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* Copyright The Sett Ltd, 2005 to 2014.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.thesett.junit.extensions;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestResult;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import com.thesett.common.util.CommandLineParser;
import com.thesett.common.util.concurrent.ShutdownHookable;
import com.thesett.junit.extensions.listeners.CSVTestListener;
import com.thesett.junit.extensions.listeners.ConsoleTestListener;
import com.thesett.junit.extensions.listeners.XMLTestListener;
import com.thesett.junit.extensions.util.MathUtils;
import com.thesett.junit.extensions.util.TestContextProperties;
* TKTestRunner extends {@link junit.textui.TestRunner} with the ability to run tests multiple times, to execute a test
* simultaneously using many threads, to put a delay between test runs and adds support for tests that take integer
* parameters that can be 'stepped' through on multiple test runs. These features can be accessed by using this class as
* an entry point and passing command line arguments to specify which features to use:
* -w ms The number of milliseconds between invocations of test cases.
* -c pattern The number of tests to run concurrently.
* -r num The number of times to repeat each test.
* -d duration The length of time to run the tests for.
* -t name The name of the test case to execute.
* -s pattern The size parameter to run tests with.
* -o dir The name of the directory to output test timings to.
* --csv Output test results in CSV format.
* --xml Output test results in XML format.
* This command line may also have trailing 'name=value' parameters added to it. All of these values are added to
* the test context properties and passed to the test, which can access them by name.
* The pattern arguments are of the form [lowest(: ...)(: highest)](:sample=s)(:exp), where round brackets enclose
* optional values. Using this pattern form it is possible to specify a single value, a range of values divided into s
* samples, a range of values divided into s samples but distributed exponentially, or a fixed set of samples.
* The duration arguments are of the form (dD)(hH)(mM)(sS), where round brackets enclose optional values. At least
* one of the optional values must be present.
* When specifying optional test parameters on the command line, in 'name=value' format, it is also possible to use
* the format 'name=[value1:value2:value3:...]', to specify multiple values for a parameter. All permutations of all
* parameters with multiple values will be created and tested. If the values are numerical, it is also possible to use
* the sequence generation patterns instead of fully specifying all of the values.
* Here are some examples:
-c [10:20:30:40:50]
Runs the test with 10,20,...,50 threads.
-s [1:100]:samples=10
Runs the test with ten different size parameters evenly spaced between 1 and 100.
-s [1:1000000]:samples=10:exp
Runs the test with ten different size parameters exponentially spaced between 1 and 1000000.
-r 10
Runs each test ten times.
-d 10H
Runs the test repeatedly for 10 hours.
-d 1M, -r 10
Runs the test repeatedly for 1 minute but only takes a timing sample every 10 test runs.
-r 10, -c [1:5:10:50], -s [100:1000:10000]
Runs 12 test cycles (4 concurrency samples * 3 size sample), with 10 repeats each. In total the test will be run
* 199 times (3 + 15 + 30 + 150)
Passes the 'cache' parameter with value 'true' to the test.
Runs the test with the 'cache' parameter set to 'true' and 'false'.
Runs the test with the 'cache' parameter set to a series of exponentially increasing sizes.
CRC Card
Create the test configuration specified by the command line parameters.
* @author Rupert Smith
* @todo Verify that the output directory exists or can be created.
* @todo Verify that the specific named test case to execute exists.
* @todo Drop the delay parameter as it is being replaced by throttling.
* @todo Completely replace the test ui test runner, instead of having TKTestRunner inherit from it, its just not good
* code to extend.
