com.thoughtworks.continuation.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright 2017 ThoughtWorks, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.thoughtworks
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import com.thoughtworks.continuation._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future, Promise}
import scalaz.{-\/, @@, Applicative, BindRec, ContT, Monad, Tags, Trampoline, Zip, \/, \/-}
import scalaz.Free.Trampoline
import scalaz.Tags.Parallel
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.util.Try
/** The name space that contains [[Continuation]] and utilities for `Continuation`.
* @author 杨博 (Yang Bo)
object continuation {
private def suspendTrampoline[R](a: => Trampoline[R]) = Trampoline.suspend(a)
private[continuation] trait OpaqueTypes {
type Continuation[R, +A]
type ParallelContinuation[R, A] = Continuation[R, A] @@ Parallel
def toFunction[R, A](continuation: Continuation[R, A]): (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]
def fromFunction[R, A](continuation: (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]): Continuation[R, A]
private[continuation] sealed trait ParallelZipState[A, B]
private[continuation] object ParallelZipState {
private[continuation] final case class GotNeither[A, B]() extends ParallelZipState[A, B]
private[continuation] final case class GotA[A, B](a: A) extends ParallelZipState[A, B]
private[continuation] final case class GotB[A, B](b: B) extends ParallelZipState[A, B]
private[continuation] val opaqueTypes: OpaqueTypes = new OpaqueTypes {
type Continuation[R, +A] = (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]
def toFunction[R, A](continuation: Continuation[R, A]): (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R] = continuation
def fromFunction[R, A](continuation: (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]): Continuation[R, A] = continuation
/** The stack-safe and covariant version of [[scalaz.Cont]].
* @note The underlying type of this `Continuation` is `(A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]`.
* @see [[ContinuationOps]] for extension methods for this `Continuation`.
* @see [[UnitContinuation]] if you want to use this `Continuation` as an asynchronous task.
* @template
type Continuation[R, +A] = opaqueTypes.Continuation[R, A]
/** A [[Continuation]] whose response type is [[scala.Unit]].
* This `UnitContinuation` type can be used as an asynchronous task.
* @see [[UnitContinuationOps]] for extension methods for this `UnitContinuationOps`.
* @see [[ParallelContinuation]] for parallel version of this `UnitContinuation`.
* @note This `UnitContinuation` type does not support exception handling.
* @see [[com.thoughtworks.future.Future Future]] for asynchronous task that supports exception handling.
* @template
type UnitContinuation[+A] = Continuation[Unit, A]
/** Extension methods for [[Continuation]]
* @group Implicit Views
implicit final class ContinuationOps[R, A](val underlying: Continuation[R, A]) extends AnyVal {
def toContT: ContT[Trampoline, R, A] = {
ContT[Trampoline, R, A](opaqueTypes.toFunction[R, A](underlying))
/** Runs the [[underlying]] continuation.
* @param continue the callback function that will be called once the [[underlying]] continuation complete.
* @note The JVM call stack will grow if there are recursive calls to [[onComplete]] in `continue`.
* A `StackOverflowError` may occurs if the recursive calls are very deep.
* @see [[safeOnComplete]] in case of `StackOverflowError`.
def onComplete(continue: A => R): R = {
.toFunction(underlying) { a =>
/** Runs the [[underlying]] continuation like [[onComplete]], except this `safeOnComplete` is stack-safe. */
def safeOnComplete(continue: A => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
def reset[A](continuation: Continuation[A, A]): A = {
private final class BlockingState[A] {
@volatile var result: Option[A] = None
/** Extension methods for [[UnitContinuation]]
* @group Implicit Views
implicit final class UnitContinuationOps[A](val underlying: UnitContinuation[A]) extends AnyVal {
/** Returns a memorized [[scala.concurrent.Future]] for the [[underlying]] [[UnitContinuation]].*/
def toScalaFuture: Future[A] = {
val promise = Promise[A]
ContinuationOps[Unit, A](underlying).onComplete { a =>
val _ = promise.success(a)
/** Blocking waits and returns the result value of the [[underlying]] [[UnitContinuation]].*/
def blockingAwait(): A = {
val state = new BlockingState[A]
state.synchronized {
underlying.onComplete { a =>
state.synchronized {
state.result = Some(a)
while (state.result.isEmpty) {
val Some(a) = state.result
/** [[scalaz.Tags.Parallel Parallel]]-tagged type of [[UnitContinuation]] that needs to be executed in parallel when using an [[scalaz.Applicative]] instance
* @example Given two [[ParallelContinuation]]s that contain immediate values,
* {{{
* import com.thoughtworks.continuation._
* import scalaz.Tags.Parallel
* import scalaz.syntax.all._
* val pc0: ParallelContinuation[Int] = Parallel([Unit, Int](40))
* val pc1: ParallelContinuation[Int] = Parallel([Unit, Int](2))
* }}}
* when map them together,
* {{{
* val result: ParallelContinuation[Int] = (pc0 |@| pc1)(_ + _)
* }}}
* then the result should be a `ParallelContinuation` as well,
* and it is able to convert to a normal [[Continuation]]
* {{{
* Parallel.unwrap(result).map {
* _ should be(42)
* }
* }}}
* @example Given two [[ParallelContinuation]]s,
* each of them modifies a `var`,
* {{{
* import com.thoughtworks.continuation._
* import scalaz.Tags.Parallel
* import scalaz.syntax.all._
* var count0 = 0
* var count1 = 0
* val pc0: ParallelContinuation[Unit] = Parallel(Continuation.delay {
* count0 += 1
* })
* val pc1: ParallelContinuation[Unit] = Parallel(Continuation.delay {
* count1 += 1
* })
* }}}
* when map them together,
* {{{
* val result: ParallelContinuation[Unit] = (pc0 |@| pc1) { (u0: Unit, u1: Unit) => }
* }}}
* then the two vars have not been modified right now,
* {{{
* count0 should be(0)
* count1 should be(0)
* }}}
* when the result `ParallelContinuation` get done,
* then two vars should be modified only once for each.
