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com.thoughtworks.zerocost.resourcet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package com.thoughtworks.zerocost

import cats.{Applicative, Apply, FlatMap, Foldable, Functor, Monad, MonadError}
import com.thoughtworks.zerocost.parallel.Parallel
import resourcet._

import scala.language.higherKinds
import cats.syntax.all._
import com.thoughtworks.zerocost.LiftIO.IO

private[thoughtworks] sealed abstract class ResourceTInstances3 {

  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTApplicative[F[+ _]: Applicative]: Applicative[ResourceT[F, ?]] =
    new ResourceTApplicative[F] {
      override private[thoughtworks] def F = implicitly

private[thoughtworks] sealed abstract class ResourceTInstances2 extends ResourceTInstances3 {

  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTMonad[F[+ _]: Monad]: Monad[ResourceT[F, ?]] =
    new ResourceTMonad[F] {
      private[thoughtworks] override def F = implicitly

private[thoughtworks] sealed abstract class ResourceTInstances1 extends ResourceTInstances2 {

  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTParallelLiftIO[F[+ _]](
      implicit F0: LiftIO[Parallel[F, ?]]): LiftIO[Parallel[ResourceT[F, `+?`], ?]] =
    Parallel.liftTypeClass[LiftIO, ResourceT[F, `+?`]](new ResourceTLiftIO[F] {
      override private[thoughtworks] def F: LiftIO[F] = Parallel.unliftTypeClass(F0)

private[thoughtworks] sealed abstract class ResourceTInstances0 extends ResourceTInstances1 {

  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTParallelMonad[F[+ _]](
      implicit F0: Monad[Parallel[F, ?]]): Monad[Parallel[ResourceT[F, `+?`], ?]] =
    Parallel.liftTypeClass[Monad, ResourceT[F, `+?`]](new ResourceTMonad[F] with ResourceTParallelApply[F] {
      override private[thoughtworks] def F: Monad[F] = Parallel.unliftTypeClass(F0)

  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTLiftIO[F[+ _]: LiftIO]: LiftIO[ResourceT[F, ?]] with LiftIO[ResourceT[F, ?]] =
    new ResourceTLiftIO[F] {
      override private[thoughtworks] def F: LiftIO[F] = implicitly

/** The namespace that contains the covariant [[ResourceT]].
  * Usage:
  * {{{
  * import com.thoughtworks.zerocost.resourcet._
  * }}}
object resourcet extends ResourceTInstances0 {

  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTPoint[F[+ _]] extends Applicative[ResourceT[F, ?]] {
    private[thoughtworks] implicit def F: Applicative[F]

    override def pure[A](a: A): ResourceT[F, A] = ResourceT.pure(a)

  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTApplicative[F[+ _]] extends Applicative[ResourceT[F, ?]] with ResourceTPoint[F] {

    override def ap[A, B](f: ResourceT[F, (A) => B])(fa: ResourceT[F, A]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
        Applicative[F].map2(opacityTypes.fromResourceT(fa), opacityTypes.fromResourceT(f)) {
          (releasableA, releasableF) =>
            val releaseA = releasableA.release
            Resource[F, B](
              value = releasableF.value(releasableA.value),
              release = Applicative[F].map2(releaseA, releasableF.release) { (_: Unit, _: Unit) =>

  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTLiftIO[F[+ _]] extends LiftIO[ResourceT[F, ?]] {
    private[thoughtworks] implicit def F: LiftIO[F]

    override def liftIO[A](io: IO[A]) = ResourceT.liftIO(io)

  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTFunctor[F[+ _]] extends Functor[ResourceT[F, ?]] {
    private[thoughtworks] implicit def F: Functor[F]

    override def map[A, B](pfa: ResourceT[F, A])(f: (A) => B): ResourceT[F, B] = {
      val ResourceT(fa) = pfa
      val fb = { releasableA: Resource[F, A] =>
        Resource[F, B](
          value = f(releasableA.value),
          release = releasableA.release

