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// $Id$
// Narya library - tools for developing networked games
// Copyright (C) 2002-2012 Three Rings Design, Inc., All Rights Reserved
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
// under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
// by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;


import com.samskivert.util.StringUtil;

import com.threerings.util.ActionScript;

import com.threerings.presents.client.InvocationService;
import com.threerings.presents.server.InvocationDispatcher;
import com.threerings.presents.server.InvocationException;
import com.threerings.presents.server.InvocationProvider;

 * An Ant task for generating invocation service marshalling and unmarshalling classes.

TODO: when generating the imports for exported action script files, there are just enough * conversions of primitive types (e.g. {@code float -> Number}), array types (e.g. {@code int[] -> * TypedArray}) and three rings utility types (e.g. {@code float -> Float}) to make the existing * serivces work. It should be possible to create a complete list of these conversions so that * future services can be generated without problems. */ public class GenServiceTask extends InvocationTask { /** Used to keep track of custom InvocationListener derivations. */ public class ServiceListener implements Comparable { public Class listener; public List methods = Lists.newArrayList(); /** Contains all imports required for the parameters of the methods in this listener. */ public ImportSet imports = new ImportSet(); public ServiceListener (Class service, Class listener) { this.listener = listener; // compute the union of all InvocationListener extensions implemented by this interface Set> ifaces = Sets.newHashSet(); addInterfaces(listener, ifaces); // add method marshallers for all methods in all interfaces (the marshaller will not // extend the marshallers for its parent interfaces and will use its own codes) for (Class iface : ifaces) { Method[] methdecls = iface.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methdecls) { // service interface methods must be public and abstract if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Adding " + m + ", imports are " + StringUtil.toString(imports)); } methods.add(createAndGatherImports(m, imports)); if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Added " + m + ", imports are " + StringUtil.toString(imports)); } } } Collections.sort(methods); } protected void addInterfaces (Class listener, Set> ifaces) { if (!_ilistener.isAssignableFrom(listener) || _ilistener.equals(listener)) { return; } ifaces.add(listener); for (Class iface : listener.getInterfaces()) { addInterfaces(iface, ifaces); } } /** * Checks whether any of our methods have parameterized types. */ public boolean hasParameterizedMethodArgs () { return Iterables.any(methods, new Predicate() { public boolean apply (ServiceMethod sm) { return sm.hasParameterizedArgs(); } }); } public String getListenerName () { String name = GenUtil.simpleName(listener); name = name.replace("Listener", ""); int didx = name.indexOf("."); return name.substring(didx+1); } public String adapterCtorArgs () { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (ServiceMethod m : methods) { sb.append(m.method.getName() + " :Function, "); } return sb.toString(); } // from interface Comparable public int compareTo (ServiceListener other) { return getListenerName().compareTo(other.getListenerName()); } @Override public boolean equals (Object other) { return (other != null) && getClass().equals(other.getClass()) && listener.equals(((ServiceListener)other).listener); } @Override public int hashCode () { return listener.getName().hashCode(); } } /** Used to track services for which we should not generate a provider interface. */ public class Providerless { public void setService (String className) { _providerless.add(className); } } /** Used to track services for which we should create listener adapters in actionscript. */ public class Adapter { public void setService (String className) { _aslistenerAdapters.add(className); } } /** * Configures to output extra information when generating code. */ public void setVerbose (boolean verbose) { _verbose = verbose; } /** * Configures the path to our ActionScript source files. */ public void setAsroot (File asroot) { _asroot = asroot; } public Providerless createProviderless () { return new Providerless(); } public Adapter createAdapter () { return new Adapter(); } // documentation inherited @Override public void processClass (File source, Class service) throws Exception { System.out.println("Processing " + service.getName() + "..."); // verify that the service class name is as we expect it to be if (!service.getName().endsWith("Service")) { System.err.println("Cannot process '" + service.getName() + "':"); System.err.println("Service classes must be named SomethingService."); return; } ServiceDescription desc = new ServiceDescription(service); generateMarshaller(source, desc); // generateDispatcher(source, desc); // dispatchers are no longer needed if (!