com.tresata.spark.kafka.KafkaRDD.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.tresata.spark.kafka
import java.net.ConnectException
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap
import org.apache.spark.{ Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext }
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import kafka.message.{ Message, MessageAndOffset, MessageSet }
import kafka.common.{ TopicAndPartition, ErrorMapping, BrokerNotAvailableException, LeaderNotAvailableException, NotLeaderForPartitionException }
import kafka.consumer.SimpleConsumer
import kafka.producer.{ KeyedMessage, Producer, ProducerConfig }
import kafka.api.{ TopicMetadataRequest, OffsetRequest, PartitionOffsetRequestInfo, FetchRequestBuilder }
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
private object Broker {
def apply(s: String): Broker = s.split(":") match {
case Array(host) => Broker(host, 9092)
case Array(host, port) => Broker(host, port.toInt)
private case class Broker(host: String, port: Int) {
override def toString: String = host + ":" + port
private class KafkaPartition(val rddId: Int, override val index: Int, val partition: Int, val startOffset: Long, val stopOffset: Long, val leader: Option[Broker])
extends Partition {
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case kp: KafkaPartition => rddId == kp.rddId && index == kp.index
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = 41 * (41 + rddId) + index
case class PartitionOffsetMessage(partition: Int, offset: Long, message: Message)
object KafkaRDD {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
private def simpleConsumer(broker: Broker, config: SimpleConsumerConfig): SimpleConsumer =
new SimpleConsumer(broker.host, broker.port, config.socketTimeoutMs, config.socketReceiveBufferBytes, config.clientId)
private def partitionLeaders(topic: String, consumer: SimpleConsumer): Map[Int, Option[Broker]] = {
val topicMeta = consumer.send(new TopicMetadataRequest(Seq(topic), 0)).topicsMetadata.head
topicMeta.partitionsMetadata.map{ partitionMeta =>
(partitionMeta.partitionId, partitionMeta.leader.map{ b => Broker(b.host, b.port) })
private def partitionLeaders(topic: String, brokers: Iterable[Broker], config: SimpleConsumerConfig): Map[Int, Option[Broker]] = {
val it = Random.shuffle(brokers).take(5).iterator.flatMap{ broker =>
val consumer = simpleConsumer(broker, config)
try {
Some(partitionLeaders(topic, consumer))
} catch {
case e: ConnectException =>
log.warn("connection failed for broker {}", broker)
} finally {
if (it.hasNext) it.next() else throw new BrokerNotAvailableException("operation failed for all brokers")
private def partitionOffset(tap: TopicAndPartition, time: Long, consumer: SimpleConsumer): Long = {
val partitionOffsetsResponse = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(OffsetRequest(Map(tap -> PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(time, 1))))
private def partitionOffsets(topic: String, time: Long, leaders: Map[Int, Option[Broker]], config: SimpleConsumerConfig): Map[Int, Long] =
case (partition, None) =>
throw new LeaderNotAvailableException(s"no leader for partition ${partition}")
case (partition, Some(leader)) =>
val consumer = simpleConsumer(leader, config)
try {
(partition, partitionOffset(TopicAndPartition(topic, partition), time, consumer))
} finally {
private def retryIfNoLeader[E](e: => E, config: SimpleConsumerConfig): E = {
def sleep() {
log.warn("sleeping for {} ms", config.refreshLeaderBackoffMs)
def attempt(e: => E, nr: Int = 1): E = if (nr < config.refreshLeaderMaxRetries) {
try(e) catch {
case ex: LeaderNotAvailableException => sleep(); attempt(e, nr + 1)
case ex: NotLeaderForPartitionException => sleep(); attempt(e, nr + 1)
case ex: ConnectException => sleep(); attempt(e, nr + 1)
} else e
private def brokerList(config: SimpleConsumerConfig): List[Broker] =
def apply(sc: SparkContext, topic: String, offsets: Map[Int, (Long, Long)], config: SimpleConsumerConfig): KafkaRDD =
new KafkaRDD(sc, topic, offsets, config)
def apply(sc: SparkContext, topic: String, startOffsets: Map[Int, Long], stopTime: Long, config: SimpleConsumerConfig): KafkaRDD = {
val brokers = brokerList(config)
val stopOffsets = retryIfNoLeader({
val leaders = partitionLeaders(topic, brokers, config)
partitionOffsets(topic, stopTime, leaders, config)
}, config)
"missing start offset for partition(s) " + (stopOffsets.keySet -- startOffsets.keySet).toList.sorted.mkString(", ")
val offsets = stopOffsets.map{ case (partition, stopOffset) => (partition, (startOffsets(partition), stopOffset)) }
new KafkaRDD(sc, topic, offsets, config)
def apply(sc: SparkContext, topic: String, startTime: Long, stopTime: Long, config: SimpleConsumerConfig): KafkaRDD = {
val brokers = brokerList(config)
val (startOffsets, stopOffsets) = retryIfNoLeader({