  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTParallelApply[F[+ _]] extends ResourceTFunctor[F] with Apply[ResourceT[F, ?]] {
    private[thoughtworks] implicit def F: Apply[F]

    override def product[A, B](pf: ResourceT[F, A], pfa: ResourceT[F, B]): ResourceT[F, (A, B)] = {
      // FIXME: improve naming
      val ResourceT(fa) = pfa
      val ResourceT(f) = pf
      val fResourceB = F.map2(fa, f) { (resourceA, resourceF) =>
        val valueB = (resourceF.value, resourceA.value)
        val releaseA = resourceA.release
        val releaseF = resourceF.release
        val release = F.map2(releaseA, releaseF) { (_: Unit, _: Unit) =>
        Resource(value = valueB, release = release)


    override def ap[A, B](pf: ResourceT[F, A => B])(pfa: ResourceT[F, A]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
      val ResourceT(fa) = pfa
      val ResourceT(f) = pf
      val fResourceB = F.map2(fa, f) { (resourceA, resourceF) =>
        val valueB = resourceF.value(resourceA.value)
        val releaseA = resourceA.release
        val releaseF = resourceF.release
        val release = F.map2(releaseA, releaseF) { (_: Unit, _: Unit) =>
        Resource[F, B](value = valueB, release = release)


  private[thoughtworks] trait ResourceTMonad[F[+ _]] extends ResourceTApplicative[F] with Monad[ResourceT[F, ?]] {
    private[thoughtworks] implicit override def F: Monad[F]

    override def tailRecM[A, B](begin: A)(f: A => ResourceT[F, Either[A, B]]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
      val fResourceB = F.tailRecM(Resource.pure[F, A](begin)) {
        case Resource(a, release) =>
          val ResourceT(resourceEither) = f(a)
            case Resource(Left(nextA), releaseNext) =>
              Left(Resource(value = nextA, release = appendMonadicUnit(releaseNext, release)))
            case Resource(Right(nextB), releaseNext) =>
              Right(Resource(value = nextB, release = appendMonadicUnit(releaseNext, release)))

    override def flatMap[A, B](fa: ResourceT[F, A])(f: (A) => ResourceT[F, B]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
        for {
          releasableA <- opacityTypes.fromResourceT(fa)
          releasableB <- opacityTypes.fromResourceT(f(releasableA.value))
        } yield {
          val b = releasableB.value
          val releaseB = releasableB.release
          val releaseA = releasableA.release
          Resource[F, B](value = b, release = appendMonadicUnit(releaseB, releaseA))


  private[thoughtworks] def appendMonadicUnit[F[+ _]](f0: F[Unit], f1: F[Unit])(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[Unit] = {
    val noop = F.unit
    if (f0 == noop) {
    } else if (f1 == noop) {
    } else {
      f0 >> f1

  /** The type-level [[ Pimpl]]
    * in order to prevent the Scala compiler seeing the actual type of [[ResourceT]]
    * @note For internal usage only.
  val opacityTypes: OpacityTypes = new Serializable with OpacityTypes {
    override type ResourceT[F[+ _], +A] = F[Resource[F, A]]

    override def toResourceT[F[+ _], A](run: F[Resource[F, A]]): ResourceT[F, A] = run

    override def fromResourceT[F[+ _], A](resourceT: ResourceT[F, A]): F[Resource[F, A]] = resourceT