* {{{
* Parallel.unwrap(result).map { _: Unit =>
* count0 should be(1)
* count1 should be(1)
* }
* }}}
* @template
type ParallelContinuation[A] = UnitContinuation[A] @@ Parallel
* @group Type class instances
implicit object continuationParallelApplicative
extends Applicative[ParallelContinuation]
with Zip[ParallelContinuation] {
override def apply2[A, B, C](fa: => ParallelContinuation[A], fb: => ParallelContinuation[B])(
f: (A, B) => C): ParallelContinuation[C] = {
val Parallel(continuation) = tuple2(fa, fb)
Parallel( { case (a, b) => f(a, b) })
override def map[A, B](fa: ParallelContinuation[A])(f: (A) => B): ParallelContinuation[B] = {
val Parallel(continuation) = fa
override def point[A](a: => A): ParallelContinuation[A] = Parallel(continuationMonad[Unit].point[A](a))
override def tuple2[A, B](fa: => ParallelContinuation[A],
fb: => ParallelContinuation[B]): ParallelContinuation[(A, B)] = {
import ParallelZipState._
val continuation
: Continuation[Unit, (A, B)] = Continuation.safeAsync { (continue: ((A, B)) => Trampoline[Unit]) =>
def listenA(state: AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]]): Trampoline[Unit] = {
def continueA(state: AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]], a: A): Trampoline[Unit] = {
state.get() match {
case oldState @ GotNeither() =>
if (state.compareAndSet(oldState, GotA(a))) {
} else {
continueA(state, a)
case GotA(_) =>
val forkState = new AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]](GotA(a))
case GotB(b) =>
suspendTrampoline {
continue((a, b))
Continuation.safeOnComplete(Parallel.unwrap(fa))(continueA(state, _))
def listenB(state: AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]]): Trampoline[Unit] = {
def continueB(state: AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]], b: B): Trampoline[Unit] = {
state.get() match {
case oldState @ GotNeither() =>
if (state.compareAndSet(oldState, GotB(b))) {
} else {
continueB(state, b)
case GotB(_) =>
val forkState = new AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]](GotB(b))
case GotA(a) =>
suspendTrampoline {
continue((a, b))
Continuation.safeOnComplete(Parallel.unwrap(fb))(continueB(state, _))
val state = new AtomicReference[ParallelZipState[A, B]](GotNeither())
import scalaz.syntax.bind._
listenA(state) >> listenB(state)
override def zip[A, B](fa: => ParallelContinuation[A],
fb: => ParallelContinuation[B]): ParallelContinuation[(A, B)] = {
tuple2(fa, fb)
override def ap[A, B](fa: => ParallelContinuation[A])(
f: => ParallelContinuation[(A) => B]): ParallelContinuation[B] = {
import scalaz.syntax.tag._
Parallel(continuationMonad[Unit].map[(A, A => B), B](tuple2(fa, f).unwrap) {
pair: (A, A => B) =>
object UnitContinuation {
/** Returns a [[UnitContinuation]] of a blocking operation that will run on `executionContext`. */
def execute[A](a: => A)(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext): UnitContinuation[A] = {
Continuation.async { continue: (A => Unit) =>
executionContext.execute(new Runnable {
override def run(): Unit = continue(a)
/** A synonym of [[Continuation.async]] */
def async[A](start: (A => Unit) => Unit): UnitContinuation[A] = {
/** A synonym of [[]] */
def now[A](a: A): UnitContinuation[A] = {
/** A synonym of [[Continuation.delay]] */
def delay[A](a: => A): UnitContinuation[A] = {
/** A synonym of [[Continuation.safeAsync]] */
def safeAsync[A](start: (A => Trampoline[Unit]) => Trampoline[Unit]): UnitContinuation[A] = {
def suspend[A](continuation: => UnitContinuation[A]): UnitContinuation[A] = {
/** A synonym of [[Continuation.fromContT]] */
def fromContT[A](contT: ContT[Trampoline, Unit, _ <: A]): UnitContinuation[A] = {
def apply[A](start: (A => Trampoline[Unit]) => Trampoline[Unit]): UnitContinuation[A] = {
/** A synonym of [[Continuation.unapply]] */
def unapply[A](continuation: UnitContinuation[A]): Some[(A => Trampoline[Unit]) => Trampoline[Unit]] = {
Continuation.unapply[Unit, A](continuation)
/** The companion object for [[Continuation]].
object Continuation {
private final case class Async[R, A](start: (A => R) => R) extends ((A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
override def apply(continue: (A) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
Trampoline.delay {
start { a =>
/** Returns a [[Continuation]] of an asynchronous operation.