public class TKTestRunner extends TestRunnerImprovedErrorHandling
/** Used for debugging. */
/*private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TKTestRunner.class);*/
/** Used for displaying information on the console. */
// private static final Logger console = Logger.getLogger("CONSOLE." + TKTestRunner.class.getName());
/** Used for generating the timestamp when naming output files. */
protected static final DateFormat TIME_STAMP_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("");
/** Number of times to rerun the test. */
protected Integer repetitions = 1;
/** The length of time to run the tests for. */
protected final Long duration;
/** Number of threads running the tests. */
protected final int[] threads;
/** Delay in ms to wait between two test cases. */
protected int delay = 0;
/** The parameter values to pass to parameterized tests. */
protected final int[] params;
/** Name of the single test case to execute. */
protected String testCaseName = null;
/** Name of the test class. */
protected String testClassName = null;
/** Name of the test run. */
protected String testRunName = null;
/** Directory to output XML reports into, if specified. */
protected String reportDir = null;
/** Flag that indicates the CSV results listener should be used to output results. */
protected final boolean csvResults;
/** Flag that indiciates the XML results listener should be used to output results. */
protected final boolean xmlResults;
* Holds the name of the class of the test currently being run. Ideally passed into the {@link #createTestResult}
* method, but as the signature is already fixed for this, the current value gets pushed here as a member variable.
protected String currentTestClassName;
/** Holds the test results object, which is reponsible for instrumenting tests/threads to record results. */
protected TKTestResult result;
/** Holds a list of factories for instantiating optional user specified test decorators. */
protected final List decoratorFactories;
* Constructs a TKTestRunner using System.out for all the output.
* @param repetitions The number of times to repeat the test, or test batch size.
* @param duration The length of time to run the tests for. -1 means no duration has been set.
* @param threads The concurrency levels to ramp up to.
* @param delay A delay in milliseconds between test runs.
* @param params The sets of 'size' parameters to pass to test.
* @param testCaseName The name of the test case to run.
* @param reportDir The directory to output the test results to.
* @param runName The name of the test run; used to name the output file.
* @param csvResults true if the CSV results listener should be attached.
* @param xmlResults true if the XML results listener should be attached.
* @param decoratorFactories List of factories for user specified decorators.
public TKTestRunner(Integer repetitions, Long duration, int[] threads, int delay, int[] params, String testCaseName,
String reportDir, String runName, boolean csvResults, boolean xmlResults,
List decoratorFactories)
super(new NullResultPrinter(System.out));
/*log.debug("public TKTestRunner(): called");*/
// Keep all the test parameters.
this.repetitions = repetitions;
this.duration = duration;
this.threads = threads;
this.delay = delay;
this.params = params;
this.testCaseName = testCaseName;
this.reportDir = reportDir;
this.testRunName = runName;
this.csvResults = csvResults;
this.xmlResults = xmlResults;
this.decoratorFactories = decoratorFactories;
* The entry point for the toolkit test runner.
* @param args The command line arguments.
public static void main(String[] args)
// Use the command line parser to evaluate the command line.
CommandLineParser commandLine =
new CommandLineParser(
new String[][]
{ "w", "The number of milliseconds between invocations of test cases.", "ms", "false" },
{ "c", "The number of tests to run concurrently.", "num", "false", MathUtils.SEQUENCE_REGEXP },
{ "r", "The number of times to repeat each test.", "num", "false" },
"d", "The length of time to run the tests for.", "duration", "false", MathUtils.DURATION_REGEXP
"f", "The maximum rate to call the tests at.", "frequency", "false",
{ "s", "The size parameter to run tests with.", "size", "false", MathUtils.SEQUENCE_REGEXP },
{ "t", "The name of the test case to execute.", "name", "false" },
{ "o", "The name of the directory to output test timings to.", "dir", "false" },
{ "n", "A name for this test run, used to name the output file.", "name", "true" },
"X:decorators", "A list of additional test decorators to wrap the tests in.",
"\"[]*\"", "false"
{ "1", "Test class.", "class", "true" },
{ "-csv", "Output test results in CSV format.", null, "false" },
{ "-xml", "Output test results in XML format.", null, "false" }
// Capture the command line arguments or display errors and correct usage and then exit.
ParsedProperties options = null;
options = new ParsedProperties(commandLine.parseCommandLine(args));
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// Extract the command line options.