  /** The data structure that provides automatic resource management.
    * @example `ResourceT` can be used as a monad transformer for [[scala.Function0]]
    *          {{{
    *          import scala.Function0
    *          import cats.instances.function._
    *          import com.thoughtworks.zerocost.resourcet._
    *          type RAII[A] = ResourceT[Function0, A]
    *          }}}
    *          Given a resource that creates temporary files
    *          {{{
    *          trait MyResource extends AutoCloseable {
    *            def inUse(): Unit
    *          }
    *          val myResourceStub0 = stub[MyResource]
    *          val myResourceStub1 = stub[MyResource]
    *          val myResourceFactoryMock = mockFunction[MyResource]
    *          myResourceFactoryMock.expects().returns(myResourceStub0)
    *          myResourceFactoryMock.expects().returns(myResourceStub1)
    *          val resource: RAII[MyResource] = ResourceT.autoCloseable[Function0, MyResource](myResourceFactoryMock)
    *          }}}
    *          when using temporary file created by `resouce` in a  `for` / `yield` block,
    *          those temporary files should be available.
    *          {{{
    *          import cats.syntax.all._
    *          val usingResouce = for {
    *            tmpFile0 <- resource
    *            tmpFile1 <- resource
    *          } yield {
    *            tmpFile0 should be(myResourceStub0)
    *            tmpFile1 should be(myResourceStub1)
    *            tmpFile1.inUse()
    *          }
    *          }}}
    *          and those files should have been deleted after the `for` / `yield` block.
    *          {{{
    *          ((myResourceStub0.inUse _): () => Unit).verify().never()
    *          ((myResourceStub0.close _): () => Unit).verify().once()
    *          ((myResourceStub1.inUse _): () => Unit).verify().once()
    *          ((myResourceStub1.close _): () => Unit).verify().once()
    *          }}}
    * @note This `ResourceT` type is an opacity alias to `F[Resource[F, A]]`.
    *       All type classes and helper functions for this `ResourceT` type are defined in the companion object [[ResourceT$ ResourceT]]
    * @template
  type ResourceT[F[+ _], +A] = opacityTypes.ResourceT[F, A]

  import opacityTypes._

  /** A container of a [[value]] and a function to [[release]] the `value`.
    * @note This [[Resource]] will become a case class. Use [[Resource.apply]] instead of `new Serializable with Resource[F, A] { ... }`.
    * @tparam A the type of [[value]]
    * @tparam F the monadic type of [[release]]
    * @param release Releases [[value]] and all resource dependencies during creating [[value]].
    * @note After [[release]], [[value]] should not be used if:
    *       - [[value]] is a scoped native resource,
    *         e.g. this [[Resource]] is created from [[com.thoughtworks.zerocost.raii.Raii.autoCloseable* autoCloseable]],
    *       - or, [[value]] internally references some scoped native resources.
  final case class Resource[F[+ _], +A](value: A, release: F[Unit])

  @deprecated(message = "Use [[Resource]] instead.", since = "3.0.0")
  type Releasable[F[+ _], +A] = Resource[F, A]

  object Resource {
    private[thoughtworks] def pure[F[+ _], A](value: A)(implicit F: Applicative[F]): Resource[F, A] = {
      Resource[F, A](value, F.unit)

  private[thoughtworks] trait OpacityTypes {
    type ResourceT[F[+ _], +A]

    private[thoughtworks] def toResourceT[F[+ _], A](run: F[Resource[F, A]]): ResourceT[F, A]

    private[thoughtworks] def fromResourceT[F[+ _], A](resourceT: ResourceT[F, A]): F[Resource[F, A]]


  /** An object that may hold resources until it is closed.
    * Similar to [[java.lang.AutoCloseable]] except the close operation is monadic.
    * @tparam F
  trait MonadicCloseable[F[+ _]] extends Any {
    def monadicClose: F[Unit]