val leaders = partitionLeaders(topic, brokers, config)
(partitionOffsets(topic, startTime, leaders, config), partitionOffsets(topic, stopTime, leaders, config))
}, config)
val offsets = startOffsets.map{ case (partition, startOffset) => (partition, (startOffset, stopOffsets(partition))) }
new KafkaRDD(sc, topic, offsets, config)
/** Write contents of this RDD to Kafka messages by creating a Producer per partition. */
def writeWithKeysToKafka[K,V](rdd: RDD[(K,V)], topic: String, config: ProducerConfig) {
val props = config.props.props
def write(context: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[(K,V)]) {
val config = new ProducerConfig(props)
val producer = new Producer[K,V](config)
try {
iter.foreach{ case (key, msg) =>
if (context.isInterrupted) sys.error("interrupted")
producer.send(new KeyedMessage(topic, key, msg))
} finally {
rdd.context.runJob(rdd, write _)
def writeToKafka[V](rdd: RDD[V], topic: String, config: ProducerConfig) {
writeWithKeysToKafka[V, V](rdd.map((null.asInstanceOf[V], _)), topic, config)
/** Returns two Maps (PartitionId -> Offset) containing smallest and largests offsets for each partition**/
def smallestAndLargestOffsets(topic: String, config: SimpleConsumerConfig): (Map[Int, Long], Map[Int, Long]) = {
val brokers = brokerList(config)
val leaders = partitionLeaders(topic, brokers, config)
(partitionOffsets(topic, OffsetRequest.EarliestTime, leaders, config),
partitionOffsets(topic, OffsetRequest.LatestTime, leaders, config))
}, config)
class KafkaRDD private (sc: SparkContext, val topic: String, val offsets: Map[Int, (Long, Long)], config: SimpleConsumerConfig)
extends RDD[PartitionOffsetMessage](sc, Nil) {
import KafkaRDD._
log.info("offsets {}", SortedMap(offsets.toSeq: _*).mkString(", "))
def startOffsets: Map[Int, Long] = offsets.mapValues(_._1)
def stopOffsets: Map[Int, Long] = offsets.mapValues(_._2)
private val props = config.props.props
private val brokers = brokerList(config)
log.info("brokers {}", brokers.mkString(", "))
private val leaders = partitionLeaders(topic, brokers, config)
log.info("leaders {}", SortedMap(leaders.toSeq: _*).mapValues(_.map(_.toString).getOrElse("?")).mkString(", "))
"missing offsets for partition(s) " + (leaders.keySet -- offsets.keySet).toList.sorted.mkString(", ")
protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = leaders.zipWithIndex.map{ case ((partition, leader), index) =>
val (startOffset, stopOffset) = offsets(partition)
new KafkaPartition(id, index, partition, startOffset, stopOffset, leader)
override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = split.asInstanceOf[KafkaPartition].leader.map(_.host).toSeq
def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[PartitionOffsetMessage] = {
val kafkaSplit = split.asInstanceOf[KafkaPartition]
val partition = kafkaSplit.partition
val tap = TopicAndPartition(topic, partition)
val startOffset = kafkaSplit.startOffset
val stopOffset = kafkaSplit.stopOffset
val config = SimpleConsumerConfig(props)
log.info(s"partition ${partition} offset range [${startOffset}, ${stopOffset})")
def sleep() {
log.warn("sleeping for {} ms", config.refreshLeaderBackoffMs)
try {
// every task reads from a single broker
// on the first attempt we use the lead broker determined in the driver, on next attempts we ask for the lead broker ourselves
val broker = (if (context.attemptNumber == 0) kafkaSplit.leader else None)
.orElse(partitionLeaders(topic, brokers, config)(partition))
.getOrElse(throw new LeaderNotAvailableException(s"no leader for partition ${partition}"))
log.info("reading from leader {}", broker)
// this is the consumer that reads from the broker
// the consumer is always closed upon task completion
val consumer = simpleConsumer(broker, config)
context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => consumer.close())
def fetch(offset: Long): MessageSet = {
log.debug("fetching with offset {}", offset)
val req = new FetchRequestBuilder().clientId(config.clientId).addFetch(topic, partition, offset, config.fetchMessageMaxBytes).build
val data = consumer.fetch(req).data(tap)
log.debug("fetched {} messages", data.messages.size)
new Iterator[MessageAndOffset] {
private var offset = startOffset
private var setIter = fetch(offset).iterator
override def hasNext: Boolean = offset < stopOffset // blindly trusting kafka here
override def next(): MessageAndOffset = {
if (!setIter.hasNext)
setIter = fetch(offset).iterator
val x = setIter.next()
offset = x.nextOffset // is there a nicer way?
.filter(_.offset >= startOffset) // is this necessary?
.map{ mao => PartitionOffsetMessage(partition, mao.offset, mao.message) }
} catch {
case e: LeaderNotAvailableException => sleep(); throw e
case e: NotLeaderForPartitionException => sleep(); throw e
case e: ConnectException => sleep(); throw e
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