Integer delay = options.getPropertyAsInteger("w");
String threadsString = options.getProperty("c");
Integer repetitions = options.getPropertyAsInteger("r");
String durationString = options.getProperty("d");
String paramsString = options.getProperty("s");
String testCaseName = options.getProperty("t");
String reportDir = options.getProperty("o");
String testRunName = options.getProperty("n");
String decorators = options.getProperty("X:decorators");
String testClassName = options.getProperty("1");
boolean csvResults = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("-csv");
boolean xmlResults = options.getPropertyAsBoolean("-xml");
int[] threads = (threadsString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseSequence(threadsString);
int[] params = (paramsString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseSequence(paramsString);
Long duration = (durationString == null) ? null : MathUtils.parseDuration(durationString);
// The test run name defaults to the test class name unless a value was specified for it.
testRunName = (testRunName == null) ? testClassName : testRunName;
// Add all the command line options and trailing settings to test context properties. Tests may pick up
// overridden values from there, and these values will be logged in the test results, for analysis and
// to make tests repeatable.
// Create and start the test runner.
// Create a list of test decorator factories for use specified decorators to be applied.
List decoratorFactories = parseDecorators(decorators);
TKTestRunner testRunner =
new TKTestRunner(repetitions, duration, threads, (delay == null) ? 0 : delay, params, testCaseName,
reportDir, testRunName, csvResults, xmlResults, decoratorFactories);
TestResult testResult = testRunner.start(testClassName);
if (!testResult.wasSuccessful())
catch (Exception e)
e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(System.err));
* Runs a test or suite of tests, using the super class implemenation. This method wraps the test to be run in any
* test decorators needed to add in the configured toolkits enhanced junit functionality.
* @param test The test to run.
* @param wait Undocumented. Nothing in the JUnit javadocs to say what this is for.
* @return The results of the test run.
public TestResult doRun(Test test, boolean wait)
/*log.debug("public TestResult doRun(Test \"" + test + "\", boolean " + wait + "): called");*/
// Wrap the tests in decorators for duration, scaling, repetition, parameterization etc.
WrappedSuiteTestDecorator targetTest = decorateTests(test);
// Delegate to the super method to run the decorated tests.
/*log.debug("About to call super.doRun");*/
TestResult result = super.doRun(targetTest, wait);
/*log.debug("super.doRun returned.");*/
/*if (result instanceof TKTestResult)
TKTestResult tkResult = (TKTestResult) result;
return result;
* Parses a list of test decorators, in the form "[]*", and creates factories for those
* TestDecorator classes , and returns a list of the factories. This list of factories will be in the same order as
* specified in the string. The factories can be used to succesively wrap tests in layers of decorators, as
* decorators themselves implement the 'Test' interface.
* If the string fails to parse, or if any of the decorators specified in it are cannot be loaded, or are not
* TestDecorators, a runtime exception with a suitable error message will be thrown. The factories themselves throw
* runtimes if the constructor method calls on the decorators fail.
* @param decorators The decorators list to be parsed.
* @return A list of instantiated decorators.
protected static List parseDecorators(String decorators)
List result = new LinkedList();
String toParse = decorators;
// Check that the decorators string is not null or empty, returning an empty list of decorator factories it
// it is.
if ((decorators == null) || "".equals(decorators))
return result;
// Strip any leading and trailing quotes from the string.
if (toParse.charAt(0) == '\"')
toParse = toParse.substring(1, toParse.length() - 1);
if (toParse.charAt(toParse.length() - 1) == '\"')
toParse = toParse.substring(0, toParse.length() - 2);
// Instantiate all decorators.
for (String decoratorClassName : toParse.split(":"))
Class decoratorClass = Class.forName(decoratorClassName);
final Constructor decoratorConstructor = decoratorClass.getConstructor(WrappedSuiteTestDecorator.class);
// Check that the decorator is an instance of WrappedSuiteTestDecorator.