  /** The companion object of [[ResourceT]] that contains converters and type classes.
    * @note There are some implicit method that provides [[cats.Monad]]s as monad transformers of `F`.
    *       Those monads running will collect all resources,
    *       which will be open and release altogether when [[]] is called.
  object ResourceT {

    def pure[F[+ _]: Applicative, A](a: A): ResourceT[F, A] =
      ResourceT[F, A](Applicative[F].pure(Resource.pure(a)))

    def liftIO[F[+ _]: LiftIO, A](io: IO[A]): ResourceT[F, A] = {
      ResourceT(LiftIO[F].liftIO { () =>
        Resource(value = io(), release = LiftIO[F].noop)

    def delay[F[+ _]: Applicative: LiftIO, A](a: => A): ResourceT[F, A] = liftIO(a _)

    def garbageCollected[F[+ _]: Functor: LiftIO, A](fa: F[A]): ResourceT[F, A] = {
      ResourceT([F, A](_, LiftIO[F].noop)))

    def nested[F[+ _]: Monad: LiftIO, A](fa: ResourceT[F, A]): ResourceT[F, A] = {

    def apply[F[+ _], A](run: F[Resource[F, A]]): ResourceT[F, A] = opacityTypes.toResourceT(run)

    def unapply[F[+ _], A](resourceT: ResourceT[F, A]): Some[F[Resource[F, A]]] =

    def monadicCloseable[F[+ _]: Functor, A <: MonadicCloseable[F]](run: F[A]): ResourceT[F, A] = {
      val resource: F[Resource[F, A]] = { a: A =>
        Resource(a, a.monadicClose)

    def autoCloseable[F[+ _]: Functor: LiftIO, A <: AutoCloseable](run: F[A]): ResourceT[F, A] = {
      val resource: F[Resource[F, A]] = { a: A =>
        Resource(a, LiftIO[F].delay {


  /** @group Type classes */
  implicit def resourceTParallelApply[F[+ _]](
      implicit F0: Apply[Parallel[F, ?]]): Apply[Parallel[ResourceT[F, `+?`], ?]] = {
    Parallel.liftTypeClass[Apply, ResourceT[F, `+?`]](new ResourceTParallelApply[F] {
      override private[thoughtworks] implicit def F = Parallel.unliftTypeClass(F0)

  private[thoughtworks] def catchError[F[+ _]: MonadError[?[_], S], S, A](fa: F[A]): F[S Either A] = {[Either[S, A]](Right(_)).handleErrorWith(e => Left(e).pure[F])

  implicit final class ResourceTOps[F[+ _], A](resourceT: ResourceT[F, A]) {

    /** Returns a `F` that performs the following process:
      *  - Creating a [[Resource]] for `A`
      *  - Closing the [[Resource]]
      *  - Returning `A`
    def run(implicit monad: FlatMap[F]): F[A] = {
      opacityTypes.fromResourceT(resourceT).flatMap { resource: Resource[F, A] =>
        val value = resource.value { _ =>

    /** Returns a resource of `B` based on a resource of `A` and a function that creates `B`,
      * for those `B` do not reference to `A` or `A` is a garbage collected object.
      * @note `intransitiveMap` is to `map` in [[resourceTMonad]],
      *       except `intransitiveMap` will release `A` right after `B` is created.
      *       Don't use this method if you need to retain `A` until `B` is released.
    def intransitiveMap[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Monad[F]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
        opacityTypes.fromResourceT(resourceT).flatMap {
          case Resource(a, releaseA) =>
            val b = f(a)
            if (releaseA == F.unit) {
              F.pure(Resource.pure[F, B](b))
            } else {
     { _ =>
                Resource.pure[F, B](b)

    /** Returns a resource of `B` based on a resource of `A` and a function that creates resource of `B`,
      * for those `B` do not reference to `A` or `A` is a garbage collected object.
      * @note `intransitiveFlatMap` is similar to `flatMap` in [[resourceTMonad]],
      *       except `intransitiveFlatMap` will release `A` right after `B` is created.
      *       Don't use this method if you need to retain `A` until `B` is released.
    def intransitiveFlatMap[B](f: A => ResourceT[F, B])(implicit flatMap: FlatMap[F]): ResourceT[F, B] = {
        for {
          releasableA <- opacityTypes.fromResourceT(resourceT)
          releasableB <- opacityTypes.fromResourceT(f(releasableA.value))
          _ <- releasableA.release
        } yield releasableB

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