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// $Id$
// Narya library - tools for developing networked games
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Three Rings Design, Inc., All Rights Reserved
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import java.lang.reflect.GenericArrayType;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import com.samskivert.util.Logger;
import com.samskivert.util.StringUtil;
import com.threerings.presents.annotation.TransportHint;
import com.threerings.presents.client.Client;
import com.threerings.presents.client.InvocationService.InvocationListener;
* A base Ant task for generating invocation service related marshalling and unmarshalling
* classes.
public abstract class InvocationTask extends GenTask
/** Used to keep track of invocation service method listener arguments. */
public class ListenerArgument
public Class> listener;
public ListenerArgument (int index, Class> listener) {
this.listener = listener;
_index = index;
public String getMarshaller () {
String name = GenUtil.simpleName(listener);
// handle ye olde special case
if (name.equals("InvocationService.InvocationListener")) {
return "ListenerMarshaller";
name = name.replace("Service", "Marshaller");
return name.replace("Listener", "Marshaller");
public String getActionScriptMarshaller () {
// handle ye olde special case
String name = listener.getName();
if (name.endsWith("InvocationService$InvocationListener")) {
return "InvocationMarshaller_ListenerMarshaller";
} else {
return getMarshaller().replace('.', '_');
public int getIndex () {
return _index+1;
protected int _index;
* Creates a new service method and adds its basic imports to a set.
* @param method the method to create
* @param imports will be filled with the types required by the method
public ServiceMethod createAndGatherImports (Method method, ImportSet imports)
ServiceMethod sm = new ServiceMethod(method);
return sm;
/** Used to keep track of invocation service methods or listener methods. */
public class ServiceMethod implements Comparable
public Method method;
public List listenerArgs = Lists.newArrayList();
* Creates a new service method.
* @param method the method to inspect
public ServiceMethod (Method method) {
this.method = method;
// if this method has listener arguments, we need to add listener argument info for them
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
Class> arg = args[ii];
while (arg.isArray()) {
arg = arg.getComponentType();
if (_ilistener.isAssignableFrom(arg)) {
listenerArgs.add(new ListenerArgument(ii, arg));
public void gatherImports (ImportSet imports) {
// we need to look through our arguments and note any needed imports in the supplied
// table
for (Type type : method.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
addImportsForType(type, imports);
// import Transport if used
if (!StringUtil.isBlank(getTransport())) {
public String getCode () {
return StringUtil.unStudlyName(method.getName()).toUpperCase();
public String getSenderMethodName () {
String mname = method.getName();
if (mname.startsWith("received")) {
return "send" + mname.substring("received".length());
} else {
return mname;
public String typeParams () {
List params = Lists.newArrayList();
for (Type type : method.getGenericParameterTypes()) {
collectTypeParams(type, params);
// the trailing space in '> ' is needed
return params.isEmpty() ? "" : StringUtil.toString(params, "<", "> ");
public String getArgList () {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Type[] ptypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < ptypes.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
String simpleName = GenUtil.simpleName(ptypes[ii]);
if (method.isVarArgs() && ii == ptypes.length - 1) {
// Switch [] with ... for varargs
buf.append(simpleName.substring(0, simpleName.length() - 2)).append("...");
} else {
buf.append(" arg").append(ii+1);
return buf.toString();
public String getASArgList () {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
buf.append("arg").append(ii+1).append(" :");
return buf.toString();
public String getASInvokeArgList () {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
return buf.toString();
public String getWrappedArgList () {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
buf.append(boxArgument(args[ii], ii+1));
return buf.toString();
public void gatherASWrappedArgListImports (ImportSet set) {
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
public String getASWrappedArgList () {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
String index = String.valueOf(ii+1);
String arg;
if (_ilistener.isAssignableFrom(args[ii])) {
arg = GenUtil.boxASArgument(args[ii], "listener" + index);
} else {
arg = GenUtil.boxASArgument(args[ii], "arg" + index);
return buf.toString();
public boolean hasArgs () {