if (!WrappedSuiteTestDecorator.class.isAssignableFrom(decoratorClass))
throw new RuntimeException("The decorator class " + decoratorClassName +
" is not a sub-class of WrappedSuiteTestDecorator, which it needs to be.");
result.add(new TestDecoratorFactory()
public WrappedSuiteTestDecorator decorateTest(Test test)
return (WrappedSuiteTestDecorator) decoratorConstructor.newInstance(test);
catch (InstantiationException e)
throw new RuntimeException(
"The decorator class " + decoratorConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName() +
" cannot be instantiated.", e);
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
throw new RuntimeException(
"The decorator class " + decoratorConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName() +
" does not have a publicly accessable constructor.", e);
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
throw new RuntimeException(
"The decorator class " + decoratorConstructor.getDeclaringClass().getName() +
" cannot be invoked.", e);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new RuntimeException("The decorator class " + decoratorClassName + " could not be found.", e);
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
throw new RuntimeException("The decorator class " + decoratorClassName +
" does not have a constructor that accepts a single 'WrappedSuiteTestDecorator' argument.", e);
return result;
* Applies test decorators to the tests for parameterization, duration, scaling and repetition.
* @param test The test to decorat.
* @return The decorated test.
protected WrappedSuiteTestDecorator decorateTests(Test test)
/*log.debug("params = " + ((params == null) ? null : MathUtils.printArray(params)));*/
/*log.debug("repetitions = " + repetitions);*/
/*log.debug("threads = " + ((threads == null) ? null : MathUtils.printArray(threads)));*/
/*log.debug("duration = " + duration);*/
// Wrap all tests in the test suite with WrappedSuiteTestDecorators. This is quite ugly and a bit baffling,
// but the reason it is done is because the JUnit implementation of TestDecorator has some bugs in it.
WrappedSuiteTestDecorator targetTest = null;
if (test instanceof TestSuite)
/*log.debug("targetTest is a TestSuite");*/
TestSuite suite = (TestSuite) test;
int numTests = suite.countTestCases();
/*log.debug("There are " + numTests + " in the suite.");*/
for (int i = 0; i < numTests; i++)
Test nextTest = suite.testAt(i);
/*log.debug("suite.testAt(" + i + ") = " + nextTest);*/
if (nextTest instanceof TimingControllerAware)
/*log.debug("nextTest is TimingControllerAware");*/
if (nextTest instanceof TestThreadAware)
/*log.debug("nextTest is TestThreadAware");*/
targetTest = new WrappedSuiteTestDecorator(suite);
/*log.debug("Wrapped with a WrappedSuiteTestDecorator.");*/
// If the test has already been wrapped, no need to do it again.
else if (test instanceof WrappedSuiteTestDecorator)
targetTest = (WrappedSuiteTestDecorator) test;
// If size parameter values have been set, then wrap the test in an asymptotic test decorator.
if (params != null)
targetTest = new AsymptoticTestDecorator(targetTest, params, (repetitions == null) ? 1 : repetitions);
/*log.debug("Wrapped with asymptotic test decorator.");*/
/*log.debug("targetTest = " + targetTest);*/
// If no size parameters are set but the repitions parameter is, then wrap the test in an asymptotic test decorator.
else if ((repetitions != null) && (repetitions > 1))
targetTest = new AsymptoticTestDecorator(targetTest, new int[] { 1 }, repetitions);
/*log.debug("Wrapped with asymptotic test decorator.");*/
/*log.debug("targetTest = " + targetTest);*/
// Apply any optional user specified decorators.
targetTest = applyOptionalUserDecorators(targetTest);
// If a test run duration has been set then wrap the test in a duration test decorator. This will wrap on
// top of size, repeat or concurrency wrappings already applied.
if (duration != null)
DurationTestDecorator durationTest = new DurationTestDecorator(targetTest, duration);
targetTest = durationTest;
/*log.debug("Wrapped with duration test decorator.");*/
/*log.debug("targetTest = " + targetTest);*/
// ParameterVariationTestDecorator...
// If a test thread concurrency level is set then wrap the test in a scaled test decorator. This will wrap on
// top of size scaling or repetition wrappings.