* @see [[safeAsync]] in case of `StackOverflowError`.
def async[R, A](start: (A => R) => R): Continuation[R, A] = {
private final case class Now[R, A](a: A) extends ((A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
override def apply(continue: (A) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = continue(a)
/** Returns a [[Continuation]] whose value is always `a`. */
def now[R, A](a: A): Continuation[R, A] = safeAsync(Now(a))
private final case class Delay[R, A](block: () => A) extends ((A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
override def apply(continue: (A) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = suspendTrampoline(continue(block()))
/** Returns a [[Continuation]] of a blocking operation */
def delay[R, A](block: => A): Continuation[R, A] = safeAsync(Delay(block _))
private[thoughtworks] def safeOnComplete[R, A](continuation: Continuation[R, A])(
continue: A => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
suspendTrampoline {
/** Returns a [[Continuation]] of an asynchronous operation like [[async]] except this method is stack-safe. */
def safeAsync[R, A](start: (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]): Continuation[R, A] = {
opaqueTypes.fromFunction[R, A](start)
final case class Suspend[R, A](continuation: () => Continuation[R, A])
extends ((A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
def apply(continue: (A) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
def suspend[R, A](continuation: => Continuation[R, A]): Continuation[R, A] = {
safeAsync(Suspend(continuation _))
def apply[R, A](start: (A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]): Continuation[R, A] = {
/** Creates a [[Continuation]] from the raw [[scalaz.ContT]] */
def fromContT[R, A](contT: ContT[Trampoline, R, _ <: A]): Continuation[R, A] = {
opaqueTypes.fromFunction[R, A] { continue =>
/** Extracts the underlying [[scalaz.ContT]] of `continuation`
* @example This `unapply` can be used in pattern matching expression.
* {{{
* import com.thoughtworks.continuation.Continuation
* val Continuation(f) =[Unit, Int](42)
* f should be(a[Function1[_, _]])
* }}}
def unapply[R, A](continuation: Continuation[R, A]): Some[(A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]] = {
Some(opaqueTypes.toFunction[R, A](continuation))
private final case class Bind[R, A, B](fa: Continuation[R, A], f: (A) => Continuation[R, B])
extends ((B => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
def apply(continue: (B) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
Continuation.safeOnComplete[R, A](fa) { a =>
Continuation.safeOnComplete[R, B](f(a))(continue)
private final case class Map[R, A, B](fa: Continuation[R, A], f: (A) => B)
extends ((B => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
def apply(continue: (B) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
Continuation.safeOnComplete(fa) { a: A =>
private final case class Join[R, A](ffa: Continuation[R, Continuation[R, A]])
extends ((A => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
def apply(continue: A => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
Continuation.safeOnComplete[R, Continuation[R, A]](ffa) { fa =>
Continuation.safeOnComplete[R, A](fa)(continue)
private final case class TailrecM[R, A, B](f: (A) => Continuation[R, A \/ B], a: A)
extends ((B => Trampoline[R]) => Trampoline[R]) {
def apply(continue: (B) => Trampoline[R]): Trampoline[R] = {
def loop(a: A): Trampoline[R] = {
Continuation.safeOnComplete(f(a)) {
case -\/(a) =>
case \/-(b) =>
* @group Type class instances
implicit def continuationMonad[R]
: Monad[Continuation[R, `+?`]] with BindRec[Continuation[R, `+?`]] with Zip[Continuation[R, `+?`]] =
new Monad[Continuation[R, `+?`]] with BindRec[Continuation[R, `+?`]] with Zip[Continuation[R, `+?`]] {
override def zip[A, B](a: => Continuation[R, A], b: => Continuation[R, B]): Continuation[R, (A, B)] = {
tuple2(a, b)
override def bind[A, B](fa: Continuation[R, A])(f: (A) => Continuation[R, B]): Continuation[R, B] = {
Continuation.safeAsync(Bind(fa, f))
override def point[A](a: => A): Continuation[R, A] = {
override def tailrecM[A, B](f: (A) => Continuation[R, A \/ B])(a: A): Continuation[R, B] = {
Continuation.safeAsync(TailrecM(f, a))
override def map[A, B](fa: Continuation[R, A])(f: (A) => B): Continuation[R, B] = {
Continuation.safeAsync(Map(fa, f))
override def join[A](ffa: Continuation[R, Continuation[R, A]]): Continuation[R, A] = {
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