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com.thing2x.smqd.Smqd.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2018 UANGEL
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.thing2x.smqd
import{ActorRef, ActorSystem, Address, Props}
import akka.cluster.Cluster
import akka.dispatch.MessageDispatcher
import akka.pattern.ask
import{ActorMaterializer, ActorMaterializerSettings, Materializer}
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.codahale.metrics.{MetricRegistry, SharedMetricRegistries}
import com.thing2x.smqd.QoS.QoS
import com.thing2x.smqd.SessionStore.ClientData
import com.thing2x.smqd.UserDelegate.User
import com.thing2x.smqd.fault.FaultNotificationManager
import com.thing2x.smqd.plugin.{InstanceDefinition, PluginManager, Service}
import com.thing2x.smqd.protocol.{ProtocolNotification, ProtocolNotificationManager}
import com.thing2x.smqd.util.ConfigUtil._
import com.thing2x.smqd.util._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.StrictLogging
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.language.postfixOps
// 2018. 6. 12. - Created by Kwon, Yeong Eon
* smqd core instance and providing APIs for embedding applications
class Smqd(val config: Config,
_system: ActorSystem,
serviceDefs: Map[String, Config],
userDelegateOption: Option[UserDelegate] = None,
clientDelegateOption: Option[ClientDelegate] = None,
registryDelegateOption: Option[RegistryDelegate] = None,
sessionStoreDelegateOption: Option[SessionStoreDelegate] = None)
extends LifeCycle
with ActorIdentifying
with JvmAware
with AkkaSystemAware
with StrictLogging {
object Implicit {
implicit val system: ActorSystem = _system
private val materializerSettings = ActorMaterializerSettings.create(system)
implicit val materializer: Materializer = ActorMaterializer(materializerSettings,
implicit val gloablDispatcher: MessageDispatcher = system.dispatchers.defaultGlobalDispatcher
import Implicit._
//logger.trace("Origin of configuration: {}", config.origin.description())
val version: String = config.getString("smqd.version")
val commitVersion: String = config.getString("smqd.commit-version")
val nodeName: String = config.getString("smqd.node_name")
val isClusterMode: Boolean = super.isClusterMode
val cluster: Option[Cluster] = super.cluster
val nodeHostPort: String = super.localNodeHostPort(nodeName)
val nodeAddress: Address = super.localNodeAddress(nodeName)
def uptime: Duration = super.uptime
def uptimeString: String = super.uptimeString
val tlsProvider: Option[TlsProvider] = TlsProvider(config.getOptionConfig("smqd.tls"))
val pluginManager = PluginManager(config.getConfig("smqd.plugin"), version)
val facilityFactory = FacilityFactory(config)
private val userDelegate = userDelegateOption.getOrElse(facilityFactory.userDelegate)
private val clientDelegate = clientDelegateOption.getOrElse(facilityFactory.clientDelegate)
private val registryDelegate = registryDelegateOption.getOrElse(facilityFactory.registryDelegate)
private val sessionStoreDelegate = sessionStoreDelegateOption.getOrElse(facilityFactory.sessionStoreDelegate)
private val registry = new TrieRegistry(this, config.getBoolean("smqd.registry.verbose"))
private val router = if (isClusterMode) new ClusterModeRouter(config.getBoolean("smqd.router.verbose")) else new LocalModeRouter(registry)
private val retainer = if (isClusterMode) new ClusterModeRetainer() else new LocalModeRetainer()
private val sessionStore = new SessionStore(this, sessionStoreDelegate)
private val requestor = new Requestor()
private var chiefActor: ActorRef = _
override def start(): Unit = {
//// start Metric Registries
//// actors
try {
chiefActor = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ChiefActor], this, requestor, registry, router, retainer, sessionStore), ChiefActor.actorName)
implicit val readyTimeout: Timeout = 3 second
val future = chiefActor ? ChiefActor.Ready
Await.result(future, readyTimeout.duration) match {
case ChiefActor.ReadyAck =>"ActorSystem ready.")
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error("ActorSystem failed", ex)
//// core facilities and actor system are ready.
//// then loading plugins
//// display list of repositories for information
try {
//// start services
serviceDefs.foreach { case (sname, sconf) =>
InstanceDefinition.defineInstance(this, sname, sconf) match {
case Some(idef) =>
if (idef.autoStart)
case None =>
logger.error(s"Service not found: $sname")
//// load plugin instances
pluginManager.findInstanceConfigs.foreach { pconf =>
pluginManager.loadInstance(this, pconf) match {
case None =>
logger.error(s"Plugin loading filaure...")
case _ => // already started by plugin manager if plugin has auto-start=true
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error("Initialization failed", ex)
//// register shutdown hook for component stop
scala.sys.addShutdownHook {
//// SMQD started"SMQD ($version) is Ready.")