return method.getParameterTypes().length > 0;
public boolean hasParameterizedArgs () {
return Iterables.any(
Arrays.asList(method.getGenericParameterTypes()), new Predicate() {
public boolean apply (Type type) {
// TODO: might eventually need to handle generic arrays and wildcard types
return (type instanceof ParameterizedType);
public String getUnwrappedArgListAsListeners () {
return getUnwrappedArgList(true);
public String getUnwrappedArgList () {
return getUnwrappedArgList(false);
public String getUnwrappedArgList (boolean listenerMode) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Type[] ptypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < ptypes.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
buf.append(unboxArgument(ptypes[ii], ii, listenerMode));
return buf.toString();
public String getASUnwrappedArgListAsListeners () {
return getASUnwrappedArgList(true);
public String getASUnwrappedArgList () {
return getASUnwrappedArgList(false);
public String getASUnwrappedArgList (boolean listenerMode) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
Class>[] args = method.getParameterTypes();
for (int ii = 0; ii < args.length; ii++) {
if (buf.length() > 0) {
buf.append(", ");
String arg;
int argidx = ii;
if (listenerMode && _ilistener.isAssignableFrom(args[ii])) {
arg = "listener" + argidx;
} else {
arg = GenUtil.unboxASArgument(args[ii], "args[" + argidx + "]");
return buf.toString();
public String getTransport () {
TransportHint hint = method.getAnnotation(TransportHint.class);
if (hint == null) {
// inherit hint from interface annotation
hint = method.getDeclaringClass().getAnnotation(TransportHint.class);
if (hint == null) {
return "";
return ", Transport.getInstance(Transport.Type." +
hint.type().name() + ", " + + ")";
// from interface Comparator
public int compareTo (ServiceMethod other) {
return getCode().compareTo(other.getCode());
@Override // from Object
public boolean equals (Object other) {
return (other instanceof ServiceMethod) && compareTo((ServiceMethod)other) == 0;
@Override // from Object
public int hashCode () {
return getCode().hashCode();
protected void addImportsForType (Type type, ImportSet imports) {
if (type instanceof Class>) {
} else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
for (Type param : ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()) {
addImportsForType(param, imports);
} else if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
for (Type upper : ((WildcardType)type).getUpperBounds()) {
addImportsForType(upper, imports);
for (Type lower : ((WildcardType)type).getLowerBounds()) {
addImportsForType(lower, imports);
} else if (type instanceof GenericArrayType) {
addImportsForType(((GenericArrayType)type).getGenericComponentType(), imports);
} else if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
// nothing needed
} else {
"Unhandled Type in adding imports for a service", "type", type, "typeClass",
protected void collectTypeParams (Type type, List params) {
if (type instanceof TypeVariable) {
String tvar = ((TypeVariable>)type).getName();
if (!params.contains(tvar)) params.add(tvar);
} else if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) {
for (Type pt : ((ParameterizedType)type).getActualTypeArguments()) {
collectTypeParams(pt, params);
} else if (type instanceof WildcardType) {
for (Type lb : ((WildcardType)type).getLowerBounds()) {
collectTypeParams(lb, params);
for (Type ub : ((WildcardType)type).getUpperBounds()) {
collectTypeParams(ub, params);
} // else nada
protected String boxArgument (Class> clazz, int index) {
if (_ilistener.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) {
return GenUtil.boxArgument(clazz, "listener" + index);
} else {
return GenUtil.boxArgument(clazz, "arg" + index);
protected String unboxArgument (Type type, int index, boolean listenerMode) {
if (listenerMode && (type instanceof Class>) &&
_ilistener.isAssignableFrom((Class>)type)) {
return "listener" + index;
} else {
return GenUtil.unboxArgument(type, "args[" + index + "]");
public void execute ()
// resolve the InvocationListener and Client classes using our classloader
_ilistener = loadClass(InvocationListener.class.getName());
_iclient = loadClass(Client.class.getName());
protected static void checkedAdd (List list, T value)
if (!list.contains(value)) {
protected static String replacePath (String source, String oldstr, String newstr)
return source.replace(oldstr.replace('/', File.separatorChar),
newstr.replace('/', File.separatorChar));
/** {@link InvocationListener} resolved with the proper classloader so that we can compare it
* to loaded derived classes. */
protected Class> _ilistener;
/** {@link Client} resolved with the proper classloader so that we can compare it to loaded
* derived classes. */
protected Class> _iclient;