Maven / Gradle / Ivy
manage smqd routing
Usage: route [list] [options]
Command: list [options]
print current routes settings
-n, --node list routes that contains specific node
-t, --topic list routes that match for the speicific topic
import com.thing2x.smqd.Smqd
val args: Array[String] = $args
val shell: ScShell = $shell
val smqd: Smqd = shell.smqd
case class Setting(command: String = "", node: Option[String] = None, topic: Option[String] = None)
val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Setting]("route") {
override def terminate(exitState: Either[String, Unit]): Unit = Unit
head(" ")
help("help").text("prints this message")
cmd("list").action( (_, s) => s.copy(command = "list") ).text("print current routes settings").children(
opt[String]('n', "node").action( (x, s) => s.copy(node = Option(x)) ).text("list routes that contains specific node"),
opt[String]('t', "topic").action( (x, s) => s.copy(topic = Option(x)) ).text("list routes that match for the speicific topic")
parser.parse(args.tail, Setting()) match {
case Some(setting) =>
setting.command match {
case "list" =>
Route.list(setting.node, setting.topic)
case _ =>
case None =>
object Route {
def list(node: Option[String], topic: Option[String]): Unit = {
// check if routes contains the specified node
.filter(s => if (node.isDefined) s._2.exists(_.nodeName == node.get) else true)
// check if routes matched with the specified topic
.filter(s => if (topic.isDefined) s._1.matchFor(topic.get) else true)
// then print out
.foreach {
case (filter, routes) =>
println(f"${filter.toString}%-25s --> ${", ")}")
case _ =>
println("Internal error")