; position <= terms.length;)
Symbol nextSymbol;
// Decide what the next symbol to parse is; candidate op, term or final.
if (position < terms.length)
nextTerm = terms[position];
if (nextTerm instanceof CandidateOpSymbol)
nextSymbol = Symbol.Op;
nextSymbol = Symbol.Term;
nextSymbol = Symbol.Final;
// Look in the action table to find the action associated with the current symbol and state.
Action action = actionTable[state][nextSymbol.ordinal()];
// Apply the action.
return (Functor) outputStack.poll();
* Sets the priority and associativity of a named operator in this table. This method may be used to remove
* operators by some implementations, through a special setting of the priority value. A priority value of zero will
* remove any existing operator matching the fixity of the one specified (that is pre, or post/infix). To be
* accepted, the operator must have a priority between 0 and 1200 inclusive, and can only be a postfix operator when
* an infix is not already defined with the same name, and similarly for infix operators when a postfix operator is
* already defined.
* @param name The interned name of the operator to set in the table.
* @param textName The text name of the operator to set in the table.
* @param priority The priority of the operator. Zero removes the operator.
* @param associativity The associativity of the operator.
public void setOperator(int name, String textName, int priority, OpSymbol.Associativity associativity)
// Check that the name of the operator is valid.
// Check that the priority of the operator is valid.
if ((priority < 0) || (priority > 1200))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Operator priority must be between 0 and 1200 inclusive.");
OpSymbol opSymbol = new OpSymbol(name, textName, associativity, priority);
// Consult the defined operators to see if there are any already defined that match the name of the
// new definition, otherwise a map of operators by fixity needs to be created.
EnumMap operatorMap = operators.get(textName);
// Check if the priority is non-zero in which case the operator is being added or redefined.
if (priority > 0)
if (operatorMap == null)
operatorMap = new EnumMap(OpSymbol.Fixity.class);
operators.put(textName, operatorMap);
// Check if the operators fixity to see if further rules regarding simultaneous definition of post and
// infix operators need to be applied.
if (opSymbol.isPostfix())
// Postfix, so check if an infix definition already exists, which is not allowed.
if (operatorMap.containsKey(OpSymbol.Fixity.In))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot define a postfix operator when an infix one with the same name already exists.");
else if (opSymbol.isInfix())
// Infix, so check if a postfix definition already exists, which is not allowed.
if (operatorMap.containsKey(OpSymbol.Fixity.Post))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot define an infix operator when an postfix one with the same name already exists.");
// Add the operator to the table replacing any previous definition of the same fixity.
operatorMap.put(opSymbol.getFixity(), opSymbol);
// The priority is zero, in which case the operator is to be removed.
if ((operatorMap != null) && opSymbol.isPrefix())
// Remove it from the prefix table, if it exists there.
else if ((operatorMap != null) && (opSymbol.isPostfix() || opSymbol.isInfix()))
// Remove it from the postfix/infix table, if it exists there.
* Checks the operator table for all possible operators matching a given name.
* @param name The interned name of the operator to find.
* @return An array of matching operators, or null if none can be found.
public EnumMap getOperatorsMatchingNameByFixity(String name)
return operators.get(name);
* Prints the current state of this parser as a string, mainly for debugging purposes.
* @return The current state of this parser as a string.
public String toString()
return "DynamicOperatorsParser: [ state = " + state + ", nextTerm = " + nextTerm + " stack = " + stack +
" outputStack = " + outputStack + " ]";
* Checks if a candidate operator symbol can have one of the specified fixities, and resolve it to an oeprator with
* that fixity if so. If it cannot be resolved an exception is raised.
* @param candidate The candidate operator symbol to resolve.
* @param fixities The possible fixities to resolve the symbol to.
* @return The candidate operator resolved to an actual operator.
* @throws SourceCodeException If the candidate operator cannot be resolved.
protected static OpSymbol checkAndResolveToFixity(CandidateOpSymbol candidate, OpSymbol.Fixity... fixities)
throws SourceCodeException
OpSymbol result = null;
for (OpSymbol.Fixity fixity : fixities)
result = candidate.getPossibleOperators().get(fixity);
if (result != null)
if (result == null)
throw new SourceCodeException("Operator " + candidate + " must be one of " + Arrays.toString(fixities) +
", but does not have the required form.", null, null, null, candidate.getSourceCodePosition());
return result;
* A base class for defining parsers actions and rule reductions from.
private abstract static class Action
* Applies a parser action; shift, reduce, resolve or accept.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public abstract void apply() throws SourceCodeException;
* Defines a shift action. Shift changes to a new state, places the new state on the stack, consumes one input
* symbol and places the symbol on the output stack.
private class ShiftAction extends Action
/** Holds the state to shift to. */
public int toState;
* Creates a shift action to the specified state.
