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/* @Begin Show content of file Syntax cat -n number all output lines @End */ import import import val args: Array[String] = $args val shell: ScShell = $shell if (args.length < 2) { println("refer : help cat\r\n"); } else { var fileName: String = null var number: Boolean = false args.foreach{ opt => if (opt == "-n") number = true else fileName = opt } val realPath = shell.getRealPath(fileName) val ff = new File(realPath) if (!ff.exists || !ff.canRead) { println(s"Access failure $fileName\n") } else { val s = Source.fromFile(ff, "utf-8") val lines = if (number) {{case (line, idx) => f"${idx+1}%04d $line"} } else { s.getLines } println(lines.mkString("\n")) s.close() } }