_providerless.contains(service.getSimpleName())) { generateProvider(source, desc); } } protected void generateMarshaller (File source, ServiceDescription sdesc) throws Exception { if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Generating marshaller"); } String sname = sdesc.sname; String name = sname.replace("Service", ""); String mname = sname.replace("Service", "Marshaller"); String mpackage = sdesc.spackage.replace(".client", ".data"); // ----------- Part I - java marshaller // start with all imports (service methods and listener methods) ImportSet imports = sdesc.constructAllImports(); // import things marshaller will always need imports.add(sdesc.service); imports.add(InvocationMarshaller.class); imports.add("javax.annotation.Generated"); // We only add a type parameter for the caller ClientObject type if the service has one if (sdesc.callerTypeSpecified) { imports.add(sdesc.callerType); } // import classes contained in arrays imports.translateClassArrays(); // get rid of java.lang stuff and primitives imports.removeGlobals(); // get rid of all arrays (they are automatic in java) imports.removeArrays(); // for each listener type, also import the corresponding marshaller imports.duplicateAndMunge("*Listener", "Service", "Marshaller", "Listener", "Marshaller", ".client.", ".data."); // import the parent class of Foo$Bar imports.swapInnerClassesForParents(); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(mpackage); Map ctx = new HashMap(); ctx.put("name", name); ctx.put("generated", getGeneratedAnnotation(name)); ctx.put("package", mpackage); ctx.put("methods", sdesc.methods); ctx.put("listeners", sdesc.listeners); ctx.put("typeParameters", sdesc.callerTypeSpecified ? "<" + sdesc.callerType.getSimpleName() + ">" : ""); ctx.put("importGroups", imports.toGroups()); // determine the path to our marshaller file String mpath = source.getPath(); mpath = mpath.replace("Service", "Marshaller"); mpath = replacePath(mpath, "/client/", "/data/"); writeTemplate(MARSHALLER_TMPL, mpath, ctx); // if we're not configured with an ActionScript source root, don't generate the // ActionScript versions if (_asroot == null || sdesc.skipAS) { return; } // ----------- Part II - as marshaller // start with the service method imports imports = sdesc.imports.clone(); // add some things that marshallers just need imports.add(sdesc.service); imports.add(InvocationMarshaller.class); // replace inner classes with action script equivalents imports.translateInnerClasses(); // ye olde special case - any method that uses a default listener // causes the need for the default listener marshaller imports.duplicateAndMunge("*.InvocationService_InvocationListener", "InvocationService_InvocationListener", "InvocationMarshaller_ListenerMarshaller", ".client.", ".data."); // any use of a listener requires the listener marshaller imports.pushOut("*.InvocationService_InvocationListener"); imports.duplicateAndMunge("*Listener", "Service", "Marshaller", "Listener", "Marshaller", ".client.", ".data."); imports.popIn(); for (ServiceMethod method : sdesc.methods) { method.gatherASWrappedArgListImports(imports); } // convert java bases and primitives ActionScriptUtils.convertBaseClasses(imports); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(mpackage); ctx.put("importGroups", imports.toGroups()); // now generate ActionScript versions of our marshaller // make sure our marshaller directory exists String mppath = mpackage.replace('.', File.separatorChar); new File(_asroot + File.separator + mppath).mkdirs(); // generate an ActionScript version of our marshaller String ampath = _asroot + File.separator + mppath + File.separator + mname + ".as"; writeTemplate(AS_MARSHALLER_TMPL, ampath, ctx); // ----------- Part III - as listener marshallers Class imlm = InvocationMarshaller.ListenerMarshaller.class; // now generate ActionScript versions of our listener marshallers // because those have to be in separate files for (ServiceListener listener : sdesc.listeners) { // start imports with just those used by listener methods imports = listener.imports.clone(); // always need the super class and the listener class imports.add(imlm); imports.add(listener.listener); // replace '$' with '_' for action script naming convention imports.translateInnerClasses(); // convert java bases and primitives ActionScriptUtils.convertBaseClasses(imports); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(mpackage); ctx.put("importGroups", imports.toGroups()); ctx.put("listener", listener); String aslpath = _asroot + File.separator + mppath + File.separator + mname + "_" + listener.getListenerName() + ""; writeTemplate(AS_LISTENER_MARSHALLER_TMPL, aslpath, ctx); } // ----------- Part IV - as service // then make some changes