* @param toState The state to shift to.
private ShiftAction(int toState)
this.toState = toState;
* Performs a shift action. Changes to a new state, places the new state on the stack, consumes one input symbol
* and places the symbol on the output stack.
public void apply()
state = toState;
* Defines a reduce action. Reduce consumes states from the state stack, and symbols from the output stack in number
* equal to the number of symbols on the right hand side of the rule that is being reduced by. It then shifts to the
* state given by the goto table from the state left on top of the state stack. In this implementation the
* consumption of symbols and states from the stacks is delegated to a {@link Action} implementation.
private class ReduceAction extends Action
/** Holds the rule number to reduce by. */
public int ruleNum;
* Creates a reduce action to reduce by the specified rule.
* @param rule The rule number to reduce by.
private ReduceAction(int rule)
this.ruleNum = rule;
* Performs a reduce by the specified rule number.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
Action rule = rules[ruleNum];
state = gotoTable[stack.peek()];
* ResolveAction decides a shift-reduce conflict between a pair of {@link CandidateOpSymbol}s. The resolution
* procedure is as described in the class level comment for {@link DynamicOperatorParser}.
private class ResolveAction extends Action
/** The shift action to perform if a shift resolution is chosen. */
ShiftAction shift;
/** The reduce action to perform if a reduce resolution is chosen. */
ReduceAction reduce;
* Creates a resolve action between the specified shift and reduce actions.
* @param shift The shift action to perform if a shift resolution is chosen.
* @param reduce The reduce action to perform if a reduce resolution is chosen.
private ResolveAction(ShiftAction shift, ReduceAction reduce)
this.shift = shift;
this.reduce = reduce;
* Performs shift-reduce resolution between a pair of operators as describe in {@link DynamicOperatorParser}.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
// This cast should not fail, as resolve is only called when the next symbol is a candidate operator.
CandidateOpSymbol nextCandidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) nextTerm;
// Walk back down the output stack looking for the last symbol and checking out what other terms may
// exist on the stack too. This evaluates the output stack, looking at the previously parsed sequence
// of terms that led to this conflict as a sequence of the form 'alpha OpA beta OpB', where OpA is the
// previously unresolved operator conflicting with the nextTerm, and alpha and beta are potentially
// empty sequences of symbols. The following code works out what the previous operator is and whether
// alpha and beta are empty. At the end of this lastCandidate cannot be null, as resolve is only called
// when a previous candidate symbol has been encountered.
boolean alpha = false;
boolean beta = false;
CandidateOpSymbol lastCandidate = null;
int pos = 0;
for (Term nextTerm : outputStack)
boolean isOpSymbol = (nextTerm instanceof CandidateOpSymbol);
if ((pos == 0) && !isOpSymbol)
beta = true;
else if ((pos == 0) && isOpSymbol)
lastCandidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) nextTerm;
else if ((pos == 1) && beta)
lastCandidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) nextTerm;
else if ((pos == 1) && !beta)
alpha = true;
else if (pos == 2)
alpha = true;
if (lastCandidate == null)
throw new RuntimeException("'lastCandidate' is null but this should not be the case as this resolve " +
"action is only called when a previous candidate symbol exists.");
// Based on the form of the symbol sequence preceding the next symbol, work out which combination
// of operator fixities in uniquely possible, and resolve the candidate operators onto that combination.
