com.thoughtworks.feature.Demixin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.thoughtworks.feature
import shapeless._
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox
/** A type class that converts a mix-in type to [[shapeless.HList]].
* == Common imports ==
* You may want to use [[Demixin]] with [[shapeless.HList]].
* {{{
* import shapeless._
* }}}
* @example [[Out]] of [[Demixin]] on non-mixed-in types other than [[scala.Any]] should be a [[shapeless.HList]] that contains only one element
* {{{
* val demixin = Demixin[String]
* "implicitly[demixin.Out =:= (String :: HNil)]" should compile
* }}}
* @example [[Out]] of [[Demixin]] on [[scala.Any]] should be [[shapeless.HNil]]
* {{{
* val demixin = Demixin[Any]
* "implicitly[demixin.Out =:= HNil]" should compile
* }}}
* @example The [[Demixin]] type class can be summoned from [[Demixin.apply]] method:
* {{{
* class A; trait B; object C;
* val demixin = Demixin[A with B with C.type with String with Int]
* }}}
* [[Out]] should be a [[shapeless.HList]] of each type components in the mix-in type `ConjunctionType`.
* {{{
* "implicitly[demixin.Out =:= (A :: B :: C.type :: String :: Int :: HNil)]" should compile
* }}}
* The elements in [[Out]] should keep the same order as type components in `ConjunctionType`.
* {{{
* "implicitly[demixin.Out =:!= (String :: A :: B :: C.type :: Int :: HNil)]" should compile
* }}}
trait Demixin[ConjunctionType] {
type Out <: HList
object Demixin {
type Aux[ConjunctionType, Out0] = Demixin[ConjunctionType] {
type Out = Out0
def apply[ConjunctionType](implicit demixin: Demixin[ConjunctionType]): Demixin.Aux[ConjunctionType, demixin.Out] =
implicit def materialize[ConjunctionType]: Demixin[ConjunctionType] =
macro Macros.materialize[ConjunctionType]
private[Demixin] final class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) extends CaseClassMacros {
import c.universe._
private def demixin(t: Type): Stream[Type] = {
t.dealias match {
case RefinedType(superTypes, refinedScope) if refinedScope.isEmpty =>
case any if definitions.AnyTpe <:< any =>
case notRefinedType =>
def materialize[ConjunctionType: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = {
val conjunctionType = weakTypeOf[ConjunctionType]
val out = mkHListTpe(demixin(conjunctionType).distinct.toList)
val result = q"""
new[$conjunctionType] {
type Out = $out
} :[$conjunctionType, $out]
//, showCode(result), true)