to the context and generate ActionScript // versions of the service interface itself // start with the service methods' imports imports = sdesc.imports.clone(); // add some things required by action script imports.add(InvocationService.class); // change imports of Foo$Bar to Foo_Bar imports.translateInnerClasses(); // Boolean is built in imports.remove("boolean"); // int is used for these imports.remove("byte"); imports.remove("short"); imports.remove("char"); // convert java bases and primitives ActionScriptUtils.convertBaseClasses(imports); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(sdesc.spackage); ctx.put("importGroups", imports.toGroups()); ctx.put("package", sdesc.spackage); // make sure our service directory exists String sppath = sdesc.spackage.replace('.', File.separatorChar); new File(_asroot + File.separator + sppath).mkdirs(); // generate an ActionScript version of our service String aspath = _asroot + File.separator + sppath + File.separator + sname + ".as"; writeTemplate(AS_SERVICE_TMPL, aspath, ctx); // ----------- Part V - as service listeners Class isil = InvocationService.InvocationListener.class; // also generate ActionScript versions of any inner listener // interfaces because those have to be in separate files for (ServiceListener listener : sdesc.listeners) { // start with just the imports needed by listener methods imports = listener.imports.clone(); // add things needed by all listeners imports.add(isil); imports.add(listener.listener); // change Foo$Bar to Foo_Bar imports.translateInnerClasses(); ActionScriptUtils.convertBaseClasses(imports); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(sdesc.spackage); ctx.put("importGroups", imports.toGroups()); ctx.put("listener", listener); String aslpath = _asroot + File.separator + sppath + File.separator + sname + "_" + listener.getListenerName() + ""; writeTemplate(AS_LISTENER_SERVICE_TMPL, aslpath, ctx); if (_aslistenerAdapters.contains(sname)) { String aslapath = _asroot + File.separator + sppath + File.separator + sname + "_" + listener.getListenerName() + ""; writeTemplate(AS_LISTENER_ADAPTER_SERVICE_TMPL, aslapath, ctx); } } } protected void generateDispatcher (File source, ServiceDescription sdesc) throws Exception { if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Generating dispatcher"); } String name = sdesc.sname.replace("Service", ""); String dpackage = sdesc.spackage.replace(".client", ".server"); // start with the imports required by service methods ImportSet imports = sdesc.imports.clone(); // If any listeners are to be used in dispatches, we need to import the service if (sdesc.listeners.size() > 0) { imports.add(sdesc.service); } // swap Client for ClientObject imports.add(sdesc.callerType); // add some classes required for all dispatchers imports.add(InvocationDispatcher.class); imports.add(InvocationException.class); // import classes contained in arrays imports.translateClassArrays(); // get rid of primitives and java.lang types imports.removeGlobals(); // get rid of arrays imports.removeArrays(); // import the Marshaller corresponding to the service imports.addMunged(sdesc.service, "Service", "Marshaller", ".client.", ".data."); // import Foo instead of Foo$Bar imports.swapInnerClassesForParents(); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(dpackage); // determine the path to our marshaller file String mpath = source.getPath(); mpath = mpath.replace("Service", "Dispatcher"); mpath = replacePath(mpath, "/client/", "/server/"); writeTemplate(DISPATCHER_TMPL, mpath, "name", name, "generated", getGeneratedAnnotation(name), "package", dpackage, "methods", sdesc.methods, "imports", imports.toList()); } protected void generateProvider (File source, ServiceDescription sdesc) throws Exception { if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Generating provider"); } String name = sdesc.sname.replace("Service", ""); String mpackage = sdesc.spackage.replace(".client", ".server"); // start with imports required by service methods ImportSet imports = sdesc.imports.clone(); if (!sdesc.methods.isEmpty()) { imports.add(sdesc.callerType); } // import superclass and service imports.add(InvocationProvider.class); imports.add(sdesc.service); imports.add("javax.annotation.Generated"); // any method that takes a listener may throw this if (sdesc.hasAnyListenerArgs()) { imports.add(InvocationException.class); } // import classes contained in arrays imports.translateClassArrays(); // get rid of primitives and java.lang types imports.removeGlobals(); // get rid of arrays imports.removeArrays(); // import Foo instead of Foo$Bar imports.swapInnerClassesForParents(); // remove imports in our own package imports.removeSamePackage(mpackage); // determine the path to our provider file String mpath = source.getPath(); mpath = mpath.replace("Service", "Provider"); mpath = replacePath(mpath, "/client/", "/server/"); writeTemplate(PROVIDER_TMPL, mpath, "name", name, "generated", getGeneratedAnnotation(name), "package", mpackage, "methods", sdesc.methods, "listeners", sdesc.listeners, "callerType", sdesc.callerType.getSimpleName(), "importGroups", imports.toGroups()); } /** * Helper to get the appropriate "@Generated" annotation for service classes. */ protected String getGeneratedAnnotation (String name) { return GenUtil.getGeneratedAnnotation(getClass(), 0, false, "Derived from " + name + ""); } /** Rolls up everything needed for the generate* methods. */ protected class ServiceDescription { public Class callerType = ClientObject.class; public boolean callerTypeSpecified;// True if callerType came from a type parameter public Class service; public String sname; public String spackage; public ImportSet imports = new ImportSet(); public List methods = Lists.newArrayList(); public List listeners = Lists.newArrayList(); public final boolean skipAS; public ServiceDescription (Class serviceClass) { service = serviceClass; Type[] genint = service.getGenericInterfaces(); if (genint.length > 0 && genint[0] instanceof ParameterizedType) { callerType = (Class)((ParameterizedType)genint[0]).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; callerTypeSpecified = true; } sname = service.getSimpleName(); spackage = service.getPackage().getName(); ActionScript asa = service.getAnnotation(ActionScript.class); skipAS = (asa != null) && asa.omit(); // look through and locate our service methods, also locating any // custom InvocationListener derivations along the way Method[] methdecls = service.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : methdecls) { // service interface methods must be public and abstract if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) { continue; } // check this method for custom listener declarations Class[] args = m.getParameterTypes(); for (Class arg : args) { if (_ilistener.isAssignableFrom(arg) && GenUtil.simpleName(arg).startsWith(sname + ".")) { checkedAdd(listeners, new ServiceListener(service, arg)); } } if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Adding " + m + ", imports are " + StringUtil.toString(imports)); } methods.add(createAndGatherImports(m, imports)); if (_verbose) { System.out.println("Added " + m + ", imports are " + StringUtil.toString(imports)); } } Collections.sort(listeners); Collections.sort(methods); } /** * Checks if any of the service method arguments are listener types. */ public boolean hasAnyListenerArgs () { return Iterables.any(methods, new Predicate() { public boolean apply (ServiceMethod sm) { return !sm.listenerArgs.isEmpty(); } }); } /** * Constructs a union of the imports of the service methods and all listener methods. */ public ImportSet constructAllImports () { ImportSet allimports = imports.clone(); for (ServiceListener listener : listeners) { allimports.addAll(listener.imports); } return allimports; } } /** Show extra output if set. */ protected boolean _verbose; /** The path to our ActionScript source files. */ protected File _asroot; /** Services for which we should not generate provider interfaces. */ protected Set _providerless = Sets.newHashSet(); /** Services for which we should generate actionscript listener adapters. */ protected Set _aslistenerAdapters = Sets.newHashSet(); /** Specifies the path to the marshaller template. */ protected static final String MARSHALLER_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/marshaller.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the dispatcher template. */ protected static final String DISPATCHER_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/dispatcher.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the provider template. */ protected static final String PROVIDER_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/provider.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the ActionScript service template. */ protected static final String AS_SERVICE_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/service_as.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the ActionScript listener service template. */ protected static final String AS_LISTENER_SERVICE_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/service_listener_as.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the ActionScript listener adapter service template. */ protected static final String AS_LISTENER_ADAPTER_SERVICE_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/service_listener_adapter_as.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the ActionScript marshaller template. */ protected static final String AS_MARSHALLER_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/marshaller_as.tmpl"; /** Specifies the path to the ActionScript listener marshaller template. */ protected static final String AS_LISTENER_MARSHALLER_TMPL = "com/threerings/presents/tools/marshaller_listener_as.tmpl"; }

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