OpSymbol lastOp;
OpSymbol nextOp;
if (alpha && beta)
lastOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(lastCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In);
nextOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(nextCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In, OpSymbol.Fixity.Post);
else if (!alpha && beta)
lastOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(lastCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Pre);
nextOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(nextCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In, OpSymbol.Fixity.Post);
else if (alpha && !beta)
lastOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(lastCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In, OpSymbol.Fixity.Post);
if (lastOp.isPostfix())
nextOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(nextCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In, OpSymbol.Fixity.Post);
nextOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(nextCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Pre);
lastOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(lastCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Pre);
nextOp = checkAndResolveToFixity(nextCandidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Pre);
// Compare the priority and associativities of the conflicting operators to decide whether to shift
// or reduce.
int comparison = lastOp.compareTo(nextOp);
if (comparison < 0)
else if (comparison > 0)
if (nextOp.isLeftAssociative())
else if (nextOp.isRightAssociative())
throw new SourceCodeException("Ambiguous operator associativity. Expression requires brackets.",
null, null, null, nextOp.getSourceCodePosition());
* An error handling action to be used when an unknown transition in the parser table is attempted. This action
* creates a source code exception with the location of the error in it.
private class ErrorAction extends Action
/** Holds a custom error description. */
private String errorMessage;
* Creates an error action with the specified error message.
* @param errorMessage The error message.
private ErrorAction(String errorMessage)
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
* Applies a parser error action that will generate an exception with the location of the current parse term in
* it.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location for the current parse term.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
throw new SourceCodeException(errorMessage, null, null, null, nextTerm.getSourceCodePosition());
* Performs an accept action. This advances over the last symbol in the input sequence so that the parser
* terminates.
private class Accept extends Action
/** Accepts the input sequence as valid. */
public void apply()
// Advance one beyond the final position to indicate acceptance of the sentence as a valid instance of
// the grammar.
* Implements a reduction by rule 1 of the grammar. This consumes a single state from the state stack.
private class Rule1 extends Action
/** Defines the number of symbols on the right hand side of this rule. */
private static final int NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS = 1;
/** Reduces by rule 1. */
public void apply()
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS; i++)
* Implements a reduction by rule 2 of the grammar. This consumes two states from the state stack, and expects the
* top two symbols on the output stack to be a terminal follow by an operator candidate that resolves to a prefix
* operator.
private class Rule2 extends Action
/** Defines the number of symbols on the right hand side of this rule. */
private static final int NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS = 2;
* Reduces by rule 2.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
// Consume from the state stack for the number of RHS symbols.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS; i++)
// Attempt to consume a term and an operator in prefix order from the output stack.
Term t = outputStack.poll();
CandidateOpSymbol candidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) outputStack.poll();
OpSymbol op = checkAndResolveToFixity(candidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Pre);
// Clone the operator symbol from the operator table before adding the unique source code position and
// argument for this symbol instance.
op = op.copySymbol();
op.setArguments(new Term[] { t });
// Place the fully parsed, promoted operator back onto the output stack.
* Implements a reduction by rule 3 of the grammar. This consumes two states from the state stack, and expects the
* top two symbols on the output stack to be an operator candidate that resolves to a postfix operator followed by a
* terminal.
private class Rule3 extends Action
/** Defines the number of symbols on the right hand side of this rule. */
private static final int NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS = 2;
* Reduces by rule 3.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
// Consume from the state stack for the number of RHS symbols.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS; i++)
// Attempt to consume an operator and a term in postfix order from the output stack.
CandidateOpSymbol candidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) outputStack.poll();
Term t = outputStack.poll();
OpSymbol op = checkAndResolveToFixity(candidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.Post);
// Clone the operator symbol from the operator table before adding the unique source code position and
// argument for this symbol instance.
op = op.copySymbol();
op.setArguments(new Term[] { t });
* Implements a reduction by rule 3 of the grammar. This consumes three states from the state stack, and expects the
* top three symbols on the output stack to be a terminal followed by ann operator candidate that resolves to a
* infix operator followed by a terminal.
private class Rule4 extends Action
/** Defines the number of symbols on the right hand side of this rule. */
private static final int NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS = 3;
* Reduces by rule 4.
* @throws SourceCodeException With an error location if the action cannot be performed because the input
* sequence does not form a valid instance of the grammar.
public void apply() throws SourceCodeException
// Consume from the state stack for the number of RHS symbols.
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SYMBOLS_RHS; i++)
// Attempt to consume a term, ann operator and a term in infix order from the output stack.
Term t1 = outputStack.poll();
CandidateOpSymbol candidate = (CandidateOpSymbol) outputStack.poll();
Term t2 = outputStack.poll();
OpSymbol op = checkAndResolveToFixity(candidate, OpSymbol.Fixity.In);
// Clone the operator symbol from the operator table before adding the unique source code position and
// argument for this symbol instance.
// Note that the order of the arguments is swapped here, because they come off the stack backwards.
op = op.copySymbol();
op.setArguments(new Term[] { t2, t1 });