ScaledTestDecorator scaledDecorator;
if ((threads != null) && ((threads.length > 1) || (MathUtils.maxInArray(threads) > 1)))
scaledDecorator = new ScaledTestDecorator(targetTest, threads);
targetTest = scaledDecorator;
/*log.debug("Wrapped with scaled test decorator.");*/
/*log.debug("targetTest = " + targetTest);*/
scaledDecorator = new ScaledTestDecorator(targetTest, new int[] { 1 });
targetTest = scaledDecorator;
/*log.debug("Wrapped with scaled test decorator with default of 1 thread.");*/
/*log.debug("targetTest = " + targetTest);*/
// Register the scaled test decorators shutdown hook.
return targetTest;
* If there were any user specified test decorators on the command line, this method instantiates them and wraps the
* test in them, from inner-most to outer-most in the order in which the decorators were supplied on the command
* line.
* @param targetTest The test to wrap.
* @return A wrapped test.
protected WrappedSuiteTestDecorator applyOptionalUserDecorators(WrappedSuiteTestDecorator targetTest)
// If there are user defined test decorators apply them in order now.
for (TestDecoratorFactory factory : decoratorFactories)
targetTest = factory.decorateTest(targetTest);
return targetTest;
* Creates the TestResult object to be used for test runs. See {@link TKTestResult} for more information and the
* enhanced test result class that this uses.
* @return An instance of the enhanced test result object, {@link TKTestResult}.
protected TestResult createTestResult()
/*log.debug("protected TestResult createTestResult(): called");*/
TKTestResult result = new TKTestResult(delay, testCaseName);
// Check if a directory to output reports to has been specified and attach test listeners if so.
if (reportDir != null)
// Create the report directory if it does not already exist.
File reportDirFile = new File(reportDir);
if (!reportDirFile.exists())
// Create the results file (make the name of this configurable as a command line parameter).
Writer timingsWriter;
// Always set up a console feedback listener.
ConsoleTestListener feedbackListener = new ConsoleTestListener();
// Set up an XML results listener to output the timings to the results file, if requested on the command line.
if (xmlResults)
File timingsFile = new File(reportDirFile, "TEST-" + currentTestClassName + ".xml");
timingsWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(timingsFile), 20000);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the log file to write test results to: " + e, e);
XMLTestListener listener = new XMLTestListener(timingsWriter, currentTestClassName);
// Set up an CSV results listener to output the timings to the results file, if requested on the command line.
if (csvResults)
// DateFormat is not synchronized so just to be sure synchronize on it.
synchronized (TIME_STAMP_FORMAT)
File timingsFile =
new File(reportDirFile,
testRunName + "-" + TIME_STAMP_FORMAT.format(new Date()) + "-timings.csv");
timingsWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(timingsFile), 20000);
catch (IOException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the log file to write test results to: " + e, e);
CSVTestListener listener = new CSVTestListener(timingsWriter);
// Register the results listeners shutdown hook to flush its data if the test framework is shutdown
// prematurely.
// Register the results listeners shutdown hook to flush its data if the test framework is shutdown
// prematurely.
// registerShutdownHook(listener);
// Record the start time of the batch.
// result.notifyStartBatch();
// At this point in time the test class has been instantiated, giving it an opportunity to read its parameters.
// Inform any test listers of the test properties.
return result;
* Registers the shutdown hook of a {@link ShutdownHookable}.
* @param hookable The hookable to register.
protected void registerShutdownHook(ShutdownHookable hookable)
* Initializes the test runner with the provided command line arguments and and starts the test run.
* @param testClassName The fully qualified name of the test class to run.
* @return The test results.
* @throws Exception Any exceptions from running the tests are allowed to fall through.
protected TestResult start(String testClassName) throws Exception
// Record the current test class, so that the test results can be output to a file incorporating this name.
this.currentTestClassName = testClassName;
// Delegate to the super method to run the tests.
return super.start(new String[] { testClassName });
* TestDecoratorFactory is a factory for creating test decorators from tests.
protected interface TestDecoratorFactory
* Decorates the specified test with a new decorator.
* @param test The test to decorate.
* @return The decorated test.
public WrappedSuiteTestDecorator decorateTest(Test test);