override def stop(): Unit = {
synchronized {
pluginManager.pluginDefinitions.reverse.flatMap(_.instances).foreach { p =>
try {
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error("Stopping failed", ex)
try {
catch {
case ex: Throwable =>
logger.error("Stopping facility factory failed", ex)
cluster match {
case Some(cl) =>
case None =>
private var chief: ChiefActor = _
private[smqd] def setChiefActor(chief: ChiefActor): Unit = this.chief = chief
private var apiEndpoint0: Option[EndpointInfo] = None
private[smqd] def setApiEndpoint(endpoint: EndpointInfo): Unit = this.apiEndpoint0 = Option(endpoint)
def apiEndpoint: Option[EndpointInfo] = apiEndpoint0
def nodes: Future[Seq[NodeInfo]] = chief.nodeInfo
def node(nodeName: String): Future[Option[NodeInfo]] = chief.nodeInfo(nodeName: String)
def service(name: String): Option[Service] = pluginManager.servicePluginDefinitions.flatMap(_.instances).find(pi => == name).map(p => p.instance.asInstanceOf[Service])
def loadClass(className: String, recursive: Boolean = false): Option[Class[_]] = {
try {
val clazz = getClass.getClassLoader.loadClass(className)
} catch {
case _: ClassNotFoundException if recursive =>
case ex: Throwable if !recursive =>
logger.warn(s"Fail to load a class '$className'", ex)
private lazy val faultManager: ActorRef = identifyActor("user/"+ChiefActor.actorName+"/"+FaultNotificationManager.actorName)(system)
def notifyFault(fault: SmqResult): Unit = faultManager ! fault
private lazy val protocolManager: ActorRef = identifyActor("user/"+ChiefActor.actorName+"/"+ProtocolNotificationManager.actorName)(system)
def notifyProtocol(proto: ProtocolNotification): Unit = protocolManager ! proto
def snapshotSessions(search: Option[String] = None): Future[Seq[ClientData]] =
def snapshotRegistrations: Seq[Registration] =
def subscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, actor: ActorRef): Unit =
registry.subscribe(filterPath, actor)
def subscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, actor: ActorRef, clientId: ClientId, qos: QoS): QoS =
registry.subscribe(filterPath, actor, Some(clientId), qos)
def subscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, callback: (TopicPath, Any) => Unit): ActorRef =
registry.subscribe(filterPath, callback)
def subscribe(filterPath: FilterPath)(callback: PartialFunction[(TopicPath, Any), Unit]): ActorRef =
/** Java API */
def subscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, receivable: MessageReceivable): ActorRef =
registry.subscribe(filterPath){ case (topic, msg) => receivable.onMessage(topic, msg) }
def unsubscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, actor: ActorRef): Boolean = unsubscribe(actor, Some(filterPath))
def unsubscribe(actor: ActorRef, filterPath: Option[FilterPath] = None): Boolean =
filterPath match { case Some(filter) => registry.unsubscribe(filter, actor) case _ => registry.unsubscribe(actor) }
def publish(topicPath: TopicPath, message: Any, isRetain: Boolean = false): Unit =
router.routes(RoutableMessage(topicPath, message, isRetain))
def publish(rm: RoutableMessage): Unit =
/** Java API */
def publish(topicPath: TopicPath, message: java.lang.Object): Unit =
router.routes(RoutableMessage(topicPath, message))
def snapshotRoutes: Map[FilterPath, Set[SmqdRoute]] =
private[smqd] def addRoute(filterPath: FilterPath): Unit = if (isClusterMode) router.addRoute(filterPath)
private[smqd] def removeRoute(filterPath: FilterPath): Unit = if (isClusterMode) router.removeRoute(filterPath)
def request[T](topicPath: TopicPath, expect: Class[T], msg: Any)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, timeout: Timeout): Future[T] =
requestor.request(topicPath, msg)
def retain(topicPath: TopicPath, msg: Array[Byte]): Unit =
retainer.put(topicPath, msg)
def unretain(topicPath: TopicPath): Unit =
def retainedMessages(filterPath: FilterPath, qos: QoS): Seq[RetainedMessage] =
retainer.filter(filterPath, qos)
def allowSubscribe(filterPath: FilterPath, qos: QoS, clientId: ClientId, userName: Option[String]): Future[QoS] =
registryDelegate.allowSubscribe(filterPath, qos, clientId, userName)
def allowPublish(topicPath: TopicPath, clientId: ClientId, userName: Option[String]): Future[Boolean] =
registryDelegate.allowPublish(topicPath, clientId, userName)
def clientLogin(clientId: ClientId, userName: Option[String], password: Option[Array[Byte]]): Future[SmqResult] =
clientDelegate.clientLogin(clientId, userName, password)
def userLogin(username: String, password: String): Future[SmqResult] =
userDelegate.userLogin(username, password)
def userList: Future[Seq[User]] =
def userCreate(user: User): Future[SmqResult] =
def userUpdate(user: User): Future[SmqResult] =
def userDelete(username: String): Future[SmqResult] =
object Smqd {
private[smqd] def registerMetricRegistry(): Unit = {
// lock is required if multiple smqd instnaces exist in a JVM
if (SharedMetricRegistries.tryGetDefault == null) {
SharedMetricRegistries.setDefault("smqd", new MetricRegistry())